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**Research Objectives:**

1. **Email Engagement Analysis:** Determine the effectiveness of email campaigns in driving

engagement and conversion among the target audience by analyzing open rates, click-through
rates (CTR), and conversion rates.

2. **Display Ad Performance Assessment:** Evaluate the impact of display advertising on brand

visibility, website traffic, and conversions through comprehensive analysis of impressions, clicks,
CTR, and conversions.

3. **Cross-Channel Attribution Study:** Investigate the interplay between email marketing and
display advertising to understand how each channel contributes to the overall campaign
success, focusing on multi-touch attribution models and customer journey mapping.

**Primary Research:**

1. **Email Engagement Analysis:**

- **Survey:** Conduct a structured survey among the target audience to gather insights into
their perceptions and behaviors regarding received email campaigns. Measure metrics such as
email open rates, CTR, and conversion rates. Utilize tools like SurveyMonkey for survey
distribution and analysis.
- **A/B Testing:** Implement A/B testing within email campaigns by creating variations in
elements such as subject lines, content layout, and call-to-action buttons. Monitor performance
metrics using email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or Constant Contact.
- **Google Analytics:** Utilize Google Analytics to track website traffic originating from email
campaigns, including bounce rates, session durations, and goal completions. Analyze user
behavior to identify patterns and optimize campaign performance.

2. **Display Ad Performance Assessment:**

- **Ad Performance Metrics:** Analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) of display ads,
including impressions, clicks, CTR, and conversions. Use ad platforms such as Google Ads or
Display & Video 360 to track and measure ad performance.
- **Heatmap Analysis:** Employ heatmap tools like Crazy Egg or Hotjar to visualize user
interactions with display ads on the website. Identify areas of high engagement and optimize ad
placement and design accordingly.
- **Customer Surveys:** Incorporate post-exposure surveys to understand the impact of
display ads on brand perception and purchase intent. Utilize tools like Qualtrics or SurveyGizmo
to design and distribute surveys to website visitors.

3. **Cross-Channel Attribution Study:**

- **Multi-Touch Attribution Models:** Implement multi-touch attribution models such as linear
attribution or time decay attribution to accurately attribute conversions across different marketing
channels, including email and display advertising. Use marketing attribution platforms like
Attribution or Convertro for analysis.
- **Customer Journey Mapping:** Conduct qualitative research to map the customer journey
and identify touchpoints where email and display advertising intersect, influencing purchasing
decisions. Utilize techniques like customer interviews, focus groups, and journey mapping
- **CRM Data Analysis:** Analyze CRM data to identify patterns of engagement and
conversion across various marketing channels. Integrate CRM systems with marketing
automation platforms to track customer interactions and measure the impact of marketing efforts
on sales.

**Secondary Research:**

1. **Industry Benchmarks:**
- **Competitor Analysis:** Study the email marketing and display advertising strategies of
competitors to benchmark performance metrics and best practices. Analyze competitor email
campaigns using tools like MailCharts or Email Insights.
- **Industry Reports:** Refer to industry reports and studies from organizations like eMarketer
or Forrester to gain insights into trends and benchmarks related to email engagement and
display ad performance.

2. **Audience Segmentation:**
- **Market Research Reports:** Utilize market research reports from sources like Nielsen or
Mintel to understand audience demographics, preferences, and behaviors. Segment the
audience based on factors such as age, gender, location, and interests.
- **Social Listening Tools:** Monitor social media conversations using tools like Mention or
Brandwatch to gather insights into audience interests and sentiments relevant to email and
display advertising. Identify trending topics and keywords to inform campaign content and

3. **Technology Solutions:**
- **Marketing Automation Platforms:** Leverage marketing automation platforms such as
HubSpot or Marketo for data analysis, segmentation, and campaign performance tracking
across multiple channels. Use built-in reporting and analytics tools to measure campaign
effectiveness and ROI.
- **Data Management Platforms (DMPs):** Utilize DMPs to centralize customer data from
various sources, enabling better cross-channel attribution and audience targeting. Integrate
DMPs with advertising platforms to create personalized ad experiences based on user behavior
and preferences.

User Experience Considerations:

To ensure research activities do not hamper user experience on Grainger/Bosch web properties:
- Schedule research activities during off-peak hours to minimize disruption to website visitors.
- Implement unobtrusive data collection methods such as passive tracking and post-interaction
- Provide clear opt-in/opt-out mechanisms for users participating in surveys or feedback
collection to respect user privacy and preferences.

Campaign Proposal:

Objective: Test the effectiveness of personalized email recommendations in driving website

engagement and conversions.

Method: Implement an A/B test within the email marketing campaign, dividing the audience into
two groups:

- Control Group: Receives standard email newsletters without personalized recommendations.

- Experimental Group: Receives emails featuring personalized product recommendations based
on past purchase history or browsing behavior.

Metrics to Measure:
- Open rates
- Click-through rates
- Conversion rates
- Average order value (AOV)

Sample Size:
- Control Group: 10,000 subscribers
- Experimental Group: 10,000 subscribers

- Test period: 4 weeks

Visual Representation:
| Test Group | Sample Size | Metrics to Measure | Duration |
| Control Group | 10,000 | Open rates, CTR, Conversion rates, AOV | 4 weeks |
| Experimental Group | 10,000 | Open rates, CTR, Conversion rates, AOV | 4 weeks |

Word Count: 800 words

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