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Prepositions of Time (in/on/at)

Name: Date: __/__/20__

at dinner and feared no danger.

1. They were _____

in the evening.
2. They took the body out _____

on Saturday morning.
3. He will leave here _____

on Saturday night.
4. Her last party was _____

at breakfast.
5. You remember we noticed the effect _____

at the moment.
6. It was a good thing to know _____

on the day you left.

7. I got a clue _____

on Wednesday.
8. We're going to see it _____

on Saturday.
9. She would probably bring her back _____

In a minute they will be upon him.

10. _____

at night with death.

11. She lay down _____

in a day.
12. But it cannot be done _____

in one moment.
13. I will see you _____

on Tuesday.
14. The funeral is to be _____

in four hours.
15. I'll make it _____

At noon they reached the foot of the pass.

16. _____

in the evening.
17. But I shall see you _____

on Sunday.
18. The fleet doesn't go out _____

at night.
19. You are speaking to him _____

at Christmas-time.
20. It was there _____

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