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I. Art ...................................................................................................................................... 4
II. Education........................................................................................................................... 7
III. Environment ................................................................................................................ 10
IV. Globalization ............................................................................................................... 13
V. Government and Politics ................................................................................................ 17
VI. Health ........................................................................................................................... 20
VII. Social issues.................................................................................................................. 24
VIII. Technology ................................................................................................................... 27
IX. Travel and Tourism .................................................................................................... 31
X. Work and Careers .......................................................................................................... 35

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Để ghi được điểm cao trong bài thi writing thì Paraphrase là một kỹ thuật rất quan trọng, nó
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Chúc các em sớm đạt Aim!

I. Art

1. Visually pleasing

 Synonyms: Visually appealing, Esthetically pleasing

 Example: The symmetrical composition and vibrant colors of the painting made it
visually pleasing to the viewers.

2. Expressing artistic ideas

 Synonyms: Conveying creative concepts, Communicating aesthetic concepts

 Example: The installation art piece challenged societal norms by expressing thought-
provoking artistic ideas about identity and belonging.

3. Historical and cultural legacy

 Synonyms: Cultural and historical heritage, Legacy of traditions and customs

 Example: The preservation of ancient artifacts and historical landmarks is crucial for
understanding and appreciating a country's rich historical and cultural legacy.

4. The process of creative expression

 Synonyms: Artistic creation process, Process of artistic manifestation

 Example: The artist's creative process involved extensive research, sketching, and
experimentation to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome.

5. Visual arts and crafts

 Synonyms: Fine arts and artisanal crafts, Visual artistic disciplines

 Example: The art school curriculum encompasses a wide range of visual arts and
crafts, including painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, and printmaking.

6. Display of artistic works

 Synonyms: Exhibition of artworks, Showcase of creative endeavors

 Example: The art gallery hosted a prestigious international exhibition, featuring a
diverse display of artistic works from renowned contemporary artists.

7. Outstanding artistic creation

 Synonyms: Remarkable artistic masterpiece, Exceptional creative achievement
 Example: The sculptor's larger-than-life bronze statue was regarded as an outstanding
artistic creation that pushed the boundaries of sculptural techniques.

8. Diverse cultural heritage

 Synonyms: Varied cultural traditions, Multifaceted cultural legacy

 Example: The city's cultural landscape is a rich tapestry of diverse ethnic traditions,
customs, languages, and religious practices.

9. Inspiration for artistic endeavors

 Synonyms: Motivation for creative pursuits, Catalyst for artistic ventures

 Example: The breathtaking natural landscapes served as an endless source of
inspiration for the artist's artistic endeavors, capturing the essence of nature in their

10. Various artistic mediums

 Synonyms: Different art forms, Assorted creative modalities

 Example: The art studio offers classes in various artistic mediums, such as oil
painting, charcoal drawing, sculpture, and digital art.

Exercise: Gap fill

Sentence 1: The conservation of ancient relics and historic landmarks is essential for
preserving a nation's profound __________ and _________ inheritance.

Sentence 2: The sculptor's monumental bronze sculpture was hailed as an __________ artistic
masterpiece, pushing the boundaries of sculptural techniques.

Sentence 3: The artist's creative journey involved thorough research, sketching, and
experimentation to achieve the desired _________ _________.

Sentence 4: The awe-inspiring natural landscapes served as an endless wellspring of

_________ for the artist's creative pursuits, capturing the essence of nature in their artwork.

Sentence 5: The gallery hosted an esteemed international __________, showcasing a wide

array of creative endeavors from renowned contemporary artists.

Sentence 6: The __________ arrangement and vibrant hues of the artwork made it visually
_________ to the spectators.

Sentence 7: The artist's installation piece challenged societal norms by __________
imaginative concepts of aesthetics.

Sentence 8: The city boasts a _________ cultural legacy, woven from varied traditions,
customs, languages, and religious practices.

Sentence 9: The art school curriculum encompasses a diverse range of _________ mediums,
including painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, and printmaking.

Sentence 10: The art studio offers classes in _________ creative modalities, such as oil
painting, charcoal drawing, sculpture, and digital art.

Answer key:

1. cultural and historical

2. outstanding
3. aesthetic outcome
4. inspiration
5. exhibition
6. harmonious; pleasing
7. conveying
8. diverse
9. artistic
10. various

II. Education

1. Acquiring knowledge

 Synonyms: Gaining knowledge, Obtaining information

 Example: Education plays a vital role in acquiring knowledge and developing critical
thinking skills.

2. Intellectual development

 Synonyms: Cognitive growth, Mental advancement

 Example: The curriculum is designed to promote intellectual development and
stimulate students' analytical abilities.

3. Lifelong learning

 Synonyms: Continuous education, Ongoing learning

 Example: Lifelong learning is essential in today's fast-paced world to keep up with
advancements and adapt to changing circumstances.

4. Educational attainment

 Synonyms: Academic achievement, Educational accomplishment

 Example: Higher levels of educational attainment are often associated with better job
prospects and higher income.

5. Pedagogical methods

 Synonyms: Teaching techniques, Instructional approaches

 Example: The teacher implemented various pedagogical methods, such as group work
and hands-on activities, to enhance student engagement.

6. Educational resources

 Synonyms: Learning materials, Academic tools

 Example: Access to adequate educational resources, including textbooks and
technology, is crucial for effective learning.

7. Holistic education

 Synonyms: Comprehensive education, Well-rounded learning
 Example: Holistic education aims to develop students' intellectual, emotional, and
social skills, nurturing their overall growth.

8. Academic performance

 Synonyms: Educational achievement, Scholastic success

 Example: The school introduced programs to enhance students' academic
performance and improve their grades.

9. Critical thinking

 Synonyms: Analytical reasoning, Logical thinking

 Example: Education should foster critical thinking skills, enabling students to
evaluate information and think independently.

10. Access to education

 Synonyms: Educational opportunity, Availability of schooling

 Example: Ensuring equal access to education for all children, regardless of their
background, is a fundamental principle of inclusive societies.

Exercise: Choose the correct synonym for the given terms:

1. Acquiring knowledge:
a) Obtaining information
b) Gaining knowledge
c) Developing skills

2. Intellectual development:
a) Mental advancement
b) Cognitive growth
c) Emotional intelligence

3. Lifelong learning:
a) Continuous education
b) Ongoing learning
c) Lifelong growth

4. Educational attainment:
a) Academic achievement
b) Educational accomplishment

c) Learning success

5. Pedagogical methods:
a) Teaching techniques
b) Instructional approaches
c) Educational strategies

6. Educational resources:
a) Academic tools
b) Learning materials
c) Study aids

7. Holistic education:
a) Comprehensive education
b) Well-rounded learning
c) Integrated knowledge

8. Academic performance:
a) Educational achievement
b) Scholastic success
c) Learning outcomes

9. Critical thinking:
a) Analytical reasoning
b) Logical thinking
c) Evaluative cognition

10. Access to education:

a) Educational opportunity
b) Availability of schooling
c) Learning accessibility

Answer Key:

1. b) Gaining knowledge
2. b) Cognitive growth
3. c) Lifelong growth
4. a) Academic achievement
5. a) Teaching techniques
6. b) Learning materials
7. a) Comprehensive education
8. b) Scholastic success
9. c) Evaluative cognition
10. c) Learning accessibility

III. Environment

1. Environmental degradation

 Synonyms: Environmental deterioration, Ecological decline

 Example: The rapid industrialization has led to severe environmental degradation,
including air and water pollution.

2. Sustainable practices

 Synonyms: Eco-friendly practices, Environmentally sustainable approaches

 Example: Implementing sustainable practices, such as recycling and using renewable
energy sources, is crucial for reducing carbon emissions.

3. Ecosystem conservation

 Synonyms: Biodiversity preservation, Protection of natural habitats

 Example: Efforts towards ecosystem conservation aim to safeguard vulnerable species
and maintain the balance of diverse ecosystems.

4. Carbon footprint

 Synonyms: Environmental footprint, Carbon emissions

 Example: Reducing our carbon footprint by using public transportation and adopting
energy-efficient technologies is essential for combating climate change.

5. Environmental awareness

 Synonyms: Eco-consciousness, Environmental consciousness

 Example: Environmental awareness campaigns play a vital role in educating the
public about the importance of preserving natural resources.

6. Sustainable development

 Synonyms: Green development, Environmentally conscious progress

 Example: Balancing economic growth with sustainable development ensures a future
where environmental needs are met without compromising the well-being of future

7. Conservation efforts

 Synonyms: Environmental preservation, Wildlife protection initiatives
 Example: The national park authorities have implemented various conservation
efforts to protect endangered species and preserve their natural habitats.

8. Environmental impact

 Synonyms: Ecological footprint, Environmental influence

 Example: Large-scale industrial activities have a significant environmental impact,
contributing to air and water pollution.

9. Renewable energy sources

 Synonyms: Sustainable energy, Clean energy alternatives

 Example: Transitioning to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is
essential for reducing dependence on fossil fuels and combating climate change.

10. Environmental stewardship

 Synonyms: Environmental responsibility, Custodianship of the environment

 Example: Promoting environmental stewardship encourages individuals and
communities to actively participate in preserving and protecting the environment.
Exercise: Gap-fill

1. ________ plays a vital role in preserving delicate ecological balances and protecting
endangered species.

2. It is crucial to adopt ________ to minimize the negative impact on the environment.

3. ________ involves taking responsibility for the environment and actively working
towards its protection and preservation.

4. ________ aims to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

5. ________ poses a significant threat to biodiversity and ecosystems worldwide.

6. ________ is key to fostering a sense of responsibility and inspiring positive actions

for the planet.

7. ________ is important to consider the environmental impact of our actions and strive
for sustainable solutions.

8. Reducing our ________ through energy-efficient measures and renewable energy
sources is essential for combating climate change.
9. Increasing the use of ________ is vital for transitioning to a cleaner and greener
energy future.

10. ________, such as habitat restoration and species protection, are crucial for
maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health.


1. Environmental degradation
2. Sustainable practices
3. Ecosystem conservation
4. Carbon footprint
5. Environmental awareness
6. Sustainable development
7. Conservation efforts
8. Environmental impact
9. Renewable energy sources
10. Environmental stewardship

IV. Globalization

1. Economic integration

 Synonyms: Global economic cooperation, Economic interdependence

 Example: Economic integration through trade agreements has facilitated the flow of
goods and services across borders, contributing to global economic growth.

2. Cross-cultural exchange

 Synonyms: Cultural interchange, Cultural blending

 Example: Globalization has led to increased cross-cultural exchange, where ideas,
traditions, and customs are shared and blended between different societies.

3. Global interconnectivity

 Synonyms: Worldwide interconnectedness, Global networking

 Example: The advent of technology and the internet has greatly enhanced global
interconnectivity, allowing people to communicate and share information instantly
across continents.

4. International migration

 Synonyms: Global mobility, Cross-border movement

 Example: Globalization has resulted in increased international migration as people
seek better opportunities and cultural experiences in different countries.

5. Global supply chains

 Synonyms: International production networks, Global logistics systems

 Example: The establishment of global supply chains has allowed companies to source
materials and components from different countries, optimizing production and
reducing costs.

6. Cultural hybridization

 Synonyms: Cultural fusion, Cultural blending

 Example: Globalization has sparked cultural hybridization, where diverse cultural
influences merge and create new forms of expression in art, music, and fashion.

7. Technological advancements

 Synonyms: Technological progress, Innovation

 Example: Globalization has fueled rapid technological advancements, leading to
breakthroughs in communication, transportation, and healthcare that benefit people

8. Global governance

 Synonyms: International governance, World governance

 Example: The rise of globalization has highlighted the need for effective global
governance to address transnational challenges such as climate change and economic

9. Digital globalization

 Synonyms: Cyber globalization, Virtual globalization

 Example: Digital globalization refers to the integration of digital technologies and
platforms that connect individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide.

10. Cultural imperialism

 Synonyms: Cultural dominance, Cultural hegemony

 Example: Critics argue that globalization can lead to cultural imperialism, where
dominant cultures impose their values and norms on others, eroding local traditions.

Exercise: Choose the correct synonym for the underlined words:

1. The formation of regional trade blocs promotes economic integration, enabling

member countries to eliminate tariffs and facilitate the movement of goods and
a) Global economic cooperation,
b) Economic interdependence,
c) International trade collaboration

2. Increased tourism has fostered cross-cultural exchange, allowing people from

different countries to interact, share traditions, and learn from one another.
a) Cultural interchange,
b) Cultural blending,
c) Intercultural interaction

3. Social media platforms have revolutionized global interconnectivity, connecting
individuals across the world and enabling instant communication and information
a) Worldwide interconnectedness,
b) Global networking,
c) Global communication

4. Economic opportunities and political stability in destination countries often drive

international migration as individuals seek better lives and prospects for themselves
and their families.
a) Global mobility,
b) Cross-border movement,
c) Worldwide relocation

5. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in global supply chains,

highlighting the need for diversification and resilience in sourcing and distribution
a) International production networks,
b) Global logistics systems,
c) Worldwide distribution channels

6. Urban areas often serve as melting pots of cultural hybridization, where diverse
communities come together, influencing each other's languages, cuisines, and artistic
a) Cultural fusion,
b) Cultural blending,
c) Global cultural synthesis

7. Recent technological advancements in renewable energy have revolutionized the way

we harness and generate power, contributing to a more sustainable future.
a) Technological progress,
b) Innovation,
c) Global technological breakthroughs

8. The United Nations plays a crucial role in global governance, addressing pressing
issues such as climate change, human rights, and international conflicts.
a) International governance,
b) World governance,
c) Global policy-making

9. E-commerce platforms and online marketplaces have facilitated digital globalization,

enabling businesses to reach global consumers and expand their customer base.
a) Cyber globalization,
b) Virtual globalization,

c) Global digital integration

10. The influence of Western media and popular culture has sparked debates about
cultural imperialism and its impact on local traditions and values.
a) Acculturation
b) Enculturation
c) Cultural hegemony


1. a) Global economic cooperation

2. a) Cultural interchange
3. a) Worldwide interconnectedness
4. b) Cross-border movement
5. a) International production networks
6. a) Cultural fusion
7. b) Innovation
8. a) International governance
9. c) Global digital integration
10. c) Global cultural dominance

V. Government and Politics

1. Political system

 Synonyms: Government structure, Political organization

 Example: The country operates under a democratic political system, where citizens
elect their representatives through regular elections.

2. Legislative branch

 Synonyms: Lawmaking body, Parliament

 Example: The legislative branch of government is responsible for creating and
passing laws that govern the country.

3. Executive power

 Synonyms: Executive authority, Executive branch

 Example: The President holds executive power and is responsible for implementing
and enforcing laws and policies.

4. Separation of powers

 Synonyms: Division of powers, Checks and balances

 Example: The principle of separation of powers ensures a system of checks and
balances among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.

5. Political ideology

 Synonyms: Political belief, Political philosophy

 Example: Different political ideologies, such as conservatism, liberalism, and
socialism, shape individuals' views on government and public policies.

6. Electoral process

 Synonyms: Voting system, Election procedure

 Example: The electoral process involves registration, campaigning, and voting to
choose political representatives and leaders.

7. Public policy

 Synonyms: Government policy, Public decision-making
 Example: Public policy refers to the decisions and actions taken by the government to
address societal issues and achieve specific goals.

8. Political participation

 Synonyms: Civic engagement, Political involvement

 Example: Encouraging political participation among citizens is essential for a vibrant
democracy and effective governance.

9. International relations

 Synonyms: Foreign relations, Diplomacy

 Example: The government's approach to international relations shapes its interactions
and cooperation with other countries on various global issues.

10. Political activism

 Synonyms: Political advocacy, Political mobilization

 Example: Political activism involves actively engaging in activities to promote social
or political change, such as protests, campaigns, or lobbying.

Exercise: Find the correct definition

1. The decisions and actions taken by a government to address public issues and guide
its course of action.
2. Engaging in activities aimed at promoting or opposing social or political change,
often through protests, campaigns, or advocacy efforts.
3. Involvement of citizens in activities related to governance and public affairs, such as
voting, advocacy, or community engagement.
4. The part of the government that is responsible for making laws.
5. The principle of dividing the functions and powers of government among different
branches to prevent concentration of power.
6. A set of beliefs and values that shape a person's political views and guide their
understanding of how society should be organized.
7. The authority and responsibility to enforce laws and manage the day-to-day
operations of a government.
8. The way a government is organized and operates in a particular country or region.
9. The interactions, cooperation, and conflicts between different countries in the global
10. The procedures and methods used for conducting elections and selecting political


1. Public policy
2. Political activism
3. Political participation
4. Legislative branch
5. Separation of powers
6. Political ideology
7. Executive power
8. Political system
9. International relations
10. Electoral process

VI. Health

1. Public health

 Synonyms: Population health, Community health

 Example: Public health initiatives aim to improve the overall health and well-being of
communities through disease prevention and health promotion.

2. Healthcare system

 Synonyms: Medical system, Health system

 Example: The healthcare system plays a crucial role in providing medical services and
ensuring access to healthcare for all citizens.

3. Health education

 Synonyms: Health promotion, Health awareness

 Example: Health education programs aim to empower individuals with knowledge
and skills to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

4. Preventive care

 Synonyms: Preventive medicine, Proactive healthcare

 Example: Regular check-ups and vaccinations are essential components of preventive
care to detect and prevent potential health issues.

5. Mental health

 Synonyms: Emotional well-being, Psychological health

 Example: Paying attention to mental health is crucial for overall well-being and
requires destigmatization and access to mental health services.

6. Healthy lifestyle

 Synonyms: Balanced living, Wellness-oriented approach

 Example: Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a nutritious diet,
is vital for maintaining good health.

7. Healthcare professionals

 Synonyms: Medical practitioners, Health providers
 Example: Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals work together to provide
quality care and treatment to patients.

8. Health insurance

 Synonyms: Medical coverage, Health protection

 Example: Having health insurance ensures financial support and access to medical
services in times of illness or injury.

9. Epidemic outbreak

 Synonyms: Disease outbreak, Health crisis

 Example: Effective response and containment measures are necessary during an
epidemic outbreak to control the spread of infectious diseases.

10. Health disparities

 Synonyms: Health inequalities, Health gaps

 Example: Addressing health disparities requires targeted interventions to ensure
equitable access to healthcare services among different populations.

Exercise: Make sentences

1. Public health
Your sentence:

2. Healthcare system
Your sentence:

3. Health education
Your sentence:

4. Preventive care
Your sentence:

5. Mental health
Your sentence:

6. Healthy lifestyle
Your sentence:

7. Healthcare professionals
Your sentence:

8. Health insurance
Your sentence:

9. Epidemic outbreak
Your sentence:

10. Health disparities

Your sentence:

Sample sentences:

1. Public health:
Sentence: The government invests in public health initiatives to improve the well-being of the
entire population.

2. Healthcare system:
Sentence: A well-functioning healthcare system ensures that individuals can access timely
and quality medical services.

3. Health education:
Sentence: Schools should prioritize health education to equip students with the knowledge to
make informed decisions about their well-being.

4. Preventive care:
Sentence: Regular check-ups and vaccinations are important components of preventive care
to detect and address health issues early on.

5. Mental health:
Sentence: Taking care of one's mental health is essential for overall well-being and should be
given equal importance as physical health.

6. Healthy lifestyle:
Sentence: Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet can
lead to improved overall health and well-being.

7. Healthcare professionals:
Sentence: Healthcare professionals, such as doctors and nurses, play a vital role in providing
medical care and promoting well-being.

8. Health insurance:
Sentence: Having health insurance provides individuals with financial protection and access
to necessary healthcare services when needed.

9. Epidemic outbreak:
Sentence: Swift and effective measures must be taken to contain an epidemic outbreak and
protect public health.

10. Health disparities:

Sentence: Addressing health disparities requires targeted interventions to ensure equal access
to healthcare services for all populations.

VII. Social issues

1. Social inequality

 Synonyms: Social disparity, Social injustice

 Example: Social inequality refers to the unequal distribution of resources,
opportunities, and privileges among different groups in society.

2. Poverty alleviation

 Synonyms: Poverty reduction, Economic empowerment

 Example: Effective poverty alleviation programs aim to lift individuals and
communities out of poverty and provide them with sustainable livelihoods.

3. Gender equality

 Synonyms: Gender equity, Equal rights

 Example: Promoting gender equality involves ensuring that individuals of all genders
have equal opportunities, rights, and access to resources.

4. Discrimination and prejudice

 Synonyms: Bias, Bigotry

 Example: Discrimination and prejudice based on factors such as race, ethnicity,
religion, or sexual orientation perpetuate social divisions and hinder social progress.

5. Social justice

 Synonyms: Fairness, Equality

 Example: Social justice advocates for a just and equitable society where all
individuals are treated fairly and have equal rights and opportunities.

6. Human rights

 Synonyms: Civil liberties, Fundamental rights

 Example: Protecting human rights is essential to safeguarding the dignity, freedom,
and well-being of every individual in society.

7. Youth empowerment

 Synonyms: Youth development, Empowering young people
 Example: Youth empowerment initiatives aim to equip young individuals with skills,
knowledge, and resources to participate actively in society and effect positive change.

8. Social inclusion

 Synonyms: Integration, Acceptance

 Example: Promoting social inclusion ensures that all individuals, regardless of their
background or identity, feel valued, respected, and included in society.

9. Community engagement

 Synonyms: Civic involvement, Participatory action

 Example: Community engagement encourages active participation and collaboration
among community members to address local social issues and drive positive change.

10. Access to education

 Synonyms: Educational equity, Equal educational opportunities

 Example: Ensuring access to quality education for all individuals, regardless of their
socio-economic background, is crucial for reducing social disparities and promoting
social mobility.

Exercise: Match these definitions with the correct words


Efforts and strategies aimed at reducing and eradicating poverty, improving living
conditions, and providing opportunities for individuals and communities to escape the
cycle of poverty.
The fair and equitable distribution of resources, opportunities, and rights in society,
ensuring that all individuals are treated justly and have equal access to basic needs
and opportunities.
The unequal distribution of resources, opportunities, and privileges in society based
on social factors such as race, class, or gender.
The inherent rights and freedoms to which all individuals are entitled by virtue of
their humanity, including civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights.

The active involvement and participation of individuals and communities in decision-
making processes, problem-solving, and collective action for the betterment of
The principle and objective of ensuring equal rights, opportunities, and treatment for
all genders, promoting fairness and eliminating discrimination based on gender.
The practice of including all individuals and groups, regardless of their background or
characteristics, in social, economic, and political processes and institutions.
The unjust or prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups based on factors such as
race, religion, gender, or age, leading to unfair outcomes and limited opportunities.
The availability and opportunity for individuals to access education and acquire
knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for personal development, social
integration, and economic advancement.
The process of empowering young people with knowledge, skills, and resources to
participate actively in society, make informed decisions, and contribute to positive


1. Poverty alleviation
2. Social justice
3. Social inequality
4. Human rights
5. Community engagement
6. Gender equality
7. Social inclusion
8. Discrimination and prejudice
9. Access to education
10. Youth empowerment

VIII. Technology

1. Technological advancements

 Synonyms: Technological progress, Innovation

 Example: Rapid technological advancements have revolutionized various sectors,
including communication, transportation, and healthcare.

2. Digital transformation

 Synonyms: Digital revolution, Technological shift

 Example: The digital transformation of businesses and industries involves adopting
digital technologies and processes to improve efficiency and customer experience.

3. Information technology

 Synonyms: IT, Computing

 Example: Information technology plays a crucial role in managing and processing
digital information, enabling communication and data analysis.

4. Artificial intelligence

 Synonyms: AI, Machine intelligence

 Example: Artificial intelligence refers to the development of computer systems
capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as
problem-solving and decision-making.

5. Internet of Things (IoT)

 Synonyms: IoT, Connected devices

 Example: The Internet of Things refers to the network of interconnected devices and
objects that can collect and exchange data for various purposes.

6. Cybersecurity

 Synonyms: Information security, Data protection

 Example: Cybersecurity measures are essential to protect digital systems and data
from unauthorized access, theft, or damage.

7. Virtual reality

 Synonyms: VR, Immersive technology
 Example: Virtual reality technology provides users with a simulated experience that
can replicate real-world environments or create entirely new ones.

8. Automation

 Synonyms: Robotic automation, Mechanization

 Example: Automation involves the use of technology and machines to perform tasks
and processes with minimal human intervention.

9. Data analytics

 Synonyms: Data mining, Data interpretation

 Example: Data analytics involves examining large sets of data to uncover patterns,
trends, and insights that can inform decision-making and business strategies.

10. Technological literacy

 Synonyms: Digital literacy, Tech competency

 Example: Technological literacy refers to the ability to effectively use, understand,
and navigate digital technologies and tools.

Exercise: Multiple choice

1. _______________ has revolutionized various industries and brought significant

improvements in productivity and efficiency.
a) Technological advancements
b) Digital transformation
c) Artificial intelligence
d) Automation

2. ________________ refers to the integration of digital technologies into all aspects

of a business, fundamentally changing how it operates and delivers value to
a) Digital transformation
b) Information technology
c) Cybersecurity
d) Data analytics

3. ________________ involves the use of computers, networks, and software to store,

process, transmit, and retrieve information.

a) Information technology
b) Artificial intelligence
c) Internet of Things (IoT)
d) Virtual reality

4. ________________ is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating

intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human
a) Artificial intelligence
b) Cybersecurity
c) Automation
d) Data analytics

5. ________________ refers to the interconnection of everyday objects via the

internet, enabling them to send and receive data.
a) Internet of Things (IoT)
b) Virtual reality
c) Automation
d) Technological literacy

6. ________________ is the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, and

data from digital attacks and unauthorized access.
a) Cybersecurity
b) Data analytics
c) Technological advancements
d) Automation

7. ________________ is a computer-generated simulation or recreation of a real-life

environment or situation that can be interacted with and experienced through sensory
a) Virtual reality
b) Automation
c) Technological literacy
d) Technological advancements

8. ________________ is the use of machines or technology to perform tasks or

processes with minimal human intervention.
a) Automation
b) Data analytics
c) Digital transformation
d) Artificial intelligence

9. ________________ involves examining large datasets to uncover patterns, insights,

and trends to make informed business decisions.

a) Data analytics
b) Technological literacy
c) Virtual reality
d) Information technology

10. ________________ refers to the ability to understand, use, and engage with
technology effectively.
a) Technological literacy
b) Digital transformation
c) Internet of Things (IoT)
d) Cybersecurity

IX. Travel and Tourism

1. Tourist attractions

 Synonyms: Points of interest, Landmarks

 Example: The city is known for its famous tourist attractions, such as historical sites,
museums, and natural wonders.

2. Cultural immersion

 Synonyms: Cultural experience, Cultural exploration

 Example: Traveling allows individuals to immerse themselves in different cultures,
experiencing their traditions, customs, and cuisine firsthand.

3. Sustainable tourism

 Synonyms: Responsible tourism, Eco-friendly travel

 Example: Sustainable tourism aims to minimize the negative impact on the
environment and local communities while maximizing the benefits of tourism.

4. Adventure tourism

 Synonyms: Extreme tourism, Thrill-seeking travel

 Example: Adventure tourism offers exciting and adrenaline-pumping activities like
hiking, bungee jumping, and scuba diving in unique and challenging locations.

5. Hospitality industry

 Synonyms: Tourism sector, Travel and accommodation industry

 Example: The hospitality industry encompasses various services, including hotels,
restaurants, and transportation, that cater to the needs of travelers.

6. Ecotourism

 Synonyms: Nature tourism, Sustainable nature travel

 Example: Ecotourism promotes responsible travel to natural areas, focusing on
conservation, education, and community involvement.

7. Travel itinerary

 Synonyms: Trip plan, Travel schedule
 Example: Creating a detailed travel itinerary helps travelers organize their activities,
visits to attractions, and transportation arrangements.

8. Cultural heritage

 Synonyms: Cultural legacy, Cultural traditions

 Example: Exploring cultural heritage sites provides insights into the history, art, and
architecture of a particular region or civilization.

9. Travel restrictions

 Synonyms: Travel limitations, Border controls

 Example: Due to the pandemic, many countries have imposed travel restrictions to
curb the spread of the virus and protect public health.

10. Tourist infrastructure

 Synonyms: Tourism facilities, Visitor amenities

 Example: A well-developed tourist infrastructure includes accommodations,
transportation networks, and tourist information centers to support travelers.

Exercise: Choose the correct synonym for the given terms

1. Cultural immersion:
a) Cultural exploration
b) Cultural experience
c) Cultural submersion

2. Tourist infrastructure:
a) Visitor amenities
b) Tourism facilities
c) Tourist services

3. Sustainable tourism:
a) Responsible tourism
b) Eco-friendly travel
c) Green tourism

4. Travel restrictions:
a) Border controls
b) Travel limitations
c) Travel bans

5. Adventure tourism:
a) Thrill-seeking travel
b) Extreme tourism
c) Adrenaline tourism

6. Cultural heritage:
a) Cultural traditions
b) Cultural legacy
c) Cultural artifacts

7. Tourist attractions:
a) Landmarks
b) Points of interest
c) Tourist hotspots

8. Hospitality industry:
a) Travel and accommodation industry
b) Tourism sector
c) Hospitality sector

9. Travel itinerary:
a) Travel schedule
b) Trip plan
c) Journey agenda

10. Ecotourism:
a) Nature tourism
b) Sustainable nature travel
c) Green travel

Answer: The correct synonyms for each expression are

1. Cultural immersion: a) Cultural exploration

2. Tourist infrastructure: b) Tourism facilities
3. Sustainable tourism: a) Responsible tourism
4. Travel restrictions: a) Border controls
5. Adventure tourism: b) Extreme tourism
6. Cultural heritage: a) Cultural traditions
7. Tourist attractions: a) Landmarks
8. Hospitality industry: b) Tourism sector
9. Travel itinerary: a) Travel schedule
10. Ecotourism: b) Sustainable nature travel

X. Work and Careers

1. Employment opportunities

 Synonyms: Job openings, Career prospects

 Example: The city offers a wide range of employment opportunities in various
industries, including finance, technology, and healthcare.

2. Professional development

 Synonyms: Career advancement, Skill enhancement

 Example: Continuous professional development is crucial for individuals to stay
updated with industry trends and improve their career prospects.

3. Work-life balance

 Synonyms: Work-life harmony, Work-life integration

 Example: Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for maintaining well-
being and productivity in both personal and professional aspects.

4. Career aspirations

 Synonyms: Professional goals, Ambitions

 Example: Identifying and pursuing one's career aspirations helps individuals strive for
success and fulfillment in their chosen field.

5. Job satisfaction

 Synonyms: Career contentment, Work fulfillment

 Example: Job satisfaction is influenced by factors such as meaningful work, a positive
work environment, and opportunities for growth.

6. Entrepreneurship

 Synonyms: Business ownership, Start-up ventures

 Example: Entrepreneurship involves starting and managing one's own business, taking
risks and pursuing innovative ideas.

7. Workplace diversity

 Synonyms: Diversity and inclusion, Multicultural workforce
 Example: Embracing workplace diversity fosters creativity, innovation, and a broader
range of perspectives and ideas.

8. Career transition

 Synonyms: Job change, Career shift

 Example: Career transitions can involve changing industries, acquiring new skills, or
moving into different roles to pursue new opportunities.

9. Professional networking

 Synonyms: Business connections, Relationship building

 Example: Building a strong professional network can provide access to job
opportunities, mentorship, and collaborative partnerships.

10. Workplace ethics

 Synonyms: Professional conduct, Business integrity

 Example: Upholding workplace ethics is essential for fostering trust, respect, and
integrity among employees and promoting a positive work environment.

Exercise: Fill in the blank with correct words

1. To access job opportunities, mentorship, and collaborative partnerships, individuals

should focus on building a strong ______________.

2. Embracing ______________ in the workplace leads to increased creativity,

innovation, and a broader range of perspectives and ideas.

3. Striking a ______________ is key to leading a fulfilling and productive lifestyle.

4. Individuals who have clear ______________ are more likely to succeed and find
satisfaction in their careers.

5. The level of ______________ depends on factors such as meaningful work, a positive

work environment, and opportunities for growth.

6. The city provides a diverse array of ______________ in sectors such as finance,

technology, and healthcare.

7. To advance their careers and stay competitive, individuals must engage in

8. ______________ requires a bold spirit and the pursuit of innovative ideas.

9. ______________ can involve changing industries, acquiring new skills, or moving

into different roles to pursue new opportunities.

10. Upholding______________ is essential for fostering trust, respect, and integrity

among employees and promoting a positive work environment.


1. Professional networking
2. WWorkplace diversity
3. Work-life balance
4. Career aspirations
5. Job satisfaction
6. Employment opportunities
7. Professional development
8. Career transition
9. Entrepreneurship
10. Workplace ethics


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