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“+ OCTOBER 6th +i Roadhouse Rants Interview CD-ROM! Brian Kurtz reveals the secrets he’s used to help grow Boardroom into the direct response juggernaut they are today. PLUS, savy insider advice for anyone leoking to write for the Industry's heaviest hitters, © OCTOBER 19th “1 Clayton's Virtual Hotseat Webinar — Generate a Stampede of New Customers! Clayton reveals 7 cost-ef- fective ways any small business can trigger a stampede of new custom- ers. PLUS, at least 4 ways ‘to maximize the value of each new customer! °f UPCOMING EVENTS +1 AWA Conference! Meet Clayton in person at ‘The American Writers and Artists Institute Conference November 1-4 in Del Ray Beach Floridal To sign up, please visit www. ‘camp/ or call 866-879- 2924. It will bea blast! Lhe Screaming Cagle (0223 THE Prorit CENTER™ & EasyWRITERS™ MARKETING CLUB PRESENT Your RoApMaAP To DirECT RESPONSE RICHES Volume 1, Issue 2 October 6, 2006 A.D. 18 Time-Tested Credibility Secrets For Boosting Response By 1,300% Or More! Top copywriters know that raising the level of your proof and credibility. Is often the quickest, easiest way to dramatically boost your response, in almost every market... + Sets you apart from all the hype, helping bypass your prospect's rising skepticism... + Makes your company, product and spokesperson. instantly trustworthy and your benefits believable ~ two things that MUST occur before the check gets mailed or the 800 number gets dialed... By Anthony Flores Executive Editor Fellow Business Builder, et's cut right to the chase, It doesn’t jmatter how strong your main theme or how visceral your headline is how amazingly unique your benefits are and I don’t care how many pages of killer bullets you've got .. If your copy lacks adequate proof and credibility, even the fimsiest object will crumble your ad like a ten-ton wrecking ball Why? Because it’s a fact —each and every prospect you're writing to will be bombarded with some 650 advertising ‘messages a day. That's nearly 240,000 per year, every year of his or her life - and the ‘volume is multiplying every day. ‘Those messages have made your prospect grizzled, veteran consumer with MILLIONS of advertising impressions “Inside you'll discover 18 proven secrets for lifting response that ‘work -- even without a lick of extra research! If you've ever won- dered what separates the “good” copywriters from the “great” ‘ones, look no further. This is the in-depth report on proof you've always needed to send your re- sponse through the roof!” | and thousands of purchases under his belt. Some of his purchases have lived up to their advertising claims, but many have not AAS aresult, your prospect is a master skeptic. His mental spam fitter works at light speed and it blocks out hundreds of ads every

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