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United Nations Avnesisi29s @ General Assembly 2oasbe 2007 Sift seston ‘Agends tem 68 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 13 September 2007 (tious reference 0 @ Main Commitee (46167 and Ad), 61/295, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples The General Assembly, Taking nove ofthe recommendation of the Human Rights Council contained in its resolution 12 of 29 June 2006," by which the Council adopted the text of the United Nations Declaration onthe Rights of Indigenous Peoples, ‘Recalling its resolution 61/178 of 20 December 2006, by which it decided to {eter consideration of and action on the Declaration to’ allow time for further ‘consultations thereon, and also deeded to conclude its consideration before the end ofthe sixty resion ofthe General Assembly, Adopts the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as contained inthe annex tothe present relation 107 plenary meeting 13 September 2007 United Nations Declaratos 1 Rights of Indigenous Peoples The General Ascembly, Guided by the purposes and principles ofthe Charter of the United Nations, and good faith in the fullest ofthe obligations astumed by States in accordance ‘with the Charts, Affeming that indigenous peoples are equal to all other peoples, while recognizing the right oF ll peoples tobe diferent, to consider themselves efferent, and to be respected as such, Affirming also that all peoples contibute to the diversity and richness of civilizations and eulure, which constitute the commen heritage of humankind, ex Qt ert fe Generel Aen, tsi Sein, Speen No. $3 6.5 pe, 6.51207 Affirming further that all doctrines, polices and practices bried on or svocating superiority of peoples or indvidsts onthe bare of national origin or ligious, ethni or cultural differences ae racist, scentiialy fase, legally invalid, morally condernable and scilly unjust, Reaffirming that indigenous peoples, in the exercise of thei rights, should be fice fom discrimination of ay kind, Concerned that indigenous peoples have suffered from historic instices as @ result of, inter alin, thei colonization and dispossession of their Inds, terri land resources, thus preventing thers ffom exercising, in patculy, die igh to ‘evelopment in accordance with their own ngeds and interes, Recognizing the urgent need to respect and promote the ithere!"rightof indigenous peoples which derive fom ther political, economic and social structures snd from their cultures, spsitual tradition, histories and philosophies, especially ‘heir rights their lands, teritores and rerouces, Recognizing also the urgent need 10 respect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples alfimed in. treaties, agreements and. ofher censtructive arrangements with States, Welcoming the fat that indigenous peoples are organizing themselves for polis, econornic, social and cultural enkeneement and in order to brag to an end all forms of discrimination and oppression wherever they oes Convinced that contol by indigenous peoples over developments affecting them and thet lands, terores and resources wil enable them Wo maintain and strengthen their institutions, cultues and. traditions, end to. promote. thei evelopment in accordance with thei aspirations and needs, Recognizing that respect for indigenous knowledge, cultares and traditional practices ‘contbutes to sustainable and equitable development ad proper ‘management ofthe environmen, Emphasizing the contibution of the demilitaization of the lands and tewitories of indigenous peoples to pesce, economic and social progress and development, understanding and fiendly relations among nations and peoples ofthe word, Recognizing in particular the ight of indigenous families and commis to retain shated responsibility forthe upbringing, raining, education an wel-being of thei hide, consistent withthe rights ofthe child, Considering tha the rights affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between Slates and indigenous peoples arin some situations, matters a intemaional concer, interest, responsiblity and character, Considering also that weaties, agreements and other censtucive arangements, and the relationship they represent, are the basis fr stengthened partnership between indigenous peoples and State, Aclnowledging that the Charter of the United Nations, the Intemational Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Cavenant on Civil and Political Rights, aswell ar the Vienna Decluation end Programme of 5 see reton 0 ACKXInes ARES Acton, afi the fandaresliaportance of the right to self-leterminaion of all - ‘peoples, by virtue of which they freely determine their political status and frely pursue their economic, socal and eultural development, Bearing in mind that nothing in this Declaration may be used to deny any peoples thet righ to slf-dctermination, exercised in conformity with international law, Convinced that the eecopnition of the rights of indigenous peoples in this Declaration will enhance harmonious and cooperative relations between the State snd indigenous peoples, based on principles of justice, democracy, respect for human eights, non-dscrminaton an good faith, Encouraging States 10 comply with and effectively implement all tir obligations as they apply to indigenous peoples under inteaational isirument, in paticular those related fo human righ in coasulstion snd cooperation withthe Peoples concerned, Emphasizing that the United Nations has an important and contiving ole to play in promoting and protesting the rights of indigenous peoples, Believing tht this Declaration is a further important slep forward for the recognition, promotion and proteton of the rights nnd fieedoms of indigenovs peoples and fm the development of relevant sstivies ofthe United Nations System fn thie fed, ‘Recognizing and reafirming that indigenous individuals. ate. ented with Aiscrimination to all human eights recognized” in-intrational aw and tht indigenous peoples possess collective rights which ate indlapensable-fortheit existence, well-being and integral developments peoples, Recognising hat the situation of indigenous peoples varies from region to region and from county to country and tht the significance of national snd regional Paticularites and various historical and cultural backgrounds shouldbe taken into Fonsideration, ‘Solomnly proclaims the folowing United Nations Declaration on the Rights of| Indigenous Peoples as = standard of achievement to be pursued in a spirit of partnership and mutal respect Article 1 Indigenous peoples have the right to the fall enjoyment, a a collective or as individuals, ofall uman rights and fundamental freedoms as recognized In the Charter of the United Nation, the Universl Declaration of Human Rights! ond intemational Raman rights ARCOM. “Reston 217 At ARES Arite 3 Indigenous peoples have the right 1 self-determinaion. By viwe of that right they fowl determine their political state and frecly pursue thee eonomie, socal nd alra development Articles Indigenous peoples, in exercising their right to self-dterminaion, have the Fight wo autonomy ot tel govemment in matters relating fo thei internal and local Mains, as well as ways and means for financing their astonomous function. antieie Intigenous peoples have the right to. msinain‘andsrengthen thet deine pital legal, economic social and eltra nsittions, whe tetaning thir ight te participate fully if they so choose, in the politi, economic, rool ander” Iieof the Sate artis 6 anicte? 1. Indigenous individuals "have the Fgh 10"Iiephysical and mental integrity ibeny and security ofperson. 2. Indigenous peoples have the collective sight to vein feedom, peace * and security a5 distinct peoples and shall not be subjected Yo my Be of peng oF fny other act of violence, ine wing foribly removing chiKiew uf the group 4 another group, Article |. Indigenous peoples ind individuals have the right not to be subjected Yo ‘forced assimilation or destin oftheir culture, 2 States shall provide effective mechanims for prevention of, and rediess (0) Any: action. whichshas the" im oF Tet of depriving thernof-theit= integrity as distinct peoples ora their cultural values or ethnic identities; (8) Any action which bas the aim or effect of dispossssing them of their lands estories or resources (6) Any form of forced population transfer which bas the aim or effect of violating oF undermining ay oft igh (4) Any form of ore waa OF iteration; (©) Any-form of propaginds etigned iscrimination directed aginst em. promote oF incite Article 9 Indigenous peoples and individuals have the ight 0 belong Joon indigenous

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