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The story takes place in a forest with three children called

Austin, Alex and Freddy. They live near the forest.

These children were adventurous people until one day they went to a forest and saw
an abandoned house. They were amazed but were afraid to enter because it was
very dark.

One day the children decided to bravely enter the house. Austin went in first. When
Austin entered the house, Alex and Freddy were looking carefully. They also found
old and mysterious objects.

While walking in the house, they discovered an old map indicating the location of a
hidden treasure in the forest

After leaving the house, they see an old man and The old man tells them: You will
face challenges and traps along the way and when you find the treasure you will
have a rewarding reward.
Each challenge tests your courage and your teamwork.

Alex asked the old man: How long have you been looking for the treasure?
The old man said: I have been looking for the treasure for 2 years.
Alex said: We want to find the treasure, too.

After overcoming all the challenges, they find the hidden treasure and it turns out
that the treasure was a chest full of gold coins.

After that.
Austin says: I think this day was the most fun we've ever had.
Freddie said: So do I. We have learned a lot today.

Finally, the children return home with exciting stories to tell.

Estos niños eran personas aventureras hasta que un día fueron a un bosque y vieron una
casa abandonada, ellos se quedaron asombrados pero tenían miedo de entrar ya que era
muy oscuro

Un día los niños deciden entrar valientemente a la casa. Primero entró Austin. Cuando
Austin entró a la casa, Alex y Freddy estaban viendo cuidadosamente. También encontraron
objetos antiguos y misteriosos que parecen de otra época.

Mientras caminaban en la casa, ellos descubrieron un viejo mapa que indicaba la ubicación
de un tesoro oculto en el bosque.

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