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Deployment with Kustomize Documentation

Kustomize is a tool for customizing Kubernetes configurations. It enables you to manage and
customize your Kubernetes manifests without modifying the original YAML files directly. In this
documentation, we will guide you through the process of deploying applications using Kustomize.

Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

• kubectl - Kubernetes command-line tool

• Kustomize - Kustomize CLI tool

Steps to Deploy with Kustomize

Step 1: Prepare Your Kubernetes Manifests
First, organize your Kubernetes manifests in a directory structure. Typically, you will have a base
directory containing your base configurations and overlays directories for environment-specific
csharpCopy code
├── base
│ ├── deployment.yaml
│ ├── service.yaml
│ └── ...
└── overlays
├── production
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ └── ...
└── staging
├── kustomization.yaml
└── ...

Step 2: Define Overlays

In the overlays directories, create kustomization.yaml files to define your overlays. These files
specify which base resources to customize and how to customize them.
Example kustomization.yaml :
yamlCopy code
- ../../base

app: myapp

namePrefix: myapp-

namespace: myapp-namespace

Step 3: Customize Resources

Modify the base resources using patches or additional resources in your overlays. You can add, modify,
or remove Kubernetes objects as needed for different environments.
Example overlay customization:
yamlCopy code
# overlays/production/kustomization.yaml
- deployment.yaml
- service.yaml

- patch-deployment.yaml

Step 4: Build the Deployment Configuration

Use Kustomize to build the final deployment configuration for a specific environment.
bashCopy code
kustomize build overlays/production > production.yaml

Step 5: Apply Configuration to Kubernetes Cluster

Apply the generated YAML file to your Kubernetes cluster using kubectl apply .

bashCopy code
kubectl apply -f production.yaml

Kustomize simplifies the process of managing Kubernetes configurations by allowing you to create
overlays for different environments and customize your resources without modifying the original
YAML files. By following the steps outlined in this documentation, you can effectively deploy
applications using Kustomize.

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