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Using your Superpower: You may use your

superpower three times throughout a game. The

three blank squares to the right of your superhero
are there to show how many superpower uses you
have remaining. You may use your superpower at
any time, even multiple times in a round. For each
use, mark an X in the square.

In this mission, The Dice Knight has the superpower to

January increase or decrease a die by 1. (Example: Change a 4
Joe Hout - Beluga Bliss Games to either a 3 or a 5. 1’s may only be increased and 6’s
may only be decreased)
Overview: You are a Superhero trying to save the city!
Travel to different locations, rescue citizens, defeat Using Help and Move Bonuses: When you unlock
minions, and save the day! But this time… it is an epic a Help or Move Bonus, circle it in the bottom left
Saga event played over an entire year! section to show it has been gained. You may at
any time spend this bonus. A Help bonus gives
Players: 1 – 100. Game Time: 20 minutes. you an additional die that is any number to be
Items needed: 4 six-sided dice and used to Help at your current location. A Move
your favorite token, miniature, or pawn bonus gives an additional die that is any number
to represent your superhero (or follow to be used to Move to any location.
QR code to 3d print this month’s hero!)
When you use a bonus, mark an X over it to show you
The game is played over 12 rounds have spent it. You can spend multiple bonuses in a
simultaneously, with players trying to earn the most round, and you can use bonuses immediately after
points (honor). All players will use the same dice pool for gaining them.
each roll, assigning however each player determines.
Rescuing Bystanders:
Setup: Place your token on The Dice Knight square. When a Bystander rescue requirements are met, you
circle the corresponding Bystander in the bottom scoring
Gameplay: Each Round you will Roll 4 dice and then section. At the end of the game, each rescued Bystander
spend those 4 dice to either Help at your current location earns you 4 Honor.
or Move to another location.
If you rescue all three Animal Bystanders, you
- Roll 4 dice - Roll the 4 dice. Write the numbers in the gain the Animal Hero bonus, which gives you 5
top right corner on the current round’s track. This is just additional Honor.
used as a helpful reference.
If you complete the column with the 4’s in the City
- Spend dice to either “Move” or “Help” - each die Hall area, you gain the Key to the City. The Key
can be used to either move your superhero or help to the City gives all your rescued Bystanders +1
people in your current location (by marking an X or a Honor (so instead of 4 honor each, they are 5
number). honor each).

Move - There are two ways to move. Move your Defeating Robot Minions and the Robot Villain:
superhero token to the location that matches the Each location has a Robot that is menacing
die, or use a die that matches your superhero’s the location. You may spend a die to add the
current location to move your superhero token to corresponding number to that Robot. The next
any location. number added to the Robot has to be the
same number as the previous. Robot Minions require
Help- Use a die to help in your current location, only 2 dice to defeat, whereas the Robot Villain (in the
marking an X or writing a number (depending on Junkyard) requires 4 dice to defeat.
the location). When defeated, mark an X over a Robot Minion in the
scoring section at the bottom. At the end of the game,
Repeat this until 12 rounds have been completed. each defeated Robot earns you 4 Honor.
End of Game:
If you defeat the Robot Villain, you also gain the After you have completed the 12th roll/round, total your
x2 Robot Multiplier. This makes it so Robots are Honor/points earned from each location, rescued
now worth double the points (from 4 Honor each bystanders (4 honor per), defeated robots (4 honor per),
to 8 honor each!) gaining additional honor if you gained the Key to the City
and/or the Robot x2 Multiplier. Also, gain 1 honor for
Each Location Explained: each gained but not used Help and Move bonus. Gain
10 honor for the Alien Technology and 5 Honor if you
1 - City Hall - Mark an X for matching die (1, 2, 3, or 4) in rescued all three Animal Bystanders (Animal Hero). The
any order. Earn 8 Honor for each row completed. Earn player with the most Honor is the winner!
the corresponding bonus/bystander/key to the city for
each column completed. Join in the Saga:
A special Saga event! - Each month
2 - Restaurant – Mark an X over the matching die. Gain in 2023, a new Super Dice Heroes
the corresponding Honor or Honor and Bonus when a mission will be released. Log your
pair is completed. You can start a new pair before scores (QR code to Google Form)
completing others. You do not have to go in any order. If to impact the story and to compete
you complete a set in the same column, gain the for the high score to earn the
corresponding Bystander. Superhero of the Month.

3 - Park – There is a mysterious meteor that landed in Achievement Tracker:

the park. There are two different tracks to advance in Keep playing and keep track of what you have collected
this location. The top one goes from left to right, and you over multiple games. Can you find all the items in each
have to X the exact number in order. Gain the Alien monthly mission? Can you unlock all the achievements
Technology when the last number (6) is X’d. for that month? Log your plays and save this tracker for
Alien Technology is worth 10 honor, it is also your epic end of the year score!
mysterious. The bottom track alternated
between an Odd number and an Even number. The first STORY – Introduction (read before starting game)
number must be an Odd number (1, 3, or 5), and the Night falls on the city. But this night is no ordinary night.
next number must be an Even number (2, 4, or 6), and is There is a buzz, some kind of whir, that is stirring
then repeated. throughout the night. Out from the shadows these
sounds grow and become beeps, boops, and the sound
4 - School – MATH! You are adding two numbers of metal moving. The screams of innocent bystanders fill
together that will equal 7. Start anywhere and continue the streets of the city. Robots are attacking! The dice
anywhere. Once a 7 is completed, gain the spotlight flies through the sky, a beacon of hope that the
corresponding honor or honor and bonus. If you hero will come to help. High atop a building, looking over
complete a set in the same column, gain the the city, stands that very hero, the city’s only hope. The
corresponding Bystander. hero furrows his brow behind his mask, curls his lip and
tightens his jaw, clenches his fists to prepare for battle,
5 - Library -Start at the bottom of any one of the three and says in the highest pitched voice you can possibly
columns. You can start with any number. The next imagine, “My city is under attack. I am the night that
number must be exactly one number higher or lower protects this city. I am the one in the shadows that keeps
than the previous number. You can start another column it safe. I am… The Dice Knight.”
without having completed a column. When a column is
completed, gain the corresponding honor and bonuses Conclusion (read after finishing game)
or honor and bystander. The Dice Knight stomps on the final robot and sparks
and pieces of metal fly from beneath his foot. He exhales
6 - Junkyard - Start on the bottom row. You may mark an deeply, tired from the intense battle. He says to himself,
X on any matching die on the bottom row. In order to X a “I’m getting too old for this. I could use some help next
die in the next row, the two dice below it must have been time, maybe a sidekick or even a team. But tonight, this
previously X’d. When you complete an entire row, gain city, my city, is safe again.” With bystanders celebrating
the corresponding honor/bonus. When you X the 2 and animals jumping up and down with joy, The Dice
number with the Bystander, gain that Bystander. Knight disappears into the shadows and darkness. Until
next time…

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