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Anna Leticia Milagros Infante Dias

2017 – Present
I’m a indie programmer and software developer with almost 6
years of coding experience. I work on proyects like “Misery in
Hawkons”; “EldoriaBot”; “Hawkons BOT” and etc.
I have also been involved in the development of innovative
software solutions for diverse clients across various industries.
My responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks, from
requirement analysis to deployment and maintenance of the
final product.
Yet I’ve also worked on personal websites with HTML, and
programmed games with C++. Also I’ve worked with Python for
Discord Bots development.
So far, I’m on my way to be a college student in the
Universidad Católica de Cuyo (UCCuyo).
+54 (9 261) 259 4266
Spanish & English
Editing Software
C++ and HTML Coding, Website design and development,
Security and Supervision of Servers.

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