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Week6 Tutorial

1. List all the staff who works in Dept 20

2. List al the employees who get a salary below 1200
3. List all the employees who get a salary between 1200 and 1500
4. List all the staff who are not from department 20
5. Find all the employees who gets a salary below 900 in department 20
6. List all the unique department ID's from using employee table
7. List the details of all employees and their salaries.
8. List all the employees and their department names.
9. List all the employees, their department names and their job role.
10. List all the employees whose job name is analyst
11. List all the names and ids of employees in research department getting a salary greater than
1400 order by empid a-z
12. List all the analysist getting a salary between 2000 and 3000
13. List all the departments with no employees
14. List the salaries for all employees in the RESEARCH department if they were all given a ten
percent pay rise.
15. List the yearly salaries for all managers, order by descending order
16. List the department names, department location and all the employees who work in a

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