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Gather close, and listen well to the tale of Aileen, once a lively lass from our own

Havenmoor, now remembered as the Weeping Maiden of Caoidh Bog. It's a story woven
with grief and sorrow, as enduring as the mist-shrouded marshlands themselves.

In an age gone by, when our village thrived on the bounty of the bog, Aileen was known
for her fearless heart and wanderlust. She ventured often into the depths of Caoidh
Bogach, drawn by its secrets and the mysteries it held.

But, as ye know, the bog is no ordinary place; it's a realm of whispers and shadows. Deep
within its grasp, hidden beneath the cloak of fog, lurked the Beithir-nimhe, an ancient
entity, a whispered legend. And there, amidst the twisted roots and murky waters, Aileen's
fate was sealed, ensnared by a destiny as relentless as the turning tides.

The night of her disappearance, a tempest raged, fierce enough to shake the very
foundations of Havenmoor. They say the storm itself mourned Aileen, and from that night
on, a presence lingered in the bog, a soft weeping that echoed through the stillness.

The Caoidh Bog, named for its endless tears and shrouded in sorrow, became Aileen's
eternal abode. Her spirit, known as the Weeping Maiden, wanders its expanse, her cries a
haunting reminder of her tragic end. Some believe she seeks to guide lost souls away
from peril; others say she longs for release from her eternal vigil.

As you venture near the Caoidh Bog, remember the Weeping Maiden's lament. The chill in
the air, the faint sobbing carried by the wind – these are not merely the echoes of the
swamp but the mournful song of Aileen, the Weeping Maiden of Caoidh Bog, forever
bound to the land she once roamed so freely.

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