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A hybrid conceptual cost estimating model using ANN and GA for power plant

Article in Neural Computing and Applications · July 2019

DOI: 10.1007/s00521-017-3175-5


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3 authors:

Sanaz Tayefeh Hashemi Omid Mahdi Ebadati E.

Mapna Group Kharazmi University


Harleen Kaur
Jamia Hamdard University


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A hybrid conceptual cost estimating
model using ANN and GA for power plant

Sanaz Tayefeh Hashemi, Omid Mahdi

Ebadati E. & Harleen Kaur

Neural Computing and Applications

ISSN 0941-0643

Neural Comput & Applic

DOI 10.1007/s00521-017-3175-5

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DOI 10.1007/s00521-017-3175-5


A hybrid conceptual cost estimating model using ANN and GA

for power plant projects
Sanaz Tayefeh Hashemi1,2 • Omid Mahdi Ebadati E.3 • Harleen Kaur4

Received: 1 August 2016 / Accepted: 14 August 2017

 The Natural Computing Applications Forum 2017

Abstract Providing an accurate completion cost estimate Keywords MAPNA Group Co.  Artificial neural network
helps managers in deciding whether to undertake the pro- (ANN)  Genetic algorithm (GA)  Construction cost 
ject due to cash in hand. Hence, MAPNA Group Co. as an Early-stage cost estimation
Iranian leading general contractor of power plant projects
is not an exception too. Cost prediction in these projects is
of great importance, whereas it can assist managers to keep 1 Introduction
their overall budget under control. Literature has been
reviewed and influencing variables are explored. There- Power plants are industrial sites mainly constructed and
after, an artificial neural network model is developed and utilized to generate and distribute electric power. MAPNA
combined with genetic algorithm to select the best network Group Co. is a leading Iranian company known as the first
architecture. According to the literature reviewed, almost and largest general contractor of power plants in the
all of the performed studies have selected the optimum Middle East and West Asia, which also operates in other
network architecture through a process of trial and error, fields such as oil and gas, railway, wind farms and
which makes the present method worthy of implementa- investing projects as well as thermal power plants. Power
tion. The best network architecture is capable of predicting plant projects are basically classified into different cate-
projects’ cost of accuracy equal to 94.71%. A sensitivity gories across the worlds today. The main power plants
analysis is then performed to test the significance degree of conducted by MAPNA Group Co. are as follows: gas tur-
model input variables. bine power plant (GTPP), combined cycle power plant
(CCPP), combined cycle block (2 gas turbine ? 1 steam
turbine), hydroelectric, and Industrial Special (ISP) power
plant projects.
The main concern of construction project managers is to
& Harleen Kaur
undertake projects with allocating required resources,
regarding predefined criteria, within which cost is the most
Planning and Coordination Deputy of Power Division, important one, and delivering economic facilities while
MAPNA Group Co, #231, Mirdamad Blvd., meeting acceptable safety standards [1]. Hence, cost
1918953651 Tehran, Iran
management plays a vital role during project management
Department of Information Technology Management, process and though early-stage cost estimation in projects
Kharazmi University, #242 Somayeh St., Between Qarani &
Vila, 15936-56311 Tehran, Iran
is a matter of great importance due to embedded uncer-
tainties because of lacking available accurate data.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Cost estimation is an excessively experience-oriented
Kharazmi University, #242, Somayeh St., Between Qarani &
Vila, 15936-56311 Tehran, Iran process within which several matters such as relative
4 influencing factors and their interrelationships should be
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of
Engineering Sciences and Technology, Hamdard University, considered based on adequate knowledge and expertise [2].
New Delhi 110062, India Traditional cost estimation methods in construction

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industry have long been noticed as methods fraught with an exception too. As noted by [7] cost estimation in the
uncertainty, which needed major improvements regarding early stage of the project, when there neither exists enough
the accuracy of prediction capabilities. The advent of information nor the scope of work is finalized, has a major
artificial neural networks has fulfilled this need in terms of impact on initial decision-making issues in construction
their capability of learning from nonlinear incomplete projects. Providing project managers with accurate cost
datasets to predict novel cases with acceptable accuracy estimations prior to start of the project will assist them to
even in the beginnings of projects [3]. consider adequate and appropriate alternatives. As projects
Meta-heuristic algorithms such as genetic algorithm can progress, the level of accuracy increases due to more
also enhance artificial neural networks performance, which information being available [8].
is based on simulated evolution. Application of genetic Conventional methods of predicting projects’ costs are
algorithms in learning tasks has shown acceptable im- known to be faced with several deficiencies, including
provement as well as in optimization problems [4]. The inability to diagnose complex interrelationships between a
main objective of this study is to propose a model for number of existing variables, neglecting inevitable uncer-
estimating power plant projects cost through the use of a tainties and therefore, incapability of reaching reliable
hybrid model, including artificial neural network optimized forecasted final cost [9]. In return, artificial neural networks
by genetic algorithm. with their successful experience in forecasting diverse
This study has considered actual cost of finished power problems are among the most accurate and trustworthy
plant projects with respect to their specific characteristics used models. Their ability to learn from incomplete data-
regarding a financial view rather than taking into account sets in order to predict the unseen section of data besides
civil and construction factors. To the best of authors’ their capability of modeling the problem with the least
knowledge, the current studies done in the power plant available data and estimating almost all continuous func-
projects have implemented either just ANN [2] or a com- tions, have made them attractive enough to be used in
parison between ANN and conventional regression analysis prediction problems [10].
[5], whereas the current study is the first one in the power Neural networks’ forecasting process is divided into two
plant projects scope, which has taken into account the sections. In the first section, the network is provided by a
implementation of ANN to estimate the costs within which set of data containing inputs and desired outputs and in the
the best architecture is the result of subtle combination with second part, it tries to tune its parameters, including
GA in order to set each parameter, including the number of weights and biases to reach desired output by minimizing
hidden layers, number of nodes per each hidden layer, and the difference between the generated output and desired
corresponding weights and biases accurately. This research output known as the target in each iteration [11].
has a novel approach of combining the actual cost in terms ANNs have been widely used in optimization problems
of financial view with machine learning techniques in making them beneficial to tackle with problems instead of
power plant projects within which the best ANN topology conventional methods. Ye et al. [12] have taken advantage
is the result of delicately combining GA to tune the cor- of a specific type of neural network called projection neural
responding network parameters. network to estimate the parameters of multiple-input
The rest of paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 con- multiple-output (MIMO) models in predictive control
cisely reviews the literature on ANN and its hybrid models problems. Furthermore [13], has implemented an approach
to predict the cost of construction projects. Section 3 called KDESOINN as a combination of kernel density
introduces the methodology and considers in detail the estimation (KDE) and self-organizing incremental neural
variables, data gathering and data preparation for applying network (SOINN) as a density function estimator of big
them to the proposed method. Section 4 analyses the data, out of which the neural network accounts for learning
results of the proposed method and conducts a sensitivity from online noisy big data in order to be able to analyze
analysis test. Finally, the paper is concluded in Sect. 5. them. On the other hand, in aircraft industry [14], have
compared the use of multiple regression, GM(1,1) and a
combination of GM(1,N) and multi-layer perceptron
2 Related works (MLP) neural network to estimate the development costs in
aircraft industry through which the later outperforms all. In
Nowadays, almost all businesses are based on a large their study, the MLPNN is fed with GM(1,N) performance
amount of data that in some cases predicting future per- and simulation data to optimize the forecasting process.
formance based on available past data is of great impor- We can also see the use of neural networks in wind power
tance [6]. Predicting based on past data is not only crucial generation realm [15] through which a topographical
to business success, but also inevitable in today’s com- feedforward neural network is applied to predict the wind
petitive economy. Therefore, construction industry is not speed in areas where wind speed measurements have not

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been implemented. The neural network in this study has Finally, analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was under-
been capable of predicting wind speed with an accuracy taken in order to study the significant difference among
equal to 96.6%. four different input sets.
ANNs have also been specifically used in studied related Kim et al. [36] have conducted a comparative study
to cost estimation. Cost estimation in different types of investigating advantages and disadvantages of three dif-
projects has been the main study of many researchers, in ferent approaches, including multiple regression analysis,
which some of them are listed below. Cost estimation is the artificial neural networks, and case-based reasoning, in
process of applying required art and technology to estimating cost of construction projects, where they con-
approximate the extent to which the project is likely to clude that the last two methods perform much better than
worth based on the current available data [16]. Application the first one, while case-based reasoning (CBR) is less time
of ANN has been investigated in manufacturing industry consuming and ANN produces results with smaller asso-
[17–23]. Also in software cost estimation scope, [24] have ciated error. The best architecture of ANN is also set by
investigated a novel approach called cuckoo search trial and error. They propose the use of hybrid models of
inspired by cuckoo’s breeding mechanism used to select ANN specially a combo with genetic algorithm for their
the best possible parameters of their cost estimation model. future research. Günaydın and Doğan [37] have compared
A number of studies have also been conducted in con- regression analysis with backpropagation neural network in
struction projects’ realm. The construction industry is early-stage cost estimation of structural systems of build-
associated with some uncertainties among which cost ings where backpropagation neural network (BP ANN)
overrun and delays are the most important results of these shows a better performance with an accuracy around 93%.
uncertainties [25]. Therefore, several researches have been In [38], an ANN model was proposed for cost estimation
conducted to predict projects’ costs in early stages in order of highway projects and associated escalation in a future,
to proactively deal with these uncertainties some of which where the best architecture of the neural network is
have studied this realm based on fuzzy logic [26–28], The determined by trial and error. Their study strongly advo-
other researchers have investigated the subject through a cates the use of ANN over usual methods, for its superior
hybrid model of CBR and GA [29], as well as [30] which performance. Another study conducted by [11] outlines the
have gone through the case with respect to a comparison dominance of ANN over traditional earned value man-
between an assembly-based data method and a historical- agement (EVM) methods in cost estimation of sample
based data method. Moreover [31], have gone into the projects. Furthermore, [39] presents an ANN model to
subject by developing ANN and support vector machine predict installation projects’ cost, where the best corre-
(SVM) models. The work of [32] comprises a backpropa- sponding architecture is selected through a process of trial
gation neural network used for predicting cost of school and error, which leads to an accuracy around 80% that
buildings with two architectures, including a different shows a better performance compared to traditional meth-
number of inputs, where the one with more inputs out- ods. In addition, [40] in their study have investigated BP
performs the other, implying the influence of considering ANN model compared with regression-based one in
more significant input parameters on the performance of buildings’ cost estimation, where the former within which
the network. Furthermore [33], in their study have devel- the best architecture is chosen after several trials, out-
oped six networks with distinct completed intervals of weighs the latter. Further, [7] have developed a BP ANN
construction projects as the networks’ inputs and the model to estimate building projects’ cost within which
remaining intervals up to projects’ completion representing again the best architecture is nominated after examining
the networks’ outputs as a substitute approach for tradi- different cases.
tional cost flow forecasting methods. In [34], a comparison By comparing two types of neural networks, multi-layer
between multiple regression analysis and artificial neural feedforward and general regression one, with the tradi-
networks is conducted to depict the superiority of neural tional methods of cost estimation, multiple regression
networks in estimating construction projects’ cost. In this analysis [41], have proven that neural networks are more
study, the best architecture of the neural network is defined reliable in tunnel construction cost prediction, with respect
through a process of trial and error, and finally the opti- to the reported accuracy (95.35%). Besides, the work of [3]
mum network predicts the cost with 16.6 mean absolute has shown an acceptable performance of BP ANN in cost
percentage error. A comprehensive attempt to investigate prediction of building projects. Furthermore [42], have
situations under which artificial neural networks may per- developed an ANN model for early cost estimation of
form better was done by [35] in building projects. In their building projects in Gaza Strip with an accuracy equal to
study, neural networks were fully examined by a different 94%. Roxas and Ongpeng [1] have also developed an ANN
number of inputs, various architectures, data transforma- model for cost estimation of building projects in the
tion, data preparation, and different number of datasets. Philippines. Moreover, [43] have applied BP ANN to

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estimate the cost of projects, which yields an accuracy 3 Research methodology

around 92%. In [44] and [2], ANN models have been
implemented for cost estimation in construction projects Research literature is reviewed to investigate different
and water treatment plants projects, respectively, with techniques applied in predicting cost at completion of
errors equal to 28.2 in the former, and 21.18% in the latter. projects of diverse types and specifically construction ones.
There have been studies conducted to investigate the Main factors affecting the cost of power plant projects are
performance of neural networks, while combined by collected by conducting interviews with experts in this
genetic algorithm, which have reported positive influence domain. Thereafter, a hybrid model consisting of artificial
of genetic algorithm on the performance of proposed neural network and genetic algorithm as a meta-heuristic
models. Except [45], others have strongly proven this algorithm for optimizing the network’s architecture is
correlation. In [45], a neural network model based on applied. Research methodology is depicted in Fig. 1.
Microsoft Excel is developed for cost estimation of high- Historical data are needed to feed the model, and it is
way projects, where the weights of the network are opti- collected and each project is divided into four main types
mized through three different methods, including Microsoft and four leading phases. EPC projects, as their name sug-
Excel Solver (simplex method), application of genetic gests, are undertaken within 3 major phases, including
algorithm, and backpropagation network, in which even- engineering, procurement, civil and commissioning; in this
tually the simplex method outperforms the others. As study, due to different indexes needed for adjusting civil
opined by [41] neural networks are data-driven and there is works on one hand and commissioning works, on the other
a strong correlation between the amount of training data hand, the civil and commissioning phase itself is divided
and model’s accuracy. Besides, we can see the study of into two phases. Cost corresponding to each individual
[46] presenting a hybrid model of BP ANN with genetic phase is updated to the latest possible year (here 2015) by
algorithm that has successfully overcome the drawbacks of applying appropriate indexes available due to statistical
BP ANN while implemented alone including the slow indexes declared by Central Bank of Iran and Management
convergence process and even the problem of network and Planning Organization (refer to Circular No. 1-9706/
being trapped in local minimums. It has also led to a lower 54/2080). This step is conducted through applying opti-
rate of error compared to BP ANN model alone, which is mistic, most likely, and pessimistic scenarios, and thus the
worthy of comparison. final result is obtained via program evaluation review
The learning ability of ANNs is extremely dependent on technique (PERT). Besides, another way for updating the
its topology, and initial weights where choosing them cost is also applied according to inflation calculations (refer
heuristically is highly time consuming [47]. Hence, genetic to customer price index (CPI) provided by Central Bank of
algorithm because of its parallel searching ability, evolving
the best solution based on the population of solutions, and
being needless of any prior knowledge about the problem,
has been nominated as a method worthy of implementation
in selecting the best neural network topology in contrast to
Conducting Interviews
other optimization methods [48]. This topic has been Data
with experts
investigated in the couple of studies [49, 50, 52–55]. In (Classification &
[49], an attempt to determine the best architecture of Adjustment) Developing a Hybrid
backpropagation neural network was made by proposing a Model of ANN & GA

hybrid model incorporating genetic algorithm, which yields Escalation-Based Cost Choosing the Best Neural
results with error around 2.62%. In addition, [50] suggested Inflation-Based Cost Network Architecture
a hybrid model of genetic algorithm and backpropagation
neural network to estimate cost of building projects after
Training the Model
comparing it with two other models, including BP ANN
and a combo of ANN and genetic algorithm.
Recently [5], in their study have probed forecasting Testing the Model
hydroelectric power plant projects’ cost by means of ANN-
based model compared with multi-regression one, by
Sensitivity Analysis Test
which three different architectures have been generated and
examined in the former, seeking the best performance.
They concluded that the ANN model is preferred to the End

other in terms of forecasting error.

Fig. 1 Research methodology flowchart

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Iran). The results of these two methods are considered as 3.2 Historical data collection and preparation
ANN’s target values, and the factors affecting projects’
cost are the ANN’s inputs, while bearing this thought in Historical data of 39 projects are gathered in a database.
mind that what is estimated as the project cost is different These projects are classified into four main types,
from tender price in that the tender price contains other including GTPP, CCPP, Block and ISP. The input data
amounts, including company’s profit and contingency include both quantitative and qualitative variables. The
reserve known as markup [51]. The best architecture for quantitative variables are remained unchanged, while the
ANN is selected by the GA algorithm trained and even- qualitative ones (X1, X2, X3, X5, X6, and X9) are
tually is tested for further ability of the network to predict transformed to scalar quantities and sorted with respect
new projects’ cost. As a final step, a sensitivity analysis is to their influence on project cost as stated in [34]. Hence,
performed to measure the significance of each of the model greater values show increasing effect on actual cost of
inputs. the project. For example, the procurement phase of
projects is regarded as the most expensive cost center,
3.1 Variables’ identification while the engineering phase is at the opposite side of the
spectrum; therefore, the procurement phase acquires the
Factors affecting construction projects’ final cost have been largest number, here 4, compared to engineering phase.
gathered through conducting interviews with experts within Time adjustment and location adjustment are performed
which nine major influencing variables are finalized. These according to the method discussed by [54]. Since the
factors are the input variables for ANN. Among these, projects are undertaken in the different provinces of Iran,
there are five factors that cause major changes in projects’ in a primary step project’s cost is adjusted by location
final cost, describing work packages, which are executed in indexes (provided in 1981 by Management and Planning
projects based on their contracts’ content and hence, they Organization formerly known as Budget and Planning
should be considered in a cost estimating process: Organization). Hence, project’s cost is divided by
appropriate regional factors identified in the project’s
• Substation construction (X1).
contract, related to the province in which the project is
• Piling and soil stabilization (X2).
undertaken and then multiplied by 1 as a base location
• Main cooling system type (X3).
index associated with Tehran, the capital of Iran. Fur-
• Number of fuel oil storage tanks (X4).
thermore, each project is executed within a period of
• Fuel type (fuel oil, gas or both) (X5).
time starting with project’s start date and finished by
There remain 4 other factors, which should be added to PAC (Provisional Acceptance Certificate) date. These
aforementioned variables mainly defining the project’s two milestones have specific indexes, in which each of
specifications: them is used for further time adjustment issue. Time
adjustment process consists of indexes in both, the time
• Power plant type (GTPP, CCPP, Block, and ISP) (X6).
of interest and time of reference. Each year’s index has
• Project duration (in months) (X7).
been monitored within 4 quarters. Time adjustment for
• Number of units (X8).
each phase has been done through two methods: esca-
• Projects phases (engineering, procurement, civil and
lation-based and inflation-based adjustment method,
construction and commissioning) (X9).
where the former is based on escalation indexes and
In fact, the last item is added in order to be able to done through PERT technique, including optimistic, most
consider the cost of each phase individually. likely, and pessimistic scenarios, and the latter is
The indexes used in this study are retrieved from sta- according to inflation indexes. The appropriate quarter
tistical data presented by Central Bank of Iran. These for the start date of each phase is considered regarding
indexes consist of escalation index and exchange rate, in that the project mainly starts as its civil phase is trig-
which the former is used for adjusting time in engineering, gered. In this way, the civil phase negotiations are made
civil and construction, and commissioning phases, and the and contracted about 3 months earlier than the project
latter is applied for procurement phase. Another index is start date due to experts’ opinions; since the engineering
the inflation index with respect to the year 2011 as the base phase starts on average 2 or 3 months prior to project
year, which is used for inflation-based method. The total start date, it is assumed that the best time for this phase
cost of a project is the output of the network, while bearing is a quarter earlier than the project start date; usually,
this thought in mind that the presented cost is not a tender procurement phase starts simultaneously on the project
price since the tender price contains other amounts, start date, so the project can be led with needed materials
including the profit and overheads known as markup and and equipment. Ultimately, the commissioning phase
indirect costs, respectively [51]. starts 6 months later than the project start date since the

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Table 1 Index assumptions

Phase Index Remarks

Engineering Escalation index Index1

Procurement Exchange rate (EURO/IRR) and (USD/IRR) Index2
Civil and construction Escalation index Index3
Commissioning Escalation index Index1

prerequisite tasks shall be completed in order to com- 3.3 Neural network model design
mence this phase. Related index assumptions are shown
in Table 1. Despite the black box mechanism of neural networks, they
Based on these hypotheses, location adjustment process have been widely used in prediction problems demon-
is performed by Eqs. (1) and (2): strating reasonable results as scrutinized in the literature.
invoice Developing hybrid model of backpropagation neural net-
C1 ¼ ð1Þ works and genetic algorithm will lead to more accurate
regional factor
predictions and prevent the model from representing erro-
invoice þ escalation neous performance and hence can overcome encapsulated
C2 ¼ ð2Þ
regional factor shortcomings [23].
C2  Escalation Index ðtime of interestÞ 1
CO ¼ ð3Þ f ðhÞ ¼ ð8Þ
Escalation Index ðtime of referenceÞ 1 þ eh
C1  Escalation Index ðtime of interestÞ where h is obtained from multiplying neurons’ weights by
CML ¼ ð4Þ
Escalation Index ðtime of referenceÞ their input values, summed up with bias values. Due to
confidentiality of data and for better performance of the
C2  Escalation Index ðtime of interestÞ
CP ¼ ð5Þ network, data have been normalized into range [0, 1] with
Escalation Index ðtime of referenceÞ
the use of Eq. (9). Eventually, given the input parameters
C1  Inflation Index ðtime of interestÞ for projects, the trained network is capable of estimating
CI ¼ ð6Þ
Inflation Index ðtime of referenceÞ project’s cost at the completion state (Table 2).
The adjusted cost of each phase in escalation-based X  MinðXÞ
XðNormalizedÞ ¼ ð9Þ
method (pessimistic scenario) (CP ) inflation-based method MaxðXÞ  MinðXÞ
(CI ) and escalation-based method (most likely scenario)
(CML ) is resulted by considering the start date of the
3.4 Training and testing neural network model
project as the time of reference, whereas in the escalation-
based method (optimistic scenario) (CO ) the time of ref-
Data are split into three parts, where 60 percent of data are
erence is set to the PAC date of project. This is mainly
used for training the network, 20% for cross-validation and
because the indexes grow due to pass of time, which
the remaining part for testing the accuracy of the trained
consequently lead to greater indexes at the end of project
network. The validation set is not used for training the
versus the start date, so smaller time of a reference index
network. First of all, a primary ANN is initialized and is
leads to greater cost due to its inverse effect on time
then trained through the application of genetic algorithm,
adjustment process. The adjusted cost associated with
which continuously searches for better network architec-
each of the methods is calculated by Eq. (3) through
tures to achieve the lowest possible validation error. After
Eq. (6).
choosing the best network architecture by the application
The final cost in escalation-based method is calculated
of genetic algorithm, the efficiency of the model is exam-
by Eq. (7) based on PERT technique:
ined through presenting novel cases in terms of test set to
CO þ 4  CML þ CP the network.
CE ¼ ð7Þ
Finally, cost resulted from pert technique applied to an 3.5 Genetic algorithm implementation
escalation-based method known as CE and cost resulted
from inflation-based method, are considered as target val- GA accounts for choosing the best possible ANN archi-
ues in the ANN. Besides, the 9 aforementioned variables tecture based on its evolution computing capabilities. For
are the networks’ input variables. this purpose, a global network is defined initially. The main
thought behind creating this global network is creating a

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Table 2 Best model parameters

Genetic algorithm parameters Network parameters
based on trial and error
Population 100 No. of training epochs 1000
Selection method Roulette wheel Training function Trainlm
Crossover probability 80% – –
Mutation probability 2% – –
No. of generations 50 – –

network once, rather than generating it each time in each are used just as they are generated in terms of input layer,
generation for each individual in the population which hidden layers and bias weights as much as needed.
drastically saves compiling time. Thus, this network is
recalled each time needed and is modified according to 3.5.3 Network construction and objective function
each individual. This network is constructed as large as evaluation
possible, with 4 hidden layers and 8 nodes per each layer so
that it can cover all possible architecture within this range. Based on each individual in the population, a network is
constructed, respectively, which inherits its characteristics
3.5.1 Initial population generation and encoding from global network and the others such as the number of
hidden layers, nodes per each layer, and corresponding
A random initial population is generated initially within weights for input layer, hidden layer, and biases modified
which each chromosome contains 5 genes as follows: according to the chromosomes’ characteristics. Thereafter,
this network is examined in terms of its capability of pre-
1. Number of hidden layers
dicting the cost with as low error as possible. Thus, each
2. Number of nodes per each hidden layer
chromosome has its corresponding cost and is sorted
3. Input weights
according to it in an ascending order.
4. Hidden layer weights
5. Biases
3.5.4 Evaluating the population
The chromosomes are populated and encoded by ran-
dom values in terms of continuous figures in the range of The population generated is evaluated by the ANN ability
[-1, 1]. The structure of each individual in the population to predict with reasonable accuracy. Thus, the performance
is depicted in Fig. 2: of ANN is the main concern, which is measured in terms of
mean squared error (MSE) of the results which is in turn
3.5.2 Decoding process the fitness function of the problem. The final accuracy of
the network is calculated by Eqs. (2–4):
Number of hidden layers is a two-gene chromosome where pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
random binary values are generated by MATLAB to define Accuracy ¼ 100  ð10Þ
it. These values are the encoded form of this gene, which is
interpretable by MATLAB. So it shall be decoded to Thereafter, the objective function which the problem
construct the desired network. The decoding process is a seeks to optimize is the reverse of fitness function:
conversion from binary to decimal values as follows 1
(Fig. 3): Objective function ¼ ð11Þ
Also the number of neurons per each hidden layer is a
three-gene chromosome where random binary values are
generated by MATLAB to define it. The corresponding 3.5.5 Elitism and selection
decoding process is a conversion from binary to decimal
values as follows (Fig. 4): About 25 percent of the population is reserved as elites. The
The other 3 genes are random values in the range of rest of the population is gone through selection operator,
[-1, 1] representing network weight initialization. They here roulette wheel. The roulette wheel selection performs

Fig. 2 Genetic algorithm Number of Number of nodes Input Hidden layer Biases weights
chromosome structure
hidden layers per each hidden weights weights
2 alleles 3*4 alleles 9*8 alleles 8*8*3+8 alleles 8*4+1 alleles

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Fig. 3 Binary to decimal Binary Code Binary to Decimal Summation with Final
conversion (number of hidden
Conversion 1 Values
0 0 +1 1
0 1 +1 2
1 0 +1 3
1 1 +1 4

Fig. 4 Binary to decimal Binary Code Binary to Decimal Summation with Final
conversion (number of nodes
Conversion 1 Values
per each hidden layers)
0 0 0 +1 1
0 0 1 +1 2
0 1 0 +1 3
0 1 1 +1 4
1 0 0 +1 5
1 0 1 +1 6
1 1 0 +1 7
1 1 1 +1 8

as a fitness proportionate selection method where individ- 4 Results and analysis

uals with higher fitness values will have the higher chances
to be selected while bearing this thought in mind that it is The operations of the proposed method are built with
not based on selecting the best and discarding the rest, so MATLAB version 2014b. The cost data with considering
that the weak have still the chance to be selected which is aforementioned hypotheses are gathered in Microsoft
considered as an advantage of this selection method. Excel and read in .dat format. The program is compiled for
40 times, and the final results are summarized in Table 3.
3.5.6 Crossover and mutation operators The networks chosen by GA along with the corre-
sponding range of errors in predicting projects cost are
Crossover and mutation operators are presented in each depicted in this table. Thereafter, the results of each type of
generation while bearing this thought in mind that they are neural network based on the number of hidden layers are
implemented based on probability values, which shall be averaged according to Eq. (12) where Fi is the frequency of
met as discussed earlier. New individuals are generated till observed error in each range and xi is the mean of the
the population pool is filled for the next generation. The corresponding range. According to these results, a two-
new population is then evaluated based on the objective hidden layer network has yielded higher frequency of
function and goes for further evolution till the final number errors in lower ranges and thus has shown a superior total
of generations is met. result toward the two other networks within which the best
architecture is shown in Fig. 5.

Table 3 Summary of results

Range of error One-hidden layer (%) Two-hidden layer Three-hidden layer

[4.4, 8] 72.73 77.78 44.44

[8, 11.7] 18.18 22.22 44.44
[11.7, 15.3] 4.55 – –
[15.3, 18.9] 4.55 – 11.11
Average error 7.67 6.99 9.02

Fig. 5 Best network


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Fig. 6 Genetic algorithm performance Fig. 9 Network validation performance

Fig. 7 Test data (output versus target)

Fig. 10 Network error histogram

Fi  x i
Average Error ¼ ð12Þ
The process of improving the network architecture via
GA, through which the aforementioned best network
architecture is resulted, is depicted in Fig. 6, and the final
accuracy of the network is calculated by Eq. (13).
Accuracy ¼ 100  ð13Þ
As shown in Fig. 6, the validation error decreases from
around 0.0059 to 0.0047 by applying GA algorithm. The
results of testing the model are depicted in Figs. 7 and 8.
Eventually, the model is able to predict project cost with
mean squared error (MSE) equal to 94.71% (Figs. 9, 10, 11).
Fig. 8 Test data adaptability

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Fig. 11 Network training


4.1 Sensitivity analysis project cost, where establishing power distribution substa-
tion is the least important one. Furthermore, predicting
In order to measure the impact of neural network’s inputs projects’ cost by considering it in phases will yield more
on its performance, a sensitivity analysis is conducted accurate results.
based on the method stated by [40]. Hence, the network is
compiled nine times in the absence of each of the nine
input parameters to monitor their significance level. Results 5 Conclusion
are shown in Fig. 12, in terms of the ratio of deteriorated
MSE due to the absence of each parameter, unto the Early cost estimation is a vital process in project man-
original best network MSE. As shown in Fig. 12, the type agement as it helps project managers to make appropriate
of power plant project is the most influencing factor in decisions prior to undertake the projects. This study con-
tributes to this process by proposing a hybrid model con-
sisting of an artificial neural network and an optimization
Input Variables Sensivity Analysis algorithm for selecting the best network architecture. His-
5.00 4.36
4.03 torical data of MAPNA Group Co. power plant projects are
4.00 3.47 3.26
gathered and processed through two methods: escalation-
3.00 2.44
1.70 based and inflation-based methods, in which the former is
2.00 1.17 1.02
0.82 calculated through PERT technique, and the latter is the
1.00 result of incorporating the inflation index. Hence, the
0.00 model is provided with target value calculated through two
methods along with 9 input values. The best network
architecture is a two-hidden layer network with an accu-
racy equal to 94.71%. Eventually, a sensitivity analysis is
done to explore the effect of the network’s inputs on the
final result which shows that the type of power plant pro-
ject is the most influencing factor in the process of pre-
Fig. 12 Input variables sensitivity analysis result dicting projects’ cost.

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Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge with 19. Duran O, Rodriguez N, Consalter LA (2009) Neural networks for
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place, Engineer Abolfazl Asgari Vice President of planning deputy Appl 36(4):7435–7440
for continued support of this research, and Engineer Omid Mehdi- 20. Polat TK, Arslankaya S (2010) The cost forecasting application
zadeh for his invaluable recommendations during the study, which in an enterprise with artificial neural networks. Proc World Congr
would not have been possible without his supervision. Eng 3:2258–2262
21. Duran O, Maciel J, Rodriguez N (2012) Comparisons between
two types of neural networks for manufacturing cost estimation of
piping elements. Expert Syst Appl 39(9):7788–7795
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