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 Technological Determinism

o This theory argues that the technology that humans make, drives and develops
society. How we feel, think, act and operate.

o For example, with the invention of the steam engine was a factor that led to the
beginning of the industrial society.

o It’s often popular in Marxist reading of history. Person’s often arguing against the
use of a new form of technology would often choose this stance.

o References: R.R Kline (2001):

 Social Determinism

o The alternative/counter to Technological Determinism is Social Determinism, which

argues that societal factors influences a person’s or group of persons’ behavior (in
this case the use of technology).

o For example, in Trinidad poor communities could not afford classic instruments.
Instead they created sounds from cheap goods such as tins and steel drums. This led
to the creation of the steel pan.

 Soft Determinism
o The middle ground which argues that technology neither develops society nor does
society develops technology.

o Instead this theory argues that societal changes are a result of an individual’s free
will and actions.

o For example a person who grows up in a poor and violent society can choose to be
violent or not

 The use of AI in the Field of Music

o Recently the use of AI is becoming more and more common. It is important to view
if the way AI drastically changes the field of music is a result of technological
determinism or if it is a result of social determinism.

 Examples of AI used in Music

o Playphrase
o Lalal.AI
o Tone Transfer
o Mid Journey
o Lander
o Soundful
o UberDuck
o ChatGPT

The Development of the Piano Forte

 Clavichord
o The oldest stringed keyboard instrument
o Popular between Late middle ages to the 1800s
o Clavichord was not meant for a large audience. Was mostly played for a small room
of people.
o The clavichord was very small so there were fewer strings to tune.
o There are two strings connected to every key. Some keys shared strings which made
it difficult to play them together.
o Inside there is a hammer that strikes the strings. That’s where the sound comes
 Harpsichord
o Popular from 1400s to 1790s
o This can have either one or two keyboards.
o Harpsichords have instruments inside called Jacks that pluck the stings inside to
create a sound.
o Like the Clavichord each key has two strings connected to it. However, this time no
two keys shared the same string. So, there was more range to play different notes
o Bach created a composition called The Well-Tempered Clavier, which was designed
to demonstrate the feasibility of composing in just temperament and to
demonstrate the varying key colors in well-tempered tuning
 South German Viennese Piano
o This was the instrument used by classical musicians such as Mozart and Beethoven.
o It had 58 notes. Inside there were hammers hit the strings when a note is played
o It still wasn’t as loud as modern piano. However, we see an introduction of tone
o That means we see where the tone of the notes changed depending on if the user
strikes them softly or hard.
o There are no pedals on this instrument. To dampen or moderate the sound players
had to use their right and left knee respectively.
 Modern Steinway Piano
o In 1850 the New York Steinway company implemented metal parts into the piano
o This was the first piano to have metal parts. It was also the biggest and heaviest.
o There’s a lot more emphasis on the power of the notes, while still keeping the ability
to change the tone quality from soft to loud.
o There were three strings to each key.
o The Industrial Revolution made it easier and less costly to manufacture this type of
piano. As a result, you see where pianos were not just restricted to the upper class.
o The modern piano forte has 88 notes and three pedals
o The right pedal (sustain) removes the dampers on the piano. Allowing the sounds to
ring out a lot freely
o The left pedal (una corda pedal) allows the hammers to hit two of the three strings
connected to the piano key. Thus, making the sound more muted.
o The middle pedal (sostenuto) is similar to the sustain (or right pedal). It only affects
the keys that are hit when the pedal is down. Any key after that is not affected.

Music Temperament.

o The Piano established the standard of equal temperament and tuning in the
Western music culture.
o Previously, the traditional just temperament was the main tuning system for the
piano forte.
o The composition “Piece Nocturne 4” Gabrielle Faure demonstrate the capabilities of
the equal temperament piano.
o Just Intonation uses simple fractions for intervals and sounds perfect in one key,
while Equal Temperament divides the octave into 12 equal parts, allowing free
modulation without dissonance.

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