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Workshop MARCH 10-15

Sai Shanmukh A, DESE, IISc

A BSTRACT can no longer speak, that his bloodline will end upon his death
as she is pregnant with Wallace’s child and will ensure that
This report speaks about this week’s workshop. Longshanks’ son spends as short a time as possible as monarch
before Wallace’s child replaces him. At his execution, Wallace
I I NTRODUCTION refuses to submit, even while being disemboweled. The magis-
trate encourages Wallace to seek mercy and be granted a quick
1. Presentation. death. Wallace instead shouts, ”Freedom!”, while Longshanks
dies. Before being beheaded, Wallace sees a vision of Murron
2. Entrepreneurship workshop. in the crowd.
3. Electronic packaging. In 1314, Robert, now Scotland’s king, faces the English at
Bannockburn, and implores his men to fight with him as they
4. Mechanical workshop - Sheet metal. did with Wallace. Wallace’s former comrade, Hamish, throws
Wallace’s sword to land point-down in the ground, then Robert
leads the Scots to a final victory.
2.1 Braveheart 2.2 Martin luther king’s speech

In 1280, Edward I of England, known as ”Longshanks”, con- ”I Have a Dream” is a public speech that was delivered
quers Scotland following the death of the Scots’ king, who left by American civil rights activist and Baptist minister Martin
no heir. Young William Wallace witnesses Longshanks’ ex- Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington for Jobs and
ecution of several Scottish nobles, then loses his father and Freedom on August 28, 1963. In the speech, King called for
brother when they resist the English. He is taken on by his civil and economic rights and an end to racism in the United
paternal uncle, who educates him. States. Delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from
Years later, Longshanks grants his noblemen land and priv- the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., the
ileges in Scotland, including ius primae noctis, while his son speech was one of the most famous moments of the civil rights
marries Isabella of France. Meanwhile, a grown Wallace re- movement and among the most iconic speeches in American
turns home and secretly marries his childhood friend Murron history.
MacClannough. Wallace rescues Murron from being raped by Beginning with a reference to the Emancipation Proclama-
English soldiers, but as he fights off the soldiers, Murron is tion, which declared millions of slaves free in 1863,[5] King
captured and publicly executed. In retribution, Wallace and said ”one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free”. To-
the locals overthrow the English garrison, beginning a rebel- ward the end of the speech, King departed from his prepared
lion. Longshanks orders his son to stop Wallace while he cam- text for a partly improvised peroration on the theme ”I have a
paigns in France. Wallace defeats an English army at Stirling, dream”, prompted by Mahalia Jackson’s cry: ”Tell them about
then invades England and sacks York. He also connects with the dream, Martin!” In this part of the speech, which most ex-
Robert the Bruce, a contender for the Scottish crown. Upon re- cited the listeners and has now become its most famous, King
turning to England and confronting his son, Longshanks sends described his dreams of freedom and equality arising from a
Isabella to negotiate with Wallace as a distraction from the ar- land of slavery and hatred.
rival of Longshanks’ forces. After meeting Wallace, Isabella Jon Meacham writes that, ”With a single phrase, King joined
becomes enamored with him. She warns him of Longshanks’ Jefferson and Lincoln in the ranks of men who’ve shaped
plans, and Wallace implores the Scottish nobility to help him. modern America”. The speech was ranked the top American
Wallace faces Longshanks at Falkirk. During the battle, nobles speech of the 20th century in a 1999 poll of scholars of pub-
Mornay and Lochlan withdraw, having been bribed by Long- lic address. The speech has also been described as having ”a
shanks, resulting in Wallace’s army being overwhelmed. Wal- strong claim to be the greatest in the English language of all
lace also discovers Robert the Bruce had joined Longshanks. time”.
After the battle, Robert vows to not be on the wrong side again.
Wallace kills Mornay and Lochlan for their betrayal and 2.3 Why communication ?
foils an assassination plot with Isabella’s help, and then has
sex with her, while Longshanks’ health declines. At a meet- Communication is pivotal in various spheres, serving as the
ing in Edinburgh, Wallace is captured. Learning of his father’s cornerstone for effective collaboration, conflict resolution, and
responsibility, Robert disowns his father. In England, Wallace relationship-building. By facilitating the exchange of ideas,
is tried for high treason and condemned to execution. After information, and perspectives, it fosters teamwork, innovation,
a final meeting with Wallace, Isabella tells Longshanks, who and mutual understanding. Moreover, communication plays



a vital role in disseminating knowledge, influencing opinions,

and promoting emotional well-being, thereby driving personal
growth, organizational success, and societal cohesion. Its sig-
nificance lies in its ability to bridge gaps, foster connections,
and empower individuals and communities to navigate chal-
lenges, achieve common goals, and thrive in diverse environ-

2.4 How the slide must be presented

1. Do not write Sentences, write points.
2. Limit the number of slides.
Figure 1: The designed PCB
3. Logical partition

4. Do not mix different sections in one slide

5. Use Pictures, Figures, Block diagrams, Tables, Charts,
Graphs, Timing Diagrams
6. Do not take these directly from publications as it would
be very small, and detailed.


Figure 2: The designed PCB
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the design,
fabrication, and performance analysis of a 4-layer Printed Cir-
cuit Board (PCB). The initial sections delve into the rationale IV E NTREPRENEUSHIP WORKSHOP
behind choosing a 4-layer stack-up, emphasizing its suitability
for the project’s requirements and the advantages it offers in 4.1 IPR
terms of signal integrity, power distribution, and EMI mitiga-
tion. Detailed discussions on stack-up configuration, compo- Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) encompass a range of le-
nent placement, and routing strategies illustrate the meticulous gal protections for creations of the mind, including inventions,
design considerations employed to optimize performance and artistic works, and symbols used in commerce. This report
reliability. The subsequent sections outline the manufactur- provides an overview of three primary forms of IPRs: patents,
ing process, encompassing material selection, fabrication tech- trademarks, and trade secrets. Each of these plays a crucial role
niques, and quality control measures. Rigorous testing proce- in safeguarding innovation, promoting creativity, and fostering
dures, including functional testing and signal integrity analy- economic growth.
sis, are elucidated to validate the PCB’s performance against
design specifications. The report culminates in a comprehen- 4.2 Patents
sive performance analysis, evaluating the PCB’s efficacy in
Patents grant inventors exclusive rights to their inventions, pre-
meeting its intended objectives and suggesting potential av-
venting others from making, using, selling, or importing the
enues for future enhancements.
patented invention without permission for a limited period,
In conclusion, this report highlights the intricacies involved
typically 20 years. Patents encourage innovation by provid-
in the design, fabrication, and evaluation of a 4-layer PCB.
ing inventors with a means to recoup their investment in re-
Through meticulous planning and execution, the PCB suc-
search and development. The patent system also promotes the
cessfully meets the project’s requirements for signal integrity,
dissemination of knowledge by requiring inventors to disclose
power distribution, and electromagnetic compatibility. By
their inventions in detail in exchange for protection. Patent ap-
leveraging advanced routing techniques and stringent quality
plications undergo rigorous examination to ensure they meet
control measures during manufacturing, the PCB demonstrates
the criteria of novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. Once
robust performance and reliability. The insights gleaned from
granted, patents can be licensed, sold, or enforced through le-
the performance analysis offer valuable lessons for future itera-
gal action against infringers.
tions, guiding further optimization efforts to enhance function-
ality and efficiency. Overall, this report serves as a testament
to the importance of comprehensive design considerations and 4.3 Trademarks
rigorous testing protocols in achieving high-performance PCB Trademarks are distinctive signs, symbols, or expressions used
solutions for diverse applications. to identify and distinguish goods or services from those of



competitors. They serve as valuable assets for businesses by VI C ONCLUSION

creating brand recognition, loyalty, and goodwill among con-
sumers. Trademark protection prevents unauthorized use of Considering the number of workshops this week, the worshops
the mark in commerce, safeguarding the reputation and in- were both time consuming and hectic.
tegrity of the brand. Trademarks can include words, logos,
slogans, colors, sounds, and even product packaging. Regis-
tration of trademarks provides owners with exclusive rights to
use the mark in connection with specific goods or services and
allows for enforcement against infringement. Maintaining and
protecting trademarks through proper usage and monitoring is
essential for preserving their distinctiveness and value in the

4.4 Trade Secrets

Trade secrets are confidential information that provides busi-
nesses with a competitive advantage and derives value from
being kept secret. Unlike patents, trademarks, or copyrights,
trade secrets are not registered with a government agency but
instead rely on the maintenance of secrecy to retain their value.
Examples of trade secrets include formulas, recipes, manu-
facturing processes, customer lists, and marketing strategies.
Businesses safeguard trade secrets through non-disclosure
agreements, employee training, physical and digital security
measures, and restricted access to sensitive information. In
cases of misappropriation or unauthorized disclosure, trade se-
cret owners can seek legal remedies to protect their proprietary
information and hold perpetrators accountable.


The following operations were performed for the taper turning
using lathe machine:
1. Levelling and alignment- It is required to align the chuck
axis of rotation to the axis of the job which is held on the chuck.
2. Center hole and holding- It is required to hold the job se-
curely from both end so that it does not move while operation.
The job is held on chuck from one side. From the other end it
is held by tail stock.
3. Taper boring- The boring tool is held in the tool holder
and rotated by the required degrees and the boring bar is
brought in contact with the center then the motor is started and
turned off on getting required boring.

Figure 3: Designed Model


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