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Good afternoon teacher and classmates. Today I’m gonna present my alp about the
anxiety and the treatment. So, let’s start.
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, and restlessness.It can be a normal reaction to stress. For
example, you may feel anxious when faced with a difficult problem at work, before
taking an exam, or before making an important decision. Anxiety disorders are
conditions in which anxiety doesn’t go away and can get worse over time. Symptoms
can interfere with daily activities, such as performance at work, school, and
relationships between people. Anxiety can be treated in different ways, for example
with psychological help, medications and some herbs that have to be analyzed by
health specialists.

Let's start with the psychological help that is called psychotherapy. This can help
recognize and change worrying emotions, thoughts and behaviors. To be effective, it
must focus on your specific anxieties and needs. Also, It teaches different ways of
thinking and behaving. It can help you change the way you react to things that cause
you fear and anxiety. It may include exposure therapy, which focuses on getting you to
face your fears so you can do the things you’ve been avoiding. In my opinion, in order
to receive the help correctly it is important that we accept our illness and commit
ourselves to getting out of it.

Other way to treat anxiety is with medications, for example if you are not used to
going to a psychologist, although it is the most recommended, but there are cases in
which people don’t wanna go and for that reason only treat it with antidepressant pills.
I know people who have suffered from depression and pills don’t improve their quality
of life in the long term. My recommendation is that you definitely shouldn’t look for
this solution.

My third option is self-treatment, which involves physical activity, a healthy diet, a

regular sleep pattern, and relaxation exercises can help reduce anxiety. Joining a
support group can also help. To manage symptoms effectively, it is recommended to
avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine.
Well I finished my presentation, thank you very much for your attention.

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