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School of Computer Engineering

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Deemed to be University
Cloud Computing

1. a. Advantages: security, reliability, Incremental growth, inherent distribution 0.5 mark

 Disadvantage- Software: difficult to develop software for distributed systems 0.5 mark
 Control :Distribution of control
 Network: saturation, lossy transmissions
 Security: easy access also applies to secret data
 Hard to detect faults
 Administration issues

B. A computer cluster is a group of linked computers, working together closely so that in

many respects they form a single computer.
The components of a cluster are commonly, but not always, connected to each other through
fast local area networks. 0.5 mark
Types- high availability (HA), load balancing (LB), HA+LB types 0.5 mark
C. different layers present in the 3-tier architecture of mobile computing- 1 mark
a) Layer-1 : Presentation Layer (UI)
b) Layer-2: Application Layer(AL)
c) Layer-3: Data Access Layer(DA)
D. Data centers benefits- write the benefits 1 mark
E. List of five major actors defined in the NIST cloud computing architecture- Cloud
provider, cloud consumer, cloud broker, cloud carrier, cloud auditor 1 mark
2. Grid computing architecture-1 mark
Diagram-1 mark,
Advantages-1 mark,
Disadvantage- 1 mark
Types-1 mark
3. Hint: The student may choose IaaS or PaaS. If it’s IaaS, the student should discuss about
IaaS resource requirements, ex. CPU, Memory and Bandwidth selection. The student should
explain how scalability can be achieved in IaaS. The student may discuss it with respect to a
IaaS service like Amazon EC2.
If the student chooses PaaS, he/she should explain how PaaS will help in easy development
and deployment. How PaaS service provides scalability of the applications without requiring
any manual interventions. The student may discuss it with respect to a PaaS service like GAE.
Step marking is allowed
4. Early technologies- distributed computing, centralized computing, utility computing,
cluster computing, grid computing, mobile computing
Any five- each pros and cons of cloud computing- each with 1 mark
5. Deployment models- public, private, Hybrid, Community -definition + explanation-2
Behavior comparison-2 marks
Case based analysis with banking sector- 1 mark

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