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Letter to the Editor

Tara Williams
Community Health Nursing
Dr. Class/Dr. Heasley

Breast Cancer Advancements

About one in eight women will develop breast cancer over their lifetime, one in three

may experience a recurrence, and men and women of all ages can be diagnosed with this disease.

These statistics sound like a death sentence to most, but with advancements in technology and

vigorous research in this field, our society is looking into a future where this cancer can be under

control and does not affect the lives of so many.

There are many ways to detect early breast cancer such as yearly mammograms, surgery,

genetic testing, and self-breast exams, but even though one is compliant with one or all of these

screenings and procedures, it still has taken the lives of many women. Throughout the years

there have been advancements made to prevent, detect and treat different types of breast cancer

such 3D mammography, also called breast tomosynthesis. This is taking pictures of breast from

all angles creating a 3-D image instead of a 2-D image to be able to detect less advanced breast

cancers. Other improvements that have to be done are studies focusing more on African

American women. Past research has shown that data does not benefit black women as compared

to white women. More testing needs to be done that individualizes a women’s risk, as treatment

should be the same.

Though many improvements are being made towards finding a cure for breast cancer, it

is still taking the lives of mothers, sisters, daughters and friends. However, various research,

testing, imaging and procedures come at a cost that some are not equipped to pay, therefore NCI

programs should make required testing free, if not affordable because you should not put a price
on a life. Women and men affected should be able to receive the above standard care when it

comes to the treatment of breast cancer.


A Concerned YSU Student

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