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SQL Cheat Sheet: FUNCTIONS and Implicit JOIN Skills Network Command Syntax COUNT setscr couur¢cotunn_nane) FH ave SELECT AVE(coLunn_nane) sum SELECT SUM(colunn_nane) FROM Main. SELECT MaN(colunn name) ROH Max, SELECT MAX(colunn pane) ROH ‘ablenare WHERE condition; ROUND SeLECr AoUND(2nunber, decinals, operation) AS Rounavalue; LENGTH setect Levera(colunn_nave) FROM UCASE sttscr eAsE(colum_nane) oH DISTINCT seLecr oISTINCT(colunn mane) FROM bay SELECT bav(colunn_nane) FO table CURRENT sets (CURRENT DATE coum) FRom are sable; Subquery SELECT colum_nane [, colune_nane ] colunn_pane OPERATOR (SELECT colunn_pane (5 colunn nave} FROH tablet (, tablez ) (wiete)) Implict’ —setscr colum_nane(s) #80H abet, Inner Join table2 wieRe tablel-colunnane = Description ‘count function eturns the number of ‘rows that matches specified criterion, 6 function etums the average value ‘of 3 pumec column, sun funetin retuns the total sum af a ‘numeric column, an funtion eetums the smallest value ‘of he SELECTed column. x function etums the largest value ‘of the SELECT column. funn function rounds a numberto 3 specified numberof decimal places. Lewors function returns the length of 2 string tin bytes Lease function that displays the

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