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Week 10 : Learning Task CA - 02 (CS&IT)

Application Development Using Python Continuous Assessment 2

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Question 1
What is a character class in regular expressions?

Response: A group of characters that represent a single character in a pattern.

Question 2
In OOP, what is the term for methods that change the state of an object?

Response: Modifiers

Question 3
What module is used to create, read, and write compressed ZIP archives in Python?

Response: zipfile

Question 4
What is the purpose of the finally block in exception handling?

Response: To specify code that will always execute, whether or not an exception occurs

Question 5
What is the keyword used to raise an exception manually in Python?

Response: raise

Question 6
Which method is used to perform regular expression pattern matching in Python?

Response: search()

Question 7
What is the purpose of the shelve module in Python?

Response: To save and retrieve Python objects to and from files

Question 8
In Python, how can you create a custom exception class?

Response: By inheriting from the built-in Exception class

Question 9
What is the term for the process of catching an exception and then re-raising it?

Response: Exception chaining

Question 10
Are objects in Python mutable or immutable by default?

Response: Mutable

Question 11
In OOP, when an object is returned from a method, what is returned?

Response: A reference to the object

Question 12
What is the term for the process of defining multiple methods with the same name in a class but with different parameters?

Response: Method overloading

Question 13
What character is used to represent the end of a line in a regular expression?

Response: $

Question 14
In Python, what is the term for creating and using your own exception classes?

Response: User-defined exceptions

Question 15
What is the primary difference between a class and a function in Python?

Response: Functions are used to define behavior, while classes are used to define objects.

Question 16
What does the findall() method in Python's re module do?

Response: It finds and returns all occurrences of a pattern in a string.

Question 17
What is the purpose of the os.path.abspath() function in Python?

Response: To return the absolute path of a file or directory

Question 18
What is the primary use of the time class in Python?

Response: To work with time-related data and functions

Question 19
In Python, how do you read the contents of a text file line by line?

Response: Using the file.readlines() method

Question 20
What is the purpose of the try and except blocks in exception handling?

Response: To catch and handle exceptions

Question 21
Which Python module is used to create and manipulate directory trees?

Response: os.path

Question 22
What character is used to represent the beginning of a line in a regular expression?

Response: ^

Question 23
How can you handle exceptions in Python?

Response: By using the try block

Question 24
What is the result of using the os.makedirs() function to create a directory that already exists?

Response: It raises an error.

Question 25
What is a "pure function" in programming?

Response: A function that always returns the same output for the same input and has no side effects

Question 26
Which Python module is used for working with regular expressions?

Response: re

Question 27
What is the term for creating a new object that is a copy of an existing object?

Response: Cloning

Question 28
In OOP, what is the primary difference between prototyping and planning a class?

Response: Prototyping is a quick and informal way to design a class, while planning is a more formal and detailed process.

Question 29
How can you copy a file from one location to another using the shutil module?

Response: shutil.copy(file, destination)

Question 30
What is the term for finding a specific sequence of characters within a larger string?

Response: Searching

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