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Name: Moises D. Macaranas Jr.

Program: BSBA – OM
Subject: INT REL105 Christian Morality Assignment: 1
(General Morals)

Living by the Commandments

As we consider the Ten Commandments, we might feel they do not have much
relevance to our day-to-day lives. Most faithful Latter-day Saints are far from
crossing the lines of killing, stealing, and cheating. However, whether a certain
commandment feels more applicable than some to our personal circumstances,
pondering each one and seeking ways to obey them more fully will bring us
closer to Jesus Christ.

Focus on building your faith through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Seek to know His character and His will. Instead of the transactions of worship,
performing rites and actions in hopes of obtaining something, strive to worship
God from a place of love and devotion.

However, we can magnify this commandment when we actively try to speak well
of the Lord. Whether we talk about our Church activities and beliefs more
regularly in conversation or post inspiring materials and thoughts online, we can
help combat the evil words against God with uplifting testimonies of our own. As
disciples of Christ, we can be braver and bolder in speaking of the Savior and His
influence on us.

Whatever your relationship is with your parents, recording their histories and
stories is one powerful way to honor them. If you have contact with your
parents, ask them questions about their lives and record the answers. You may
also want to record your own memories about them that are significant to you. If
you do not know your parents, write about those people who have a positive
spiritual impact on your life.

We live in a violent world and there are many ways we can get involved that suit
our personal attitudes and passions.

It is hard but try and go one week without any media at all. Focus on not
watching any television or movies. Log off social media and try not to listen to
music. The goal is to embrace stillness and quiet, seeking to detox from the
world and become more sensitive to the spirit.

We often get caught up with needing to have more. We fear loss. When we are
generous, we show the Lord we have faith in His abundance.

Lastly, we often have more people in our lives than we realize who stand ready
to help us. Ponder on who you can trust and look for ways to be more
emotionally available to them. Practice asking for help or admitting that things
have been rough. Especially, kneel in prayer and be honest with God about all
the things you experience and feel, no matter how shameful or embarrassed you
might be.


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