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Dear Fellow Students,

I hope this letter reach you. The main purpose of this letter is to stand my strong belief that we
should vanish in this institution the uniform policy. We all know, they have their own reasons in
implementing the said policy hence, I assume that this policy is restricting our individuality and
hamper our ability to express our fashion and way of expression.

To begin with, uniforms doesn’t allow our freedom of expression. As part of this new generation,
its’s essential for us to develop how we dress up. Uniform are preventing the ability of the
students to express their personalities and creativity

Moreover, uniforms create a big problem within regular families it is just an additional burden
especially uniform nowadays are way more expensive. We are required to buy numerous sets of
expensive clothing that we only wear during school hours. This is just an additional problem for
low-income families.

Additionally, uniforms do not necessarily promote equality with what they are fighting for. In
fact, they can often highlight socioeconomic differences among students. Those who cannot
afford expensive materials for their uniform can feel the marginalized imbalance of status within
the institution.

In conclusion, it is very evident that the uniform policy does not fairly brings goodness to all the
students. It just leading us to depriving our individuality, puts a financial burden on families, and
fails to achieve its intended purpose of promoting equality among students. I encourage you all
to join me in advocating for the abolition of uniforms so that we can express our individuality
and showcasing the respect among religious and cultural diversity as well.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

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