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Language 1
Daniela Simonelli

Assignment # 3
Winston´s diary

I know writing is a crime-thought but I need to put on paper what is running through my
mind. I'm a member of the ruling class,an official of the party.However, my life and the life of
the population is monitored by it.
All the citizens have a telescreen in their houses .It spouts out propaganda day in and day
out.Now, the telescreen is not pointing at me, so they can´t observe
what I am doing. I decided to keep a record of all the events that are happening in my life
for the future generations, in the hope that life would be different in the future.

I'm aware that they will take me down or incarcerate me if they discover I'm writing in a
diary. Nevertheless, I'm doing it. Why? I need to let out the oppression I feel.What is the
point of living like this ? I'm not living.I feel dead inside.
I don´t have a life of my own.I can´t enjoy life, sex is only a means of bringing children to
the world.Big brother doesn´t let us enjoy sex. It's a psychological strategy.The party
messes with our minds and we can't avoid it. My wife loathed sex and we went separate
ways.I don´t know her whereabouts. I hope she is ok.
The last time I satisfied my sexual desires was with a prole prostitute. I go to these
run-down places where the party doesn't keep an eye on.The poor enjoy some freedom. It
is paradoxical. They are too miserable to be a threat to Big brother.They are not monitored
as the more threatening social classes.
Nobody writes.I barely remember how to hold a pen.Writing is a means of self-
expression.It helps me put my ideas in order and keep things in perspective.
I want to break free from this asphyxiating lifestyle.I'm a walking dead waiting for the day
my life ends.Sometimes I Look up the sky ad lift my hands up into the air as if begging
some kind of mercy from God.I wish God listened to my pleadings, but I've been asking
him for help and there hasn't been and answer to them yet.If only God cut me some
slack.Contrary to evidence, I have a foreboding feeling that something will change my
course of action.Big brother will be annihilated somehow.This castle of lies will fall down and
the truth will emerge. Freedom will come.

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