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"As time moves, so it creates. The lessons learned, and the ways
of fate. I am each one, and yet still more. All you've known, seen Memories, information,
1 and done before. Tell me, what am I?" knowledge, etc Sirtech
"Round she is, yet flat as a board. Altar to the lupine lords. Jewel
on black velvet, pearl in the sea. Unchanged, yet e'rchanging,
2 eternally." The moon MM (p280)
What's in a forest but does not grow, The Trees know it but it does
not show. When asked about it they will let it go, It breathes life into
3 those that know. The air Momoitin
4 "You can see me in water, but I am never wet. What am I?" Your reflection Unknown
"What is yours, may never be taken, is freely given, and yet others
5 will use more than you?" Your name Unknown
6 "What goes up a hill faster than it goes down a hill?" Fire u/lostkavi
Halfway, after that, you're
7 "How far can you walk into the forest?" walking out u/Kalros
"Burning brand of heathen's blood, icy chill when secrets flood. A
patch of skin to eyes a pattern, shows parents, child and maybe
8 slattern." Birthmark u/firstusernat
9 "When you make a hole in me, I have fewer holes. What am I?" A net u/lostkavi
10 "The more you take, the more you leave behind." Footsteps Unknown
11 "What begins and has no end, and ends all things that begin?" Death Trollhunters/Katreyasaunt
"With potent, flowery words speak I, Of something common, vulgar,
dry; I weave webs of pedantic prose, In effort to befuddle those,
Who think I wile time away, In lofty things, above all day. The
common kind that linger where Monadic beings live and fare;
Practical I may not be, But life, it seems, is full of me! And so A riddler, riddles, etc
12 adventurer I cry, can you tell me what am I?" Unknown
I cannot be measured until I am done, oh but how you will miss me
13 once I am gone. Time, Lifespan /u/Thatsmycow
"I welcome the day with a show of light. I came here stealthily in
the night. I bathe the earthy stuff at dawn, but by noon - alas, I am
14 gone. Tell me, what am I?" The morning dew u/lostkavi
"Larger than mountains, brightening the sky, twinkling within the
owls eye. Dimmer than candles, smaller than peas. Flickers, never
15 caught, in the endless sea." Stars u/lostkavi
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You will always find me in the past. I can be created in the present,
16 But the future can never taint me. What am I? Memories /u/ChrispyDM
17 The more I dry, the wetter I become Towel Unknown
"Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man's father is my
18 father's son". How is that man related to me? He is my son Unknown
The maker does not use it, the buyer does not need it, and the
19 owner uses it without knowing. What am i? A coffin Unknown
"I have not flesh, nor feathers, nor scales, nor bone. Yet I have Unknown - Added by
20 fingers and thumbs of my own. What am I?" Gloves, ghosts u/Melkiorthemaker
"You use a knife to cut up my head, but you weep beside me when
21 I am dead." What am I? An onion Unknown
"As I set off on the trail, I'm followed by my long tail. I jump each
gap, I bridge each gorge, What once was broken, I reforge. Then I
22 return only to find I've left my tail far behind. Tell me, what am I?" A needle u/omegaweapon90
A gift vibrant and pungent, depressing or joyous;
out in the wild see my fearsome friends dance. In stories it's said
we're a breathtaking chorus; always stop and visit when given the
23 chance. A flower (rose). u/grootaccess
"I do not breathe, but I run and jump. I do not eat, but I swim and
stretch. I do not drink, but I sleep and stand. I do not think, but I
24 grow and play. I do not see, but you see me everyday." A leg Unknown
25 What gets bigger, the more you take out of it? A pit, a hole, etc u/lostkavi
"You use me to stop, you take me to eat, not only do I stop, I am a
26 stop, and the result of the vandal's first stroke. Tell me, what am I?" A break/A brake Unknown
27 What starts with 'e,' ends with 'e,' and contains only one letter? An envelope unknown
Before my birth, master binds me, He'd never seen me, yet always
he finds me. Always with him as he grows older, Each of his
burdens I'm sworn to shoulder. I cannot escape my fate as a slave,
28 Until my master lies dead in his grave. A skeleton u/Omegaweapon90
"In a vast feild of cultivated space, I am found there amongst my
race. Decapitate me, if you've no objection, and you will find what
brings me to perfection. Take one more cut, and you'll plainly see,
29 what I was always destined to be. Tell me, what am I?" Wheat -> heat -> eat Unknown
"The answer I give is yes, but what I mean is no. What was the
30 question?" "Do you mind?" Unknown
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"I wish no harm on your person and I'll lighten your burden. Later
when blades rend your flesh and your own steel is dull, will you
31 curse my existence." Tell me, what am I? a rust monster, MM 262 u/Coldyfox
"Making mortal privation once firmly in place. An enduring
32 summation etched in my face. Tell me, what am I?" A tombstone Unknown
"I am a word, who's hardly there. Remove my start, and I'm a
33 herbal flair. Tell me, what am I?" Sparsely u/lostkavi
I appear common yet I am wondrous, I never change in weight but
34 am worth more than my volume in gold. What am I? bag of holding Mkez45634
35 What can the hand only sow what only the eye can harvest. Writing, stories, art, etc u/lostkavi
36 To keep me, I must be given. If I am not kept, I am broken Your word or promise u/codewatzen
I may be a nuisance but commit no crime, but I'll be a part of a
37 murder in time. a crow Unknown
The poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it you'll die. What
38 is it? Nothing Mediokrek
Speak my name, and I am broken. Seldom heard, and never
39 spoken. Silence u/ikkyblob
40 Iron roof, glass walls, burns and burns but never falls. What am I? A lantern u/TitanCake
"When imbibed, the body's weak; When consumed, minds fall
asleep; When devoured, madness grows; The strangest urges
does it show; And yet you call me liquid luck; And still you take cup
41 after cup." What am I? Alcohol/wine/ale/etc /u/CalvinballAKA
What is that which has one voice and yet becomes four-footed and Greek Myth (Apollodorus
42 two-footed and three-footed? Man 3.5.8)
There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in turn, Greek Myth (alternate
43 gives birth to the first. Who are the two sisters? Night and day Sphinx riddle)
In marble walls as white as milk, Lined with a skin as soft as silk,
Within a fountain crystal clear, A golden apple doth appear; No
doors there are to this stronghold, Yet thieves break in and steal
44 the gold. An egg Mother Goose
It turns the world, the globe's workhorse, hoarded with the greatest
force. Made by hands of burning fire, truly, I am greed's desire. For
I am that which merchants crave; I turn the noblest into knaves.
Though born of flame, I am still cold, This rhyme of which you have
45 been told. Gold/money/coins /u/CalvinballAKA
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Whatever we caught, we threw away; whatever we did not catch, Pseudo-Herodotus, Life of
46 we carry. Lice Homer
Each morning I appear to lie at your feet, all day I will follow no
matter how fast you run, yet I nearly perish in the midday sun.
47 What am I? A Shadow Unknown
One thin, one bold, one sick, one cold. The earth we span, to prey The Four Horsemen of the
48 upon man. Apocalypse Unknown
"Once I'm used, I am useless. Twice offered, soon rejected. In
desperation, oft expressed, but the intended, unprotected. Tell me,
49 what am I?" An alibi, an excuse Unknown
There are one hundred candles in a room in a line, and a hundred
people walk through. The first person lights every candle. The Only square numbered
second person extinguishes every second candle. The third person candles will be lit. 1, 4, 9,
lights or extinguishes every third candle. The fourth, every forth, 16, etc - therefore there will
until all one hundred people have passed down the line. How many be 10 candles lit at the end.
50 candles are lit? Is the __th candle lit? u/lostkavi
Four hang, four sprang, two point the way, two to ward off dogs, Taken from The Riddles
51 one dangles after, always rather dirty. What am I? A cow Of Gestumblindi
If you had taken me in my youth, haply you would have drunk the
blood shed from me; but now that time has finished making me old,
eat me, wrinkled as I am, with no moisture in me, crushing my
52 bones together with my flesh. A raisin Greek Anthology XIV.103
There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a
white house. Inside the white house there was a red house.
53 Inside the red house there were little black babies. A watermelon Unknown
We are little airy creatures, All of different voice and features; One
of us in glass is set, One of us you'll find in jet, T'other you may see
in tin, And the fourth a box within; If the fifth you should pursue, It
54 can never fly from you. Vowels Unknown
I have nothing inside me and everything is inside me, and I grant
55 the use of my virtue to all without charge. Mirror Greek Anthology XIV.108
I am the black child of a white father; a wingless bird, flying even to
the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that
56 meet me, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air. Smoke Greek Anthology XIV.5
57 When I live, I cry. If you don't kill me, I'll die. A candle Unknown
"I never was, and yet will always be. I am never seen, and yet
always come. I carry nothing, yet hold much for some. Tell me,
58 what am I?" Tomorrow u/codewatzen
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59 I grow as I eat, but die when I drink, what am I? A fire u/haxxer
A slave I've been and shall remain. To a cruel mistress I'm tied with
invisible chains. Yet I always put on the same brave face. She
60 keeps me her prisoner, but leaves me some space. What am I? The moon /u/mr_abomination
what is not living, cannot die, But saying I'm invinicble would be a
lie. My death comes through hunger, cold and suffocation and
61 gives birth to new creation. Fire, Flames u/The_Moth_
In my arms I keep the dead, my presence keeps families fed. I am Earth, planet earth, the
62 the base of mortal life. I am the scene of all their strife. ground u/The_Moth_
"Whoever makes me, tells it not. Whoever takes me, knows it not. Counterfeit money,
63 Whoever knows me, wants me not. Tell me, what am I?" forgeries, etc u/lostkavi
It cannot be seen, it cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be
smelt, Lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills.
64 Comes first follows after, Ends life kills laughter Darkness The Hobbit
Silent as a beast of prey, I come upon those that I slay. Driven
65 back for half the year, in the other I bring fear winter, Cold, frost u/The_Moth_
I am the beginning of the end, the end of every place. I am the
66 beginning of eternity, the end of space and time. What am I? The letter E u/Capn19fatchunk
"I always show one to six. I always show fifteen to twenty. I always
show five. But I never show twenty one, unless I'm flying. What am
67 I?" A d6 u/lostkavi
Always present, ever-sought. Always hunted, never caught. People
wept for what I brought. But sometimes with me a crown is the Future/ Knowledge of
68 wrought. the Future u/The_Moth_
What's dead half the year, and lives the rest. What dances without
69 music, and breathes without breath? Trees, forest, flowers, etc u /The_Moth_
A clock, a tree, a road, a sea. Everything is part of me, claiming the
70 contrary would be a lie. tell me please, what am I? the Planes u/The_Moth_
71 If I have a bee in my hand, then what is in my eye? Beauty Lurker at Large
A decent fellow when I've come from the earth, Only talented
people can match my worth, The best friend of sceptics and
72 scholars alike, I worsen each wound after every strike Salt u/PotatoPariah
I've measured it from side to side, 'Tis three feet long and two feet
wide. It is of compass small, and bare To thirsty suns and parching
73 air. A well /u/RepliesWithAnimeGIF
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This creature, part man and part tree, hates the termite as much as
the flea. His tracks do not match, and his limbs may detach, but
74 he's not a strange creature to see. What is he? A man with a wooden leg /u/RepliesWithAnimeGIF
I have a tail, and I have a head, but i have no body. I am NOT a
75 snake. What am I? a coin Unknown
As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives; Every
wife had seven sacks, Every sack had seven cats, Every cat had
seven kits: Kits, cats, sacks, and wives, How many were there
76 going to St. Ives? One /u/RepliesWithAnimeGIF
I am hoarded by royalty, Kings rarely break me, peasants rarely
77 find me, I am of covetous worth, yet can be shared by all Truth Unknown
She is too loud so in my rage, I made for her a wooden cage. It
can't contain her, that I see. But now she moves more quietly.
78 What are we? A river and a beaver Unknown
79 I am used by the loud as a warning and by the silent as skin. Bark Unknown
80 Fill me, that I may tell you what is lost. Ledger /u/tinynetwman
Alive without breath, as cold as death, never thirsty, always
81 drinking, all in mail, never clinking Fish The Hobbit
Many have heard me, but no one has seen me, and I will not speak
82 back until spoken to. echo Unknown
83 A box without hinges, key or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid Egg The Hobbit
When you have it, you want to share it, when you share it, you lose Unknown
84 it secret
I have no legs to walk, but my steps you still stalk, Over mountains
and rivers I give the guidance you seek, though it is unspoken as I
cannot speak. I have no mouth to say words, yet understand me
you try, you stare until you reach your goal, then understand me
85 you comply. a Map /u/AidanKyros
Deep, deep, deeper I go, enter the darkness and you shall know,
let the light fade, and my depths will bestow, what iv'e been hiding Proceed in darkness with no
86 deep deep deep below. lights /u/AidanKyros
Ready to fight and ready to die, Bound to the earth, yet our mother
could fly. A nation is built on her broken wings, Ruled by queens, u/omegaweapon90
87 but never by kings. Ants
"Two Bodies In One. The longer I stand, the quicker I run. What am
88 I?" An Hourglass /u/DiceyDM
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Forged and cut, yet blood is naught, take me, set me, open what
89 you sought, what am I? a Key /u/AidanKyros
90 When is a door not a door? When it is ajar /u/Halgy
91 What has four wheels and flies? The Town Garbage Wagon /u/Halgy
92 This is as light as a feather, yet no man can hold it for long. One's breath /u/Halgy
93 I pass before the sun, yet I make no shadow. What am I? The Wind /u/Halgy
Tucked within a bone of feather, I'll help your words outlast forever. Top of /r/Riddles adapted
94 But as you push us as we stand, the more we move, the less I am. Ink for D&D by /u/Woolfen
95 How many letters are in the answer to this question? Four u/montyhallsgoatthrowa
96 What herb cures all ailments? Thyme u/Eskimosam

I am made of dust and water and rest upon the earth, in the image
of you, my maker, though in gown of white at birth, awake in cold,
no substance, soul, nor mind, formed by mortal hands and yet I am
divine. Arms stretched wide without embrace I wait until my end,
97 silent and unmoving 'til I'm buried or returned to ground again. Snow Angel Unknown
A venerable relative, whose hands do not hold and whose face
98 cannot see, but can always tell you when you need to be. a (grandfather) clock /u/ItsADnDMonsterNow
99 What means everything to you, and yet nothing to me? Your Life Unknown
100 What word, built of six, becomes its opposite when it is reversed? United Unknown
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Die Roll Riddles Solutions? Credit/Author
Die Roll Riddles Solutions? Credit/Author
Die Roll Riddles Solutions? Credit/Author
Die Roll Riddles Solutions? Credit/Author
Die Roll Riddles Solutions? Credit/Author
Die Roll Riddles Solutions? Credit/Author
Die Roll Riddles Solutions? Credit/Author
Die Roll Riddles Solutions? Credit/Author
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