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Creación de cuento de temática libre

Angela Daniela Peñaranda Pérez 172668

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander seccional Ocaña

Nivel 2 de inglés

Tutor. Jonny Angarita Ramírez

1 de octubre de 2023
"Whiskers and the Enchanted Garden"

Once upon a time, in a charming little town, there lived a curious kitten named Whiskers. Whiskers

was an adventurous soul, always eager to explore the world beyond his cozy home. One day, he

discovered a mysterious garden behind Mrs. Thompson's house, hidden behind a veil of blooming


As Whiskers entered the garden, he noticed that the air was filled with the sweet scent of roses and

the gentle hum of bees. The sun was shining brightly overhead, casting a warm glow on the vibrant

petals. Whiskers was enchanted by the beauty that surrounded him.

While he was strolling through the garden, he encountered a wise old cat named Sage, who used to

visit the magical place. Sage told Whiskers about the time when the garden was a secret meeting

spot for all the cats in town. They used to gather here for stories and games, sharing laughter under

the shade of the ancient oak tree.

Whiskers, inspired by the tales, decided to revive the tradition. He invited his feline friends to join

him in the enchanted garden. Luna, Mittens, and Shadow eagerly accepted, and soon the garden was

alive with the joyous chatter of the whiskered companions.

One sunny afternoon, while the cats were playing a game of hide-and-seek, they discovered a

hidden door at the back of the garden. Curiosity sparked, Whiskers gently pushed the door open,

revealing a passage to a magical realm. The cats, with eyes wide open, were drawn into the mystical

world beyond.

As they ventured through this enchanted land, they encountered talking butterflies, danced with

fireflies, and played in fields of catnip. The adventure continued into the night, with the moon

casting a silver glow on their fur.

While exploring, they stumbled upon an old fountain where wishes used to come true. Each cat

made a secret wish, whispering it to the fountain. Little did they know, their wishes were granted

instantly, filling their hearts with contentment.

Before dawn, as the cats were preparing to leave the magical realm, they found themselves back at

the garden door. The sunrise painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, and the cats realized that

the enchantment was not just in the magical land but also in the bonds they had forged.

After that extraordinary day, the enchanted garden was a place of joy and wonder for all the cats in

town. Whiskers, the little adventurer, was celebrated for his courage and curiosity. The garden was a

testament to the enduring magic of friendship and the simple pleasures of exploration.
And so, under the watchful eyes of the ancient oak tree, the cats continued to meet in the enchanted

garden, creating memories that would be cherished for generations to come.

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