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Certainly! Let’s delve into the fundamentals of algorithmic problem solving. 🤓

1. Understanding the Problem:

Before designing an algorithm, your first task is to completely understand the

problem given.
Read the problem description carefully, ask questions if you have doubts, and work
through small examples by hand.
Consider special cases and clarify any uncertainties.
Remember that algorithms are precisely defined constructive procedures,
distinct from theoretical mathematics.
If the problem falls into common categories, you might find a known algorithm to
solve it. Otherwise, you’ll need to design your own.

2. Specifying the Problem Instance:

Define the set of instances the algorithm needs to handle.

Specify the exact input conditions for which your algorithm should work.
A correct algorithm works for all legitimate inputs, not just most of the time.

3. Understanding the Computational Device:

Once you grasp the problem, consider the capabilities of the computational device
where your algorithm will run.
Different devices (computers, microcontrollers, etc.) have varying limitations.
Ensure your algorithm aligns with the device’s capabilities.

4. Deriving an Algorithm:

An algorithm embodies the complete logic of the solution.

Derive an algorithm that solves the problem.
Understand its strengths and weaknesses.
Then, convert the algorithm into code.

Remember, algorithmic problem solving involves both the creative process of designing an

🔍 🚀
algorithm and the practical implementation of that solution in code. Happy problem-solving!

For more detailed information, you can explore resources like BrainKart and NUS Computing.

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