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1 > Change the sentences to Passive Voice, + 0) T-do my homework every day. ) Steven bought a new car last month. ©) My father sent an e-mail yesterday morning | d) Maggie teaches Spanish to Tom twice a week. 1 We, eckson Find go ng last wen 1) sah recs smelter fone bored Uy beer nee hp 1) Ava plays the plana every worn 1) The waiters served some Ttalian costumers. * J) George and studied these English exercises I) The cat broke the yellow vase yesterday night. + 1) Many tourists visit the Copacabana Beach every See +m) Tate a delicious apple last Saturday, +1) My mother helps me with my homework every day. ©) Sam asked my telephone number P) Susan's sister paints wonderful pictures. 2 Rewrite the sentences into the Passive Voice. | © sess meter making sme cookies 1) it har vite Rome sc ast yer 6) My pres oe watching a decmentry on TV 6) Thse boys have talen the bust she ) Tom washing my clothes 1, Susan has turned on the Hights 4) Joke's brothers are shooting the ball 1) They hove bought much jewellery for two months, +1) Mike is eating « piece of coke 1D T have studied this lesson since last week 1h) Sore's teacher is teaching French to me 1 1) Professor John has corrected many exams. * mm) Some scientists are explaining the Human DNA.

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