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atnbenenwnion se em . NGU PHAP VA BAI TAP TIENG ANH DUA THEO MO HINH TRUONG HOC MO1 TAI VIET NAM (VNEN)) LOP * Ngit phap trinh bay kb * Gigi thich chi tiét = Tailigu khéng t (Cho bién: NGUYEN THI THU HUE, Higu dink: ThS. OAM TAT DAT Ging vign Khoa Anh Truéing Bai hoc Ha Néi igo vign Trung tam Language Link CHINH PHUC Nei PHAP VA BAI TAP TIENG ANH Lop 6 (Taian tén1) ‘NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC: QUOCGIA HA NOL er x st aR Loi ndéi dau i BO séch Chinh phuc ngi phép va bai tap tiéng Anh cic l6p 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 11, 12 duige bign soan theo khung gido trinh tiéng Anh dang duge ging day trong céc trudng Trung hoc co sé va Trung hoc phé thong trén toan quéc. Be vign, giang vién cé nhiéu kinh nghiém Véi méi bai hoc, chting toi déu bién soan theo ba phén kién thiic co bin; Phat am, ngit phép va bai tap ting dung. Phan Phat dm gidi thigu céch phat am va mot s6 quy tac phat dm thudng ding cia am d6. Phan Nga phap cira méi bai dugc trinh bay mot cach chi tiét, khoa hoe 10 rang, dé hiéu. ich dude bién soan rit cng phu, ky lung va tam huyét bdi céc gigo g day 6 cac trudng chuyén Anh, Phan Bai tép dugc bien sogn theo tting Unit cé ndi dung tong ting véi tiing don vj bai hgc trong sach giéo khoa. Sau phan bai tap clia ting Unit cé mot bai kiém tra (Test) dé danh gid két qua hoc tap cia hgc sinh. Ching toi bién so. b@ sch nay véi hy vong gitip cdc em hgc sinh ty hoc dé dang dé cing cé va nang cao kién thiic, gitp cho thay c6 gido va céc vi phy huynh cé thém tai ligu tham khao trong viéc gidng day va kém cép cic em hoc t6t mén tiéng Anh. BO sch duge bién soan rat cong phu. Tuy vay, trong qua trinh bién soan cudn séch khong thé tranh khoi nhiing thiéu s6t, ching tdi mong muén nhan dugc su déng gop ¥ kién quy bau cita déc gid va quy thay co dé cuén sich dugc hoan thién, day di va ¥ nghia hon. Xin tran trong cdm on! Cac em hoc sink than mént Chinh phuc tiéng Anh dé dat dugc tha cao trong hoc tap, va thi lat duoc thanh tich cao trong hoc tip, va ih phu rong hoc tap, va thi 48 vio céc truting Trung hoc phé thong n6i ting, cc trang THPT chuyén ngoai ngtl, giao tiép thanh thao véi ngudi nude ngoai la ude mo va muc tiéu phain dau ctia tat c& cc em hoe sinh, DE dat duge usc ma dé ching ta hay bat dau lap ké hoach hoc ting Anh ngay bay gid nhé! Lap ké hoach théi gian hoc tiéng Anh mdi ngay. Mditudn nén hoc 3 budi la hgp ly! ‘Boe that ky va ném chéc ly thuyét truéc khi fam bai tap. Lam bai t8p 6 thyc hanh va luyén tp, lam céin than, chac chan, chinh xac. Peg Xem lai dép 4n, doc loi gidi cén than. Phai chc chan cac em 48 ndm chdc phan kién thufc cla bai 46 méi tiép tuc chuyén sang bai tigp theo. Uc mo cia ban la gi? i la mét mén hgc don thudn ma cdn la chig Trang stich nay dank cho em, hay viet nhiing 6 y nghi yb thong gia dn, nhs tring vba Dguean Tl Ban c6 biét tiéng Anh khéng chi t khéa mé cénh cia thanh cong. Hoc giéi tiéng Anh ban sé dat duoc rat nhigy ude mo nhu: Toi madn hoc gla téng Anh va ude mo tr thanh mt dal st, du lich Khdp mot va ket ban yy moi ngudi trén thé gidi. ‘Toi muén hoe idl téng Anh dé tréthanh gido vien téng Anh day cho e&c hoe sinh ngheo, ‘Toi mada hoe téng Anh €¢ dl du hoe nganh y tal Hoa Kj trong tuong lal. Con ban, ude mo cia ban khi hoe tléng Anh la gi? Hay chia sé cling ehiing t0l: 3 LOICAMKET 8 Tén toi la Nam nay toi Oi sé danh théi gian luyén tap Ngit phap tiéng Anh -. gib/ ngay. TOi sé hoc cuén sach Chinh phuc ngi phép va bai tap tiéng Anh ldp 6-Tap 1 trong vong ... thang. Toi sé dat dugc diém tiéng Anh trong ki thi . Trong ... nam tdi sé thanh thao 4 ky nang ting Anh, sti dung ting Anh nhungén ngi thi 2, Toi sé quyét tam va dat dugc nhiing muc tiéu trén vi thanh céng cia chinh t0i va vi niém tin cia nhiing ngudi yéu thyong téi. sop NGA suth ng. kytén dM. ve Ex: Are you a teacher? Is she happy? b. Dong tit thudng (To Verb): V/you/ wel they +V ( LANGUAGE FOCUS She/ he/ it +V(sles) Grammar * The present simple tense + Thepresent continuous tense Pronunciation + Sound /n/ and /av/ Ex: I ive in Hanoi, ‘She works in the office, V/ you/ we/ they + do not + V (do not = don't) ‘She/ he/ it + does not + V (does not = doesn't) Ex: I don't have my own house. She doesn't go to school on Saturdays. “= Do +l/you/we/they +V? Does +She/helit +V Ex: Do you teach English? QD tue PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE (THI HIEN TAI DON). 1, FORM (CAU TRUC) a, Dong tie TO BE (am, is, are): 1 Shehelit + dee You/welthey Does she watch TV in the evening? Ex: Lama pupil. Yes, she does. She isa teacher. No she doesnt. I am . Shehelit, + is + not You/welthey are 2. USAGE (CACH SU DUNG) «Thi hign tai don ding dé dign t4 mt thoi quen hang ngay. Ex: They drive to the office every day. ms ten i ie : ‘Hang ngay ho Idi xe di lam. * Chit ys ™ : ‘She often has bread and eggs for breakfast. is is isnt 4 Co dy thuidng an sing voi bin mi va ering. £ © ‘Thihign tai don dién td mot chan li hode mot sy tht hién nhién. Ex: The sun rises in the East. Mat trdi moc 0 phia dong. ‘We have two children. Ching ti c6 hai dita con. are not = aren't ssa cag © Cac trang tit chi thoi gian di kém thi hign tai don. Every day/ week/ month : hang ngay/ tudn/ thang. @ tHe PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: (THI HIEN TAITIEP DIEN). Always Lud tuon. ee oe sha xuyén, 1, FORM (CAUTRUC) (| ~ formally : thuang . Usually : thudng xuyén. She/he/it Sometimes : think thoding. You/we/they Seldom «iim Khu, ft Kh Ex: Iam learning English. Never = kong bao gid ‘They are playing football Ex: Peter often watches TV in the evening. Peter thiidng xem ti vi vao budi ti. 1 am not Shehefit +] isnot You/welthey are not + V_ing 3. CACH THEM DUOI"S/ES" SAU BONG TU KHI CHU NGULA NGOITHU 3 SO [T (HE, SHE, IT). ~ Thong thudng ta them "s". Ex: work — works like — likes - Nhiing déng ti tn ciing lao, s, z, ch, x, sh" ta thém “es”. Ex: dress~ dresses go - goes - Nhiing dng ti tan cing la "nguyén am (u, ¢,0, a, ) + y"ta gid nguyen y +s. Ex: play - plays say ~ says = Nhiing dng tif tin cing la "phy am + y", ta chuyén y thanh i + es. Ex: study ~ studies supply - supplies © Cach phat am dudi "s/es": ~ Phat m 1a /s/ khi d6ng tix két thtic bang: -p, -k, -t, -f. Ex: Sheis not listening to music. Wearent working now. AmI Is she/hefit Are you/weithey Ex: Are you working now? Ishe watching TV? 2. USAGE (CACH SU DUNG) Ex: stops /stops/ ‘works /wa:ks/ a. Dién ta hanh dong dién ra vao théi diém dang noi: - Phat am la /iz/ khi dong tit két thiic bang: -s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -2 (hoc -2e), -0, Ex: Sheis learning English now. ge, ee. Bay gid cd dy dang hoc tiéng Anh. Ex: misses /misi/ watches otf + Voi céc trang tt: now, at the moment, at present, today. = naan tii con Iai phat am Ia /2/. b. Mot ké hoach trong twong lai/ mot cudc hen (tomorrow (ngay mai), next week Ex: runs /ranz/ travels /traevl/. (tudn t6i), tonight (161 nay). Ex: Weare having breakfast at 8 a.m tomorrow. Ching ti sé an sang hic 8 gid sng mai. waists ca ig QD ‘Che trang tit chi thai gian di km thi hign gl don. Every day/ week/ month : hang ngity/ tudn/ théng. Always dn luo Ofen shang xen Normally tine Usually : huang suyén Sometimes thin hoa Seldom hi Ki i Never hing bao gid Ex: Peter often watches TV inthe evening. Peter thong sem t vi vo bu. 3. CACH THEM DUOT"S/ES" SAU DONG TU KHICHU NGU LA NGOI THU 3 SG IT (HE, SHE, [T). ~ Thong thing ta thém "s. Ex: work > works like > likes - Nhung d6ng ts tin ciing lao, 5,2 ch x sh ta them “es Ex: dress~ dresses g0- goes - Nhiing dong tr tin ciing la "aguyén m (u, 6,0, 2,3) +y"ta gid nguyen y +s Ex: play - plays say —says - Nhiing dng tt tin ciing la “phy dm + y’ ta chuyén y than i+ es. Ex: study studies supply - supplies ‘+ Cach phat am dudi"s/es': = Phat Am la /s/ khi dng tit kétthiic bang: -p,-k,-t-£ Ex: stops /stops/ works Asks! ~ Phat 4m 18 /iz/ Khi ddng ts két thic bing: -ge,-ee. Ex: misses /musiz/ watches /wotfz/. = Nhitng tif con Iai phat am la /2/. Ex: runs /ranz/ travels /traevz. 88, -ch, sh, -x, -2 (ode 22), -0, Q tre Present continuous Tense: (THI HIENTAITIE® DIEN). 1. FORM (CAU TREC) Shefett Youwelthey Ee Lam learning English They are playing football 1 amor shemeit | isnot | + ving Youlwelthey | are not x: Shes not litening o muse We arent working now Ami Isshereit Are youlwe/they Bx: Are you working now? Ishe watching TV? 2. USAGE (CACH SU DUNG) 4a. Did ta hah ding dim ra vao thai dim dang noi: She is learning English now. Bay gid cb dy dang hye tiéng Anh. + Voi cic trang tit now, at the moment, at present, today. 1. Mét ké hoach trong twang lai/ mt cude hen (tomorrow (ngay mai), next week (tun 14), tonight (163 nay). Ex: We are having breakfast at 8 a.m tomorrow. Chringt6i sé dn sng he 8 gid sng mai. serena D tinh chuyén dng abut go (gp, én), have (68). thi ya ng « Khi trong cau diang cdc dng tit mang tinh ch (én), leave (rd Kh, arrive (én noi), move (Al uy fn diing cic trang tit chi thai gan Ex: Don't come late. We are having a nice party Ditng dén mudn. Chiing 10% 38 06 bui tie long trong. 3. CACH THANH LAP DONG TU THEM “ING” (V-ING) i". ing” sau cic dong ti - Thong thung chiing ta them du Ex: watch > watching do doing = Cc déng ts két thie bi du6i “ chiing ta b@ “e” sau 46 thém dudi “ing Ex: invite — inviting write writing = Clic dng tit két thie bai dui “ie ching ta d6i “ie” than “y” r6i them ng Ex: lie — lying die > dying : ~ Che dong tit ket thic bai dudi “ee’ chiing ta chi cn thm dudi “ing” ' Voi nhaing tit e6 mot co nbigu fim vet done love does monkey mother brother honey Ex: see + seeing - Cac dong tit két thi bai mot phu dm ma trude a6 4 ching ta nhan doi phy am 46. Ex: begin > beginning — swim —> swimming "come" /kam/ Lui thu vé sau, phén sau ciia lvdi hoi nang Ién, dau Iwai cham ang dudi, Migng mé to, ging khi phat am [2], hai moi mé-va hoi bet vé hai bén. [a] 1a nguyén am ngin, phat 4m ngén, day thanh am rung khi phat am. Tap phat am /au/ - nguyén 4m d6i trong tit"go" /gau/ Khi phat am, am thanh di chuyén nhanh tit [a] dén [o], inh ming ciing theo d6 ma thay d6i. Vj tri Ludi tit nia thép dén cao, hinh migng tit niia mé dén khép, hinh mdi tit bet dén tron, Phat am truéc dai sau ngin, trudc ning sau nhe. [au] la nguyén am doi, day thanh ‘am rung khi phat am. ‘hasachmiahthang vn Peay Isamny /8xn/ Nav (Anz Fmanki/ Fennba(ey Porasa(ry/ Panis 2. Nhém 0 ~e phat am la jv glove t dove / glav/ Janu 3. “ou” thuidng duge phat am Ia /W/ ‘Véi nbiing tit e6 nhém “ou” young j ‘enough : country : couple double final naff Peon Teal’ dnb tai, dn mot vai i xong tinh yeu c lam con Kh me anhlem trai mit ong Voi nhaing ti c6 mot phy Am gita o vie sing tay chim b6 cau ue : i, via da lang qué ep, d0i sip d01 4, “u” thuding duige phat am la /a/ Ai voi nhiing tit c6 tn cing bing u + phyam ran (i but i cup sant teary forty rho! mat trdi chay nnhuing, nhuing ma chitéch ings 5. Tién t6 "un, um’ phat am la /a/- uneasy /nvizi/ unhappy —_/anheepi/ unable /avverbl/ snmbrela/ fio 1.“o” thuéng duge phat m la /av/ khi nd 6 cudi mde tit, no. ynav/ = khong go /gau/ di potato Jpattertav] = —_ ‘khoai tay tomato fs'matav/ = — cachua biit rit, buc boi khéng hanh phic Khéng c6 kha nang umbrella 2. Nhém “oa” duige phat Am Ia /av/ trong mét tit cé mot Am tiét tan cing | bing mot phy am. coat [koot/ 40 khoac foam ffaom/ bot (nude/rugu) goat /gavt/ con dé road /revd/ duding di soak /s00k/ nhiing nude, ngim nude soap /saup/ xi phong, xa bong 3. Nhém “o” duge phat am La /av/ véi nhiing tif c6 mt am tiét va tan cing | bang hai phy am hay phy am +e. comb /kaum/ cai luge cold fkavld/ lanh, gold Igavld/ ving 4. Nhém “ow” dugc phat am la /au/ voi nhiing tiv cé tan cing bang ow hay | ‘ow voi mot phy am. know fnav/ slow /slav/ biét, hiéu biét chém, thong tha chi, chting t bowl feavi widow lo Fondo ‘gues gba chéng, qua phy Jwindan/ = cita 56 5. Nh6m “ou” duige phat am la /oo/, soul {savy = ‘tam hén dough {dav/ shoulder window = dotnhao Savida(oy vai poultry pacts la cam @ pronunciation 1. Put the words with the underlined parts into two groups. month homework lunch come post brother rose photo go Monday post money 70) ind the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. . A.come B. month C. mother: D. open ‘iinhihingbooks Chuyén ———— D. rode 2. B. judo C. going 3. Afun B, student C.hungry D.sun 4. A. subject B. club C. put D. lunch 5. A.come B, someone C. brother D. volleyball @ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR. 1. Find the odd one out. 1. A.rubber B. ruler—_D. pencil 2. A. mother B. teacher C. brother D. father 3. Acevening —_—B. writing . playing D. teaching 4. Acbetween —Bunder C. behind D. large 5. A.apartment B.bedroom —C. bathroom —_D. kitchen 2. Write the names of these school things and subjects. 9-h____ 10. ph. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs: go, plays help, have. 1. He .-- football on Sunday. 2 1. computer games in the evening, 31 my friend with his homework. 4, My sister ......0+- me to clean my bike, 5. We esssevesne anew classmate, Henry. 6. We sss to school from Monday to Friday. 7. My father ...1..0- to work at 7 oblock every morning 8. On Sundays, my sister... shopping. angbooks “ Ghuyéa sich iéag Anh © . Complete the sentences with the negative forms of the verbs. 4 1, Peter speaks English, but he Cl 2. Tunderstand Maths, but I ..------+- Selene .. me with Maths. 3. He helps me with Science, but he «e+ 4. Tborrow books of English, but I ...~---- books of History. 5. You play the guitar, but you - iano. 5 Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple tense: 1 not (drink) coffee. (drink) Coca Cola. (be) often hot in the summer. What nee YOU nrnnnnne (do) every evening? (circle) the sun every 365 days. (ee) her very often. _. flow) into the sea. (wash) clothes twice a week. (be) a teacher of English. He 2. 3. 4, The earth... & Le 6. Most rivers 7. 8 9 vu (teach) very well, «- (do) anything that [ceo (not, like). 10. They (not have) abicycle,s0 they (walk) to school every day LL, She sssnnnsnn (Study) hard every day. She .. (want) to be a doctor in the future. 12, He .oan-ssseo (lke) drinking coffee in the morning 13, My father always .u0unm (encourage) me to work hard. 14, She was born in Hanoi but she (live) in Hue now. 15. He cones. (5peak) English very fluently. 6. Complete the sentences with am, is or are. 1, A: Please help me. .. reading a book. 2. A: Where is Peter? B:He in the school. 3. Az Let’ play table tennis, B: Sorry. We .. having dinner now. 4. A: What is Jack doing? BiHe playing football now. \: What is your father doing? BHe. playing tennis, 7. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple tense. 1. She (ike) listening to pop music at night? 2. You (water) the plant every morning? 3. Mit Minh seen (teach) you English? 4, He «» (fy) to Brazil every year? 5. ‘They always oven... (finish) their homework before going to bed? 6. She rarely wmnnnnn (buy) meat for meals? 7. He (not lke) seafood. 8, They wont teach you if you (not, obey) them. 9. They (not walk) at night 10. We (not understand) what you are saying, 11. They work go shopping if they (not, have) much money. 12, He ssn (not rest) after lunch, 13. They. (not swim) as well as we expect. 14, She (not go) to the movie on Friday. 15. We. (not know) how to use this car. 16. They wvesnnns (be) American? 17. She be) happy in her own life? 18. "This .onno (be) the most beautiful gir that you have ever seen? 19, YoU sss (be) tired? 20, There _. (be) alot of people in the meeting room? 8, Choose the best answers. __.some letters from my wife atthe weekend. 1. Tusually... A.received B. receive receiving D. will receive 2, Myhusband... English from 7:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m every day- A.isteaching —_B. taught C.teach D. teaches 3. cesssseesee time do your classes start? A. What B.How C.Which, D.When "Ghoayén sich ting Anh do you have a week? C. What weekends? ce D. going to the library on Saturday C.goes D. going library with me. She likes... C.toread . saseeamany English lasses ‘A. Which B. How Do yotsrsessnenensto school OF A. goes B.tog0 en dontt goto schoo! on weekends but Io A.10 80 B.go My sister usually goes to the Avread B. reading — Does yout school library _ magazines and newspapers? Achas Bhave CC. having have «sow your school library usually opent D.has D. Who D. reads ‘What time. a AL will B. does ‘They .... hot weather. A. dont like B liked D. will like C. can't like 9, Make the present simple sentences using given words/ phrases. 1. Where/your sister/ive/? Sarah/not/like/classical music/. Bill/play/piano/very well. ‘The/shops/open/on/Sunday mornings/. This train/go/London/? ‘What time/the lesson/start/? Our cat/never/catch/mice/. ‘How/this camera/work/? . My wile (enjoy) 1. They (lke)... 10, She always (sleep)... She/always/forget/my birthday/, ). Children/make/a lot of noise’. ). Put the verb nto the most suitable form, present simple or present continuous. He (be). What you (do) A taxi-driver, He (driv)... 8 1X OW. now? I (write) - abook. .-» hamburgers very much, ---watching films on TV. They (watch). on TV. He (play). ‘We (work) baseball every Sunday. ‘on the farm at the moment. My parents (work) . .. eight hours a day. Allice and Mary (learn)« English, They carit meet. you now. T (00K) ...ssesse fF a job now. very well at night. 11, Complete the sentences with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs. 1 They usually (have) dinner at the restaurant. They dinner there at the moment. She always........ (sleep) for two hours every afternoon. (be) very hot in the summer. . (like) picture. They (look) atthe picture right now. a (tay) at home from 7:00 A.M to 9:00 AM every day. frequently ....... (do) my homework at night, My friends (not know) the man very well. He oo. (leave) home at 6:30 asm and .......- (go) honte a 6:0 p.m every day. He. (repair) the car for her. He always ......... (help) her do anything a» (need). _ (watch) a good film with his parent at present. 2. (have) 12. Write sentences with the ce words. Use the present continuous tense 1. My father/ watch television/ at the moment. 2. Wel walk’ to school/ right now. 3. They/ study/ Geography/at present. 4. He/ listen to/ the radio/now. 5, Nam and Nga/ have/ lunch at present. 6. Miss Lien play/ the piano. 7. The girls/eat/ breakfast at the canteen! now. 13. Choose the most suitable word or phrase. Tam going to the ...csssne to borrow some books. A.bookstore ——B. cafeteria library Do you know who is the of this book? A. author B. audience C.trainer D. directors We have on Monday. [like the subject very much. A. biology C.novel ‘Do we have Math, Music and Physical . on Thursday? A.Train B. Educate C.Education _D, Educates ‘There are a lot of interesting... in the festival B. activities C.action D, baseball to look up the meaning of the new word. C.reference _D. dictionary D. shelf D, science 7. Therearealot of. -» Books in our schoo! library Bimterested well ad letters from my friends every day. A.see B. booking 9. ‘The newspaper Accontains A. reference chovatia C.write lot of information, B. parks Chas _. He wants to be a scientist. B. chemistry physics 14, Give the correct forms of the words given to complete the sentences. 1, Students of our school are (friend) ........« with one another, 2. When foreigners talk to him, he can speak English (easy) 3. Be (cere ‘The ground is very wet and slippery. 4, Ilike the fried chicken in our school canteen: its really (taste) 5. Children look very (excite)... while playing games during break time. 6. The (long) ofthe experiment is 20 minutes. 7. My aunt works as a (chemistry) at university. 8, Pupils are very interested in outside class (act) 9. Some people play sport to be (health) 10. Sometimes we are bored and (sleep) ...sevv D. receive D. displays: 10. He isinterested in A. science D. economics ‘with them, not because they ike it ‘ith his tong lectures. 15, Find and correct the mistake. Choose the word that needs correcting. 1. What time does Mai has English class? A BoC OD 2. Where is Lan’ favorite subject? AB C.D 3. Do you often go at school brary when you have free time? A BC ic 4, She deans the floor every morning, She deans it now. A BCD 5. We don't stay up late in night. ABCD 6. When time do you usually get up every day? B : 7. Does your mother and Mrs. Lanh wark here? Yes shen A Bye 8. How many child does she have? Two sons and two ae E a B @ READING COMPREHENSION 1. Read the dialogue and fil in the gap with a word or phrase in the box, What time too classes timetable an favorite will Physics Peter: I dontt have my (1) ...... - What do we have today, Mary? Mary: We have Maths, (2) ...-..-+.+» History and English. Peter: (3)........11ndo we have Physics? Mary: We have it from 7.45 to 8.30. Peter: Whit (4) will we have tomorrow? ‘Mary: We (5) .....-have Geography, Art, Music and Physical Education, Peter: What is your (6) ......--+--subject, Mary. ‘Mary: [like Maths most. Its (7).....-.interesting and important subject. Peter: Yes, [like Maths, (8). 2. Read the passage, then write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentences. Dear Peter, ‘Thank you for your letter. Its very interesting to know about schools in the USA. I think schools in Vietnam area little different. Vietnamese students usually wear school uniform when they are at school. Classes start at 7.00 each morning and endat 11.15. Students have a 30-minute break after three periods, At break, many students play games. Some go to the canteen and buy something to eat or drink. Others talk together. Our school year lasts for nine months, from September to May. ‘Then we have a three-month summer vacation. Please write soon and tell me about your summer vacation, Your friend, Hoa Schools in Viet Nam are the same as schools in the USA. ‘nhasachminhthang vn 2, There is no school uniform in Viet Nam. 3. Classes last from seven to a quarter past eleven a.m. 4. Students have a break ater the second period 5. 6 7. Most students play games at break ‘The school year begins in September, Summer vacation lasts for three months. @ warns 1, Write sentences with the given cues. Use the present simple tense or present continuous tense. L.-My father/ watch/ the news on TV. 2. Peter / play/ computer games! in his free time. 3. The boy/ swap/ cards with his friends! now. 4. Mary/go swimming/ every afternoon. 5, My brothers/ play/ tennis/ at the moment. 6. read! an interesting novel. 7. Wei sometimes! play/ marbles at recess. 8 Some students/ eat and drink! at this time. 2, Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. 1, Istherea library at your school? DOES snes : 2. How much time do you spend learning English every day? How long does Where do you live? ‘What's i $4. Wehave a break that lasts thirty minutes We have a 5. Henry school has ‘There are . ‘more than 400 students 1 Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. j 1. A farm Bafter C.walk D. class j 2. A.stole B. honey C.bowl D.old i 3. A. toe B.luck CC. Sunday D.uncle 4, A brother B.cold . though D. comb | 5. A.blood B. flood C. dose D. country {ll in the blanks with am, is, are, do, does, have. How .. he go to school every day? . you hungry? cesssisssee YOUF brother like pop music? Where ..........- You going shopping? 5. Tesessssees having lunch with my new friends. 6. Now Lan ‘watching television. 7. Haand Nam .. not doing their homework. “ 8, Weoften ‘Maths lessons on Monday. . Mr. Tuan our favourite teacher. He teaches Science. 10. What... you usually do at break time? III. Choose the correct answers. “There are many kinds of books . . our school library. Bon Cat D.of © isi 2. Linh .....s.02.a book about wild animals now. A.reads Bread, 2. uy oun bk ocveyehee ee Aw Baw 4, Noting lense eon gman, itt Almereted Rigor. goad Dhexced 5. In Compute Science, Ma ers. to asea compu Anat when Chow Divhee 6. She verso tome experiments in Pyss das ciate || | || Rose Codon Dhesoy 7. resco shy ps evens in Vii and around the world Ailtsory Beuteraure C.Geogaphy Phys 8. Allthe students enjoy ‘on the weekend. camp B. camping camp camping. 9. Children will work hard if the lessons are } Anice B pleasant C.disappointing D- interesting 4 10. I'm always nervous when 'm anexam. i A taking B, making C.working ——_D. writing 11, Inmany schools in Vietnam students have to wear a... A.dlothing B.suit uniform coat 12. We usually wear school uniforms ser Mondays and Fridays. Aon Boat Cin D.of 13, ussssee students in your country wear traditional clothes to school? A Does B.Do Cs D.Are 14. My school library is not very big but i... more than 50,000 books, Avhave B.tohave Cuhas D.having 15, Volleyball and football ......-« popular after-school activities in Vietnam, Ais Bare C.will be D.being 1V; Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms or tenses. “Ahave) a library. The library (2)..---rsednot vvube) lots of reference books, novels, Nam’ school (1). be) large but it’s nice. There (3) ‘Miishthangbooks ee nes, newspapers, diction One ie ao a comfortable clock in the morning aad ©. 5 i (not be) .» on one e (go) to the library every stfecnooa Now} e (' study area, He (10).....---:--.(read) a geography aries, pictures ete in the library. Ther, ra, The library (5)- Aopen) at > (close) at 4.30 in the afternoon, Nay, ‘far from his school-about 500 meters, so j. (sit) in the Mai is a student (1). She goes to school (3).. - Quang Trung school. She is in (2).... Monday to Saturday. (4)............, always begin at seven oclock and (5) at a quarter past eleven. Today, Mai has four Thé phi dink cita There is ... There are. ‘There is not + a/an/any + singular noun/ uncountable noun There are not + plural countable noun ‘nhasachininhthang vn TT Ex: There is not any air in the room, Khong c6 ti khong khi nao trong cin pong cd, ‘There are not any people in the room, Khong cb ngusi mio trong phéng ca, 2 Thénghi vin cia There i J There are ... Is there + (a/an) + singular noun/ uncountable noun .. Cau tra loi: Yes, there is/ No, there isn't, Are there + plural countable noun CAutriloi: Yes, there are/ No, there arent. Ex: Isthere a light on the wall? C6 mot cdi den trén bite tuéng phai khong? Yes, there is.(Vang, diing vay) Are there birds on the tree? Cé nhitng con chim trén cay phai khong? ‘No, there aren't. (Khong phii diu) * Lat f: * Danb ti s6 it la danh tit chi mot ngudi hay mot vat. Ex: abook: mgt quyén sich apen: mét céy bt. ‘Mr. Tan: Ong Tin, Miss Huong: C8 Hudng. * Danb tit s6 nhiéu la danb tit chi tt hai nguds hodc hai su vat trd lén, Ex: Two books: hai quyén sdch Pens: nhitng cay bit Mr. Vu and Mr. Hung: dng Vii va éng Hing. ** DOng tit “to be” phai phit hop véi danh ti (s6 it hodc s6 nhiéu) di lién theo sau nd, Ex: There isa table and there are four chais inthe living room. C6 mot cdi ban va bon cdi ghé trong phong Khaich. ‘Trong khi phong c6 mot cdi dén, mot céi ti vi, mt cdi bin, mot déng hé treo tudng, bén cdi ghé thi dng tit “to be” vin phai chia theo danh tit di theo sau né. Ex: There is a map, a television, a table, a clock, and four chairs. ‘There are four chairs, a lamp, a television and a clock. Chay TU CHIDIADIEM cE GIO! u oF al st dim. PREPOSITION sont a é trong. ae een ae eh rnb Kichel a mountains) sea/ river! forest field/ . TEx: There are 400 seats inthe theater/cinem shigu bong.) (C6 400 cb gd trong rap hat rap chi + On:trén, dtrén, é chi vi ti tren bé mat. nd abn Prony ne eta pine on heel Ex: There is plane on . s (C6 mbt chic may bay du tren nh déng. + Above: é ngay trén va cich mot khoang nhat djnh. Ex: There isa plane above the field. Gé mét méy bay bay trén cin d6ng. + Below: thép hon, 6 dui (nhuing khéng nhat thiét phai ngay dui), Ex: ‘The lake is almost 900 feet below sea level. Ci hb ny th ho mu mu bién gin 900 feeet. j + Over: ngay phia trén (khong tigp asic bé m§t), chi chuyén dng quali qua dja diém, noi chén nao dé, ; Ex: There is a plane over the field. Cb mig chi may bay bay tren cénh déng. + Under: dudis ngay duéi. Ex: My puppy is sleeping under the table, Chi ch6 com cia toi dang ngis dui gém ban, + Near: gin khodng cich ngin), Ex: Dont sit near the door. Ding ngéi gin cita ra vio, rong nt ign th, ho¥E 10ng Khang in, beside, next to: bén canh. 'x: Come and sit by! beside/ next to me. Hay dén ng6i canh toi. Inside: bén trong. Ex: Let’ go inside the house. Ching ta hay di véo trong nha. Outside: bén ngoai. Ex: He was sitting at a table outside the café ‘Anh ta dang ng6i d ban bén ngodi quén gidi khét, Between: gitta (hai ngudi, hai vit hojc hai sy vige). Ex: Who isthe girl standing between Alice and Mary? i gut ding gita Alice va Mary lai viy? Among: 6 gidia (mgt dim dong ngudi hodc vit). Ex: She was sitting among a crowd of children. Cb dy ngbi gita dim dng. Against: tya vao, Ex: I put the ladder against the wall, ‘Toi dat cdi thang tua vio twig. In front of: phia truéc. Ex: There’ a garden in front of my house. ‘Trade née 104 cf met kh vin, Behind: phia sau. Ex: The car behind us was flashing its lights. Chife 6 16 phia sau ching t3i dang nay dén, Opposite: d6i dign. Ex; The bank is opposite the supermarket. [Ngin hing 6 d6i dign/ trude mat su thi Across: bén kia Ex: My house is just across the street, Nha t6i d ngay bén kia ducing. UNIT 2: MY HOME PRO! a am sat - phyam gid /s/- 1. 14p phat am: phy am sat ~ phy ise Hai moi hoi mé ra, dd Iwi dua len oe dae ts ee kh thost ra ngoai qua khe ha gida ringtsen VAIO /s/lapphuy am thanh (trong), day thanh am khong "8 biz! 2. Tip phy am sit - phy Am khong} _ j tri lua hoan toan gidng véi Khi phat am /z/, vi tri luai va hinh miéng . hi phat eee ‘hum dye, day thanh Am rung Kht phat dm. Chanpeaenttetcing Wee? Tit cé tn cing la “s/es” cé ba cfich phat am nhu sau: Tu gée Tita thém “sles” Ex: box /boks/ + boxes /boksiz/ rose /rauz/ > roses /rauziz/ dish /csf/ > dishes /diftz/ i rouge /ru3/ > rouges /rusiz/ i watch jwot// + watches /wotfiz/ change /tfeind3/ > changes /tfernd312/ 2. Phét dm la /s/ khi diing truéc s 1a cdc phu dm /p/, /ki, /t/, [ft, /0/ Tu géc ‘Tit da thém “s/es” Ex: stop /stop/ > stops /stops/ ‘book /buk/ > books /buks/ hat /heet/ bd hats /heets/ chef /fef/ > chefs /fefs/ heath /hi@/ > heaths /hitOs/ 3. Phét dm la /z/ trong cdc truding hgp con lai. Ta gbc Ti da thém “s/es” Ex fan /feen/ +> fans /faenz/ drum /drany > drums /dramz/ ‘nhasachminhthang va 1. Pht arm la /1z/ khi tit c6 tan ciung bang cdc plus dam /3/, /2/, MN 13) MSf, fay @ PRONUNCIATION Put the words with the underlined parts into three groups. gets drums watches desks clocks, misses dishes chairs fans houses finishes heaths rooms sings books 7s/ ie @ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR. 1, Write the names of these things at the numbered blanks under the pictures. ieee ‘iinhthiangbooks - Chayén sich tigng Anh UNIT: ANT. 2: Mv HOME 3: Put the words or phrases inthe correct columns. Some words have more than ‘the room —aparty yourbsg home mydesk the wall| school __mybedroom Spain __thefloor the fridge the hall 4. Use the structures “There is..." and “There are to make sentences, 1. abank next to my house. 3. fiteen bop my an - 9. 10. Breer four members in my family. 2. Pat the words into the suitable groups. cupboard, refrigerator, armchair, coffee table, knife, couch, saucepan, bed a lot of people inthe hall. television, stereo, chair, fan, desk, pot, wardrobe, oven, steamer, cassette play, rice cooker, dish washer, washing machine + Furniture: ‘a knife in the kitchen, Tesi three cars in front of my house. + Electrical equipments: + Kitchen implements: ccoicacci inhthangbooks 5. Use “Is there/ Are there” to make que Ex: picture/ on/ wall Yes/ No. , . Ts there a picture on the wall? Yes there is/ No. there isn, chairs/ in/ room// Yes/ No. , z Are there any chains in the room? Yes. there are/ No. there arent 7. 1. ball/ on/ floor// Yes. 8. stools/ in/ living room// No. 2 3. tub/ in/ bathroom// No. 0 4, dog/ under/ table// Yes. h books/ on/ bookshelf// Yes. flowers/ in/ garden// No. 7 refrigerator! near/ kitchen/ table// No. armehairs/ in front off television// Yes. 2 ~ 3. 6. Choose the correct answers. L . 365 daysin a year. 4 A. There are B, There is | Bs .+ alot of high buildings in Ho Chi Minh City. ios A. There are B. There is pt 3. secesseeessee tWO men in the room, A. There is B, There are . a lot of green trees in Hue City. i A. There are B.Thereis : mhasachminhthang.en 12. .. Are there any books on the tables? - A-Yes there are 3.No,thereae Are there any new shirts in the shop? - A.No, there aren't B. Yes, they are Are there any cars in front ofthe parks? - A.No, they aren't Is there a telephone in your room?- i A.Yes, there are B. Yes, there is three hundred questions in this book. B. There is B. Yes, there are A. There are “sssssscseeees a pencil on the table, A. There are B. There is a lot of new words on the blackboard. B. There are «five lights on the wall. A. There are A. There is B. There is Choose the correct answers. ‘There are a lot of ..on TV today. A. program B. films There are four... ina year ‘A. season B. seasons ‘There are WO ...soe--veu i the meeting room ‘There are alot of. in the suitease. A. things B.thing ‘There are forty in the classroom right now. A. student B, students ‘There isa good. in the CD. A. song B. songs “There isa near here. A. restaurant B restaurants “Minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh 8 Are there any in your suitcase? A. book B, books 8. Complete the sentences with "in, 0”, t0, have more than one answer. Ex: The book is on the table. sunder, behind, near”. Some sent, 1. The picture is «+...» the wall: 2. Can you see the cat the picture? 3. The child is hiding..........-ss+- 8 tee. 4, ‘The armchairs arent far from the television. They are the table, 5. The water flows -..........+ the bridge. 6. There is a sink, a tub and a shower... the bathroom, 7. They are waiting ...... front of the theater. 8 ‘The lamp is next the picture, 9. Find @ mistake among the four underlined parts of each sentence ang FE correct it 7 1. How many tables is there in the classroom? i A BOC D 2. What does your sisters do and how old are they? A B | ||| ce) ||> 3. This is my chair and that are your chairs. AE: el] | fo 4. There are five benchs and two tables in the house. A B co) p 5. This is my brother and he's name is Minh. ‘Ay || |B TES 6. The cat is among the lamp and the bed, PU: ep 7. There are a cupboard, a dishwasher and a table in the kitchen. ‘Al ||| B c D 8. Is there a television front of the microwave? AB c oD @ READING COMPREHENSION 1. Read the following dialogue and choose the bes fill in each gap. nT Mr. Minh: Hello, Mary Miss Mary: “Hi, Minh. Isit diffcul (1) Mr. st given answer A,B, Cor D to Yes Dat know hereon mpi oprmentnear bes Misa. Rely tea Mery ‘many rooms are there? Mr. Minh: There are four rooms: two large bedrooms, one modern bathroom, and one lovely kitchen, Miss Mary: What (3). the price? Mr. Minh: Hmm. Itis 700 USD per month. Miss Mary: 1 think it will be suitable (4) ‘my family. Can Ihave a look at it? Mr Minh: Yes; will (5)... you there. Miss Mary: Thank you very much. You are so kind. 1. Afind Btofind C.finding found 2. A.Which ——-B. What CHow D. Where 3. Acwith: Boon C.along, D.about 4. Afor Bto C.with, Diof 5. Accarry Bride C.take 2, Complete the passage with the words in the box. Targe tub wonderful apartment rooms everything not bathroom comfortable really usin Ho Chi Minh City. His apartment is ‘Nam lives in a lovely (1). y ere arefive (4. 2) evn verybigbutitisvery “There pment ving room, two bedrooms chen ad bathroom. The © is very beatiful thas sink, (6) and a shower The kitchen is very modern Ithas (7). refrigerator, a washing machine, a sigvooks- Chaya sich tiéng Anh © ec sove,an oven and 2H ABT Nag, an eect i wer bight. Tere (9). . “Je Min (10) FOES his apartment. dishwasher, a gas cooker, bedroom isn't (8).. from his bedroom win« Where does Nam live? . . : How many rooms are therein his apartment 3. Choose the best answer to complete the passage. sues here because it is (2) .. You can't see our house (1) — the left, next () J church. When you walk up Prince Street, 1s (3) sesssns the Black Cat Café. ‘Myroom is upstairs (5) ......-..theright.Thavea desk (6) . the window. And | like looking out because our house is (8) ....--- the park. My desk i (9) .....c.e-- the bed (10) . the wardrobe. A from B. behind Ain B. behind D, between “ . on Beat D. under Ain Bat ‘ 4 . in B. behind Aon Bat a A. about Bof D. next A.near Bon ze ‘Aon Bin aes Aon B. behind Dat D.and ‘thasachiinhthang va @® WRITING 1. Make questions for the underlined words. ‘My mother is a teacher. ‘These are televisions. My sister is eighteen, 2. Arrange these words to make complete sentences. 1. hundred/ the/ are/ bookshelf/ there/ on/ books/ one/. ‘engineer/father/ old/ anf is/ my/ 45/ and/ is he/ years/. students/ in/ class/ many/ there/ your/ are! how/? that/ chair! are/ a/ these/ and? is/ stools/. mother! dof old/ and/ does/ what/ she/ how/ your/ is/? 3. Write a passage to describe your room. ~ What is the favourite room in your house? (living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen) - Describe it. - Why is it your favourite room? 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. A. ALlives C plays D. studies 2 A.dances B. makes Coasks D. stops 3. A.cooks Betells C. reads D. goes 4. A. walks B. kisses C. dances D. boxes 5. A. wishes B. passes. C kisses D. rubs 11, Put these things in the most reasonable room in your house. sofa, television, armchair, coffee table, book case, table, chairs, curtain, fridge, cooker, cupboard, sink, washing machine, wardrobe, chest of drawers, bed, bath, wash basin, shower, toilet, mirror, picture, stereo, shelf, clock, telephone, lamp, vegetable, cupboard, knife, light, fan, saucepan, stove. television. Living room Kitchen [SuPbeard... fridge.... Dinning room washing machine... Bathroom IIL Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: beside, among, out of, above, beneath. at, on, after, under, between, 1, There isa bus station the end of this road. 2. Keep those medicines the children’s reach. 3. Tost my keys somewhere .. -the car and the house. 4. Come and sit... .~-your sister, 5. Domes... ....Cin the alphabet. 6. The boat sank the waves. 7. Dont shelter... the trees when its raining. 8. Please put these books _-the bookshelf ........the desk. 9. Toften feel nervous when Tam ... . strangers. 10. Children must attend school .. the ages of 5 and 16. IV. Make questions and answers from the suggested words and phrases. Look at the example. Ex: post office/ next to/ bus stop. ; ‘Where is the post office? ; “The post office is next to the bus stop. 1, museum front/ park. souvenir shop/ between/ bookstore/ toy store. Phung Street. stadiam/ on/ Phan Dinh market/ opposite/ movie theater. supermarket/ near/ hospital. drugstore lefi/ my house. bank! opposite/ hospit V. Fill in the blanks with is, are, isn't, aren't, do, does, where. . How many rooms .......- there in the hotel? . There -..-ssee- any chairs in the kitchen. I need four chairs, sesseeseee does your friend live? They -.cseee Staying at their uncle's house in Da Lat. In my house there .......... two bathrooms. What . you need for the living room? have a garden. . a desk in my room. the living room? any pillows on the bed. |. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. Is your house ........0.? No, it isnt. Iris new. Aold Bnew C.big TS caseeeeeen a yard in front of your house? A.there Bit that 3. Tlive in a beautiful area ...-c.ssou @ big city, Aon Bin Cat J There..sseseeeeese many trees around my house. Ais Bare Cobe .- there a flower garden behind your house? A.Be BAre Cis Is there lake .. . your house? D, near D. doesn't , does your friend go to school every day? ~ On foot. A.When B.What time C. How D. Which = sssssss¥0U go to school by motorbike? - No, I don't. I go by bicycle. A.How B What CDo D.Are ). My friend lives near a market. Itis .. noisy. A.many B. few C.very D.lot 11. There isnt a flower garden in front... her house. Avat Boon Gof D.near 12, Is there a yard behind her house? No, there...» A. aren't Bis Care Daisn't 13, There... paddy fields and a long river near Quang’s house. Avare Bis Cuisnt 14, Ha lives in a big house in the country. Its very A. quiet B. noisy thick 15, She always... to school on foot. A.go B. goes Ctog0 VIL. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the conversation. Jane: Alice, (1) ......css+0 YoU gota flat of your own? Alice: No, its my (2).. .. flat, but Ihave a room of my own. Jane: Is the flat large? ‘Alice: Rather, We have thee (3)..-.--.-« akitchen, a hall and a bathroom. Jane: Are there (4)....s-+«modern conveniences in the flat? Alice: Yes, there are. Jane: (5). ..does your room look like? ‘Alice: My room s not verylarge, but not very (6)... - There (7)... aera farature in (8). -ewthe Ft there i a dvan-bed and a ‘small table near it, At the window there is my writing-desk. In the right- hand corner there is a dressing-table, Near it there is a wardrobe where I ©). my clothes. roe”) Where do you keep your books? Her school has a... «schoolyard. “There are bookshelves over the divan-bed. A.small B large long Have you got a TV set? She likes her house very much because... ‘Yes, we have, but i is inthe stting-room (10)......-.-We usually spend A. itis large and modern, ‘our spare time. B it's small but it has a garden, Avhave B.has C. does itis near the supermarket and schoo A.parents Barents) ——C.parentsof _D. parents D. both B &C. B. places Cuareas D. rooms ie oa eet eee jong) twelve years ol Grade with his mother/ father two A.What_-B.Which— G.Where_—_. Why aitcr ci Ha ate! ne store One ee el errs bookstore! snd A.comfort B.comfortable C.comforts_D. comfortably temple. In the neighborhood! there/ hospital/ and factory. Nam’ father/ work Aare Bis C.tobe D. were factory His mother/ work! hosp An B.On C.From D. Above A.keep B. get Cilet D. have A.which ——B.whom C.where D. place IX, Write a passage about Phong using the suggested words. Read the text and choose the best answer A, B,C or D. Hi, My name is Mary. live in a beautiful area in a big city. You can find almost, everything here. If you want to buy meat, fish and flowers, you can go to the supermarket. ILis uot very far from iny house. 1 go to school near my house. My school is very nice and large. There is a big schoolyard so we can play sports or games at the break time or after school, 4. In summer, [always go to the swimming pool in the morning. I can swim now but not very wel. My house is small but it has a garden. There are many flowers in the garden and there are tall trees around my house. My house is my favorite place. 1. Mary lives ina A. big place B. small town C.big city D. bigarea You can find almost everything... A. in her house B. in her school the supermarket Din her city Her school is. her house, A. far from B near C. opposite front of 1. Do you remember the most important sentence patterns in this unit? Wri them down here and give examples (Em cé nhé cic miu cut quan trong nhj trong bai hoc nay khéng? Viet vio diy va cho vi dy.) 2. Can you write at least ten new words in this unit? Write them down here, (Em 6 thé viét ra it nt 10 ti méi cla bai hoc nay khong? Viet vao day.) 3. Now can you? Now you can “© Speak fluently in sentences. © Use structures: ‘There is/ There isn't/ There ae/ There arent Prepositions of place # Pronounce sounds: /2/,/s/ and fiz/ Cac em hay 6 ging nhé! Chitc cac em ngay cang tién b6! LANGUAGE FOCUS. Grammar ‘+ Verb "be" and "have" for description Pronunciation + sound /b/ and /p/ @verss “Be” AND "HAVE" FOR DESCRIPTION ‘DE migu ti mot ngudi (thing la migu ta ngosi hinh), chiing ta c6 thé dang dong tt "to be" hokc "to have". DE hiéu cach sit dung cia hai dong tit nay. Xét cde vidu sau: Ex: She has long hai Coy c6 mai tbe dai Her hair is long. Méi tc cia c6 dy da. C6 thé théy hai ctu trén déu cing din dat mot ¥ nghia. G cau 1 ta ding dong ‘to have" (sau khi chia dng tt thanh has). 6 cau 2ta diing dong ti to be (sau. Kkhi chia dng tit thanh ‘Tap phat am am /b/ Khi phit Am /b/, vi tri luGi va hinh migng hodn toan giéng ‘Gi kin phit am ipl, nung khng bit ho. la phy am dye. day | thanh am rung khi phat dm. LL} f Tap phat am - am /p/ Hai méi mim chit, sau dé bét hoi. ‘pr la phu dm trong, dy ‘than am khéng rung khi phat &m. ie) 1. Chitb 6 dau mat tit: big foxg/ to, lon boss /bos/ ong chit buy oat mua build /orld/ xay dung 2. Chitb 6 gia tit habit fheebrty_ = = thi quen table /texbl/ céi ban public /'pablaky cong cong. 3. Chath & cuss tit: lab Neeb/ hong thi nghigm tab Neeb/ aban, dai vai job /e30b/ Ong vige, vige im "P” phit drm la /p/ khi 1. Chat /p-y 6 du mot i: pan /pzen/ chi chio pen /pen/ cai bat Pig /prg/ picture /piktfar/ 2. Chet /-pl & cui cup /kap/ tip /trip/ 3. Chit /p/ sau s spin /spany speak /spi:ky con lon bite tranh cai tich chuyén di choi quay to, quay tron @) PRONUNCIATION 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. A.ball B bear C.bag D. park A.pen B. pull C. bath D. pick A brother B. beach C. pass D. book A.copy B. pet C prize D. boy A pencil B. pocket C.bed D. peach 2. Write the names of these things. 7" 7 @ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1. Look at the pictures and choose the best answer to complete each sentence 1. Her hair is cA A.long Boeurly short D. straight What does he do? A. He isa weight lifer B, He isa gymnast C. He isa soccer player D. He isa volley baller. Mr. Pike is... . Avtall Blight C short D.thin ‘What are these? A. They are eyes. B. They are lips. C. They are hairs, D. They are ears. 5. What is this? A.ltsahand. — B.Its leg, C.ltsatoe, tsa shoulder 2, Match the adjectives of personalities in column A with suitable expressions incolumn B, Thinking about what you are doing and giving a lot of attention to details. 2.hard-working |b. Acting asa friend, 1. talkative B.confident |e. Thatisa designer. She has a lot of new ideas. 4. careful 4. Yoko is very. She likes talking very much, 5. patient . Your feeling that you are certain about something. 6. friendly f Thuis. __« He likes to help his friends. 7. kind g.Myfriendis.. 8. creative ‘Ann likes baseball, football, and volleyball. He’ so. 1. She told me she would come so be. and lets wait Pay for her To sporty |) Feeling nervous about mestng others. ‘She pent most ofthe time studying. 3, Make questions and answers from the suggested words and phrases. Look at the two examples below. Ex: - she/ lazy/ hardworking -> Is she lazy? ~ No, she isnt. She’ hard-working. he friendly —> Is he friendly ~ Yes, he is, he / talkative / quiet . they / shy / confident .. you / patient. she / responsible / irresponsible they / serious o J. Make questions and answers fro thetwo cumple blow Ie aos» Dac hae Bigeye - No sh do ym the suggested words and phrases. Look at Fiisthangbooke Chen sich tig An ‘She has small eyes. ~ She / curly hair —> Does she have curly hair? - Yes, she does, they / long arms the dog / a long tail. she / short hair / long hair he / big feet / small feet she /a round face 5. Write questions based on the given cues and answer them, Ex: What color is her hair? Its black. her hair / black her eyes / brown your car / blue his bike / gray this flower / red 8. those chairs / yellow 9. these flowers / purple 6. Write the sentences using the words given. ‘Ex: Lan / long fingers. Lan has long fingers. Mai / round face. ‘Thu / long hair. ‘Nam / short hat Trang /oval face. Huong fll ips Wy / thin lips. |. She / short brown hair. 7. What are the missing words? Write “is” or “has”. A. Mybest friend (1), a round face and short hair, He isnt very tall but The (2).ssssssnukind and funny. [like him because he often makes me laugh . My best friend is Lucas. He (3). a brown nose. He (4). friendly! I like him because he’s always beside me. My best friend (5)........ .. short curly hair, She (6)............... kind, She writes poems for me, and she always listens to my stories. . ‘This writing is about my bestfriend, Mai, We go to the same school and weve been together for three years. Mai (7)...... very pretty. She (8)........ short black hair and big brown eyes. She (9)...... . dever and hard- working but she (10 also funny. She makes jokes and we all laugh She loves reading and writing short poems. [like being with her. We often do our homeworks together and she helps me a lot. I also like her because she knows alot about astronomy and we can chat about it for hours. At the moment we're ‘making a Space minibook. Were doing a lot of searching on the Internet. 8, Arrange the adjectives in brackets in the correct order. Ex: Itis a (wooden / round) table. Itis a round wooden table. ‘That girl has (blue / nice/ big) eyes. He gave me (black / leather) gloves. My teacher has a (round/ pinky small) face. It. (small / metal/ black) box. She is wearing a (green/ new/ beaut What a (sunny / lovely) day! My uncle lives ina (old/lovely/ small) house Mrs. Thanh has a (black/ long) straight) hate 49, Put the verbs in brackets inthe present simple tense or present continuous tense. (meet) . sy uncle and aunt this evening. You (have) see dinner with Mr. Bean tonight? Bob (no! like) .. to listen to rock music. The guests (leave) .-» at 9 am. next Wednesday. (not go) Phong often (play). We (visi)... ‘They (not go) Mr. Ninh (not work). 10. Mary (have)... to the party tomorrow afternoon. football on the weekend, ...our grandparents this weekend. ‘to work on Saturdays and Sundays. the office tomorrow. 10, Match the word in column A with its opposite in column B. Ex: tall a . short Column B attractive z das light 5 at slim 3 seen ugly emall outgoing young dull aos a lively short tong curly 8 quiet exciting seoeernre deosight weak boring unfriendly Column A noisy strong sociable mean thick Choose the best answer y is very strong, a nae ry. waiter A. lifter How many <0 are there on our body? A. shoulders B. shoulder C. heart What colour do you like? I like .. ‘A. round, B. oval ‘The dentist told me to open my ... Aceves B, mouth C.doth Her ., - eo are full. A lips B shoulders Cear 5. We goto school on evessenees every day, A.foot B. ground C.toe D. finger His broken ........ .. make him sad. A-hand B.legs Chead D. shoulder BLOOM is -.eeeseceesesssennee Avred B yellow We sometimes use A. body ). We have ten ... A. chest C. purple D. white - language to speak to other people. C. bodies Da cyes B fingers C.arms Dilegs 12 Choose the best answer A, B, Cor D to finish each sentence. Heis ..., .. and kind, A. society B. social 2 Heis communicative, He isnt. Aveserved —— Bkind a so C.generous —_D, sociable C. sociable D. generously 5. The is very good. They were close friends when they were students A. friend B friendly C.friendship _D. unfriendly 6. You look more. than you were yesterday. A. beautifully B beauty. C.very beautiful D. beautiful 7. Hels. _kind and sociable. ‘Avextremely —_Bextreme 8 Does shehave. cats? A.loved . C.lovely D. beauty 9, There are many... ....cultures in Viet Nam. A. differ B. difference C.differently —_D. different 10. She has lot of friends. She is A. unhappy B. happily 13. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. C.veryextreme D. too extreme C.happiness happy 1. There are lost of parties, ‘Christmas. 2. Treceived a leter.. 3. She usually goes swimming. _my friend yesterday. Sunday mornings. 4. Khoi is my close friend. I spend most of my free time,....-.....- him. 5, He does volunteer work.... 6. His friends didnt laugh... 7. My friends usually enjoy my sense. 8. Helives..... ‘Tran Phu Street. @ READING COMPREHENSION 1, Read and choose the best answer for each question. Jane isa gymnast. She is very pretty. She is tall and thin. She is light but she isn't weak She has physical strength. She has an oval and lovely face, She has long black hair and brown eyes. She has a small mouth. Her teeth are also small and white, Everybody loves her because she always helps the others. 1. What does Jane do? B. gymnast . doctor D. dentist ee What's she like? A. tall and slim. 3. She is sevenensosena . ‘A light and weak B. light but strong 4, What color are her eyes? B.tallandthick C.talland fat. tall and short thin and weak. D. tall and weak A. black B. grey light D. brown 5. Everybody loves her because... ogesceairea A. she always helps the others. B. she always asks the others for help, C. she is tall, thin and strong. D. she is beautiful. 2, Read the passage carefully, then write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentences, Do you have any close friends? I think everybody at least has one close friend in their life. And so do I. I have two close friends, Hanh and Mai. We are in the | same class at primary school and then secondary school. We are also neighbors, so ‘we spend most of our time learning and playing together. Hanh is a beautiful girl with big black eyes and an oval rosy face. She is an intelligent student who is always at the top of the class. She likes reading and she often goes to the library whenever she has free time. Mai isn't as beautiful as Hanh, but she has a lovely smile and looks very healthy. Mai is very sporty. She spends most of her free time playing sports. Mai is a volleyball star of our school. She is also very sociable and has a good sense of humor. Her jokes always make us laugh. I love both of my friends and [always hope our friendship will never die. 1. The writer formed her close friendship at primary school... 2. The writer lives far from her friends. 3. Hanh always spends her free time in the library. 4. Mai is good at sport. 5. Mai’ friends sometimes get tired of her 6. The writer hopes to have a lasting friendship. @wartine 1. Put the words or phrases in correct order to make correct sentences, 1, brown/ has/ eyes/ she/ 4, car/ is/ black/it/ big/ a 5, draw/ a /thin/ firstly/ line/ long, 6. daughter/ blond/ has/ hair/ his/ long. 7. talking/ man is/ a/ she/ handsome/ to/ tall. gray! al Mr. Peter/ beard/ long/ has. 3, many/ are/ flowers/ garden/ in/ red/ her/ there/ small. 8. sister/ short/ does/ hair/ Lanis/ wavy/ have? married/ fat/ she/ short/ a/ man. 10. teacher! dark/ has/ our/ hair/ straight/ long. ion below. 2, Writea paragraph about your best friend using the inform: ‘Name: Tuan Appearance: tall, handsome, short fair hair, big brown eyes, intelligent, fun. Hobbies: listening to music, can sing many songs. ——————== better well > — better bad > — worse many —> more much -> more little > less ding fe senese (ei ding kkhi néi vé khoang céch cu thé, further ~ quiet —+ quieter hode more quiet déu dugc. ~ clever — cleverer hogc more clever déu duige, ~ Rarrow ~> narrower hofe more narrow déu dug + simple -> simpler hodc more simple déu duige, (20° PRONUNCIATION (PHAT AM) Tap phat am fis ‘Diu ludi day nhe vio ring di 18 dU6i. Hai moi a nguyén am di, khi pht am pha dd do day de hi phat am. a hai di d6 day, day Va hoi bet, fiz thanh am rung Tép phat am /x/ 1. Nhdm “ea” thuding duige phat Am la /i:/ khi nhiing tif c6 tn ciang bang ea hoc a+ mot phy im, sea [si = bign seat /sit/ ché ng6i easy ii dé dang dream /drim/ gifc mo tea Kis tra meal /mil/ bia an 2. Nhom “ee” thuiing duigc phat am la /i:/ khi nbiing tif c6 tn clang bang ee hoje cee + phy am hay hai phy am, see [sid hin free fri tudo cheese /Mfiz/ pho mat agree /e’griy dong ¥ 3.“e” thuding duige phat am li is) Pid 1a, thi, & Met ay dwt hing ti, cng ta Jedstpt/ nude Ai Cip ['siksot/ bimat 4, Nhém “ei” phat am ‘V6i ning tit c6 nhém “ei” vi mot hay hai phy am va chi di sau am /s/ hay ch ¢, s m6i phat am la /iy. ceiling /siltg/ tran nha receive /n'siv/ hin duige receipt /n'sit/ sgidy bign lat Tatu trong mét s6 tratmg hop Kh “e?” dug phat am la eV, /ai/, /e9/ hoc /e/. eight /ert/ = stim height /hait/ = chiéucao heir /eate/ = ngudi thitaké (nam) 5. “ie” phat Am la /iv/ 4. “ui” duige phat am la /1/ Khi né la nhiing nguyén am 6 gidla mot tit. build /oald/ = xiydung chief AH = ally guilt /aily \6ilbi believe fortivy == tin sug guinea /oini/ = — largest. late (mugn) — latest. 2.Can you writeat least ten new words of this unit? Write them down here. (En cb thé vit ra it nhdt 10 ti méi cia bai hoc nay khéng? Viét vio day.) 3. Now ean you? _Nowyoucon Tick Speak fluently in sentences | | * Use comparative adjectives: smaller, more expensive. ; | * Pronounce sounds: fi/ and fay Cac em hiy cé gang nnét! Chiic céc em ngay cing tién bé! varparasesrca Tinh tit cé hai am tiét tan cling bing phy am + y ta déiy thanh i r6i them eg, happy (hank phiic) —> happiest. pretty (dep) —> prettiest. = Tin tt c6 mt am tit tan cing bang nguyen dm + phy dm (tr w) thi tagip 46i phy 4m cuéi r6i mdi thém est. big (to) —> biggest. fat (béo) — fattest, Ex: I must get up early to go to school every morning. Toi phai day sm dé di hoc vio buéi sing, (trich nhigm) You must sweep the room. Ban phi quét don cin phing nay (su bit bubc) = Dula ra mt di khuyén hay mot dé nghi duigc nhdn manh. Ex: You must drive more slowly. ‘Ban clin phi li xe charm han, (dia ra li Khuyén) You must keep it a secret. 2, SO SANH NHAT CUA TINH TU DAI. Ban phai gitt bi mét diéu do. - Dua ra mét suy luan hgp ly. (Chic la ban déi lim sau gid hoe. Ex: He is the most intelligent in my lass. "i li ye tired. Chu ying hg min pe She has been travelling all day. She must be tr (Co dy da di du lich od nga. Chae han cb dy rdt met, is . (Bi du lich thi mét ma ban di cd ngay thi ban hin sé bi mét). Qmovat vers-must’ (DONG TU TINHTHAD. Sch a tyng “ens? 1. FORM (CAU TRUC) Ex: We must always observe the trafic rules. hig ta phat luén tui theo uét giao thing. ‘ngudi khong duigc lim nhitng vigc gi d6 hod dé che bai y kién nao do. ‘Ex: You mustn't come late. Ban khong duge dén mubn. CChiing ta sit dyng thé phi dinh cia “must” la “mustrit/ must not” dé béo moi $+ must + not +V (bare infinitive) ‘Tip phat am /t/ ‘must not viét tt la mustn't, Ex: We mustn't turn right, Chép lui cham nutéu ring trén, sau bat hoi. /t/ la phy am Ching ta khong duige ré pha trong, day thanh am khéng rung khi phat am. "Chui je V (bare infinitive Id dng tv nguyen ing, ‘Tip phatam nhém phyam /st! ‘Lui dat 6 vj tri nhu khi phat am /s/, chop ludi dat sau nuéu ing trén, khong khi trong khoang migng thoat ra ngoai qua khe hi gitta uoi va ring. /s! 1a phy am trong, déy am khéng rung khi phat am, Sau khi phat am /s! xong, chuyén nhanh sang dm /t 2. USAGE (CACH DUNG) * Must dugc diing dé: ‘hasachininitang vn Winhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Ani take ‘fretk/ = cdm, léy talk ok = ni tap feep/ = weimude tomato [ta'martav/ cachua tennis ftenss/ = —_ qin vot (thé thao) photo /fouten / bite anh telephone [telfoun/ = ign thoai pretty Frenti/ xinh dep | Che phat im im 7 breakfast /orekfast/ baa sing cast Tea'st/ si quing, ném coast Trovst/ babign @) vocasutary AND GRAMMAR / cost Ios’ chi phi, gié ea 1. Reorder the letters under each picture to make meaningful words. dust Janst bui — = east fess phia dong ram Aasstf = nbanh forest Fons ring test pes kiém tra bot il mann 2. mnountal best Poest = ttnhit Lrevir @ PRONUNCIATION Put the words in the correct columns according to lation of the {underlined parts. 6 to the pronunciatio# O iii: B.drtese . 7. wafterall 8.fosret 2. Give the correct forms of the words given to complete the sentences. 1, You must take an umbrella because it’s (rain)... time of year. in Mui Ne at this 2, Hue is near Da Nang, but it’s more (interest)... 3. The Perfume River is the most (fame)... 4. You can join many exciting (act). 5. Abutterfly is more (colour). than Da Nang. -river in Central Vietnam. luring the festival -than a moth, 3. Write the superlative forms ofthese adjectives, large largest tall big . strong high cold happy short long nhasachminhthangva 10, old LL. new 12. cheap 1. This bag is the Nile Rivers... They are Winter is... Airplane Mt. Everest is 10, Russia is Siberia is (cold). Ithink Ben is (bad) Sport is Mexico ity is (big) . 9. Fansipan is the (high) 10. Its the (short)... Ho Chi Minh City is... African elephants have the (large). Angel Falls is much (high)... Are dolphins (intelligent) “The Mekong River is (long) ..... 1. Tom/tall/student/class ‘Tom is the tallest student in the clas. 2. Sahara/ large desert/ world. 4, Complete each ofthe following sentences with superlatives. of three bags. (cheap) «iver in the world (long) --- ity in Vietnam, (big) .-« students in my class. (good) . season in the year. (cold) ‘means of transport. (fast) man in the world. (happy) party I've been to, (bad) -- mountain in the world. (high) .- country in the world. (large) 8. Complete each of the following sentences with comparatives or superlatives. «than South Africa ats of all animals. than Niagara Falls than Peter at swimming. .». than sharks? . than politics. (interesting) than Tokyo. than the Red River. ‘mountain in Vietnam. day ofthe year. 6. Write sentences from the notes. Use the superlative forms of the adjectives. spring/ nice season/ yeat. whales/ big animal/ world. ‘summer/ hot season/ year. Peter/ young person his family Royal Hotel/ cheap hotel/ our town. ‘unit 1/ easy unit/ this book. 7. Complete the sentences with must or mustn't. ‘This sign says “No left turn’. We 0 straight ahead or turn right. Its eleven oclock. My parents arentt at home. I .......... €00k lunch. My hair is very dirty. Tom... help you with your homework. You .. wash it now. do it yourself 1 to school on time. talk to other students during the exam. Farmers. + §et up early, at four or five otlock in the morning. 1 2, 3 4. 5. - drive fast, there is a speed limit here. 6. 7. 8 8. Write the sentences to show what you must do in these situations. Use the words given in the brackets. eat too many sweets. (stop eating) I must stop eating sweets. ‘My chair is broken. (buy a new one) My bicycle is very dirty. (wash it) Ive written three important letters. (go/ pos offic) My hair is too long. (go/ barber’) “The kitchen is in a mess. tidy it up) ve got an awful toothache. (go/ dentists) ve got a pile of dirty clothes. (wash them) 10. I'm getting too fat. (lose weight) 9. There is a mistake in each of these sentences. Underline the mistake and then correct it. 1, Tm the younger person in my family. My brother i busyer than Tam. Mary is taller tat her sister “hangis from China. She speaks China Hanoi have a poplation of 26 milion Tandon smallest than Mexico City. She’ my friend. She from French. Is your kitchen biger than my kitchen? How height is the PETRONAS Twin Towers @ READING COMPREHENSION 1. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. Hi, Lam Long. [live in Hue. Itis (1) very far from Da Nang, Ithas the (2)... River. If you visit Hue, you should take a trip on Huong River (3)............ the evening, It’s the most interesting thing because you can hear some famous singers (Bere Hue songs during your trip on Huong River. You can find a lot of temples, muscums and galleries. It Hue’ (5), attraction. Another attraction of Hue is its food. Its really famous. You should try some like Bun Bo or Com Hen. When you want to visit Hue, you must remember to take your umbrella with you. It rains most of the day during rainy season. A. oldest B the oldest Colder D.old A. more famous —B. famous C.most famous. the famous Ain Bon Coat D.of A.sings B sing C.singer D. sang A. greatest B. greater C. great city in Central Vietnam. Itis not ..tiver in Central Vietnam ~ Huong D. more great 2. Read the passage and circle A, B or Cto complete the sentences. ‘The ancient town of Hoi An lies on the Thu Bon River, more than 30 kilometers to the south of Da Nang. Hoi An is famous for old temples, pagodas, tiled-roofed houses and narrow streets, Tourists can visit the relics of Sa Huynh and Cham Civilization, They ca? also enjoy the beautiful scenery ofthe Thu Bon River, Cua Dai Beach, etc i In recent years, Hoi An has become a very popular tourist destination in | Vietnam. Importantly, the committee of the World Heritages of UNESCO ofall certified Hoi An as a World Heritage site in 1999, 1. Hoi Anes - the Thu Bon River. Ain Bon Cat ‘The streets in Hoi An are very .. : A. big B famous C.narrow ‘Thu Bon River and Cua Dai have very beautiful. A. beautiful B. scenery C.liked Hoi An has... A. became --vese @VRLY poplar tourist destination in Vietnam. B. become C.becoming 3. Read the passage and answer the questions. ‘The Amazon River in South America isan amazing and important river in the planet. ‘The Amazon River carries more water than any other river in the world. In fact, the Amazon River is responsible for twenty percent of fresh water that flows into the world’s oceans. ‘The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world (the Nile River in ‘Africa isthe longest), and about 6,400 km long. ‘The Amazon River has the largest area of land that flows into the river, and ‘more tributaries than any other river in the world - more than 200 tributaries. Is the Amazon River in South America? Does the Amazon River carry more water than any other in the world? How long is the Amazon River? ‘What is the longest river in the world? How many tributaries does ithave? 4. Read the passage and answer the questi lake l seca eon the border betwen Bolivia and Pera 3810 metres da i ocak, in laces aot 160 mets deep. Thi ak ee ter a 190 kilomestres long and about 80 kilometres ‘almost a small sea, It is more than 1 wide. There are also 41 islands in the lake. books “ Chayéa Sich dag Anh ers nara MONO THEN. 1 2. How longs it? How wide ist? 3. (1) WRITING 1 Whereis Lake Titicaca? ‘The Mekong River /ong//the Red River. ‘The Pacific / large / ocean / in the word. How many islands are there in the lake? | He/ old / than / his friend. Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words/phrases given. ‘My room is smaller than your room, Your room... a ‘i 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 2 Nohouse inthe street isokde than this house Baten C.tomato D.stay This house . . A.stand B. stamps C.steal Ditape 3. Quangis 1.75 meters tal Vinh is 1.65 metres tal Achat Bplan area Vinh is . a = A. coast, B. cost D. dust 4 Me the fattest girl in my class. A. east B. photo C.ten D. task o girl. te “ an “ TL. Che ‘the odd it. 5. The Red River s 1,200 kilometers long, The Nile River is 6,437 kilometers long. { eosemeowee ‘The Nile River is much.. . 1, Abig B. building Ccapital Didesert Vs . AL i Ck D. forest 2 Wiest theca ads So ey 1. London. i % 3 en analy Tie ‘ 4. Avwalk B. compass C. plaster D. sleeping bag ae tan Tokyo. 5. A. waterfall B. house Colake Di desert * oy his class. 6 Avhottest B. biggest C. largest D. smaller “ sn see 7. A.mountain —Bvalley Ccave D.dub 3 iiss hot / day / the month. 8 Awatch B. speak C. staying D.listen — ‘ i 9. A. biggest B largest C.smallest D. thinner 4. This / car / ex ee = " ‘pensive / that / car, 10. A. watch B.see C.enjoy D.look 5. January / cold / month /of the yea, TIL. Choose the correct answers. Sarah looks after patients in hospital. She is a A. teacher B.nurse C. musician ‘hatachminbthang vn rm ‘Mininthangbooks - Chuyéa sich iéng Anh 10. u. 2 13, Are there...een lamps on the wall? a ia C.some D. more You look .. soo im that ess. Alpve Blovely C.loving D. lovelily Its the ... _ house in my neighborhood. Ae Bnicest C.more nice —_D. most nice What's your ..cesvss» Color? ~ I like blue most. A. favorite Biinteresing suitable Da liking ‘The picture is the dock, Avnest B. under Cat like English most. Its my subject. A.interesting —_B. favourite C.important —_D. difficult cove there a post office nea here? Als B. Are C.Does D.Do ‘Mount Everest is the highest mountain ......os.e« the world, Ain Bion Cat D.of ‘Which city is.. 2 Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City? A. large B. larger C largest D. the largest Ifwe had a ... . we wouldn't get lost. oe os inte ih mndinlAseseeeee ae ‘mountain, Always go in a group. i B. mustn't D. don't pos ae dlothes ba you go to Sa Pain winter. . Tra Co Beach is... ~ beach in Vietnam = A. long B.longer C longest Daley is very . to take the test. She is ron ea Akind eee pea very ood shen Mexico City is the... ity n the wor ae D. talkative A. big B. Comencls Susan isthe ofthe 3 gis, more bigger D. biggest lia shana B prettiest < pretty Dz more pretty 18. My brother and I.............. Our grandmother next weekend. A. visit B.amvisiting Care going to visit _D. visited 19, TES Very soeeeoesesee i the summer. B. hotter hottest D.hotest 20, He sometimes seve 10 pop music. A. listens Blisten Cllistening Dz listening IV, Use the correct forms of the adjectives to complete the sentences. Your house is ..- than my house. (big) Hoi Anis the .....-.--« town in Viet Nam. (old) ‘Tokyo is ..than London. (big) “The Mekong River is than the Red River. (Jong) Her hairs... . than his hair. (short) Mais house isthe asses one in the village. (big) Her nose is ....seseeee than my nose. (small) This the ..seseesseo building inthis city. (big) Nam is ee. than Ba, He isthe ...... boy in his class. (tall) 10. ‘The Great wall of China is the worlds........ structure. (long) parts of each sentence and correct it. ‘V. Find the mistake among the four underlined, 1. The Great Wall of China is the world’s longer structure. A B c D . Traveling by tram is most convenient than traveling by car in this ity. A OB c D . You must taking off your shoes before entering this room. AB c D 4. Do you think there is another mountain highest than Mount Everest? A BOC D 5. Ha Long Bay is the more beautiful natural wonder of Viet Nam. AB c D VI. Read the passage, then choose the correct answers. ‘Vietnam is in South - East Asia. It has (1)... rivers and beaches. (2) are two long (3). cof beautiful mountains, .in Vietnam: the Red. River in the North and the Mekong River in the South, The Mekong River ig, (A)eccccsseecs iver in the South-East Asia and of couse it is Longer (5) the Red River. The Mekong River starts at Tibet and (6)... 0 the Eas Sea. Fansipan is (7). highest mountain in Vietnam. ItS 3,143 meee (8)... --- Vietnam also has many nice beaches such as Tra Co, Sam Son, Nig ‘Trang and Vung Tau, 1.A.lots Blot C.many 2. A. there B.this C.these 3.A.river B rivers Curiveres 4. A. longer B. tong C.longest 5.A.than Bof Call 6.A. flow B.flows C.flowes 7. A. the B more C. most 8.4. tall B long C.high VIL. Read the following passage then decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F). When people talk about Nha Trang, the biggest city in Khanh Hoa Province, they ofien think of a tropical paradise with a long coastline and beautiful white sandy beaches, In the morning or afternoon, tourists can take part in various outdoor activities such as mud bathing, swimming, scuba diving and snorkeling. Scuba diving and snorkeling are both interesting sports as swimmers swim underwater and admire the lives at the bottom of the sea. Tourist can also take boat trips t0 the islands. One of the most enjoyable things is the trip to Mieu island, where ‘Tri Nguyen Aquarium was built in 19th century. This aquarium is now home to different kinds of colourful fish, ‘Tourists can spend an evening visiting a fishing village where they eat alo of local seafood such as crabs, shrimps and several kinds of fish. All are fresh and delicious. ‘True Example: Nha Trang is the biggest city in Khanh Hoa Province. | 1. Nha Trang has a long coastline with beautifal white sandy o 2 Visiting Nha Trang, tourists can take part in various outdoor activities, 3. Tourists cant take boat trips tothe lands, 4, Tri Nguyen Aquarium is now home to diferent Kinds oF colourful fish, 5, Seafood in any fishing village in Nha Trang is all fresh and delicious. VILL. Write full sentences using the suggested words and phrases, 1. Mexico City/ big/ city world. 2. My brother's room/ big / my room. 3. London/ small/ Tokyo. 4. Lan/ beautiful! girl village. 5. The pagoda/ tall/ the temple. IX. Rewrite the second sentence so that ithasa similar meaning to the first. 1. Where do you live? Whats nen ss 2. The blue dress is cheaper than the red one. The red dress i8 — 3. Namis taller than any students in his class. Namis the ve 4. Lang Son is often colder than Hanot in winter. Hanoi is 5. It’s very important for you to You ... arrive on time. 1. Do you remember the most important sentence patterns in this unit? Wig them down here and give examples (Em 6 nhd cic miu cit quan trong ni, trong bai hoc nay khong? Viét vio day va cho vi dy.) 2. Can you write at least ten new words of this unit? Write them down here. (Em €6 thé vit ra it nhét 10 ti méi cita bai hoc nay KhOng? Viét vio day.) Now can you? Now you can % Speak fluently in sentences ‘+ Use superlatives of short adjectives: longest, hottest modal verb: must # Pronounce sounds: /t/ and /st/ Cac em hay c6 gding nhé! Chic cic em ngay cang tién b6! Our Tet holiday LANGUAGE FOCUS Grammar * Should ‘+The simple future tense Pronunciation + — sound /{/ and /s/ Q@ stout inen) 1, FORM (CAU TRUC) 5+ should + V (bare infinitive) Ex: You should sce a doctor. (Ban nén di Khim bac sj.) p $+ should + not + V (bare infinitive) Chi ¥ : Should not viet tat la shouldnt Ex: You shouldn't eat too much candy. (Ban khong nén dn qua nhigu keo.) should + § + V (bare infinitive)? : Should he goto the dentist? * (An diy c6 ne Kui nha sp KOs?) ssscrrexai sg OURTETHOUDAY ae cence 2. USAGE (CACH DUNG) + Should/shouldn't duge diing dé khuyén ai nén hay khong nén lam gi, Ex: A: Tve got a sore throat. (Toi bf dau hong). B: You should go to see the doctor. (Ban nén di khim bac si), : T've got a backache. (Toi bj dau lung) You shouldnt carry heavy things. (Ban khing nén mang dé nang) + Ding trong cu hdi dé dién ta sy nghi ngi, thiéu chac chén. Ex: How should I know? (Lam sao t6 bit duge kia chi?) Why should he think that? (Sao cd ta lai nght nhut vay chi?) the simpce FUTURE TENSE (THITUONG LAI DON) 1. FORM (CAU TRUC) U/ we + will / shall + V (bare infinitive) ‘You, he, she, it, they + will + V (bare infinitive) Ex: He will go hume early, (Anh dy 58 v8 nha sm.) S + will/shall + not + V(bare infinitive) Rit gon: Will not vit tt fa wont; shall not vigt ts it la "te Ex: They won't see her tomorrow, aa (Ho 38 khong gp cd dy vio ngdy mai.) Willshall + $ + Verb (bare-infinitive)? Ex: Will you stay at home tonight? (T6i nay ban sé 8 nha chi?) ‘nhasachminkihang va + Cau hoi cé tii dé hdi ding v6i Will / Shall ‘What time/ How long/ How ola/-+ will shall +§ + V-bare infinitive? ‘Whatiwhich + noun + will shall +$ + V-bare infinitive? Ex: What will you do tomorrow morning? (Séing mai anh sé lam gi?) Which book will you choose? (Ban sé chon quyén sich néo?) 2. USAGE (CACH DUNG) ‘Thi twong lai don diing dé dién dat hodc dy dodn su vige, tinh huéng sé xiy ra trong tang lai Ex: He'll be forty years old next week. (Anh dy sé 40 tu6i vo tudn td.) It will rain tomorrow. (Neety mai tr sé mu.) + Céc tit chi thai gian sau thufdng xudt hign trong thi tuong lai don. next week: tudn 161 next year: nd ti next month: thang tdi tonight: 161 nay tomorrow: ngdy mai tomorrow morning: séng ngay mai tomorrow afternoon: chiéu ngdy mai ina few minutes: vii phiit mia ‘Tap phat am -am /f/. ca tha is va gin Ca than Ivai ming Ién, phan trude eb ludi hoi cong cham nudu ring trén, Hai mi hoi nhd ra, sau dé thoi khong khi +a ngoai, khong khi tit Khoang migng ra ngodi qua khe hd gidta 1u@i va ngac trén, tao thanh am sit f/ 18 phu am v6 thanh, diy thanh khéng rung khi phat am. ‘initbangbooks ~ Ghuyén sich tigag Ani UNIT. www Tr ->—_—. Vap phat am -am /s/. ; 7 machine Imshin’ = miy mse Hai méi hoi mé ra, du hvdi dua len gin nudu rang: ten Kn | chemise fomiy = ee ki thoat ra ngoai qua khe hé gida ring trén va ludi, tao t | aicaaery ia? = . st. /s/ 1a phy am v6 thanh, day thanh am khong rung khi phat am. \| " = sitranh cai, kign nhau phy y LA} chevalier Lsewa'ia/ ys higp st 1. “sh” tudn duige phat am fa /f/ 1,"e" duige phat Am la /s/ khi né ditng trudice, ihosey shop oph = cttahang city Pstti/ = thin pho show Mav/ = chi bicycle Moawsikly = xedap shout [faot! = kéulalén recycle ri’soxky = tsi, thi ché dish /axi/ = chidia center [sentalty = trung tim push fool = dty “ Ngoat lt - Vidu: mushroom /marum/ = nim soccer soko bong da 2. “c” duge phat am Ia /{/ khi diing truéc ia, io, iu, ea sceptic (skeptak/ hhoai nghi special /spey = dc bit 2. Chir“ duige phat dm la /s/ hi n6 dking diu mos tt ‘ocean Lavfed dai duong sad /sxd busn delicious fav bfass = ngon sing sf = hat musician Ienju'ifo/ nha st song /so0/ banat “9” phat am la /f/ 1 south 1sau0/ bdng nam 3.46" phat am la /f i sory Pson =— truyen ensure fino = dimbao 4 * Ngoai Ie -Vidy: fabs insure Aan\foxoy bio higm = yaa = atop) q Pressure Tprefe(ny/ ap luc, sic ép sugar 994 insurance ‘sn Joarans/ sy bio higm 3. Chai “6” duge phat am l/s! 4.P" phat am laf khiné dbén trong mot chitva diing trudc i, io Kh né &bén trong mot chil va King 3g ha nguyen dm su het nation Lexjay quée gia : most rest ia hip tép intention An'tenjoy Ydinn haste (| ambitious /am’bifos/ tham vong describe (esa Tring by essential A'senfyv can thiet eer, sensed + Ngoai Ie Vi dy: 5. “ch” duge phat ama // sings“ Gay sch tidog nb thudc vé vi tru 6 tinh quée té cosmic kozmkl cosmopolitan /‘kozma'politn/ 4. Chats” duge phit dm la /s). Khi nd & cudi mot cha, di sau f, kp, tv gh. books ‘Tooks/ = quyénsich laughs fats) = philén cudi maps Imaps/ = ——bindé tariffs [antsy = voi nude nets Inets/ = cdiludt 5. Chil “x” & cuéi ti Iudn ludn phat am la ks! Khi né 6 cuéi mot tit. box Pooks) == chip @_vocasutary AND GRAMMAR fix Jhks/ in dinh 1, Put the correct word from the box under each picture. = Arntks/ = pha tron. fireworks pagoda Presents fruits Chungcake flowers wi @® pronunciation 1. Choose the word havin, each line. 'g the underlined part pronounced differently in 1. A. sofa B. summer C.sugar D. sound DA . 7 ft — B. special © bicycle D. center oo B.gon C.suit D. sugar Arman B. choice C. cheap D. change se B. sugar C. sight D. sand 2. Put the words with the underlined parts in the box into t wo groups. sea ‘machine show sing sunny 7 ee nation school t sound special condition smile a ® smal wey ne N Pyy, 2. 8 Fill in each blank with “should” or “shouldn't” You. ‘smoke s0 much. You je Mowers The students 5. The film is interesting. You ..... give up smoking. spend more time on your homework. ‘make so much noise. + Bo and see it. Tom. - drive carefully. The traffic is very heavy. Ifits rainy, you... vs take an umbrella Tom at so many lollipops, Its bad for his teeth 9, Anna doesnt feel well he it 10. Your room is really messy, you .. see a doctor, » tidy it up immediately 3. Write pieces of advice for these situations the words given in brackets Ex: Ihave astomachache. (go to the doctor), You should go to the doctor. 1. [feel very tired. (take a short rest). using "should" or "shouldn't" and ‘hasachminithang va Hoa has a bad cold, (stay in bed). Minkis room is very (clean it every day) 4, Welllhave an English test tomorrow. (learn our lessons carefully) 5, Nga hasa headache. (take an aspirin). 6, Itissolate. (go home now). 7. Itisa difficult exercise (do it carefully), 8. Itis dark (read the book now). 9. The room is too old. (paint it). 10. What beautiful beach! (take a photograph). 4, Match the sentences to make conversations. A B ‘Whata beautiful beach. ‘A. You should take an aspirin. : We are exhausted. B, You should drive slowly. . You should study more. . You should take a photograph. E, You shouldn't drink so much coffe. F. You should take a short rest. G. He shouldn't smoke so much. 1. Youshould buy anew one. “The toad is very slippery. I can‘ fall asleep at night. I got a bad mark in my science test. Thave a headache, 7. My shirt is very old. 8, My father has a sore throat. i 5. Choose the best answer A,B, Cor D to complete the sentence. 1. [feeltired. 1 should 1 to bed early. Ageing C.togo D. went B.go sass coca

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