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Adv Physiol Educ 40: 477–479, 2016;

doi:10.1152/advan.00074.2016. Illuminations

Conceptualizing physiology of arterial blood pressure regulation through

the logic model
Lalitbhushan S. Waghmare1 and Tripti K. Srivastava2
Inter-disciplinary Health Sciences, Department of Physiology, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed
University) Sawangi (M), Wardha, Maharashtra, India; and 2Department of Physiology, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical
Sciences (Deemed University) Sawangi (M), Wardha, Maharashtra, India
Submitted 5 May 2016; accepted in final form 31 August 2016

The Concept Description

THE LOGIC MODEL (also known as a logical framework, theory of This idea was developed to design a logic model of ABP
change, or program matrix) is a tool used by funders, manag- regulation (Table 2) for undergraduate students of first phase in
ers, and evaluators of a program to evaluate its effectiveness. It subject of Physiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,
is a graphical depiction of logical relationships between the Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed Univer-
resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes of a program (3, 7, sity). The description in brief is as follows (6).
11, 12). Although there are many ways in which logic models Input. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood on
can be presented, the underlying purpose of constructing a walls of the arteries. Various inputs that are instrumental in
logic model is to assess the “if-then” (causal) relationship physiological regulation of blood pressure can be grouped into
between the elements of a program. If resources are available the following:
for a program, then the activities can be implemented; if the A. General factors: general factors are physiological factors
activities are implemented successfully, then certain outputs that determine the range of blood pressure, viz., age, sex,
and outcomes can be expected. A logic model thus has four hereditary, meals, sleep, emotions, gravity, and diurnal
major components: inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes (3, variations.
8, 9, 11, 12) (Table 1). B. Circulatory factors: the major circulatory factor that can
Physiology deals with normal functioning of the human cause alteration is mainly cardiac output, which depends on
body wherein various regulatory mechanisms work together to stroke volume and peripheral resistance. Stroke volume is
establish homeostatic environment. The understanding of ho- the amount of blood ejected by each ventricle per beat. It is
meostasis has evolved since its original formulation; however, dependent mainly on myocardial contractility and end-dia-
the core concept captured by Cannon’s phrase “Wisdom of the stolic volume. Peripheral resistance is the resistance offered
Body” remains its defining property (1). Wisdom of the body by the arterial system to the outflow of blood. Factors that
describes how an array of physiological and behavioral re- determine peripheral resistance are 1) arteriolar radius,
sponses are elicited in a seemingly coordinated way to stabilize which depends on intrinsic, i.e., myogenic and metabolic
or defend critical physiological parameters. Blood pressure and factors and extrinsic, i.e., hormonal, paracrine, and neuro-
blood sugar are the vital physiological variables, as defined by genic factors; 2) length of the vessel; 3) and viscosity of
Walter Cannon in 1929, wherein homeostasis is the principle blood. This flow-pressure-resistance relationship can be ex-
underlying physiological regulation for ongoing maintenance plained by Poiseuille-Hagen law (4, 5, 10, 13, 14). Other
and defense. A fundamental tenet of homeostatic regulation is important factors are elasticity of vessel wall and velocity of
that variables work together in a coordinated fashion to wisely blood flow.
defend bodily parameters critical to well being (2). They are Process. All of these inputs lead to four major physiological
programmed in such a way that, if one input falters, there are processes taking place in the body to keep blood pressure varia-
multiple alternative mechanisms to regulate. The body is ac- tions within normal limits. The activities occur either simultane-
customed to such mechanisms, which in technological terms ously or one after the other. The activities can be grouped into the
can be considered as a program. The array of inputs through following: 1) nervous regulation (sympathetic and parasympa-
their respective mechanisms work in unison to achieve a thetic systems), 2) intrinsic physical regulatory mechanisms,
defined product (i.e., output and outcome). 3) autoregulatory mechanisms, and 4) hormonal mechanisms.
This principle of regulated outcome, as explained through Output. The various processes as mentioned above have dif-
the logic model, can help in understanding physiological prin- ferent areas of operation. They can be grouped into short, inter-
ciples to maintain homeostasis. We explored this model by mediate, and long-term mechanisms. The output through short-
fitting in the inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes for term mechanism will be correction for momentary changes in
teaching arterial blood pressure (ABP) regulation to undergrad- blood pressure; for intermediate, it will be correction for varia-
uate students of first phase in medicine. tions for a brief period; and for the long term, it will be correction
leading to complete equilibrium for years. Resultantly the sources
of these outputs will be as follows (6):
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: L. S. Waghmare, 1. Short-term mechanism
Inter-disciplinary Health Sciences, Dept. of Physiology, Datta Meghe Institute
of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), Sawangi (M), Wardha, Maharash- A. Baroreceptor reflex (60 –100 mmHg): baroreceptors are
tra, India 442001 (e-mail: located mainly in carotid sinus and aortic arch. The
1043-4046/16 Copyright © 2016 The American Physiological Society 477
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Table 1. Elements of a logic model

Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes/Impacts

What resources go into a What activities the program What is produced through those The changes or benefits that result
program undertakes activities from the program

cells are sensitive to pressure, hence the name “baro- within narrow range throughout life. This is brought about
receptors”. When pressure rises, they send impulses to by direct as well as indirect mechanisms. The direct mech-
vasomotor center (VMC) and increase the parasympa- anisms of long-term regulation are achieved mainly through
thetic tone to bring back the ABP to normal limits. pressure diuresis and pressure natriuresis, and indirect mech-
B. Chemoreceptor reflex (40 – 60 mmHg): tissue ischemia anisms are through hormonal mechanisms. The hormonal
stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors (carotid and aor- mechanisms bring about mechanical changes in the wall of
tic bodies), resulting in rise in blood pressure, heart the renal arteries like vasoconstriction and also alter the
rate, and rate and depth of respiration by stimulation of absorptive properties of renal tubules. The two main hor-
VMC and respiratory center. monal mechanisms are as follows:
C. CNS ischemic response (15–50 mmHg): a fall in blood
pressure below 50 mmHg can directly stimulate VMC. A. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism.
Resultant stimulation of sympathetic nervous system B. Antidiuretic hormone.
increases heart rate, cardiac output, and blood pressure. Outcome/impact. The long-term impact depends upon the
This phenomenon is also observed in increased intra- type of mechanisms causing the output. Short-term mecha-
cranial tension that occludes blood supply to brain due nisms control the blood pressure for seconds to minutes.
to compression of arteries. The CNS ischemic response Intermediate-term mechanisms control the pressure for minutes
thus initiated is also referred to as “Cushing’s Reflex”. to hours and long-term mechanism for years together.
2. Intermediate-term mechanism
Implementation Strategy and Finding
A. Capillary fluid shift (⫹30 to 15%): This is a simple
anatomic shift of capillary fluid to the extracellular This educational project was piloted for medical students in
space whenever the blood pressure rises. The shift in the first phase through convenient sampling. The undergradu-
fluid leads to a decrease in blood volume and resultant ate intake capacity of the university is 200 students/year, who,
fall in pressure. for teaching learning purposes, are divided into batches A and
B. Stress relaxation and reverse stress relaxation: the phe- B, with 100 students in each batch. For the present study, batch
nomenon of accommodating extra blood by relaxation A students were considered as an experimental group (n ⫽ 95).
of arterial wall is known as stress relaxation, and the Five students were absent on the day of project, and hence,
process of arterial contraction due to fall in blood they were were not included. Batch B students were considered
volume is known as reverse stress relaxation. as controls (n ⫽ 93). Two students were on medical leave and
3. Long-term mechanism: the long-term mechanisms are the five were absent (total of 7), and hence, they were not included
most effective ones in maintaining the blood pressure in the study. The objectives were as follows:

Table 2. Logic model for blood pressure regulation (color coding indicates the duration of regulation of respective

Inputs Process Outputs Short/Intermediate/LongTterm

General factors • Nervous regulation: sympathetic and parasympathetic • Baroreceptor (60 –100 mmHg) • Short-term/instant correction
Age system Chemoreceptor (40 –100 mmHg) (within seconds to minutes)
Sex • Intrinsic physical regulatory mechanisms CNS Ischemic response (15–50
Hereditary mmHg)
Meals • Capillary fluid shift (⫹30 to • Intermediate correction (within
Sleep 15%); stress relaxation and Re- days to 1 mo)
verse stress relaxation
Emotions • Autoregulatory Mechanisms • Renal, hormonal (RAA and anti- • Long term regulation (within days
Gravity diuretic hormone to years)
Diurnal variations
Circulatory factors • Hormonal mechanisms
Cardiac output
Peripheral Resistance
Arteriolar radius
Length of the vessel
(the Poiseuille-
Hagen’s law)

RAA, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone.

Advances in Physiology Education • doi:10.1152/advan.00074.2016 •

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Table 3. Feedback of experimental group (responses ⫽ 95) regarding learning ABP regulation through logic model

Serial No. Item Strongly Disagree/Disagree, % Neutral, % Agree/Strongly Agree, %

1 Concept of logic model is interesting. NA/2.1 7.36 73.68/16.84

2 Logic model will help in retaining and reproducing the concept NA/4.3 11.57 74.7/9.4
of arterial blood pressure regulation.
3 I would like to explore the logic model further. Yes: 91.57% No: 3.1% Maybe: 5.4 %
ABP, arterial blood pressure; NA, not available.

1. Sensitize the experimental group about the importance Implications of Logic Model for Blood Pressure Regulation
and implication of logic model.
2. Aid in the understanding of blood pressure regulation The proposed model will help learners understand the reg-
through logic model, thereby stressing the importance and ulation of ABP with reference to different physiological inputs
correlation of input, process, output. and outcomes for main- that work together to keep it within normal limits. The logical
taining blood pressure within physiological limits. sequence of outcomes in terms of short-, intermediate- (control
3. Compare the level of understanding of blood pressure reg- mechanisms), and long-term regulation (regulatory mecha-
ulation between experimental group (n ⫽ 95) and controls nisms) can be comprehended and retained in a better way.
(n ⫽ 93). Although the present short project did not give significant
4. Record the perception of experimental groups regarding results, embedding the framework of the logic model into other
learning through logic model. parts of the physiology curriculum might aid in understanding
5. Analyze the limitations of this approach. the significance of association between inputs and outcomes. It
can also emphasize the importance of different factors and their
The experimental group (n ⫽ 95) was first briefed about interplay in attaining homeostasis.
logic model (lecture based) so that they understood the concept
in a better way. They were taught about ABP regulation by DISCLOSURES
logic model, and controls were taught the same in conventional No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared.
way (n ⫽ 93). Two objectives of the class were identified. 1)
Learners should be able to enumerate various regulatory fac- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
tors for ABP regulation; 2) they should be able to explain L.S.W. drafted manuscript; L.S.W. approved final version of manuscript;
various mechanisms that are involved in maintaining short-, T.k.S. conception and design of research; T.k.S. edited and revised manuscript.
intermediate-, and long-term ABP within physiological limits.
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Advances in Physiology Education • doi:10.1152/advan.00074.2016 •

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