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1. Write more test cases for various situations to increase divide method test coverage.

present test only covers non-zero denominators. Create test cases for the denominator being 0
to guarantee the IllegalArgumentException is raised. Example of test coverage improvement:


public void shouldDivide() {

assertEquals(5.0, Util.divide(10.0, 2.0));

assertEquals(0.0, Util.divide(0.0, 5.0));

@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)

public void shouldThrowExceptionWhenDivideByZero() {

Util.divide(5.0, 0.0);

2. The replacement of lines 3-4 in the Util code with the assertion "assert d != 0" will have an influence
on the code's execution both during testing and in production.

During the process of testing: If the condition d!= 0 evaluates to false during the execution of the test
cases, the assert statement will raise an Assertion Error, therefore highlighting the presence of a defect
in the code. This facilitates the early detection of flaws during the testing phase.

In the context of manufacturing or operations, the term "production" refers to the process of
transforming inputs into outputs, often including the By default, assert statements are often disabled in
production to ensure that they do not affect the regular execution of the code. Enabling assertions in a
production environment, while not advisable due to performance considerations, would result in the
same behavior as seen during testing. If the specified condition is not fulfilled, an Assertion Error would
be raised.

3. In order to evaluate the private method getTitle, one might use Java reflection as a means to
access and execute private methods inside the test class. The following is an example of a procedure
to evaluate the functionality of the getTitle method:
import org.junit.Test;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class TestUtil {


public void shouldReturnTitle() throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException,

IllegalAccessException {

Person person = new Person("F");

Method getTitleMethod = Util.class.getDeclaredMethod("getTitle", Person.class);


String title = (String) getTitleMethod.invoke(null, person);

assertEquals("Ms.", title);

The aforementioned preconditions guarantee that the methods will not be run using a Person object
that is null, which is considered an invalid argument. In such cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be
thrown, accompanied by a descriptive message.

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