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Vegeta's Diary - Entry 249

Date: May 15, 2024

Well, today took an unexpected turn for the worse. As if breaking my... pride
wasn't humiliating enough, Kakarot found out about the incident. I should have
known there's no hiding anything from that nosy Saiyan.

To make matters worse, there are no Senzu Beans to mend my wounded dignity. It
seems even the universe itself is conspiring against me. I can only imagine the
endless stream of jokes Kakarot must be brewing at my expense. The mere thought of
it is enough to make my Saiyan blood boil.

But as much as I want to wallow in embarrassment, I must remain focused. There are
still battles to be fought, enemies to be defeated. I cannot let this setback
define me. I am Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans, and I will not be reduced to a

With Bulma's support, both emotional and scientific, I will endure this trial. And
who knows, perhaps this humiliation will only fuel my determination to surpass
Kakarot once and for all.

Until next time, diary, and let's hope for fewer mishaps and more victories.


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