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This is me by Keala Settle

Lyric Theme:

The song "This Is Me" by Keala Settle is a powerful anthem that resonates with
individuals from all walks of life. The lyric theme of the music revolves around self-acceptance
and embracing one's true identity. Settle's emotive vocals and empowering lyrics encourage
listeners to be proud of who they are, regardless of societal expectations or judgments. The song
serves as a reminder that everyone deserves to be seen and heard, regardless of their differences.
Through its uplifting message, "This Is Me" inspires individuals to embrace their uniqueness and
stand tall in their own skin.

Imagery and Figurative Language:

The song "This Is Me" by Keala Settle is a powerful anthem that resonates with listeners
through its vivid imagery and effective use of figurative language. The lyrics paint a picture of
self-acceptance and empowerment, as the singer declares her identity and refuses to be silenced.
Settle's use of metaphors, such as "I'm not scared to be seen" and "I won't let them break me
down," conveys a sense of resilience and determination. Additionally, the song's uplifting
imagery, like "When the sharpest words wanna cut me down," evokes a strong emotional
response in listeners.

Tone and Mood:

The music "This Is Me" by Keala Settle exudes a powerful and empowering tone and
mood. The song's uplifting lyrics and energetic melody create a sense of determination and self-
acceptance. Settle's passionate vocals, accompanied by the dynamic instrumentation, evoke a
feeling of triumph over adversity. The lyrics speak to embracing one's true self, celebrating
individuality, and standing up against discrimination. This anthem-like composition instills a
sense of pride and confidence in its listeners, encouraging them to embrace their uniqueness and
overcome any obstacles they may face. Overall, the tone and mood of "This Is Me" are inspiring,
empowering, and celebratory.

Narrative Perspective:

The music "This Is Me" by Keala Settle is a powerful anthem that resonates with
individuals who have experienced discrimination and marginalization. The narrative perspective
of the song is one of self-empowerment and acceptance. Settle's lyrics convey a message of
embracing one's true identity and not being ashamed of it. The use of first-person pronouns
throughout the song allows listeners to connect with the singer on a personal level, as if she is
speaking directly to them. This narrative perspective creates a sense of unity among those who
have felt invisible or silenced, encouraging them to stand up and be proud of who they are.

Melody and Chord Progression:

The music industry is a vast realm, filled with countless melodies and chord progressions
that captivate our hearts. One such enchanting piece is "This Is Me" by Keala Settle, an anthem
of self-empowerment and resilience. The melody of this song resonates deeply within the
listener's soul, evoking a sense of strength and determination. It begins with a powerful
crescendo, building up to the chorus where Settle's voice soars effortlessly. The chord
progression complements the melody perfectly, creating a harmonious blend of emotions. With
its uplifting message and captivating musicality, "This Is Me" stands as a timeless masterpiece in
the world of music.

Rhythm and Tempo:

The song "This Is Me" by Keala Settle is a powerful anthem that resonates with its
listeners through its captivating rhythm and tempo. The rhythm of the music is characterized by a
steady beat that pulsates throughout the entire song, creating a sense of determination and
strength. This consistent beat serves as a foundation for the empowering lyrics, allowing them to
shine through with utmost clarity.

Instrumentation and Arrangement:

The song "This Is Me" by Keala Settle is a powerful anthem that showcases her
incredible vocal talent. The instrumentation and arrangement of this music play a crucial role in
conveying the emotions and message of the song. The track begins with a simple piano melody,
creating an intimate atmosphere. As the song progresses, more instruments are added, such as
drums and strings, building up to a grand climax. This arrangement perfectly complements
Settle's passionate vocals, allowing her voice to soar above the music. Overall, the
instrumentation and arrangement of "This Is Me" contribute to its impactful and empowering

Vocal Style and Delivery:

The vocal style and delivery of the music "This Is Me" by Keala Settle can be described
as powerful and emotive. Settle's voice is rich and resonant, with a wide range that allows her to
effortlessly hit high notes while also conveying deep emotion in the lower registers. Her delivery
is filled with passion and conviction, capturing the essence of the song's empowering message.
Settle's ability to infuse each lyric with raw emotion creates an authentic connection with
listeners, making "This Is Me" a truly unforgettable musical experience.

Song form:

The song "This Is Me" by Keala Settle is a powerful anthem that showcases the theme of
self-acceptance and empowerment. The song follows a classic verse-chorus form, with each
section delivering a distinct message. The verses provide personal narratives and struggles, while
the chorus serves as a triumphant declaration of identity. Settle's passionate vocals are
complemented by dynamic instrumentation, including uplifting drums and soaring strings.
Overall, the song's structure and musical elements effectively convey its empowering message,
making it an inspiring anthem for individuals to embrace their true selves.
Refrain and Repetition:

The song "This Is Me" by Keala Settle is a powerful anthem that resonates with listeners through
its use of refrain and repetition. The refrain, "I am brave, I am bruised, I am who I'm meant to
be," serves as the central message of the song. It is repeated throughout the composition,
emphasizing the theme of self-acceptance and empowerment. This repetition not only reinforces
the lyrics' meaning but also allows for a deeper emotional connection with the audience. Settle's
passionate delivery further enhances the impact of these words, making "This Is Me" an inspiring
musical masterpiece that celebrates individuality and encourages self-confidence.

What are the commonalities of the song Feel me by Selena Gomez and This is me by keala

The songs "Feel Me" by Selena Gomez and "This Is Me" by Keala Settle may seem different at
first glance, but they share several commonalities that make them powerful anthems of self-
expression and empowerment.

Firstly, both songs convey a message of embracing one's true self. In "Feel Me," Gomez sings
about being unapologetically herself and not allowing others to define her worth. Similarly, in
"This Is Me," Settle encourages listeners to embrace their flaws and celebrate their uniqueness.
Both songs emphasize the importance of self-acceptance and authenticity.

Secondly, both tracks feature strong vocal performances that showcase the artists' emotional
range. Gomez's soulful delivery in "Feel Me" captures the pain of a failed relationship, while
Settle's powerful vocals in "This Is Me" express resilience and determination. The raw emotions
conveyed through their voices make these songs relatable and impactful.

Lastly, both tracks have an uplifting tone that inspires listeners to overcome obstacles and be
proud of who they are. The catchy melodies and empowering lyrics create an atmosphere of
positivity and encouragement.

In conclusion, despite their musical differences, "Feel Me" by Selena Gomez and "This Is Me"
by Keala Settle share common themes of self-acceptance, emotional depth in vocals, and
empowering messages. These songs serve as reminders for individuals to embrace their true
selves with confidence and pride.

What are the differences of the song Feel me by Selena Gomez and This is me by keala
settle in terms of themes, tones and style?

In the realm of music, artists have the power to convey a wide range of emotions and messages
through their songs. Two notable examples are "Feel Me" by Selena Gomez and "This Is Me" by
Keala Settle. While both songs explore themes of self-expression and empowerment, they differ
significantly in terms of tones and style.

The theme of self-expression is evident in both songs. In "Feel Me," Gomez sings about a past
lover who failed to appreciate her worth, emphasizing the importance of being true to oneself.
Similarly, Settle's "This Is Me" serves as an anthem for embracing one's individuality and
overcoming societal expectations. Both songs encourage listeners to embrace their authentic

However, the tones of these songs diverge greatly. "Feel Me" exudes a sense of frustration and
defiance, with its pulsating beats and powerful vocals reflecting Gomez's determination to move
on from a toxic relationship. On the other hand, "This Is Me" carries an uplifting tone,
characterized by its soaring melodies and empowering lyrics that inspire listeners to embrace
their uniqueness.

Stylistically, the two songs also differ significantly. "Feel Me" falls into the pop genre with its
catchy hooks and electronic elements that create an energetic atmosphere. Conversely, "This Is
Me" is rooted in musical theater influences with its grand orchestration and theatrical vocal

In conclusion, while both "Feel Me" by Selena Gomez and "This Is Me" by Keala Settle explore
themes of self-expression and empowerment, they diverge in terms of tones and style. These
differences highlight the versatility within music as artists utilize various elements to convey
their intended messages effectively.


The comparative analysis of the songs "Feel Me" by Selena Gomez and "This Is Me" by Keala
Settle reveals several interesting findings and differences. Both songs are powerful expressions
of self-empowerment and self-acceptance, but they differ in terms of their musical style, lyrical
content, and overall message.

Musically, "Feel Me" is a pop-infused track with catchy hooks and electronic beats. It showcases
Selena Gomez's smooth vocals and incorporates elements of contemporary pop music. On the
other hand, "This Is Me" is a soulful ballad with a strong gospel influence. Keala Settle's
powerful voice takes center stage, accompanied by piano chords and soaring strings.

In terms of lyrical content, "Feel Me" explores themes of heartbreak and moving on from a toxic
relationship. The lyrics convey a sense of strength and resilience as Gomez sings about not
letting her past define her. Conversely, "This Is Me" is an anthem for self-acceptance and
embracing one's true identity. The lyrics speak to the struggles faced by individuals who feel
marginalized or misunderstood but ultimately find the courage to be themselves.
The main difference between these songs lies in their overall message. While both promote
empowerment, "Feel Me" focuses more on personal growth after heartbreak, whereas "This Is
Me" celebrates authenticity in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, the comparative analysis of "Feel Me" by Selena Gomez and "This Is Me" by
Keala Settle highlights their differences in musical style, lyrical content, and overall message.
Despite these disparities, both songs offer powerful messages of self-empowerment that resonate
with listeners seeking inspiration and strength in their own lives.


Song Title: Feel me by Selena Gomez

This is me by Keala Settle

Stephannie Jeanne, T. (2019). Figurative Language Used In The Greatest Showman Soundtracks
Lyrics (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Darma Persada).

Simarmata, C. C., Herman, H., & Silalahi, D. E. (2021). FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE USED IN SELENA
GOMEZ’S SONG LYRICS: A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS. JEELL (Journal of English Education, Linguistics
and Literature) English Departement of STKIP PGRI Jombang, 8(1), 183-194.

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