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Exo 1 :

This makes Magid a symbol of Great Britain, and at the very moment when Magid concluded
a speech chastising Prime Minister Boris Johnson for his handling of the Brexit by asserting
his own identity."I'm proud to be British, Somali, African and European," Magid declared.
What marked the spirit during this Brexit because for Magid, Britishness is part of a complex,
multifaceted identity. And he from multiple regions and he story of life is sad.


The evolution through this text would be that many Britons would agree that Magid is
representative of the multicultural island-country that Britain became in 1945, but this sense
of multi-identity "Britishness" doesn't suit everyone.


The Brexit has had a significant impact on the nations that make up the United Kingdom:
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each of these nations has reacted differently
to the consequences of the Brexit, and this has had repercussions for their relations with the
rest of the UK and the European Union. For my opinion the author city have developpe she
politique and economie

Let’s meet up.

The consequences of Brexit on British identity are multifaceted and have sparked
significant debate and discussion in the UK. Exploring these consequences for a radio
program can provide valuable insights into how Brexit has influenced perceptions of
British identity. In my opinion, the Brexit has changed the discriminatory mentality of
many citizens, but it has added other problems that are more than annoying and has
stirred up anger in others.

Impact on Multiculturalism:

Explore the impact of Brexit on multiculturalism in the UK.

Discuss concerns over rising xenophobia and anti-immigrant


Consider how these issues relate to the evolving British identity.

Citizen Voices:

Include interviews or segments featuring citizens sharing their

personal experiences and perspectives on how Brexit has impacted
their sense of British identity.

Summarize the key points discussed in the program. Emphasize that
the consequences of Brexit on British identity continue to evolve and
remain a subject of ongoing reflection and debate.

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