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A Kotlin constructor is a special member function in a class that is invoked when

an object is instantiated. Whenever an object is created, the defined constructor
is called automatically which is used to initialize the properties of the class. Every
Kotlin class needs to have a constructor and if we do not define it, then the
compiler generates a default constructor.

A Kotlin class can have following two types of constructors:

 Primary Constructor
 Second Constructors

1. Primary Constructor
 We use it when you want to initialize properties of the class directly and when no
additional setup logic is needed.
 The primary constructor is defined in the class header, directly after the class name.
 It contains constructor parameters.

2. Secondary Constructor
 We use it when we need additional ways to initialize the class or perform extra setup
 Secondary constructors are defined using the “constructor” keyword.
 They provide additional ways to initialize the class or perform additional setup logic
 Secondary constructors can't initialize properties directly; they must use the primary
constructor to do so.


Data class:
 A data class is a simple class that is used to hold data and contains standard
functionality. A data keyword is used to declare a class as a data class.
 Data class cannot be abstract, inner, open, or sealed.
 Declaring a data class we have to use “val” or “var” inside the parameters.
 The data class should have at least one parameter.
 The normal class doesn’t have “toString” methods but the data class has “toString”
 Data class object works with data.
 We cannot extend or subclass on data class.

Sealed class:
 Sealed classes are used when we have a fixed, restricted, set of sub-class and we
want to ensure exhaustive handling of those sub-class.
 The subclass of the sealed classes must be declared in the same file in which the
sealed class itself is declared.
 The sub-class can be a data class, regular class, object class, or even another
sealed class or sealed interface.
 A sealed class is an abstract class which cannot be instantiated.
 By default, the constructor of a sealed class is private and we cannot make it non-

Inner class:
 The nested class in Kotlin does not have access to the outer class instance. To
avoid this problem, we normally use an inner class.

Open Class:
 The open keyword with the class means the class is open for the extension meaning
that we can create a subclass of that open class.

 The interface can contain both normal methods and abstract methods.
 The interface only contains abstract properties.
 The interface is not a class.
 We cannot create an instance of an interface similar to an abstract class.

Abstract Class:
 When we need to define a common set of rules for multiple classes, we can make
a common abstract parent class and we can derive child classes using this
common base class.

Null Safety:
 Safe call [ ?. ]
 Safe call with Let [?. let{ } ]
 Not null assertion operation [ !!]
 Elvis operator [?] is used for the null message.
 Safe call? Only call when the value is non-null. Else it prints null.

Kotlin scope functions (Let, apply, run, with, and also):

 Scope functions in Kotlin are a set of functions that allow us to perform
operations on an object within a specific context. They can be used to simplify
and enhance the readability of your code.
 The two differences between the scope functions:
1. The way to refer to the context object (Either “this” or “it”).
2. The return value (Either “context object” or “lambda result”
1. Let
 2It allows us to execute a block of code on a non-null object and provides a
reference to that object within the block.
 Return: Lambda result.
 Context object: It
 Safe call operator =?.

2. Run
 It works similarly to “Let”, but It’s used when we need to access properties and
functions of the object using “this” instead of an explicit reference to the object.
 Return: Lambda result
 Context object: this

3. With
 It allows us to execute multiple operations on an object without having to call the
 object’s name repeatedly.
 Return: Lambda result.
 Context object: this.

4. Apply
 It is used for initializing the properties of an object or performing setup
operations on an object. It results from the object itself after applying the
 Return: Context object.
 Context object: this.

5. Also
 It is used for performing additional operations on an object an object without
changing it. It returns the object itself after applying the additional operations.
 Return: context object.
 Context object: It.

6. Summary of Scope Functions

7. With: If we want to operate on a non-null object.
8. Let: If we want to just execute lambda expression on a nullable object and avoid null
pointer exceptions.
9. Run: If we want to operate on a nullable object, execute lambda expression and
avoid null pointer exceptions.
10. Apply: If we want to initialize or configure an object.
11. Also: If we want to do some additional object configuration or operations.

12. Kotlin Collections (List, set, and map)

 Collection is used to store multiple objects as a single unit.
 In Kotlin, a collection is a group of related elements that can be treated as a
single entity.
 Collection provides a convenient way to work with a group of objects such as
lists, sets, and maps.

1. Immutable vs. mutable collections:

 Kotlin provides both immutable and mutable collections.
 Immutable collections once created cannot be modified. Any attempt to modify
then results in a new collection being created with modifications.
 Mutable collections allow modifications after it has been created.

 Immutable list: list
 Mutable collections (List): ArrayList, arrayListOf, MutableListOf

The set has a unique value and cannot be duplicated. A set cannot be accessed by
 Immutable set: setOf
 Mutable set: mutableSetOf, hashSetOf

 In a map, first we have a key and then a value.
 Immutable map: mapOf
 Mutable map: HashMap, hasMapOf, mutableMapOf.

 Functions

1. Higher-Order Functions
 The high order function is a function that accepts functions as parameters.
 Can return a function.
 Or can do both.

2. Lambda Functions
 Lambda Expression {parameters: Type -> body}
 Example {s: Int -> print(s)}
 val myLamda: (Int) -> Unit = {s : Int -> print(s)}
 val myLamda: (Int, Int) -> Int = {x, y -> x + y}
 It’s just a function with no name.
Difference between “open” VS “final” VS “public” keyword.
 open keyword: “open” allows for inheritance and overriding.
 final keyword: “final” prevents inheritance and overriding.
 public: The public keyword is used to define the visibility of a class, property,
or function. When a class, property, or function is marked as public, it is
accessible from any other class or file in the same module.

Difference between var and val keyword.

 var (Mutable Variables): Variables declared with var are mutable, meaning
their values can be changed or reassigned after they are initialized.

 val (Immutable Variables): Variables declared with val are immutable,

meaning their values cannot be changed or reassigned once they are

Difference between val and const keyword.

 Val: val is a regular variable declaration and is evaluated at runtime.

 Const (Compile-time Constant):
 const is used to declare compile-time constants. These are values known at
compile time and are replaced directly with their values wherever they are
 const can only be used at the top level or inside objects declared at the top
level or in companion objects. It cannot be used inside functions or local
 const in Kotlin provides a way to define true compile-time constants, which
can lead to better performance, readability, and maintainability of the code.
 const values must be of primitive types or strings, and they cannot be derived
from other expressions or function calls.

-> A Singleton is a design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance and
provides a global point of access to that instance.
-> In Kotlin, creating a Singleton is straightforward using the object keyword. The
object keyword creates a singleton instance of a class at the time of its

Advantages of Singleton:
 Global Access: Provides a single point of access to the instance, making it easy
to access from anywhere in the application.
 Memory Efficiency: Since only one instance is created, it saves memory by
preventing multiple instances of the same class.
 Initialization Control: The Singleton pattern allows for lazy initialization,
meaning the instance is created only when it's needed for the first time.
 Thread Safety: Singleton instances can be made thread-safe, ensuring that
only one thread can access the instance at a time.

Disadvantages of Singleton:
 Global State: Singletons can introduce a global state, which can make the
application's behavior harder to understand and debug. Memory
Efficiency: Since only one instance is created, it saves memory by
preventing multiple instances of the same class.
 Testing Complexity: Singletons can be difficult to test in isolation, as they
often depend on the global state.
 Tight Coupling: Code that depends on a Singleton becomes tightly
coupled to it, making it harder to change or replace the Singleton in the
 Overuse: Singleton patterns can be overused, leading to an unnecessarily
complex and tightly coupled codebase.

Wrapper class in Kotlin?

-> Yes, Kotlin supports the use of primitive data types such as Int, Float, Double, Boolean,
Char, and others, just like Java. However, Kotlin also provides a rich set of wrapper
classes for these primitive types, allowing them to behave like objects when necessary.
These wrapper classes are automatically used when needed, so you can use primitive
types directly without needing to explicitly use their wrapper classes in most cases.
When we use the lateinit keyword in Kotlin. Why do we use it and why do we use it?

-> In kotlin, the late “lateinit” keyword is used to declare non-null variables that will be
initialized later. This is particularly useful when we can't initialize a variable upon its
declaration due to dependency injection or other reasons, but we are sure that the
variable will be initialized before it is used.

* Here are some scenarios where you might use lateinit instead of initializing directly:

1. Dependency Injection: When using dependency injection frameworks like Dagger or

Kotlin, we may need to declare variables that will be initialized by the framework at a
later stage.
2. Android Views: In Android development, we often declare views as properties in our
activity or fragment classes. However, we can't initialize these views immediately in
the constructor because they are not available until after onCreate() is called. In such
cases, you can use lateinit to declare these view properties and initialize them later in
the onCreate() method.

Advantages of using lateinit instead of initializing directly:

1. Avoids nullable types: If you declare a property as nullable (var property: Type?)
and initialize it later, you would need to handle nullability throughout the code.
With lateinit, you can ensure that the variable is always non-null once it is
2. Cleaner code: It makes the code cleaner and more concise, especially in cases
where the initialization logic is more complex or dependent on other factors.

What is the difference between lateinit and lazy keywords?

-> In Kotlin, both lateinit and lazy are used to delay the initialization of properties,
but they are used in different scenarios and have different behavior:

1. Lateinit
 Used for properties that will be initialized later and will always have a
non-null value once initialized.
 Only applicable to var properties of non-nullable types (e.g., var
myProperty: SomeType).
 The initialization must be done before accessing the property; otherwise,
a LateinitPropertyAccessException will be thrown.
 Cannot be used with nullable types.

2. Lazy
 Used for properties whose values are computed only when accessed for
the first time and will not change afterward.
 Applicable to both val and var properties.
 The initialization is thread-safe by default, meaning it will only be
executed once, even in a multi-threaded environment.
 Can be used with nullable types.

 Mutability: lateinit is used for mutable properties (var), whereas lazy can be
used for both mutable and immutable properties (val).
 Initialization Time: With lateinit, you need to ensure that the property is
initialized before accessing it, while with lazy, the initialization is deferred
until the property is accessed for the first time.

 Thread Safety: lazy properties are by default thread-safe, ensuring that the
initialization is executed only once, even in a multi-threaded environment.
lateinit properties do not have built-in thread safety; you need to ensure
proper initialization yourself if working in a multi-threaded environment.

What is the infix function in Kotlin? Why do we use the infix function in the Kotlin

 In Kotlin, an infix function is a function that has a special calling

convention, allowing you to call it without using the traditional dot
notation or parentheses. Instead, you can call the function directly on its
receiver object using infix notation, which means placing the function
name between the receiver object and its argument.
 To define an infix function in Kotlin, you need to use the infix keyword
before the function declaration.

Why Use Infix Functions?

 Improving Readability: Infix functions allow you to express operations in a
more natural, human-readable way, making the code easier to
 Mathematical Operations: Infix functions are commonly used for
mathematical operations or other binary operations where it makes sense
to call the function in infix notation.
What is the inline function in Kotlin? Why do we use the infix function in the Kotlin

In Kotlin, an inline function is a function modifier that suggests to the compiler that the
function should be inlined at the call site. Inlining means that the function's code is
copied directly into the calling code during compilation, eliminating the overhead of
function calls.

Why Use Inline Functions?

->Performance Optimization: By eliminating the overhead of function calls, inline

functions can improve performance, especially in tight loops or functions that are
called frequently.

-> Reduced Function Call Overhead: When working with higher-order functions or
lambdas, using inline functions can avoid the overhead of creating function objects
and invoking them, leading to more efficient code.

**Limitations and Considerations:

1. Increased Code Size: Inlining functions can lead to increased code size,
especially if the function body is large or if the function is called in many places.
2. Compilation Time: Inlining functions may increase compilation time, especially
for large codebases or functions with complex bodies.

Difference between Pair and Title?

> In Kotlin, Pair and Triple are standard library classes used to represent a fixed-
size collection of two or three elements, respectively. They are used when
you need to combine two or three values together into a single object. They
provide a convenient way to return multiple values from a function, represent
key-value pairs, or simply group related values together.

Pair Class:
 Represents a pair of two values.
 Defined in the Kotlin standard library as kotlin.Pair.
 The first and second values are accessed using the first and second
properties, respectively.

Triple Class:
 Represents a group of three values.
 Defined in the Kotlin standard library as kotlin.Triple.
 The first, second, and third values are accessed using the first, second,
and third properties, respectively.

Use Case:
1. Returning Multiple Values: Instead of creating a custom data class or using
arrays, you can use Pair or Triple to return multiple values from a function.
2. Key-Value Pairs: Pair can be used to represent key-value pairs, providing a
more expressive and readable alternative to using maps.
3. Simple Data Grouping: When you need to group related values
temporarily, Pair and Triple provide a lightweight and convenient solution.

What is the label in Kotlin?

In Kotlin, labels are used to provide a way to specify the target of a control flow
structure, such as a loop or a conditional statement. Labels allow you to break out of or
continue to an outer loop, even if there are nested loops.

What is a companion object? How do we use it and why do we use it?

-> In Kotlin, a companion object is an object within a class that is shared among all
instances of that class. It's similar to static fields and methods in Java but provides
additional features and flexibility. Companion objects are declared using the companion

 How to Use Companion Objects:

-> Static Members: Companion objects are often used to define static fields and methods
that are associated with a class rather than with instances of the class
-> Factory Methods: They can be used to define factory methods for creating instances
of a class. This allows you to encapsulate object creation logic within the class itself.

 Why Use Companion Objects:

-> Encapsulation: Companion objects provide a way to encapsulate related functionality
within a class, improving code organization and readability.
-> Shared State: They allow you to define shared state among instances of a class, as the
companion object is shared among all instances.
-> Code Reusability: By encapsulating functionality within a companion object, you can
reuse that functionality across different instances of the class, improving code

What is the difference between fold and reduce in Kotlin?

 fold Function:
-> The fold function is a higher-order function available on collections in Kotlin. It is used
to accumulate the elements of a collection into a single value by applying a given
operation starting with an initial value.

 Reduce function:
-> The reduce function is also a higher-order function available on collections in Kotlin. It
is used to accumulate the elements of a collection into a single value by applying a given
operation to adjacent elements iteratively.

Difference between “fold” and “reduce”

 The key difference between fold and reduce is that fold allows you to specify an
initial value, while reduce uses the first element of the collection as the initial value.
 Because of the initial value provided in the fold, it's safer to use when dealing with
empty collections, as you can provide a default value to return in such cases.
 fold and reduce both iterate over the collection in a specific order, but fold allows
you to control the starting value of the accumulator explicitly.

Use when in Kotlin?

-> In Kotlin, when expression is used as a replacement for the traditional switch
statement found in many other programming languages. It provides a more powerful
and concise way to perform conditional branching based on the value of an expression.

The difference between in-map and flatMap?

-> In Kotlin, both map and flatMap are higher-order functions used to transform
collections, but they differ in their behavior and the type of transformation they apply.

1. Map Function: The map function is used to transform each element of a collection
into another value based on a transformation function provided as an argument. It
returns to a new collection containing the transformed elements, maintaining the
same structure as the original collection.

2. FlatMap function: The flatMap function is similar to map, but it's used when the
transformation function returns a collection or an iterable for each element. It
flattens the resulting collections into a single list by concatenating them together.
What is Kotlin visibility modifier?

In Kotlin, visibility modifiers control the visibility of classes, functions, properties, and other
elements within your codebase. There are four visibility modifiers in Kotlin:

public (default): Visible everywhere.

private: Visible only within the same file or containing scope (e.g., class or function).
protected: Visible within the same file and subclasses.
internal: Visible within the same module.

Android Learning List

1. Android Life Cycle
2. Fragment
3. Activity
4. Nav bar
5. Bottom Navigation
6. Navigation view
7. Drawer
8. Live data
9. Android Coroutine
10. Broad Cast Receiver
11. ART (Android Run time & delfik
12. Layout (Relative layout, linear layout, frame Layout, grid
13. Layout, Constant layout)
14. Difference between MVVM, MVC, MVP: (model view
15. viewModel), (Model view controller), (Model view
16. presenter).
17. 14. Android Architecture
18. 15. Application not respond (ANR)
19. 16. Fragment-to-fragment communication (Passing data)
20. 17. Activity to fragment communication (Passing data)
21. 18. Share preference
22. 19. Dagger Hill
23. Dependency injection
24. Recycler View
25. List View

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