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Three days later, I regained consciousness in a groggy haze.

vibrant forest and the remnants of the battle with the first deity were
replaced by the familiar surroundings of my dorm room at Astral
Haven Academy. Confusion struck me as I tried to reconcile the
fantastical realm I had just left with the mundane reality of the

With a jolt of realization, I shot up from the bed, ignoring the dull
ache in my body. The memories of the battle and the faceless deity's
powers rushed back, and I immediately understood the gravity of my
situation. I had disappeared for three days, and my absence surely
hadn't gone unnoticed.

In a frantic haste, I dressed and made my way back to the academy

grounds. The mystical forest had given way to the structured
architecture of the academy, and the contrast was disorienting. As I
navigated the familiar corridors, I could feel the weight of scrutiny
from unseen eyes.

Word of my mysterious disappearance had spread like wildfire.

Students exchanged hushed whispers in the hallways, and the air
seemed charged with curiosity and speculation. The student council,
alarmed by my unexplained absence, had taken notice and demanded
a meeting.

The anticipation hung in the air as I entered the academy courtyard. A

group of stern-faced students, adorned with the symbols of the student
council, awaited me. Elara, with a mixture of concern and
disappointment in her eyes, stood among them.

"Luyo, we need an explanation for your sudden disappearance," the

head of the student council demanded, a tone of authority
underscoring the words.

"I have my reasons, and they don't concern anyone but myself," I
responded bluntly, my demeanor unchanged by the confrontation.

"This is not a request, Luyo. The student council has a duty to ensure
the well-being and order within Astral Haven Academy. Your actions
have disrupted that order, and we demand an explanation," another
council member added, the air heavy with tension.

Amidst the tense atmosphere, Elara's hostility was palpable. As the

student council president, her disapproval of my rejection had
transformed into open animosity. However, I remained unfazed,
considering her merely a trivial distraction from my mission.

Despite the pressing scrutiny, I maintained my stance. "I won't be

explaining myself to anyone. My business is my own."

The student council exchanged uneasy glances, their authority

challenged by my refusal to comply. Elara, torn between her concern
for me and the council's demands, remained silent.

"This is not the end of this matter, Luyo. We will convene again, and
you will provide an explanation. It is not a choice," the head of the
student council declared.

The confrontation with the student council escalated quickly, with one
particularly enraged member taking the lead. A fiery-haired girl,
armed with a slick blue sword that resonated with a magical aura,
stepped forward. Her eyes blazed with a mixture of anger and
determination as she prepared to unleash her fire magic upon me.

"Your disrespect won't go unanswered!" she shouted, her voice

echoing through the courtyard.

Flames erupted from her hands, dancing in mesmerizing patterns as

she channeled the power of fire magic. Simultaneously, the cool blue
sword in her grip hummed with energy, ready to strike. The clash of
elements promised a dynamic and challenging encounter.

Remaining level-headed, I assessed the situation, observing her

movements and anticipating the incoming onslaught. As she hurled
fireballs towards me, I skillfully dodged each one, the flames barely
grazing my robes. The courtyard became an arena of evasive
maneuvers, the fiery projectiles missing their target with precision.

Undeterred, the student council member seamlessly transitioned to

close-quarters combat. With a swift movement, she lunged forward,
wielding her blue sword with expert precision. Each swing was met
with an agile dodge, as I danced around the courtyard, effortlessly
avoiding her attacks.

Tauntingly, I spoke, "Is this the best the student council has to offer?
Your fiery enthusiasm is quite impressive, but your aim needs work."

Her frustration grew evident as I continued to evade both her fire

magic and sword strikes. The whispers of onlookers heightened the
tension in the air, and the courtyard became a stage for the clash
between my calculated indifference and her relentless pursuit of

In a moment of overconfidence, she unleashed a barrage of fireballs,

aiming to overwhelm me with sheer volume. However, I smoothly
countered with a sudden burst of the wind magic. A shimmering
barrier enveloped me, deflecting the incoming projectiles and leaving
me unscathed.

Mockingly, I remarked, "Maybe you should work on the quality of

your attacks rather than the quantity."

Fueled by frustration, the fiery-haired student council member

intensified her assault, infusing her sword strikes with magical
energy. As the slick blue sword sliced through the air, I continued my
graceful dance, avoiding each swing with calculated ease.

The courtyard became a spectacle of contrasting elements—fiery

explosions colliding with the ground as I skilfully dodged. The
onlookers, initially divided in their support, watched in awe as the
clash unfolded.
The courtyard trembled under the weight of the fiery onslaught
unleashed by the student council member. She got fed up and decided
to end it all with her most powerful magic skill passed down through
her family lineage. Her blue sword, now enveloped in flames, carved
through the air, tracing the form of a majestic flame dragon. The
intensity of her final attack left no room for evasion or subtlety. In
that critical moment, with the magnitude of the impending collision, I
found myself compelled to reveal a fraction of the faceless deity's

As the flame dragon surged toward me, a surge of ethereal energy

coursed through my being. With a swift and almost involuntary
motion, I summoned the 'Skill of a Thousand Cut Book.' The spectral
book materialized, and I delved into the depths of the faceless deity's
abilities, selecting the 'Instant Slash Series: Exiled Blade.'

The atmosphere crackled as the exiled blade manifested, a

manifestation of raw power capable of cleaving through formidable
magical constructs. The fiery dragon collided with the ethereal blade,
and for a brief moment, the courtyard was ensconced in a dazzling
display of conflicting energies.

The 'Exiled Blade' met the fiery onslaught with precision, fragmenting
the flames and dissipating the dragon-shaped construct. The force of
the clash reverberated through the courtyard, leaving an eerie silence
in its wake.

Her blue sword, now devoid of flames, flew out of her hand, and the
student council member stood frozen, her final assault thwarted by an
unforeseen force. The onlookers, initially enthralled by the spectacle,
now bore witness to the consequences of my momentary reliance on
the faceless deity's power.

Annoyance and frustration welled within me as I realized the gravity

of my mistake. The revelation of such a potent skill was a breach in
the carefully constructed facade of a mere mortal navigating the
challenges of academy life. In my attempt to conceal the true extent of
the faceless deity's powers, I had inadvertently exposed a glimpse of
the otherworldly abilities within.

As the silence lingered, I muttered to myself, "Damn it, I didn't want

to show that. I screwed up." The annoyance at my own lapse in
judgment intensified, knowing that the consequences of revealing the
'Exiled Blade' would ripple through the academy.

The fiery-haired student council member, though defeated, remained

defiant. Her gaze, a mix of surprise and determination, met mine. The
courtyard, once a stage for magical confrontation, now bore witness
to the aftermath of a clash that had inadvertently unraveled a portion
of the mysteries surrounding Luyo and his hidden powers.

In the wake of the magical turmoil, I sought to regain composure, the

faceless deity's powers receding into the shadows once more. The
onlookers, still processing the spectal
The defeated student council member's fiery companions, fueled by a
mix of loyalty and anger, lined up to avenge their fallen comrade.
Elara, at the forefront of the group, locked eyes with me, her gaze
burning with resentment. The tension in the courtyard heightened as
the remaining student council members, numbering twenty-nine,
prepared to launch their combined assault.

Before the confrontation could escalate further, a commanding voice

echoed through the air, cutting through the animosity like a blade. The
headmaster, an old dark elf of formidable strength, emerged onto the
scene. His presence alone demanded respect, and the aura of power
that emanated from him surpassed even the capabilities of the
'Thousand Cut Book' tenfold.

"Enough," the headmaster declared, his voice resonating with an

authority that brooked no opposition. "This is neither the time nor the
place for such disputes. We have magic study time approaching, and I
won't tolerate any disruption."

The student council, begrudgingly acknowledging the headmaster's

authority, reluctantly dispersed. Their collective anger simmered
beneath the surface, their glares filled with suppressed resentment.
Elara, shooting one last venomous look my way, reluctantly fell in
line with the rest of the student council.

As they walked away, their footsteps echoing with a mixture of

frustration and submission, I couldn't resist responding to Elara's
lingering resentment. With a nonchalant expression, I raised my
middle finger in a defiant gesture. It was a simple yet effective reply
to her hostile gaze, a symbol of my indifference to their opinions and
their failed attempt to bring me down.

The headmaster, observing the remnants of the confrontation, sighed

and shook his head. He gestured for me to follow him, leading the
way to the academy's study area. The courtyard, once a battleground
of magical clashes, returned to a semblance of normalcy, albeit with
lingering whispers of the clash between the faceless deity's powers
and the student council's collective rage.

As I walked alongside the headmaster, his hot (damn.) dark elf

granddaughter caught up with us. She carried an air of confidence and
a mischievous smile that hinted at a rebellious spirit. Unbeknownst to
the student council and perhaps even the headmaster himself, the
academy's walls concealed more than just magical knowledge—it
housed a complex tapestry of relationships and rivalries, waiting to be
unraveled in the corridors of power and intrigue within Astral Haven

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