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Division of City Schools

Apopong District
Barangay Sinawal, General Santos City



Name _________________________________ Year & Section _____________________

Teacher _______________________ Score : _____________________
General Directions:
1. Read carefully the instructions.
2. Use black pen only
3. Strictly no ERASURES
4. Cheating is not allowed.


Directions :Choose the letter that corresponds to the statement below and write your answer
on the space provided before the number.

__________1. Which of the following is the by –product of the nucleosynthesis of helium -4

from a deuterium and tritium?
a. proton c. neutron
b. gamma radiation d. helium-3

__________2. What happens when something redshift?

a. it’s energy increases c. It’s frequency increases
b. it’s wavelength increases d. It’s size increases

__________3. According to the Big Bang Theory how much time was needed to produced
the light elements hydrogen and helium?
a. 5 hours c. 13.8 Billion years
b. 7 million years d. 3 minutes

__________4. Which of the following refers to the process of producing the light elements
such as hydrogen and helium?
a. rp- process c. cosmic ray radiation
b. big bang nucleosynthesis d. supernova nucleosynthesis

__________5.Which of the following is the major factor predicting the fate of a star?
a. mass of the star c. amount of iron produced
b. strength of gravitational force d. temperature of the star

__________6. Which of the following refers to the remains of the energy created after the
Big Bang Expansion?
a. gravitational wave c. cosmic microwave back
ground radiation
b. glackbody radiation d. magnetic field

__________7. Which of the following is the correct arrangement of star stages of stellar
evolution of a low mass star?
a. protostar, main sequence star, red giant, white dwarf
b. main sequence star , red giant. Protostar, white dwarf
c. white drarf, main sequence star, red giant, protostar
d. protostar, red giant, main sequence, white dwarf
___________8. The formation of the star starts with the dense regions of molecular clouds.
What force pulls together to form these regions?
a. magnetic force c. electromagnetic force
b. nuclear force d. gravitational force

__________9. Which of the following is a star that has used up its hydrogen supply in the
core and switched into the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen in the shell surrounding the
a. Protostar c. red giant
b. Supernova d. main sequence star

_________10. Which of the following is a stellar core formed when the fragments of a
collapsed molecular cloud contract?.
a. supernova c. red giant
b. protostar d. main sequence star

_________11. Which of the following describes stellar nucleosynthesis?

a. It is the formation of light elements such as hydrogen and helium

b. It is the process by which elements are produced in gas clouds

c. It is a formation of elements during a supernova explosion
d. It is the process by which elements are formed within a star

__________12. What characteristics of the stars determines whether the energy comes from
the proton-proton fusion or carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle?
a. mass c. shape
b. distance from the earth d. distance from another star

__________13. What are conditions necessary for a nuclear fusion to occur?

a. high temperature , high pressure c. low temperature , high
b. high temperature , low pressure d. low temperature, low pressure

__________14. Which one is the lightest element and the starting point of nuclear fusion
reactions in stars?
a. helium c. nitrogen
b. carbon d. hydrogen

__________15. It is a type of reaction that produces heavier elements from lighter ones.
a. Combustion c. nuclear fusion
b. decomposition reaction d. nuclear fission

__________16. When does a massive star enter the stage of becoming a supernova?
a. When the star has burned all its oxygen c. when the star has used up all
its hydrogen fuel
b. When the chromium fusion stops d. when the silicon fusion stops

__________17. Which of the following elements are not formed during stellar evolution ?
a. Gold c. oxygen
b. Carbon d. helium
__________18. Which of the following are the main points of Dalton’s atomic theory ? Select
2 options
a. all matter is composed of atoms c. all atoms of a given elements
are different in properties and masses
b. atoms can be created nor destroyed d. atoms may combine to form a
new compound

__________19. How did Neil’s Bohr solve the problem in Rutherford’s model?
a. He used X-ray spectrometry to study the atoms
b. He proposed the electrons move in set energy levels
c. He showed that the atoms had a void space
d. He used a Geiger counter

__________20. What method did Moseley use to study positive charges?

a. X-ray spectrometry c. Mass spectrometry
b. IR spectroscopy d. UV spectrophotometry

__________21. He proposed that an electron moves from one energy level to another.
a. Henry Moseley c. J.J Thompson
b. Ernest Rutherford d. Niel’s Bohr.

__________22. He concluded that atoms has a central nucleus.

a. Niel’s Bohr c. J.J Thompson
b. Ernest Rutherford d. Henry Moseley

__________23. He developed the use of X-ray in studying the structure of atoms

a. Niel’s Bohr c. Henry Moseley
b. Ernest Rutherford d. J.J Thompson

__________24. Who discovered the electrons?

a. J.J Thompson c. Henry Moseley
b. Ernest Rutherford d. Niel’s Bohr

__________25. Which of the following are the main points of Dalton’s atomic theory? Select
2 options
a. All matter is composed of atoms
b. Atoms can be created nor destroyed
c. Atoms may combine to form a new compound
d. All atoms of a given element are different in properties and mass

__________26. Which of the following is the shape of the Earth according to ancient
a. Sphere c. Octagon
b. Cylinder d. Flat disc

_________27. Which of the following scientific laws is an empirical law?

a. Law of Acceleration c. Law of Action & Reaction
b. Law of Inertia d. Law of Planetary Motion

__________28. It is not derived from any existing law and is evidence-based

a. Assumption c. Empirical Law
b. Theory d. Axiom
___________29. Bodies that are round and orbit around the sun but are not able to
clear their path from other celestial bodies are called________.
a. Star c .Planet
b. Comet d Dwarf Planet

___________30. In what region in space are the icy-cold bodies like Pluto and its
moons are found? This region extends 50 AU from Neptune.
a. Orion’s Belt c. Kuiper’s Belt
b. Andromeda Galaxy d. Milky Way

___________31. Which celestial body was discovered that caused the demotion of
Pluto into a dwarf planet?
a. Ceres c. Makemake
b. Eris d.Haumea

___________32. Pluto, has been removed from the list as a planet. What type of
celestial body is Pluto now as announced by the International Astronomical Union
a. Comet c. Moon
b. Asteroid d. Dwarf Planet

___________33. In what year Pluto was thought of as Planet X which is the name
given to the predicted ninth planet of the solar system since it was discovered by
Tombaugh in 1930 until it was declared as a dwarf Planet ?
a. Year 2000 c. Year 2006
b. Year 2008 d. Year 2012

___________34. Which of the following correctly defines one astronomical unit?

a. The distance of the Earth from the Sun
b. the distance of the earth to the nearest planet in the solar system
c. the distance of the earth from the nearest galaxy
d. the distance that the earth travels in a year

__________35. What method can be used to determine the distance of stars that
are less than 300 light years away?
a. Parallax c. Spectroscopy
b. Photometry d. Standard Candles

__________36. It is the shift in the wavelength of the emitted light which occurs
when the source of light is moving relative to an observer..
a. Parallax c. Astronomical Unit
b. Light Years d. Doppler Effect

__________37. Which of the following correctly describes the statement: “ The

speed of light is constant? “
a. The statement is sometimes true. c. The statement is always true
b. The statement is never true. d. The statement is sometimes
_________38. What light phenomenon is seen usually after a rain shower when the
atmosphere is filled with tiny droplets of water?
a. Solar Eclipse c. Parhelion

b. Lunar Eclipse d. Rainbow

________39. An object whose mass remains constant increases its momentum.

Which of the following can best explain this situation?
a. The velocity of the object increases c. The Object’s acceleration is
always zero
b. The object is at rest d. There is no external force
acting on the object

________40. What do you call the bouncing of light as it strikes a surface?

a. Absorption c. Reflection
b. Refraction d. Transmission

MATCHING TYPE : Match Column A with the representative descriptions of models

of atoms in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before
the number. 10 points

Column A Column B

_________41. John Dalton a. Quantum Model

_________42. JJ Thomson b. Nuclear Model

_________43. Ernest Rutherford c. Plum Pudding Model

_________44. Niel’s Bohr d. Solid Sphere Model

_________45. Erwin Schrδdinger e. Planetary Model

Prepared by :

Carlos L. Alcones, T-III

Catherine O. Sison, MT 2

Babie Janseen C. Fetalvero, SST-1

Mehca Ali Sacayan, T II

Dexter Dador Agustin-SST-1

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