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Terrestrial animals - simply understood as animals that live entirely or mostly on the

ground. Animals that live on land are very diverse

Many factors affect the development and growth of terrestrial animals such as
temperature, habitat, water source, behavior, organization, etc. However, today I will
focus on their living environment factors.
As the name suggests, their habitat is on land such as forests, deserts, plains, etc. The
diversity of environments has created an extremely rich world of terrestrial animals.
The first is in the desert. Outstanding with: Dry and hot air, high temperatures can
reach up to 60 degrees, scarce water with mainly sand resources, ... The animals
emphasize the ability of moisture to store water and reproduce rapidly over short periods
that allow their survival. Some outstanding animals include:
- Insects are the animals that reproduce most easily in the desert. Among the most
common are moths, ants, and spiders.
- Reptiles of the desert are known by their ability to withstand extreme temperatures,
thanks to their ability to control their body temperature. Like snakes and lizards: some
species can change color.
- The most famous is the camel. Its main qualities are the ability to store fat in the hump
for food and the ability to survive with little water.
Next is the tropical forest. They are located in the tropics and have dense, tall, long-
lasting tree structures in tropical and temperate climates. Most animal groups are present
here such as annelids, mollusks, insectos, reptiles, ...
And sits the most famous forest in the world - the Amazon rainforest. This place is
considered the "green lung" of the world with the number of trees. According to a report
by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), on average, a new animal species was
discovered in the Amazon every 3 days, from 1999 to 2009. These include a bald parrot, a
small blind catfish, and a transparent frog, with skin so thin you can see its heartbeat.
Some famous animals of the forest include the giant Anaconda ,the pink dolphin or
Amazon river dolphin
Finally, there is the Delta region, the most densely populated place in the world.
Perhaps that's why most of the animals here will be friendly to humans or there will be
national forests - ideal habitats for animals. The main species groups are mollusks,
insects, poultry, cattle, ...
It can be seen that the soil environment is the habitat of many animal species in the
world. However, we can see that the habitat of animals is gradually small day by day due
to destructive human activities and climate change, causing the diversity in the ecosystem
to gradually disappear. For example: forest fires in the Amazon, cut down illegally tree
in Vietnam, and illegal animal hunting, ...

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