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Letter of Resignation

Samantha Mabon

January 8, 2024

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to inform you of my formal resignation from my position of patrol officer at Surfside Beach Police
Department, effective two weeks from today, January 8th 2024.

I am resigning my position at this department not of my own desire, but under duress. While being employed here I
have experienced many things, many of those things being unpleasant to say the least.

In my beginning days, a complete lack of training and no attention given to cultivate any skills or know-how for a
new officer headed to the academy left me at a great disadvantage, so my academy instructors told me. Relaying the
message via email to my commanding officers in hopes of improving the experience for the next new officer, I was
threatened with insubordination and told “some things don’t belong in emails”. I was made to feel humiliated and
segregated at academy graduation as I walked across the stage with no badge pinned to my chest.

Only after others had pointed out online what a disgrace the action was, is when I received an apology for being
“failed” on multiple occasions in just that short time I had been with the PD. I was told changes were being made
and I would not continue being failed.

I was placed with my initial FTO for two of the four FTEP phases. Due to professional conflict between my FTO
and command, little was accomplished including only a few traffic stops, which command was aware of. After two
months I was apologized to again by command, told me I had been failed by them again, and they would be placing
me with a new FTO that they had great confidence would teach me. That FTO which was my immediate shift
supervisor committed official misconduct by falsifying my arrest report. I reported it and an investigation were
opened. The investigation was given to a light duty Sergeant that was under investigation by SLED, and since then
indicted and arrested. I voiced my concerns about my FTO previously stating to me that the Sergeant was “scared”
of him. I was assured by Lt Houk the investigation would be overseen by him to insure its integrity. I was
interviewed by the Sergeant about the incident one night. Another night the Sergeant interrogated and secretly
recorded me then attempted to bury the video and the investigation, until the Captain stumbled upon the recording.
Out of retaliation for the investigation the FTO attempted to have me put on a remedial phase of FTEP, which a
different FTO evaluated me and recommended despite my lack of training from my FTOs I showed promise as a
newly released road officer after overseeing my Shadow Phase.

I was told I was failed again.

At that time the tension and hostility within the department toward me began and grew increasingly stronger,
including from command. I was being persecuted for doing the right thing, for doing my duty.

I requested multiple different trainings which I was denied. One specifically, tactical medical training which was
being offered for free by SCLEA including room and board, for officers that could save the lives of other officers,
our citizens, and myself. I was told that medical training was unnecessary for Surfside Beach officers due to the
relaxed climate of our jurisdiction. My rebuttal that all officers or at least a few officers out of the department should
have proper medical training in the event of an incident fell on deaf ears and ridiculing attitudes from command.
An email was sent out by the training Sergeant that those who were interested in becoming a Taser instructor should
reply. I replied to the email then followed up in person after I didn’t hear anything about the course. I was told a
male officer that had just been hired would be going instead of me.

I was the only officer not able to attend an SMD certification class when scheduling easily permitted me to go. I was
the only officer not offered mandatory EVO training to fulfill my in service hours per academy regulations, and had
to be very persistent to get the training.

It became abundantly clear to me the hostile work environment I was dealing with rooted from me standing up for
what I believed in, for what was right. I have voiced concern both verbally and through email to my commanding
officers including my Chief. I was promised it would be discussed with me. To the date of this letter, no command
saw fit to take the time to help.

I have been belittled by command. My character and reputation have been defamed. Rumors have been spread
outside PD walls by an employee that they and I were in an intimate relationship, which was devastating to my
family when we were approached and told by others in the community. My personnel files were leaked to the public,
to include my psychological evaluation from the hiring process. Officer discretion, especially with arrests or
enforcing state law over town ordinance has been stripped. In exception for the newly promoted Sergeant that has a
strong personal relationship outside of work with the Chief, no female officers have been assigned an SUV, even by
request when open SUVs were available showing obvious discrimination. I’ve been alienated because I don’t join in
and sit down in restaurants to eat on duty in uniform, particularly establishments that serve alcohol.

Again I attempted to speak to command, my new Sergeant about the concerns of certain policy and procedures and
the hostile work environment. They tried to, what I now know was manipulation for information; act as a confidant
for me. Someone I could come to with a problem, someone that wanted to help and give me someone to speak with
that could stay between us. On October 7th 2023 I confided in them. I elaborated on the medical emergency that
would require FMLA, as well as the issues I was facing within the department, and the toll that it has taken on me as
a person and an officer. My confidence was ill placed, and moments later I got an accidental text back from the
Sergeant. They mistakenly told me instead of the intended Lieutenant who they forwarded the text from. Instead of
receiving a confidant, I was failed, again.

With multiple tense situations in between situations, I had to take FMLA in October. Once I returned I was
disciplined for taking an emergency call after I was made to yet again transport another officer’s arrest. Knowing
and admitting that they understood the phone call I took directly correlated with my need to take FMLA, they still
chose to discipline me. Simultaneously the same supervisor that has never worked patrol or a scene with me wrote a
performance review that did not reflect the accuracy of my work. A performance review was just written on me by
my immediate supervisor that shows strengths in areas that the new review shows weakness. The Sergeant told me
they had to write the review because at that time my supervisor was on leave, however, as the schedule will reflect
that was untrue. I refused to sign both and was sent home halfway through my shift and told to return to my next
scheduled shift in the morning to either sign the papers or resign. I sent an email that evening to the Chief telling
him I would be in for shift and sign the papers but I would be signing under duress, and that I intended to file
grievances for everything I’ve been put through by this department, including the hostile work environment that no
one will speak with me about after multiple promises to do so, and that I had already been “verbally counseled” on
the phone call incident as it reflects in the review, yet it shows on the discipline paper as a written discipline for the
same incident.

Thankfully I checked the paperwork over and caught it or I would have two disciplines in my file, for the same
Later that night I was emailed by the Chief telling me not to report for duty, that he would call me with a time to
come in for a meeting with the Sergeant and my Corporal for the review and disciplinary papers but would not speak
with me about any other part of my email. When I was called the next day and arrived for the meeting roughly
halfway through what was my scheduled shift I was met instead by the Sergeant and Chief.

After trying to explain away the paperwork the conversation that I didn’t speak much in took a turn. I was spoken to
in a most demeaning form. I was basically told that this department has done everything for me. That essentially I
am the problem. After enough belittlement and intimidation he brought up the grievances I said I was planning on
filing in the email.

From the department that has done so much for me, and from the Chief that says “since day 1 I’ve always been
supportive of you, I continue to be supportive of you, but you got to put in some work too, it’s not just the
department’s responsibility to cater to you, I want you to consider carefully, how big you want to make this”.

I never wanted or expected to be catered too. I am no different than any other officer; then again, that is the point. I
am no different than any other officer. What I do expect is fair treatment and equality. The opportunity and support
of doing the right thing, being the best officer I can be, and protect the community I work for; because they deserve
that type of officer. Unfortunately I am not allowed to be that officer here and I refuse to sacrifice my morals and
ethics to be what I’m “expected” to be at this department.

Change needs to happen at this department to encourage a bright future for officers and the community.
That change needs to start at the top.

I am requesting an exit interview with the Mayor and City Administrator which I am expected to participate per
TOSB policy.

Mayor, City Administrator, and all City Council members will be copied for delivery of this document.

Officer Samantha Mabon

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