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Orson Welles was a multifaceted American actor, director, writer, and producer, best known for his

groundbreaking work in radio, theater, and film. Born on May 6, 1915, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Welles
became a prominent figure in the entertainment industry during the mid-20th century. He gained
widespread fame for his radio adaptation of H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds," which caused panic
among listeners who believed the fictional broadcast to be real news. Welles' innovative techniques and
storytelling prowess also extended to his film career, with his directorial debut "Citizen Kane" (1941)
often hailed as one of the greatest films in cinematic history. Throughout his career, Welles challenged
conventional norms and pushed the boundaries of artistic expression, leaving a lasting impact on the
worlds of radio, theater, and film.

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