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Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 22 (2021) e00192

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Mobility in ancient times: Combining land and water costs

Pedro Trapero Fernandez
adiz University, Spain


Keywords: Mobility in Roman Times can be modelled using GIS tools. These resources allow us to understand how com-
GIS munications could be done. In this paper, we debate about a better way to use these models in cases where we
Network analysis have a navigable river in our studied territory. Normally these water spaces are considered as limiters of land
Spatial analysis
movement, because of the real nature of Least Cost Path tools, that will always consider them as natural paths. We
Roman transport
Horizontal factor
argue that in roman mentality the rivers are the best areas for movement and in our current development we
Guadalquivir river could not integrate them with land ones. The main problem is the principal factor in river mobility, the current
upstream and downstream. We present a tool in ArcGIS to calculate the Horizontal Factor of the river's current.
This allows us to test the integration and results of a combined land and river analysis in different scenarios, like
the connexion between centre and node, like a city to the villa. Finally, we argue about the need of this kind of
integration to better understand mobility with the ancient mentality, allowing us to consider other ways of cost,
not only in terms of time but also in the increased cost value of product transportation.

1. Introduction separately (Melles et al., 2011; Gustas and Kisha, 2017; Verbrugghe,
2017; Milheira, 2019); the same is the case of modelling sea communi-
In this paper, we propose a method to include cost analysis in fluvial cations alone (Safadi, 2016; Jarriel, 2018; Gambash, 2017).
areas alongside traditional land movement analysis. In addition, we In this paper, we ask whether this is the best way of modelling rivers
debate the need for better models for understanding ancient forms of in cost analysis? It is contradictory to restrain models in such areas as if
communication. Our methods integrate water and land costs as a single they were not relevant paths. Nevertheless, rivers were like highways as
process in GIS to create a cost distance and backlink raster for Least-Cost means of communication in ancient times. To understand ancient history,
Path (LCP) analysis (Brughmans, 2013). These tools are well known in we need to avoid being restricted by a tool and instead use it to represent
mobility studies of ancient times (Lo Cascio and Tacoma, 2017). In the the ancient mentality about mobility, economy and landscape (Grau,
movement of people and goods we will always need to be limit by 2006; Lag ostena, 2016; Ruiz Gil et al., 2019).
physical conditions like gradients, generating natural paths in inland We propose a clear and verifiable model to integrate both costs into
transport or currents and wind in maritime ones (Malmberg, 2015). Due one analysis. We think that this issue has not already been solved owing
to the incremented cost of trade and the interchange of goods, the best to one problem. River transport has many factors and conditions, the
routes would always have been navigable, either by river or by sea. To most important of which is movement direction into the river, because
move an indeterminate number of people or objects in Roman times, the the velocity significantly changes upstream and downstream (Werther
chosen medium would not have been the fastest in terms of time, but the and Kr€ oger, 2017). For this reason, we need to know the direction of the
low value costs in terms of economic costs (di Salvo, 1992). river and consider at least a horizontal factor in the creation of the cost
Our model tries to represent this reality and for this purpose we need distance raster. There are other conditions taken into account, gradient,
to modify the tools we use in GIS. The best example is when we need to currents, depths and winds, but we consider that in a navigable river the
somehow restrict the routes generated because of the existence of rivers main one would be the horizontal factor. To solve this problem, we
and streams. An ordinary LCP would use the centre of the water basin, develop a tool in Model Builder for ArcGIS and share it in this paper for
without considering the difficulty of walking or crossing flooded terrain. other researchers.
This is why in many land cost-distance analyses, rivers and streams are We present in this paper a model to generate the angle of water
considered as boundaries or restrictions to passing (Abu Izzeddin, 2014). movement in a river. In addition, we seek to demonstrate how and why
Some recent high-quality research has considered river and sea transport land and river cost analyses should be integrated. We argue that it is

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Received 5 December 2020; Received in revised form 19 April 2021; Accepted 24 May 2021
2212-0548/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.T. Fern
andez Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 22 (2021) e00192

important to reconsider distance cost analysis by including rivers in it as physical factors considered. As discussed above, the most critical variable
waterways and not as boundaries, because the former would not have to take into account is the slope of the terrain. The steeper the terrain,
been perceived as such by people in ancient times. more important it is in the calculation (Baek and Choi, 2017). In general,
the energy needed to move depends on the weight of the cargo, the
2. Materials and methods distance travelled and the friction factor. A friction map based on the
slope can express these factors in a territory. Such a friction map is
For this model, we use ArcGIS, with its Cost Distance and Route composed using a group of cells. In those cell, each one represents the
Analysis tools. In addition, we develop a combination of various tools in slope angle that we relate with a friction value assigned, which can lead
Model Builder, along with a script in Phyton to create a function for the to interpreting as energy or time (Haisman and Goldman, 1974).
horizontal factor of rivers. The data used allow the creation of a LCP Movement costs and optimal paths are always relative to specific
analysis, composed of several friction maps, where the land cost is in- conditions. The people in ancient times used river paths wherever
tegrated with the maritime cost, and in this second case, considering the possible (Varro Rust. 1.16). This is an important fact, so a typical land
direction of movement. cost analysis that limits mobility in rivers as if these routes were barriers
Our working method is based on an attempt to integrate costs into the does not represent real mobility preferences. Until now, the main tech-
middle of the river. We start from a classic LCP analysis, generating a nical problem was that the costs in rivers and land was not based on the
friction map using a mobility algorithm like that of Llobera and Sluckin same values and could not be calculated with the same friction map.
(2007) and adding the desired limitations, such as surface vegetation and There are only a few approaches available to find a solution (Collischonn
streams. We start from a generic model, whose parameters should not and Pilar, 2000). The technical issue is related to the change in costs
interfere with the experiment. depending on the current in the river, a problem that we try to solve here.
With this, we try to understand the problem of integrating the costs of On a theoretical level, we understand ancient communications
land and river transport. They are two distinct components, whose cost through two complementary perspectives: the purpose of transport and
factors are different. In the case of land transport, the slope of the terrain the types of nodes connected (Malmberg, 2015).
is the main influence, while in the case of river transport, the primary The goal of mobility may be to move people or goods, or both. In
influences are the force and the direction of the current. If only force general, in the first case, time is the main factor, whereas in the second
existed, a friction raster could be established for the area covered by the case, the increased cost of the product is more important.
river (for example with a buffer to the linear entity) and put together with On the one hand, for people movement on foot, it is adequate to
a land cost model based on the slope. create a raster from slopes, assigning a value of friction for every degree
However, it is in the orientation where we encounter the main of the terrain. Some high-quality investigations regarding the develop-
problem. For this reason, we present an application that allows the angle ment of this method can be found in Fabrega et al. (2007), Herzog (2010)
of the river to be calculated in a simple way. It is developed in the section and Verhagen et al. (2013).
titled ‘Calculation’. On the other hand, where goods were transported, ancient people no
Having the angle of the orientation of the line, it is possible to use a longer focused on time expenditure, but on the increased product cost,
function of the LCP, which is the horizontal factor. If we consider how the which depended not only on the conditions of transport but also on the
cost is conditioned by horizontal ‘friction’, we can attribute it to the means of transport (Alberti, 2018). For this reason, it is necessary to
strength of the river current. This is a way of solving the problem because ascertain the parameters of mobility in Roman times for the various types
the angle of motion can serve as a multiplier or divisor of the cost in that of transport, like in navigable paths (Casson, 1971). Several examples of
stretch. Knowing the value of the speed or the cost of going for or against distances and costs for river navigation are available thanks to literary
the current, we can model cases where the angle of the river was for or ancient sources (Pliny the Elder N.H. VI, 102) and Egyptian papyri
against the current itself. (Adams, 2017). In relation, the approximate prices of the products
This can enable cost analysis in rivers considering the factor of the transported are well known (Scheidel, 2013). It is the objective of this
current. Once this is done, it is relatively simple to integrate it with a land paper to use these parameters in the analysis, so new investigations can
cost model. Tools like Path Distance in the Spatial AnalystDistance rely on it (Table 1). The differences in transport ratios were diverse,
toolbox of ArcGIS allows the inclusion of a degree scale with the where the maritime value was better than downstream, upstream and
assignment of values. In this case, we need two features in raster format finally the most expensive was land transport either on foot, by horse or
for the river. The first combines the friction from slopes with the mini- by carriage (Carreras 1999; de Soto 2010, 2019).
mum cost values in the river downstream. The second is the raster with Including movement through rivers would allow the implementation
the angles that form the river, transformed into a raster of cost values for of these values in future investigations. Over the past three decades,
the horizontal factor. This second cost map is applied only to the river research has stated that transport during Roman times was not only
area and changes the cost in the case of going against the river flow. In focused on terrestrial routes, but maritime and river paths as well (Car-
this way and if desired, one can integrate the cost values in the river and reras, 1994; de Soto, 2019). Models for calculating sea transport have
on land into the same process. been developed using ancient written sources (Casson, 1971) and
archaeological information about shipwrecks (Arag on et al. in press). The
3. Theory integration of river transport with land or even maritime communica-
tions is, therefore, an important issue.
Mobility is a topic that has been investigated for a long time, starting
from ancient sources referring to travellers. This first-hand information
brings us closer to understanding the reason why these travellers chose Table 1
their routes and their general approach to transport and communication. Transport values in Roman Times based on P. de Soto (2010), 53.The second
There are currently large projects analysing these issues with GIS perspective is the origin and the destination of the communication, varying
methodologies (ORBIS, ). However, it is necessary to consider the con- substantially based on whether it is centre-to-centre, centre-to-nodes or
ditions of the land, as some factors may change over time, but others can
be more invariable, like riverbeds or mountains. For this reason, we Transport Velocity (km/h) Capacity (t) Cost (t/km)
calculate the physical factors affecting the transit times for a person, an Maritime 4,25 92 0,097
animal, a car or a boat depending on the specific case (Haisman and Fluvial (downstream) 2,5 5,5 0,33
Goldman, 1974). Cost analysis tools are vital in answering these funda- Fluvial (upstream) 0,6 5,5 0,66
Land (carriage) 1,6 0,090 4,21
mental questions. The analysis can be different, depending on the

P.T. Fern
andez Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 22 (2021) e00192

First for consideration is the connection among cities or ports. Such  The proposed formula is a standard way to acquire the trend using the
networks had an important infrastructure and were based on natural trigonometric difference between length and height. In this way, we
paths. Generally, we have enough literary or archaeological sources for create four new fields: the first one to store the trend, the second and
their study. Our model will not be suitable for this kind of mobility, third to separately calculate the X and Y coordinates and the fourth to
because most of the time there would have been road, river or sea calculate the script and the final value.
communication, but not a mix of connectivity maps.  Then we calculate in field 2 and 3 (“Calculate field” and “Calculate
Second is communication between a centre (city or port) and a node field 2”) the sum of the last minus the first point of X [LAST_POINT_X]
(which can be a villa), could be, for example, the movement of people - [FIRST_POINT_X] and Y [LAST_POINT_Y] - [FIRST_POINT_Y]
and goods to supply the city or to export products outside the territory. coordinates.
We must remember the importance of portoria as spaces for tax regulation  In field 2 we acquire the trend of each line: (([LAST_POINT_Y] -
in commerce (Pasquini, 2017; Bang, 2008, 202–238). [FIRST_POINT_Y])/([LAST_POINT_X] - [FIRST_POINT_X])) *180/
Third is communication among nodes, such as the transfer of people 3.14.
and goods between two productive spaces like villas, for example the  The final field is the value that returned to the original feature
amphoras and dolias of a place of pottery production to a villa. This type of function, plus the implementation of a Python logic code to assign the
small-scale trade may even have been subsistence, but is of interest in values to a circle quadrant. The code is:
view of the inability to produce all goods in one place. def calculate(trend, xvalue, yvalue):
The second and third types of connections will not have much of work if (xvalue>¼0 and yvalue>¼0):
and money investment and could be hard to model because of the return (trend)
combined use of different paths. In this case, for example, it would be elif (xvalue<¼0 and yvalue>¼0):
easy in terms of the increased cost of the product to use a carriage to a return (trend þ 180)
river, then a boat to the city. This kind of communication is what we are elif (xvalue<¼0 and yvalue<¼0):
trying to understand and model, because our current research options return (trend þ 180)
models are being limited to representing all these issues. elif (xvalue>¼0 and yvalue<¼0):
return (trend þ 360)
4. Calculation
The horizontal factor tools can only work with numbers between
In this section, we describe a method to create a tool for adding the 180 and 180 because they are the possible orientation in movement.
horizontal factor in river movement to a typical land cost analysis. A To identify the direction, we assign the trend values in 360 to the correct
model tool for ArcGIS has been developed for this specific study (see circle quadrant and return the specific value that operates in the cost
Annex 1 for free access). It is a combination of multiple tools that together distance tool. As in Fig. 3, the result is a field in the river shape with the
offer an easy way to calculate this orientation and facilitate the use of orientation of each line. To test this model, we use an example in the
river cost transport in terrestrial approaches (Fig. 1) (see Fig. 2). navigable Guadalete River in the south-western portion of the Iberian
Here we explain Fig. 1 and the method of this tool: Peninsula (Perez Fernandez, 2018).
The rest of the analysis can continue as usual in distance costs. In the
 The tool splits the selected lines to ascertain the points of this vertex. case of anisotropic cost, the ArcGIS Path Distance tools can calculate the
Then it calculates the X and Y coordinates and provides a summary of friction and the backlink map with the direction of travel. With the Cost
the statistics to add a field with the first and last points of each Path tool, is possible to make optimal cost lines for the displacement
coordinate. between two points. To do this, it is only necessary in this case to create
two rasters. The first raster includes the values of land friction (e.g.

Fig. 1. Tools used in Model Builder to create the Calculate Orientation Tool.

P.T. Fern
andez Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 22 (2021) e00192

Fig. 2. Example of the orientation calculation from a river path in the Guadalete river (Southwest Spain).

slopes) plus the minimum friction value for river transport only in the In Fig. 3.3 we have limited the rivers and streams to make them more
area where the river is located. The second raster contains the values of difficult to pass. They have been transformed into zones with a 5-degree
the river orientation for the horizontal factor parameter in the cost dis- slope. In Fig. 3.4 we have done the same thing but with steeper slopes of
tance tool, with a 0 value in the land area. 30 . In these attempts, we can observe how different the paths could have
been created only using this important factor. In addition, we can
5. Results and discussion appreciate how unrealistic this result is, because the condition is not only
the rivers and streams, also the value for limit them.
To test this method we use a case study that meets the necessary In Fig. 3.5 we have used the method of this article using the horizontal
conditions: an area where communication could have taken place by land factor to model the rivers and streams as 5-degree slope limiters. The
or river, in a known navigable area and without a sea coast. The study result is quite similar to the first one, without considering rivers and
area is located between the Roman cities of Corduba, Hispalis and Astigi, streams. This is a poor result and owes to the proximity in values between
three conventual capitals and the provincial capital of the Betic province. the land and river parameters.
We know the navigability of the Guadalquivir River and its tributary the In Fig. 3.6 the same process has been done but with consideration of
Genil in Roman times (Fornell, 1997). the increased cost of transporting products. We use for that the values of
We test some standard mobility models, changing the movement Table 1 Cost (t/km). The experience shows very similar routes to those of
conditions. At first, we try to connect the three cities. This case is spe- standard LCP models, specifically Figs. 3.3 and 3.6 are very similar.
cifically good for our study because communication could have taken However, what expresses their values are completely different because
place either by land or by river. We use Astigi as the centre, because it is the final model considers the increased cost of transporting a product, not
in the middle of Hispalis and Corduba, so it would have faced both the time it takes. Curiously, both routes would fit roughly with the route
downstream and upstream issues. Furthermore, we know that the Via of the Augusta path through the area. These data allow a first approxi-
Augusta connected these places (Sillieres, 1990). We do not consider the mation as to the potential of this tool, but as already mentioned in the
Roman road in this analysis in order to avoid modifying the results. The section on theory, it is not especially significant for the case of the
area is quite flat and the chosen path could have been conditioned by connection between the cities.
other parameters more than the road itself. We conduct a test using the Nevertheless, we have tested other types of communications among
mobility tools in ArcGIS creating a distance and backlink cost raster and a nodes and centres. For instance, we have undertaken an analysis con-
distance path between the three cities. In the following paragraph, we necting Astigi with a series of theoretical points generated by a grid. This
describe each attempt in Fig. 3. theoretical approach uses representative points of mobility around the
In Fig. 3.1 we can see the area of study, including the two rivers of rivers and therefore it has not been necessary to use real archaeological
interest. We know the importance of connecting these places because we locations. With all this, we have conducted a standard LCP analysis to
are in the economic triangle of production and the trade of Betic olive-oil connect these places (cost raster limited by rivers and streams on a 5-de-
(Remesal, 1986). gree slope value) and the parameter of increased product cost.
In Fig. 3.2 we have conducted the first analysis, considering the cost As one can see in Fig. 4, the differences between the generated routes
of transport alongside the tools mentioned above, only with the slopes are significant. In the first case, we have communications that do not take
and without limiting rivers or streams, allowing any movement in rivers into account the river, precisely trying to avoid it as far as possible.
and streams. The result is an unrealistic path because we could not walk However, with our model the communications are more logical, using the
in the middle of the rivers. waterway when possible. There are cases that appear in Fig. 4.2 where

P.T. Fern
andez Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 22 (2021) e00192

Fig. 3. Different testing LCP from Astigi to Hispalis and Corduba in a slope raster. 1, Location of roman cities and navigable rivers. 2, LCP without limiting rivers and
streams. 3, LCP with slight limitation in rivers and streams. 4, LCP with high limitation factor in rivers and streams. 5, LCP with our model. 6, LCP with our model but
considering incremented cost transport goods.

Fig. 4. Comparison of LCP calculated from Astigi to grid points. 1, standard LCP process with river and stream as limiters. 2, our model combining navigable and
land cost.

P.T. Fern
andez Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 22 (2021) e00192

the chosen route is directly the land one, as the river is not as suitable. CRediT authorship contribution statement
With this simple comparison, one can see the potential of the tool. A
similar result could be achieved by conducting two analyses, the first Pedro Trapero Ferna ndez: Conceptualization, Methodology, Soft-
from the different locations to the nearest stretch of river and then from ware, Data curation, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Investigation,
these points to the city of Astigi. However, in this case we would have Writing – review & editing.
forced that all the communications had to have part by water, when with
our model, they can be mixed, starting on land or water indistinctly. This Declaration of competing interest
is an important step forward, as we exclude a subjective criterion given
by the researcher, when considering that a part of the mobility has to use The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
one route or another. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
This model allows us to better understand mobility not specifically the work reported in this paper.
among cities, but with other territorial entities. We do not show the case
of connecting node-to-node examples because the problem and the result Appendix A. Supplementary data
are quite similar to that expressed in Fig. 4. Furthermore, we must
consider the fact that this method is not suitable for all places, as there Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
must be certain conditions available, like an important navigable river.
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as an alternative. . In Fig. 4.2, communication from villa to villa could be References
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