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For the DIY Gamer kit by twsu.

Written by Jaap Scherphuis, 2014-09-21;

This is a puzzle game in which you have to switch off all the lights.

Level Selection

The opening screen displays LVL and the current level number. You can use
the UP and DOWN buttons to select a different level if you so desire. Press
START to begin play.

Game Play

Use the direction buttons to move the cursor around, and press the START
button to make a move at the cursor location. The effect of a move is to
toggle the light at the cursor location, as well as the lights that are
vertically or horizontally adjacent.

You can abort the game and return to the level selection screen by pressing
three or more buttons simultaneously.

End of Game

If you switch off all the lights, one of three things will happen depending
on how many moves you needed.

- A perfect solve: A spiral animation is shown, and you progress to the next
level automatically. The level selection screen is displayed.

- Solve within 16 moves of optimal: A number of squares in lit up in the top

two rows, showing how many surplus moves you used. The level
selection screen is displayed, with the same level number as
before, so you can play another equally hard pattern.

- Solve with more than 16 unnecessary moves: A big X is shown, and you then
get the same pattern to solve again.

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