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Social Identity Theory and the Organization

Author(s): Blake E. Ashforth and Fred Mael

Source: The Academy of Management Review , Jan., 1989, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Jan., 1989), pp.
Published by: Academy of Management

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The Academy of Management Review

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? Academy of Management Review, 1989, Vol. 14, No. 1, 20-39.

Social Identity Theory

and the Organization
Concordia University
Wayne State University
It is argued that (a) social identification is a perception of oneness
with a group of persons; (b) social identification stems from the cat-
egorization of individuals, the distinctiveness and prestige of the
group, the salience of outgroups, and the factors that traditionally
are associcr>ed with group formation; and (c) social identification
leads to activities that are congruent with the identity, support for
institutions that embody the identity, stereotypical perceptions of self
and others, and outcomes that traditionally are associated with
group formation, and it reinforces the antecedents of identification.
This perspective is applied to organizational socialization, role con-
flict, and intergroup relations.

Organizational identification has long been view of the literature on SIT, the antecedents
recognized as a critical construct in the literature
and consequences of social identification in or-
on organizational behavior, affecting both the ganizations are discussed. This perspective is
satisfaction of the individual and the effective- then applied to three domains of organizational
ness of the organization (Brown, 1969; Hall, behavior: socialization, role conflict, and inter-
Schneider, & Nygren, 1970; Lee, 1971; O'Reilly group
& relations.
Chatman, 1986; Patchen, 1970; Rotondi, 1975).
However, as discussed below, theoretical and
empirical work has often confused organiza- Social Identity Theory
tional identification with related constructs such
as organizational commitment and internaliza- According to SIT, people tend to classify them-
tion and with affect and behaviors, which are selves and others into various social categories,
more appropriately seen as antecedents and/or such as organizational membership, religious
consequences of identification. affiliation, gender, and age cohort (Tajfel &
Social identity theory (SIT) can restore some Turner, 1985). As these examples suggest, peo-
coherence to organizational identification, and ple may be classified in various categories, and
it can suggest fruitful applications to organiza- different individuals may utilize different catego-
tional behavior. SIT offers a social-psychological rization schemas. Categories are defined by
perspective, developed principally by Henri prototypical characteristics abstracted from the
Tajfel (1978, 1981; Tajfel & Turner, 1985) andmembers
John (Turner, 1985). Social classification
Turner (1975, 1982, 1984, 1985). Following a re- serves two functions. First, it cognitively seg-


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ments and orders the social environment, pro- stopgap job; I'm trying to save enough to start
viding the individual with a systematic means of my own business).
defining others. A person is assigned the proto- The major focus of both SIT and the present
typical characteristics of the category to which paper is to understand the implications of the
he or she is classified. As suggested by the lit- second function of classification, that of social
erature on stereotypes, however, such assign- identification.
ments are not necessarily reliable (e.g., Hamil-
Social Identification and Group Identification
ton, 1981).
Second, social classification enables the indi- Social identification appears to derive from
vidual to locate or define him- or herself in the the venerable concept of group identification
social environment. According to SIT, the self- (Tolman, 1943). (Indeed, we will use social and
concept is comprised of a personal identity en- group identification interchangeably.) The liter-
compassing idiosyncratic characteristics (e.g., ature on group identification suggests four prin-
bodily attributes, abilities, psychological traits, ciples that are relevant to our discussion. First,
interests) and a social identity encompassing sa- identification is viewed as a perceptual cogni-
lient group classifications. Social identification, tive construct that is not necessarily associated
therefore, is the perception of oneness with or with any specific behaviors or affective states.
belongingness to some human aggregate. For To identify, an individual need not expend effort
example, a woman may define herself in terms toward the group's goals; rather, an individual
of the group(s) with which she classifies herself need only perceive him- or herself as psycho-
(I am a Canadian; I am a woman). She per- logically intertwined with the fate of the group.
ceives herself as an actual or symbolic member Behavior and affect are viewed only as potential
of the group(s), and she perceives the fate of the antecedents or consequences (Foote, 1951;
group(s) as her own. As such, social identifica- Gould, 1975). As noted below, this conceptual-
tion provides a partial answer to the question, ization distinguishes identification from related
Who am I? (Stryker & Serpe, 1982; Turner, 1982). concepts such as effort on behalf of the group
Note that the definition of others and the self (behavior) and loyalty (affect). However, our
are largely "relational and comparative" (Tajfel view does contrast with some literature on SIT,
& Turner, 1985, p. 16); they define oneself rela- which includes affective and evaluative dimen-
tive to individuals in other categories. The cate- sions in the conceptualization of identity (e.g.,
gory of young is meaningful only in relation to Tajfel, 1978).
the category of old. It should be noted, however, Second, social/group identification is seen as
that social identification is not an all-or-none personally experiencing the successes and fail-
phenomenon. Although many social categories ures of the group (Foote, 1951; Tolman, 1943).
are indeed categorical (e.g., Canadian, female, Often, identification is maintained in situations
a member of XYZ Co.), the extent to which the involving great loss or suffering (Brown, 1986),
individual identifies with each category is missed potential benefits (Tajfel, 1982), task fail-
clearly a matter of degree. Further, such identi- ure (Turner, 1981), and even expected failure
ties tend to be viewed positively inasmuch as the (Gammons, 1986).
individual vests more of his or her self- Third, although not clearly addressed in the
conceptions in valued personas (Adler & Adler, literature, social identification is distinguishable
1987; Schneider, Hall, & Nygren, 1971). Thus, from internalization (Hogg & Turner, 1987) (cf.
Jackall (1978) found that people working at me- Kelman, 1961; O'Reilly & Chatman, 1986).
nial jobs in a bank often distanced themselves Whereas identification refers to self in terms of
from their implied identity (e.g., This is only a social categories (I am), internalization refers to


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the incorporation of values, attitudes, and so ganizational behavior, including searches for
forth within the self as guiding principles (I meaning, connectedness, empowerment, and
believe). Although certain values and attitudes immortality (e.g., Denhardt, 1987; Fox, 1980;
typically are associated with members of a Katz & Kahn, 1978). To the extent the organiza-
given social category, acceptance of the cate- tion, as a social category, is seen to embody or
gory as a definition of self does not necessarily even reify characteristics perceived to be proto-
mean acceptance of those values and attitudes. typical of its members, it may well fulfill such
An individual may define herself in terms of the motives for the individual. At the very least, SIT
organization she works for, yet she can disagree maintains that the individual identifies with so-
with the prevailing values, strategy, system of cial categories partly to enhance self-esteem
authority, and so on (cf. "young Turks," Mintz- (Hogg & Turner, 1985; Tajfel, 1978). This is un-
berg, 1983, p. 210; "counterculture," Martin & derstandable in view of the relational and com-
Siehl, 1983, p. 52). parative nature of social identities. Through so-
Finally, identification with a group is similar to cial identification and comparison, the individ-
identification with a person (e.g., one's father, ual is argued to vicariously partake in the
football hero) or a reciprocal role relationship successes and status of the group: Indeed, pos-
(e.g., husband-wife, doctor-patient) inasmuch itive and negative intergroup comparisons have
as one partly defines oneself in terms of a social been found to affect a member's self-esteem ac-
referent. To be sure, the various literatures cordingly (Oakes & Turner, 1980; Wagner, Lam-
reach this conclusion from different directions. pen, & Syllwasschy, 1986).
Whereas identification with a group is argued to The individual's social identity may be de-
be predicated on the desire for self-definition, rived not only from the organization, but also
identification with an individual-referred to as from his or her work group, department, union,
"classical identification" (Kelman, 1961, p. 63) lunch group, age cohort, fast-track group, and
is argued to be predicated on the desire to ap- so on. Albert and Whetten (1985) distinguished
pease, emulate, or vicariously gain the qualities between holographic organizations in which in-
of the other (e.g., Bandura & Walters, 1963; Kets dividuals across subunits share a common iden-
de Vries & Miller, 1984). Kelman (1961), for ex- tity (or identities) and ideographic organizations
ample, argued that in classical identification the in which individuals display subunit-specific
individual "attempts to be like or actually to be identities. General examples of the former in-
the other person" (p. 63). Nevertheless, the ele- clude Ouchi's (1981) Theory Z organization in
ment of self-definition suggests that these forms which "management styles are blended to-
of identification are complementary. Indeed, we gether and diffused evenly throughout the entire
will suggest that organizations often seek to gen- organization" (Albert & Whetten, 1985, p. 271)
eralize identification with an individual to iden- and Mintzberg's (1983) missionary organization
tification with the organization through the rou- in which members strongly subscribe to a com-
tinization of charisma. mon set of values and beliefs. Given the com-
parative rarity of such organizations, however,
Social Identification and the Organization
the notion of a single or blended organizational
The individual's organization may provide identification is problematic in most complex or-
one answer to the question, Who am I? Hence, ganizations. Thus, as discussed below, the or-
we argue that organizational identification is a ganizationally situated social identity may, in
specific form of social identification. This search fact, be comprised of more or less disparate and
for identity calls to mind a family of existential loosely coupled identities. This parallels work in
motives often alluded to in the literature on or- various social domains which indicates that in-


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dividuals often retain multiple identities (Allen, is defined as organization-specific, internaliza-
Wilder, & Atkinson, 1983; Hoetler, 1985; Thoits, tion and commitment may not be. An organiza-
1983). tion's goals and values may be shared by other
Unfortunately, despite the longevity of the organizations. Commitment scales consistently
social/group identification construct, little re- feature generalized usage of the terms goals
search has been conducted on identification and values, as in the OCQ item, "I find that my
with organizations, as defined here. Conven- values and the organization's values are
tional research on organizational identification similar" (Mowday et al., 1979, p. 228). Respon-
has not distinguished identification from inter- dents are not asked to limit responses to values
nalization or cognition from behavior and affect. that are specific to their organization, if indeed
For example, Hall et al. (1970) defined organiza- they could. Thus, an individual can score high
tional identification as "the process by which the on commitment not because he or she perceives
goals of the organization and those of the indi- a shared destiny with the organization but be-
vidual become increasingly integrated and cause the organization is a convenient vehicle
congruent" (pp. 176-177), and Patchen (1970) for personal career goals. If another organiza-
defined it as shared characteristics, loyalty, and tion proved more convenient, such an individ-
solidarity. The lone exception is a study by ual could transfer to it without sacrificing his or
O'Reilly and Chatman (1986) that distinguished her goals. For the individual who identified with
among compliance, identification, and internal- the organization, however, leaving the organi-
ization. However, following Kelman's (1961) zation necessarily involves some psychic loss
lead, they defined identification as "involve- (e.g., Levinson, 1970).
ment based on a desire for affiliation" (p. 493), This argument is supported by Mael's (1988)
rather than as perceived oneness with the orga- study of employed business and psychology stu-
nization. dents. He constructed a 6-item measure of orga-
A particular problem in this area is the fre- nizational identification based on the present
quent confusion between organizational identi- formulation (e.g., "This organization's successes
fication and organizational commitment. Some are my successes," p. 52), and subjected it and
theorists equate identification with commitment, the 15-item OCQ to confirmatory factor analysis.
while others view the former as a component of The two-factor model produced a X2ldf ratio of
the latter (see Wiener, 1982). The authors of the 2.03:1 (i.e., 328.13/188) and an adjusted good-
Organizational Commitment Questionnaire ness-of-fit index of .825; the single-factor model
(OCQ) (Mowday, Steers, & Porter, 1979, p. produced a ratio of 2.46:1 (i.e., 465.14/189) and
226)-the most frequently used measure of com- an index of .780. The superior fit of the two-factor
mitment during the last decade (Reichers, model suggests that the identification and com-
1985)-defined organizational commitment as mitment constructs are indeed differentiable.
"the relative strength of an individual's identifica-In summary, the SIT conception of organiza-
tion with and involvement in a particular tional identification as shared identity is new to
organization." In their view, commitment is char- the organizational behavior literature. To date,
acterized by a person's (a) belief in and accep- the perception of identification has been con-
tance of the organization's goals and values, (b) fused with internalization of organizational
willingness to exert effort on behalf of the organi- goals and values, and with behavior and affect.
zation, and (c) desire to maintain membership. This is most clearly evident in research on orga-
This formulation includes internalization, behav- nizational commitment. Unfortunately, this con-
ioral intentions, and affect, but not identification as fusion has impeded application of the rich find-
presently defined. Further, although identificationings of SIT to organizations.


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Antecedents and Consequences of comparable groups (Oakes & Turner, 1986;
of Social Identification Tolman, 1943). Distinctiveness serves to sepa-

in Organizations rate "figure from ground," differentiating the

group from others and providing a unique iden-
Antecedents tity. Mael (1988) sampled the alumni of a reli-
gious college and found a positive association
SIT is contradictory to conventional views of between the perceived distinctiveness of the col-
group relations because according to it in-group lege's values and practices and identification
favoritism tends to occur even in the absence of with the college. Distinctiveness partly explains
strong leadership or member interdependence, the missionary zeal often displayed by members
interaction, or cohesion. Laboratory studies uti- of organizations that are new and innovative
lizing SIT's minimal group paradigm have dem- (e.g., Perkins, Nieva, & Lawler, 1983) or organi-
onstrated that simply assigning an individual to zations that pursue unique goals (e.g., Hall et
a group is sufficient to generate in-group favor- al.'s 1970 study of the U.S. Forest Service).
itism (Brewer, 1979; Tajfel, 1982). Favoritism is Within the organization, distinctiveness in
not dependent on prior perceptions of interper- group values and practices needs to be quali-
sonal similarity or liking, and it occurs even fied by the clarity and impermeability of group
when there is no interaction within or between domains or boundaries. For example, although
groups, when group membership is anony- it is likely that the values and practices of two
mous, and when there is no link between self- functionally based subunits are more differenti-
interest and group responses (Turner, 1984). ated than those of two market-based subunits,
Even explicitly random assignment of individu- suggesting distinctiveness, the former are more
als to groups has led to discrimination against likely to be sequentially or reciprocally interde-
out-groups and increased intragroup coopera- pendent and physically contiguous, suggesting
tion and cohesion (e.g., Billig & Tajfel, 1973; a blurring of distinctiveness. This indeterminate
Locksley, Ortiz, & Hepburn, 1980). distinctiveness may account for the mixed sup-
This led Turner (1984, p. 530) to propose the port for SIT in several field studies (Brown, Con-
existence of a "psychological group," which he dor, Mathews, Wade, & Williams, 1986; Brown
defined as "a collection of people who share the & Williams, 1984; Oaker & Brown, 1986; Skev-
same social identification or define themselves ington, 1981).
in terms of the same social category member- Interestingly, even negatively valued distinc-
ship." A member of a psychological group does tions have been associated with identification.
not need to interact with or like other members, Negatively regarded groups often utilize such
or be liked and accepted by them. It is his or her defense mechanisms as recasting a negative
perception of being, say, a loyal patriot or sports distinction into a positive one (Black is beautiful),
fan that is the basis for incorporation of that sta- minimizing or bolstering a negative distinction
tus into his or her social identity. The individual (We're not popular because we avoid playing
seems to reify or credit the group with a psycho- politics), or changing the out-group with which
logical reality apart from his or her relationships the in-group is compared (Lemaine, Kastersz-
with its members (Turner, 1984). tein, & Personnaz, 1978; Skevington, 1981; Wag-
The SIT literature suggests several factors of ner et al., 1986) (cf. social creativity, Tajfel &
direct relevance to organizations which most Turner, 1985). And the stronger the threat to the
likely increase the tendency to identify with group, the stronger the defensive bias (van
groups. The first is the distinctiveness of the Knippenberg, 1984). Such machinations might
group's values and practices in relation to those partly explain a person's often fierce identifica-


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tion with countercultures (e.g., Martin & Siehl, ple. During competition, group lines are drawn
1983) or disaffected groups in organizations more sharply, values and norms are under-
(e.g., Jackall, 1978). scored, and we/they differences are accentu-
A second and related factor that increases ated (Brown & Ross, 1982; van Knippenberg,
identification is the prestige of the group (Chat- 1984) (cf. cognitive differentiation hypothesis,
man, Bell, & Staw, 1986; March & Simon, 1958). Dion, 1979). Skevington (1980), for example,
This is based on the earlier argument that, found that when high-status nurses (where sta-
through intergroup comparison, social identifi- tus was based on training) were led to believe
cation affects self-esteem. Mael (1988) found that they would be merged with low-status nurses,
perceived organizational prestige was related to they increased their in-group favoritism, em-
organizational identification among samples of phasizing their distinctiveness and superiority
working university students and religious col- over the low-status group.
lege alumni. Individuals often cognitively (if not Finally, the set of factors traditionally associ-
publicly) identify themselves with a winner. This ated with group formation (interpersonal inter-
accounts in part for the bandwagon effect often action, similarity, liking, proximity, shared goals
witnessed in organizations, where popular sup- or threat, common history, and so forth) may
port for an individual or idea suddenly gains affect the extent to which individuals identify
momentum and escalates, thus creating a rising with a group, although SIT suggests that they
star. Desires for positive identifications effec- are not necessary for identification to occur. It
tively create champions, converting "the slight- should be noted, however, that although these
est sign of plurality into an overwhelming factors facilitate group formation, they also may
majority" (Schelling, 1957, p. 32). directly cue the psychological grouping of indi-
Third, identification is likely to be associated viduals since they can be used as bases for cat-
with the salience of the out-group(s) (Allen et al., egorization (Hogg & Turner, 1985; Turner, 1984).
1983; Turner, 1981). Awareness of out-groups re- In complex organizations, the pervasiveness
inforces awareness of one's in-group. Wilder of this set of antecedents-the categorization of
(cited in Wilder, 1981) categorized one set of sub- individuals, group distinctiveness and prestige,
jects into two groups (in-group/out-group condi- out-group salience, and group formation fac-
tion), allegedly on the basis of preference for tors-suggests that group identification is likely
certain paintings, and a second set into one to be prevalent. Also, although the SIT literature
group (in-group-only condition). Subjects as- indicates that categorization is sufficient for
sumed greater homogeneity in the in-group when identification to occur, the pervasiveness of for-
an out-group was present (in-group/out-group mal and informal groups in organizations sug-
condition) than when no specific out-group was gests that categorization is seldom the only fac-
salient (in-group-only condition). Awareness of tor in identification. Thus, the consequences of
the out-group underscored the existence of a identification suggested by SIT, discussed be-
boundary and caused subjects to assume in- low, may well be intensified in organizations.
group homogeneity. Similarly, Kanter (1977)
found that the presence of females in a male-
dominated sales force induced the males to ex- The SIT literature suggests three general con-
aggerate perceived masculine traits and differ- sequences of relevance to organizations. First,
ences between the sexes. individuals tend to choose activities congruent
The well-known effects of intergroup competi- with salient aspects of their identities, and they
tion on in-group identification (e.g., Friedkin & support the institutions embodying those identi-
Simpson, 1985) are a special case of this princi- ties. Stryker and Serpe (1982) found that individ-


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uals for whom a religious role was salient re- ues and practices, group prestige, salience of
ported spending more time in that role and de- and competition with out-groups, and the tradi-
riving satisfaction from it, and Mael (1988) found tional causes of group formation. As the individ-
that the identification of alumni with their alma ual comes to identify with the group, the values
mater predicted their donating to that institution, and practices of the in-group become more sa-
their recruiting of offspring and others, their at- lient and perceived as unique and distinctive
tendance at functions, and their satisfaction with (e.g., Tajfel, 1969).
the alma mater. Thus, it is likely that identifica- Perhaps the greatest contribution that SIT
tion with an organization enhances support for makes to the literature on organizational behav-
and commitment to it. ior is the recognition that a psychological group
A second and related consequence is that so- is far more than an extension of interpersonal
cial identification affects the outcomes conven- relationships (Turner, 1985): Identification with a
tionally associated with group formation, in- collectivity can arise even in the absence of in-
cluding intragroup cohesion, cooperation, and terpersonal cohesion, similarity, or interaction
altruism, and positive evaluations of the group and yet have a powerful impact on affect and
(Turner, 1982, 1984). It is also reasonable to ex- behavior. As discussed below, in crediting a
pect that identification would be associated with collectivity with a psychological reality beyond
loyalty to, and pride in, the group and its activ- its membership, social identification enables the
ities. However, it should be noted that, given our individual to conceive of, and feel loyal to, an
discussion of psychological groups, this affinity organization or corporate culture. Indeed,
need not be interpersonal or based on interac- Turner (1982) claimed that "social identity is the
tion. Dion (1973) demonstrated that one may like cognitive mechanism which makes group be-
other group members, despite their negative haviour possible" (p. 21).
personal attributes, simply by virtue of the com-
mon membership (cf. personal vs. social attrac-
Applying Social Identity Theory
tion, Hogg & Turner, 1985). In short, "one may
to Organizations
like people as group members at the same time
as one dislikes them as individual persons"
The explanatory utility of SIT to organizations
(Turner, 1984, p. 525).
can be illustrated by applications to organiza-
Identification also may engender internaliza-
tional socialization, role conflict, and intergroup
tion of, and adherence to, group values and
norms and homogeneity in attitudes and behav-
ior. Just as the social classification of others en- Organizational Socialization
genders stereotypical perceptions of them, so
too does the classification of oneself and subse- According to the literature on organizational
quent identification engender the attribution of socialization, organizational newcomers are
prototypical characteristics to oneself (Turner, highly concerned with building a situational
1984, 1985). This self-stereotyping amounts to de- definition (Katz, 1980). Newcomers, it is argued,
personalization of the self (i.e., the individual is are unsure of their roles and apprehensive
seen to exemplify the group), and it increases about their status. Consequently, in order to un-
the perceived similarity with other group mem- derstand the organization and act within it, they
bers and the likelihood of conformity to group must learn its policies and logistics, the general
norms. role expectations and behavioral norms, the
Finally, it is likely that social identification will power and status structures, and so forth (Ash-
reinforce the very antecedents of identification, forth, 1985).
including the distinctiveness of the group's val- However, organizational newcomers also


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are often concerned with building a self- An example was provided by Becker and
definition, of which the social identity (or identi- Carper (1956). They interviewed graduate stu-
ties) is likely to comprise a large part. For many dents in physiology, most of whom initially
years, writers in the personological tradition of viewed physiology as a stopgap pending accep-
personality theory have noted the link between tance into medical school. Becker and Carper
socialization and the self-concept, suggesting found, however, that through immersion in the
that the emergence of situational and self- social milieu many students gradually assumed
definitions are intertwined (see Hogan, 1976). A the identity of physiologists. Frequent interac-
developing sense of who one is complements a tion and social comparison with fellow students,
sense of where one is and what is expected. In observation of professors, and tutelage and re-
complex organizations, the prevalence of social inforcement by professors slowly shaped stu-
categories suggests that social identities are dents' interests, skills, self-conceptions, and
likely to represent a significant component of in- their understanding of the paradigms, values,
dividuals' organizationally situated self-defini- norms, and occupational choices in the field.
tions, and, indeed, many studies document this This perspective on social identification in or-
idea (see Fisher, 1986; Mortimer & Simmons, ganizations suggests at least three implications.
1978; and Van Maanen, 1976, for examples). First, consistent with our earlier discussion, it
Developing Social Identifications. Although suggests that the often-noted effect of organiza-
the SIT literature is relatively mute about how tional socialization on the internalization of or-
social identification occurs, the literature on or- ganizational values and beliefs is comprised in
ganizational socialization suggests that situa- part of an indirect effect via identification; that is,
tional definitions and self-definitions both socialization effects identification, which in turn
emerge through symbolic interactions (Ashforth, effects internalization. As noted, through self-
1985; Coe, 1965; Reichers, 1987). Symbolic inter- stereotyping the individual typically adopts
actionism holds that meaning is not a given but those characteristics perceived as prototypical
evolves from the verbal and nonverbal interac- of the groups with which he or she identifies.
tions of individuals. For our purposes, interac- Albert and Whetten (1985) argued that an orga-
tion is defined broadly to include any symbol- nization has an identity to the extent there is a
ic transmission, from product advertisements shared understanding of the central, distinctive,
to orientation sessions. (As the SIT literature and enduring character or essence of the orga-
reviewed above makes clear, interaction need nization among its members. This identity may
not be interpersonal-though in organizations, be reflected in shared values and beliefs, a mis-
of course, it often is.) Through symbolic inter- sion, the structures and processes, organiza-
actions the newcomer begins to resolve ambi- tional climate, and so on. The more salient, sta-
guity, to impose an informational framework or ble, and internally consistent the character of an
schema on organizational experience. organization (or in organizational terms, the
With regard to self-definitions in particular, stronger the culture), the greater this internaliza-
Van Maanen (1979) argued that conceptions of tion (Ashforth, 1985).
the self are learned by interpreting the re- However, socialization also has a direct effect
sponses of others in situated social interactions. on internalization, as suggested by the argu-
Drawing on the works of Charles Horton Cooley, ment that one may internalize an organization's
George Herbert Mead, and Herbert Blumer, culture without necessarily identifying with the
among others, he maintained that through in- organization, and vice versa. The relative im-
teractions individuals learned to ascribe socially portance of the direct (socialization -> internal-
constructed labels such as ambitious, engineer, ization) and indirect (socialization -> identifica-
and upwardly mobile to themselves and others. tion -> internalization) effects most likely vary


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across organizations, subunits, and roles. Van believe in the integrity of his or her organization
Maanen (1978) distinguished between investi- despite wrongdoing by senior management or
ture processes that ratify the newcomer's incom- can feel loyal to his or her department despite a
ing identity and divestiture processes that sup- complete changeover of personnel.
plant the incoming identity with a new organi- Third, the social identification perspective
zationally situated identity. Total and quasi-total also helps to explain the growing interest in
institutions such as prisons, military and reli- symbolic management (Pfeffer, 1981) and char-
gious organizations, professional schools, and ismatic or transformational leadership (Bass,
organizational clans provide prime examples of 1985). To the extent that social identification is
divestiture. In order to reconstruct the newcom- recognized by managers to relate to such critical
er's social identity, such organizations often re- variables as organizational commitment and
move symbols of newcomer's previous identi- satisfaction, managers have a vested interest in
ties; restrict or isolate newcomers from external managing symbolic interactions. Although the
contact; disparage newcomer's status, knowl- coherence of a group's or organization's identity
edge, and ability; impose new identification is problematic, we believe that symbolic man-
symbols; rigidly prescribe and proscribe behav- agement is designed to impart this identity, or
ior and punish infractions; and reward assump- at least management's representation of it.
tion of the new identity (Fisher, 1986; Goffman, Through the manipulation of symbols such as
1961; Van Maanen, 1976, 1978). In such cases traditions, myths, metaphors, rituals, sagas, he-
internalization of organizational values depends roes, and physical setting, management can
largely on the extent of identification with the make the individual's membership salient and
organization, subunit, or role. Indeed, the more can provide compelling images of what the
the organization's identity, goals, values, and group or organization represents (Pondy, Frost,
individual role requirements deviate from the Morgan, & Dandridge, 1983).
societal mainstream, the greater the need for Interestingly, Martin, Feldman, Hatch, and
organizationally situated identification. Sitkin (1983) noted that organizational cultures
A second implication of the social identifica- "carry a claim to uniqueness-that one institu-
tion perspective stems from the notion of reifica- tion is unlike any other" (p. 438). We contend
tion. The existing organizational behavior liter- that it is precisely because identification is
ature does not adequately explain how an indi- group-specific that organizations make such
vidual can identify with, or feel loyal and com- claims. It is tacitly understood by managers that
mitted to, an organization per se. The implicit a positive and distinctive organizational identity
assumption is that regard for individuals simply attracts the recognition, support, and loyalty of
generalizes to the group, that interpersonal re- not only organizational members but other key
lationships somehow are cognitively aggregated constitutents (e.g., shareholders, customers, job
to create an individual-organization relationship seekers), and it is this search for a distinctive
(Turner, 1984). We reverse this logic and argue identity that induces organizations to focus so
that identification with a group can arise quite intensely on advertising, names and logos, jar-
separately from interpersonal interaction and co- gon, leaders and mascots, and so forth.
hesion. In perceiving the social category as psy- This link between symbolism and identifica-
chologically real-as embodying characteristics tion sheds light on the widespread interest in
thought prototypical of its members-the individ- charismatic leaders. Because charismatic lead-
ual can identify with the category per se (I am a ers are particularly adept at manipulating sym-
Marine). Thus, identification provides a mecha- bols (Bass, 1985), they are likely to engender so-
nism whereby an individual can continue to cial and/or classical identification, that is, iden-


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tification with the organization, the leader, or concept, it is likely that a normative structure
both. Where the identification is classical, it may
will emerge to regulate and maintain these con-
be generalized to the organization through the ceptions. This is consistent with Sampson's
routinization of charisma (Gerth & Mills, 1946). (1978) proposition that people attempt to man-
Trice and Beyer (1986) contrasted the develop- age their lives in order to establish a sense of
ment of two social movement organizations continuity in their identity (identity mastery). The
founded by charismatic individuals: Alcoholics upshot is that immediate groups often are more
Anonymous (AA) and the National Council on salient "than a more abstract, complex, second-
Alcoholism (NCA). The charisma of the AA's ary organization" (Brown, 1969, p. 353).
founder was routinized through an administra- Organizational socialization, then, can be
tive structure, rites and ceremonies, oral and seen under the SIT perspective as an attempt to
written tradition, and so forth, whereas the cha- symbolically manage newcomers' self-, if not sit-
risma of the NCA's founder was poorly routin- uational, definitions by defining the organiza-
ized. The result, concluded Trice and Beyer, is tion or subunit in terms of distinctive and endur-
that the NCA has experienced greater difficulty ing central properties. Identification with the or-
maintaining the support of its members and do- ganization provides (a) a mechanism whereby
nors. the individual can reify the organization and
Identification and the Subunit. It should be feel loyal and committed to it per se (i.e., apart
noted, however, that the newcomer's emerging from its members) and (b) an indirect path
situational definitions and self-definitions are through which socialization may increase the
apt to be largely subunit-specific. First, task in- internalization of organizational values and be-
terdependencies and interpersonal proximity liefs.
are greater in the individual's immediate work
group, suggesting a greater need for, and ease Role Conflict
of, interaction. Second, given that people prefer
to compare their emerging beliefs with similar Given the number of groups to which an in-
others (cf. social comparison theory, Festinger, dividual might belong, his or her social identity
1954) and that interpersonal and task differenti- is likely to consist of an amalgam of identities,
ation are greater between, than within, subunits identities that could impose inconsistent de-
(Lawrence & Lorsch, 1967), it is likely that the mands upon that person. Further, these de-
newcomer will look first to his or her workgroup mands also may conflict with those of the indi-
peers. Third, given interdependence, proximity, vidual's personal identity (Cheek & Briggs, 1982;
and similarity, the subunit may be viewed by Leary, Wheeler, & Jenkins, 1986). Note that it is
members as a psychological group, thus facili- not the identities per se that conflict, but the val-
tating social influence. According to Turner ues, beliefs, norms, and demands inherent in
(1985; Hogg & Turner, 1987), the self-stereo- the identities.
typing occasioned by psychological grouping In organizations, conflicts between work-
causes one to expect attitudinal and perceptual group, departmental, divisional, and organiza-
agreement with group members, such that dis- tional roles are somewhat constrained by the
agreement triggers doubt and, in turn, at- nested character of these roles; that is, each hi-
titudinal/perceptual change. Thus, the newcom- erarchical level encompasses the former such
er's perceptions gravitate toward those of the that the roles are connected in a means-end
group. Finally, given the importance of the sit- chain (March & Simon, 1958). Accordingly, the
uational definition to job performance and the values and behavioral prescriptions inherent in
centrality of the social identity to the self- the organizational role tend to be a more ab-


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stract and generalized version of those inherent ual might defer to the identity that experiences
in the workgroup role. Nevertheless, even the greatest environmental press and might
nested identities can be somewhat at odds with minimize, deny, or rationalize the conflict (If I
one another (Rotondi, 1975; Turner, 1985; Van hadn't bribed the official, I would have lost the
Maanen, 1976). In the course of assuming a contract). This is akin to Janis and Mann's (1977)
given identity (e.g., department), the group be- notion of defensive avoidance. Third, the indi-
comes more salient and both intragroup differ- vidual might cognitively decouple the identities
ences and intergroup similarities are cognitively so that conflicts simply are not perceived (cf.
minimized, thus rendering both lower order value separation, Steinbruner, 1974). Laurent
(e.g., workgroup) and higher order (e.g., orga- (1978) discussed how managers often are reluc-
nization) identifications less likely. Also, given tant to inform subordinates about critical mat-
the association between identification and inter- ters, yet as subordinates, they complain about
nalization, a lack of congruence between the the failure of their own managers to inform
goals or expectations of nested groups may im- them. Finally, the individual might comply se-
pede joint identification. Not surprisingly, then, quentially with conflicting identities so that the
Brown (1969) found that task interdependencies inconsistencies need not be resolved for any
and the cohesion of the individual's functional given action (cf. sequential attention, Cyert &
unit were negatively related to organizational March, 1963). An example is provided by Morton
identification or internalization. Thiokol, the manufacturer of the faulty solid
We speculate that the inherent conflict be- rocket booster that led to the 1986 crash of the
tween organizationally situated identities typi- space shuttle Challenger. A senior engineer of
cally is not resolved by integrating the disparate the company helped reverse a decision not to
identities. First, given the breadth of possible launch the Challenger when he was asked to
identities, integration would most likely prove "take off his engineering hat and put on his
cognitively taxing. Second, given the often management hat" (Presidential Commission,
unique and context-specific demands of an cited in Vaughan, 1986, p. 23).
identity, integration would be likely to compro- Related to this idea, Thoits (1983) suggested
mise the utility of each identity to its particular that the benefits of holding multiple roles (role
setting. Instead, it is maintained that conflict be- accumulation), including resource accumula-
tween identities tends to be cognitively resolved tion, justification for failure to meet certain role
by ordering, separating, or buffering the identi- expectations, and support against role failure or
ties. Suggestions of such processes abound. loss, are more likely to accrue if identities re-
First, the individual might define him- or herself main segregated: "The actor's resources will be
in terms of his or her most salient social identity valuable to others who do not share those re-
(I am a salesman) or personal attribute (I want to sources themselves, the legitimacy of excuses
get ahead); he or she also might develop a hi- cannot be checked, and the consequences of
erarchy of prepotency so that conflicts are re- role failure or loss can be contained more within
solved by deferring to the most subjectively im- one sphere of activities" (p. 184).
portant or valued identity (Stryker & Serpe, 1982; To the extent this argument is valid, it suggests
Thoits, 1983). Adler and Adler (1987) described that one's identity is an amalgam of loosely cou-
how varsity basketball players resolved the con- pled identities and that "the popular notion of
flict between their athletic and academic roles the self-concept as a unified, consistent, or per-
by defining themselves as athletes first and stu- ceptually 'whole' psychological structure is pos-
dents second and by reducing their involvement sibly ill-conceived" (Gergen, 1968, p. 306). This
in academics accordingly. Second, the individ- is consistent with evidence from SIT that partic-


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ular social identities are cued or activated by 1982). More specifically, in SIT it is argued that
relevant settings (Turner, 1982, 1985) (cf. situa- (a) given the relational and comparative nature
tional identity, Goffman, 1959; subidentity, Hall, of social identifications, social identities are
1971; hard vs. soft identity, Van Maanen, 1976). maintained primarily by intergroup compari-
Most individuals slide fairly easily from one sons and (b) given the desire to enhance self-
identity to another. Conflict is perceived only esteem, groups seek positive differences be-
when the disparities are made salient (Greene, tween themselves and reference groups (Tajfel,
1978). Thus, in SFT1 role conflict is endemic to so- 1978, 1981; Smith, 1983). Experimental and field
cial functioning, but for the most part remains research do suggest that groups are willing to
latent: Only when individuals are forced to si- sacrifice large monetary gains that do not estab-
multaneously don different hats does their facil- lish a positive difference between groups for
ity for cognitively managing conflict break smaller gains that do (Brewer & Silver, 1978;
down. Brown, 1978; Turner, Brown, & Tajfel, 1979), that
The argument also suggests that when an in- in-group members adopt more extreme posi-
dividual compartmentalizes identities, he or she tions after comparison with an out-group than
may fail to integrate the values, attitudes, with fellow in-group members (Reid, 1983), and
norms, and lessons inherent in the various iden- that members prefer and selectively recall infor-
tities. This in turn suggests the likelihood of (a) mation that suggests intergroup differences
double-standards and apparent hypocrisy (illus- rather than similarities (Wilder, cited in Wilder,
trated by Laurent's, 1978, observation) and (b) 1981; Wilder & Allen, 1978). This suggests that
selective forgetting. For example, in assuming groups have a vested interest in perceiving or
the identity of foreman, one may eventually for- even provoking greater differentiation than ex-
get the values that were appropriate to the prior ists and disparaging the reference group on this
identity of worker that now contradict the de- basis (cf. social vs. instrumental competition,
mands of the new identity (e.g., Lieberman, Turner, 1975). Further, this tendency is exacer-
1956); that is, one unlearns tendencies that inter- bated by contingencies that make the in-group
fere with the ability to embrace the new, valued per se salient (Turner, 1981; Wilder, 1981), such
identity. Perhaps, then, wisdom is little more as a threat to the group's domain or resources
than the ability to remember the lessons of pre- (Brown & Ross, 1982; Brown et al., 1986) or, in
vious identities, and integrity is the ability to in- Tajfel's (1978) terms, where the group's identity is
tegrate and abide by them. insecure.
The tendency toward subunit identification in
Intergroup Relations
organizations, discussed above, suggests that
For pedagogical purposes, we assume an subunits tend to be the primary locus of inter-
ideographic organization, that is, one com- group conflict. This tendency is exacerbated by
prised of subunits in which members of each competition between subunits for scarce re-
share a social identity specific to their subunit. sources and by reward and communication sys-
This assumption allows us to speak of a shared tems that typically focus on subunit functioning
subunit or group identity, even though in com- and performance (Friedkin & Simpson, 1985;
plex organizations the degree and foci of con- March & Simon, 1958). As noted, however, field
sensus remains problematic. research regarding the relationship between
Given this assumption, SIT suggests that subunit differentiation and identification has
much intergroup conflict stems from the very been inconclusive because it has confounded
fact that groups exist, thus providing a fairly the basis of subunit formation (functional vs.
pessimistic view of intergroup harmony (Tajfel, market) and extent of interdependence (pooled,


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sequential, reciprocal). Further, Brown and members, administrators, doctors, and nurses
Williams (1984) suggested that individuals who from 13 hospitals and found that each group be-
regard their group identity as synonymous with lieved it should have more authority than the
their organizational identity are unlikely to view other groups were willing to allow, and Brown
other groups negatively. Just as a strong group et al. (1986) found that members of five depart-
identity unifies group members, so too should a ments in an industrial organization tended to
strong organizational identity unify organiza- rate their own department as contributing the
tional members. This is consistent with experi- most to the company.
mental research (Kramer & Brewer, 1984) and Third, given symbolic interactionism, the de-
the earlier discussion of holographic organiza- sire for positive group differentiation, and the
tions. stereotyping of self, in-group, and out-group,
However, where the organizational identity is emerging biases may soon become a contagion
not strong and groups are clearly differentiated (Turner, 1984) that can be easily mobilized
and bounded, the tendency toward biased in- against the out-group. In-group members often
tergroup comparisons suggests several effects. come to share pejorative perceptions of the out-
Effects of Biased Intergroup Comparisons. group and experience the real or imagined
First, the in-group may develop negative stereo- slights against other members as their own.
types of the out-group and deindividuate and Thus, major conflicts often cause an organiza-
depersonalize its members (Horwitz & Rabbie, tion to polarize into rival camps, where, if an
1982; Wilder, 1981). Hewstone, Jaspars, and Lal- individual is not on one side, he or she is be-
ljee (1982) studied British schoolboys from pri- lieved to be on the other side (Mintzberg, 1983).
vate and state secondary schools because of the In the above study of hospitals, Bates and White
history of conflict between the two systems. They
(1961) found that where two groups disagreed
found that the groups differed in their percep- on which should have greater authority over a
tions of themselves and each other, and that out- particular issue, respondents from each group
group perceptions were generally negative. rated the amount of authority their own group
What's more, these perceptions included self- should have higher than for issues which were
serving (or group-serving) implicit theories of not in dispute, and gave the lowest rating to the
why the groups differed and attribution biases group with which they disagreed. The initial dis-
that rationalized the successes and failures of agreement had polarized each group's percep-
each group (cf. social attribution, Deschamps, tion of the situation.
1983). Finally, such competition exacerbates the
This suggests a second effect of in-group bias: above tendencies because it threatens the
It justifies maintaining social distance and sub- group and its identity. Thus, as Horwitz and
ordinating the out-group (Smith, 1983; Sunar, Rabbie (1982) noted, "Both experimental and
1978). The in-group is seen as deserving its suc- naturalistic observations suggest that hostility
cesses and not its failures, while the opposite erupts more readily between [groups] than be-
obtains for the out-group. Thus, Perrow (1970) tween individuals" (p. 269). In-group and out-
found that members of functional subunits group relations may be marked by competition
across 12 industrial firms were less likely to crit- and hostility even in the absence of "objective"
icize the performance of their own unit and more sources of conflict (e.g., scarce resources). In-
likely to advocate that their unit receive addi- deed, Turner (1978) found the more comparable
tional power than were members from any other the out-group, the greater the in-group bias.
subunit in their particular organization. Simi- Hence, organizational subunits may claim to be
larly, Bates and White (1961) sampled board positively differentiated precisely because they


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are not. This contrasts sharply with the conven- involving political parties found that in-group fa-
tional view that group conflict reflects competi- voritism was strong on dimensions regarded as
tion over rewards external to the intergroup sit- important to the in-group, but that out-group fa-
uation (cf. realistic group conflict theory, Cam- voritism existed on dimensions regarded as un-
pbell, 1965; Tajfel & Turner, 1985). important to the in-group but important to the
Qualifications to Intergroup Comparisons. out-group. It is quite conceivable that differenti-
The dynamics of intergroup comparison, how- ated subunits would acknowledge one another's
ever, need to be qualified by the relative status differential expertise without necessarily com-
of the groups. The identity of a low-status group promising positive differentiation.
is implicitly threatened by a high-status group, Finally, research on experimental and ethnic
hence the defensive biases in differentiation groups indicates that groups are less likely to
noted earlier. A high-status group, however, is evidence ethnocentrism and defensive biases if
less likely to feel threatened and, thus, less in differences in the distribution of scarce re-
need of positive affirmation (Tajfel, 1982; van sources or the outcomes of social comparisons
Knippenberg, 1984). Accordingly, while a low- are viewed by the subordinate group as legiti-
status group (such as a noncritical staff function mate or institutionalized (Caddick, 1982; Tajfel &
or cadre of middle managers) may go to great Turner, 1985). Indeed, in such cases the group
lengths to differentiate itself from a high-status may internalize the wider social evaluation of
comparison group (such as a critical line func- themselves as inferior and less deserving. By
tion or senior management), the latter may be accident or design, systems of authority and ex-
relatively unconcerned about such comparisons pertise in organizations (Mintzberg, 1983) often
and form no strong impression about the low- serve precisely this legitimating function, sug-
status group. This indifference of the high-status gesting some stability in intergroup relations.
group is, perhaps, the greatest threat to the In summary, SIT argues that in the absence of
identity of the low-status group because the lat- a strong organizational identity, the desire for
ter's identity remains socially unvalidated. favorable intergroup comparisons generates
Although the previous discussion suggests much conflict between differentiated and clearly
that subunits engage endlessly in invidious bounded subunits. This is especially so if a
comparisons, three streams of research on SIT group's status is low or insecure. However, this
suggest otherwise. First, just as individuals se- conflict may be mitigated to the extent that
lect similar others for social comparison, groups groups compare themselves on different dimen-
also restrict their comparisons to similar, proxi- sions or view the outcomes of comparisons as
mal, or salient out-groups (Tajfel & Turner, legitimate or institutionalized.
1985). Thus, the purchasing department may be
relatively unconcerned with the machinations
Implications for Research
of, say, the shipping or human resources de-
partments. Given the paucity of research on SIT in orga-
Second, van Knippenberg (1984) maintained nizations, a research agenda might focus on
that individuals are capable of making social three objectives. First, in view of the frequent
comparisons on multiple dimensions, and that confusion of organizational identification with
mutual appreciation is possible where individu- such related constructs as commitment, loyalty,
als are superior on complementary or different and internalization, the discriminability of iden-
dimensions. The individuals validate each oth- tification should be established. Mael's (1988)
er's relative superiority. Analogously, a field ex- confirmatory factor analysis of the Organiza-
periment by Mummendey and Schreiber (1984) tional Commitment Questionnaire and his new


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measure of organizational identification offer a stable styles of resolution, the effects of different
promising start. However, given the argument means, and, more generally, the degree to
that individuals often have multiple (and con- which various identities are cognitively inte-
flicting) identities within the organization, re- grated, the relative salience and priority of var-
search should focus on salient subgroups as ious identities across organizations, subunits, hi-
well as the organization per se. Indeed, insofar erarchical levels, and individuals, and the inter-
as identification facilitates commitment and the action among role change, identity change, and
like, researchers should consider investigating selective forgetting. Finally, the roles that social
commitment itself at the subgroup level. Recent identification and comparison processes have in
work on dual and multiple commitments is in- intergroup conflict can be gauged by analyzing
structive in this regard (e.g., Reichers, 1986). relevant within- and between-group interac-
A second focus of research might be the pro- tions. Research is particularly scarce on the fac-
posed antecedents and consequences of social tors that affect the perception of group insecurity
identification. Although experimental and cross- (and, hence, the desire for positive differentia-
sectional field research have substantiated the tion), the selection of reference groups, the di-
social-psychological premises of SIT, the dy- mensions for intergroup comparison, and the
namics of identification have not been estab- perceived legitimacy and institutionalization of
lished. Accordingly, longitudinal field research the organizational status quo. From an organi-
that focuses on a variety of newly created sub- zational development perspective, research
units or organizations or on organizational new- should focus on the fairly unique means, sug-
comers is strongly recommended. Such a de- gested by SIT, of reducing dysfunctional inter-
sign would help to explore (a) how the anteced- group conflict, such as enhancing the salience
ents interact to influence identification, (b) what and value of the organizational identity, in-
antecedents (if any) are necessary or sufficient, creasing group security or at least legitimating
(c) the sequencing and timing of effects, and (d) necessary intergroup differences, and individu-
if threshold conditions exist. ating out-group members.
Finally, although the applications of SIT to or-
ganizational behavior were not intended to be
exhaustive, they do suggest several specific av-
enues for field research. For one, the role of or- According to social identity theory, the indi-
ganizational socialization can be assessed by vidual defines him- or herself partly in terms of
structured observation of the interplay among salient group memberships. Identification is the
symbolic interactions, symbolic management, perception of oneness with or belongingness to
and the emergence of social identities. Of par- a group, involving direct or vicarious experi-
ticular interest are the posited effects that iden- ence of its successes and failures. Group identi-
tification has on a person's internalization of or- fication and favoritism tend to occur even in the
ganizational values and on his or her reification absence of strong leadership or member inter-
of the organization. Also important are the dependency, interaction, or cohesion. Identi-
mechanisms by which identification with lead- fication is associated with groups that are dis-
ers becomes generalized to the organization. tinctive, prestigious, and in competition with, or
For another, the disjointed resolution of role con- at least aware of, other groups, although it can
flicts can be evaluated by verbal protocol anal- be fostered by even random assignment to a
ysis of conflict-laden decisions made over time. group. Identification can persist tenaciously
Of interest here are the factors associated with even when group affiliation is personally pain-
selecting a means of resolution, the possibility of ful, other members are personally disliked, and


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group failure is likely. The concept of identifica- 2. Individuals have multiple, loosely coupled
identities, and inherent conflicts between
tion, however, describes only the cognition of
their demands are typically not resolved by
oneness, not the behaviors and affect that may
cognitively integrating the identities, but by
serve as antecedents or consequences of the ordering, separating, or buffering them.
cognition. Identification induces the individual This compartmentalization of identities sug-
to engage in, and derive satisfaction from, ac- gests the possibility of double standards,
tivities congruent with the identity, to view him- apparent hypocrisy, and selective forget-
or herself as an exemplar of the group, and to
reinforce factors conventionally associated with 3. In ideographic organizations, the desire for
a salutary social identity predisposes orga-
group formation (e.g., cohesion, interaction).
nizational subunits to intergroup conflict on
This perspective, applied to several domains of characteristics that are mutually compared.
organizational behavior, suggests that: Thus, intergroup conflict may arise even in
the absence of such objective causes as
1. Organizational socialization can be under-
scarce resources.
stood in part as an attempt to symbolically
manage the newcomer's desire for an iden- In summary, the concept of identification has
tity by defining the organization or subunit been neglected in organizational research. The
in terms of distinctive and enduring central
reformulated conception of identification as per-
characteristics. Identification enables the
ceived oneness with a group, suggested by so-
newcomer to reify the organization and feel
loyal and committed to it per se, and facili- cial identity theory, offers a fresh perspective on
tates the internalization of organizational a number of critical organizational issues, only
values and beliefs. a few of which have been explored here.


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Blake Ashforth (Ph.D., University of Toronto) is Assis-

tant Professor of Management at Concordia Univer-
sity. Correspondence regarding this article may be
sent to him at the Department of Management, Fac-
ulty of Commerce and Administration, Concordia
University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal,
Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8.

Fred Mael is a doctoral candidate in Industrial Psy-

chology at Wayne State University, Detroit.

The authors are indebted to Ron Humphrey and

Peggy Padgett for their helpful comments on earlier
drafts of the paper. Portions of the paper were pre-
sented at the 1988 Midwest Academy of Management
meeting in Toledo, Ohio.


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