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10/25/23, 11:44 AM Expression of Interest: Market Access – Identifying Service Providers for Market Access Opportunities and Routes

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Expression of Interest: Market Access – Identifying Service Providers for

Market Access Opportunities and Routes to Markets for SMMES

Temporary  Anywhere  Posted 2 weeks ago

Graça Machel Trust


Dear Service Providers/ Industry Experts and specialists,

We are writing to express our interest in identifying and engaging service providers with expertise in
facilitating market access opportunities and establishing effective routes to markets for entrepreneurs. Our
organization is committed to supporting budding entrepreneurs by providing them with the necessary tools
and strategies to succeed in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rate of entrepreneurship in the world, with approximately 42 percent of
the non-agricultural labour force classified as self-employed or employers. Yet most entrepreneurs,
especially women, are unable to grow their businesses beyond small-scale subsistence operations,
impeding their contribution to poverty reduction and shared prosperity. (World Bank).

The Graça Machel Trust Women Creating Wealth is an initiative to inspire and equip 10,000 businesswomen
with confidence, skills, tools, and networks to create $ 1 billion and 200,000 jobs in 5 years.

Through this Initiative, we posit that if women entrepreneurs in the targeted sectors receive human-centred
personal, leadership, and entrepreneurship capacity-strengthening; have access to a community of support,
finance, and markets; and exist in an enabling environment, their enterprises will grow and transform from
income generation to wealth creation. As women create wealth, they are more likely to contribute to
realizing at least 6 Sustainable Development goals – zero poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being,
gender equality, decent work, and economic growth.

Project Objective
To create a robust ecosystem that fosters collaboration, growth, and sustainability for entrepreneurs. To
achieve this, we seek to partner with experienced service providers who can guide entrepreneurs toward
optimal market access and distribution channels.

We envision collaborating with service providers who can offer: Privacy - Terms… 1/3
10/25/23, 11:44 AM Expression of Interest: Market Access – Identifying Service Providers for Market Access Opportunities and Routes to Marke…

Market Research and Analysis: Conduct in-depth market research to identify target markets,
consumer preferences, and emerging trends. Provide insights that enable entrepreneurs to align their
products and services with market demands.
Market Entry Strategies: Develop effective market entry strategies tailored to each entrepreneur’s
unique offerings. Guide entrepreneurs in choosing the most suitable entry points and positioning their
products/services effectively.
Supply Chain Optimization: Optimize the supply chain to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and
enhance the delivery of products/services to end-users. Streamline processes to meet market
demands effectively.
Distribution Network Development: Assist in establishing and optimizing distribution networks,
including identifying reliable distributors, retailers, and strategic partnerships to ensure efficient
product/service distribution
Regulations Compliance and Certification Assistance: Provide guidance on navigating regulatory
frameworks, certifications, and compliance requirements necessary for market entry and operation.
Marketing and Branding Strategies: Develop comprehensive marketing and branding strategies to
enhance brand visibility and customer engagement. Implement e-commerce and digital marketing
initiatives and communication plans tailored to the target market.
Designing and supporting inclusive/collective business models: approaches to organize and
operate businesses that prioritize the active involvement and benefit of a wide range of stakeholders
and businesses. These models aim to foster collaboration, equity, and sustainability by including
various parties, such as employees, customers, suppliers, communities, and the environment, in
decision-making processes and sharing the benefits and responsibilities of the business.

If your organization possesses the expertise and capabilities in any of these areas, we invite you to submit
your proposal outlining your experience, approach, methodologies, and potential collaboration strategies.
List the country or countries you have experience in and include country-specific strategies in your proposal.
Please provide relevant case studies or references that showcase your successful engagements with

Please note this call is for service providers who work in at least one of the following countries: Malawi,
Zambia, Tanzania, South Africa, Zambia, Kenya, and Senegal.

To apply, please use this link: to send short proposals (no more than 5 pages) with
evidence of previous work and references by 26 October 2023. Feel free to reach out if you have any inquiries
or require further clarification.

We appreciate your consideration and look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you to empower
entrepreneurs and drive their businesses toward success.

Yours Sincerely,

Korkor Cudjoe,
Graca Machel Trust, Senior Entrepreneurship Manager

October 13th, 2023

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10/25/23, 11:44 AM Expression of Interest: Market Access – Identifying Service Providers for Market Access Opportunities and Routes to Marke…


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