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Possible questions

Q: Why do you support the death penalty?

A: I believe the death penalty serves as a deterrent, preventing heinous crimes and providing a sense of
justice for victims and their families.

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Q: Isn't the death penalty inhumane?

A: While it is a serious punishment, proponents argue that it ensures a proportional response to the
most severe crimes, emphasizing the need for justice.

Q: Does the death penalty really deter crime?

A: Yes, supporters believe that the fear of facing the ultimate consequence can act as a deterrent,
discouraging potential offenders from committing serious crimes.

Q: Isn't there a risk of executing innocent people?

A: While there is a risk, proponents argue that advancements in forensic science and strict legal
processes minimize this risk, and the ultimate goal is to ensure justice is served.

Q: Why not opt for life imprisonment instead?

A: Some argue that life imprisonment doesn't provide closure for victims' families and that the death
penalty is a more effective deterrent, preventing the possibility of parole or escape.

Q: Doesn't the death penalty disproportionately affect certain demographics?

A: While disparities exist, supporters contend that reforms can address these issues, and the focus
should be on improving the fairness of the system rather than abolishing the penalty altogether.
Question for disagree

1. What are your primary concerns or objections to the death penalty?

2. Do you believe that the death penalty is an effective deterrent to crime? Why or why not?

3. How do you view the potential for wrongful executions, and does it influence your stance on the
death penalty?

4. Are there alternative forms of punishment you believe would be more just or effective than the death

5. In your opinion, how does the death penalty align with principles of justice and human rights?

6. Do you think the application of the death penalty is influenced by factors such as race, socioeconomic
status, or geography?

7. Can you elaborate on your ethical or moral reasoning against the death penalty?

8. How do you perceive the impact of the death penalty on society and individuals involved in the legal

9. Are there specific cases or instances that have shaped your perspective on the death penalty?

10. Do you think there is room for reform within the current justice system regarding the death penalty,
or do you advocate for its complete abolition?

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