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1) Don’t blame others for your failure.

Blaming others is a sub-concious mechanism to avoid

responsibility and avoid some truths about yourself. Your success or failure in life or at work isn’t about
other people. It’s your procrastination and excuses. You won't grow when you blame others. The more
Obstacles you overcome, the stronger you become. When you are no longer able to change a situation,
change yourself. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.

2) It is ok if your Idol ignores you, or someone doesn't value you. Some people won't recognise your
value. A Professor told Fred Smith his business idea won't work - Fred's idea was Fedex. Walt Disney was
fired from a newspaper company for lacking imagination. There're always flowers for someone who
wants to see them. Work until your idols become your peer. Don't wear a brand - be a brand. Be so good
they can't ignore you. You will have the chance when somebody who already has a unique skill leaves
the company, and you step in to replace them. Or it will happen when a new initiative requires skill the
company has never before had.

3) Don't depend on others for your success or career - depend on yourself, your effort, your
determination. Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers, plant your own garden. Find
something to hold on, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. If there is no path, create
your own path.

4) You're never too poor to start a Business. You just need a problem-solving mindset. UPS was founded
by 2 teens with a bicycle & $100 borrowed from a friend. If you cannot make money without money,
you cannot make money with money.

5) Think bigger. The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who

6) Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be lead by your dreams.

7) Don't wait to be great to start. Start to be great today. Your first YouTube video won't be good. Your
first Book won't be good. Don't waste your potential because you think you're not ready. If you don't
start, you can't pick up things along the way, that will help you reach your destination.
8) Keep learning, and then innovating from what you learn. Effort matters - the improvement you make
along the journey is just as important as the ending. Success is not about who has more talent, but who
is hungrier to push boundaries.

9) Never give up. Bill Gates showed his Plan to 1200 people. 900 said no, 300 people showed interest (11
of them made him a billionaire). When starting your business, your biggest Supporters will be Strangers.

10) Create your own luck. Your Network is your Networth. Your network can open doors for you. Build
your network before you need it. Support your friends business.

Written By,


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