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Samantha introduced me (Franco) to Tom who said he was pleased to meet me. | replied that it was a | pleasure to meet him, too, and that | hoped Tom was enjoying his stay in Milan. He said he thought Milan was a beautiful city, and he had very much enjoyed his stay there. He said that he had met lots of wonderful people and eaten some delicious food. | asked Tom if he had had the chance to do any sightseeing. Tom told me that unfortunately he hadn't had very much time at all, but that he had enjoyed seeing the cathedral. l asked Tom if he planned to visit Italy again soon. He replied that he would have loved to, but that Italy was a long way from Queensland. | said that was true, and then invited Tom to come and join us for a coffee before he had to leave for the airport. Tom accepted. Samantha: Franco, this is Tom. Tom: Pleased to meet you, Franco. Franco: It’s ... Scanned with CamScanner

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