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@BY CHRISTOPHER WISSEL GS BY UDON @ BY ROB LAZZARETTI . EBERRON , LOW LEVEL (IST-STH) , LIGHTNING RAIL, am — 18 DUNGEON FEBRU: nalightning rail coach huxtlin through the Brelish country side, a highly-trained criminal strike fo P ig hes ve monolith from the conti= nent of Xen‘drik. Gan the unsuspect= ing PGs overcome their surpris time to repulse the invaders fr inside, or will th in-chains? inish their journey “Riding the Rail” is an Euerzow adventure suitable for a group of four rs The entireadvent ‘points or spells through rest. ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Xendrik is a continent filled with mysterious ruins that hold 40,000 years of Tos! civilization. Now that the Last War is oven, the economic of the lost continent are finally res to holars, and being exploited. Sage ses race to be the first to merchant h reap the archeology. | ards of the new industry: the most valuable and commercializing the px of this lost world, Tn the wake thrive, this fervor,blackmnarkets ‘Thieves and unscrupulous merchants come out to make @ quick fortune in any way possible. One of the sismmn by a alled the pilfered Wand. ng in ancient relies, these rogues ins ate hired primarily by those who seek to use Xenidrik’s secrets for darker purposes, away from publi Recently, a1 umn has been brought back fiom the mysterions sontinent ab great expense. Carved from single piece of granite, the column is 00 feet Jong and embedded sive stone with strange ranesand arcane symbols, es purchased by House Lyzandar, whi believes that the symbols ar to powerful weather control magic, and arrangements have been made for its shipment to A rail. Unfortunately for them, spies for the Pilfered Wand in Sharm have also en nol: of the transaction, and haye concocted an elaborate caper to steal the stone column for themselves. ard ch guards, and Their plan is to chand charm the bound ral thieyes have come ab il as wait staff luxury cart passenge: take over the co mental, while a second group leaps to signal a ral switch-over in the Brelish wilderness. coath is diverted to asecluted box: afew milesto thenozth, wher mnloaded and the passengers are sold as slaves. FeERUARY 2007 DUNGEON eee ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS ‘The PCs are viding the same lightning sail that carries the Xefdrik column, outbound from Sheen and heading into inner Khorvaire, when they find themselves ambushed by armed thugs "The PCs must overcome the thieves and make their way to the crew cart, where they find the coach under the contral of aPilféred Wand artficer. From there,.they learn that @ track switch-over has already been signaled, and that the method-for stopping the coach lies with Vikani, the gang's deadly leader. Fighting their way to the roof, the PCs must overcome the guards, ake out the signal beacon, and stop the coach, ADVENTURE HOOKS ‘The adventure assumes that the PCs aré already aboard the coach from Sharn ut this adventure can take place between any twopointsthatare connected lighting rail Ifthe PCs require motivation to use the coach, here are afew easy hooks: +A PC comes across an Aundairian ftem that xequires regional arcane 20 DUNGEON FeaRUARY 2007 a Knowledge to identify. A Margrave University scholar shows great inter- estin the item, and is willing to front the travel costs to send them to Arca- nix: Magewright classes at the floating academies are currently between ses- sions for the next week,a time where the public is traditionally allowed greater access to the libraties within, + Ina surprise move, Juela Daran, Keeper of the Flame in Thrane, sent out an open call for new architects to design 2 cluster of buildings in Flamekeep. The normally closed economy is taking outside bids, but the working models have to be pre- sented to the Council of cardinals within 5 days. Perhaps by design, this disqualifies most who live outside ‘Thrarie, Undaunted, a bold architec- ture guild in Sharn wishes to partici« pate, but they require time to craft a model. They wish to send the PCs to the presentation, and then use sery- ing to teleport the finished product to the Council's chambers before the deadline passes, THE LIGHTNING RAIL (Over the years since its invention, both passenger carts and heavy cargo have been conveniently transported along the rail lines that connect much of the Five Nations. Coaches safely moveat 30 miles per hous, and the cost to camry a com- rmon-class passenger is 5 sp/mile. Generally, lightning rail coaches ‘ncltide ten carts, but this coach hi been pared down due to the bulk of the Xendrik column. The PCs travel in a coach with only 9 catts, which cor of the crew cart pulling the coach, fo supply boxears, two connected flatbeds, 2 common-class passenger carta Takairy cart, dining cart, and 2 caboose bearing Hionse Orien supplies. The PCs’ tickets place them in the common passenger cart, and also give them access to the ining cart, Ifthey inquire about luxury tickets, they learn that the seats are full, ‘the lightning ail works on a few basic principles. First, the lines of transport are made from glowing magical devices called conductor siones, which xepel each other at close distances and serve as the coach’ track, The bottom of each of the carts is also embedded with the stones, causing the entire transport to float fric- Honless a few feet above the ground ‘The crew cart of the coach is bound witha powerfilair elemental hatserves to propel the vehicle along the path. Controlled by a dragonmarked item ‘allied lightning reins, the elemental can be compelled to slow down or speed up at will, These items are specifically attuned to dragonmarked members of House Orien, and cannot be used by anyone else, though the elemental may still be controlled by other ‘magical means such as charm monster, dominate monster, and commands from clerics with the Air domain, so long as the caster is touching the binding dragonshard. Additionally, in the absence of magical alternatives, merely ordering or asking the clemental to perform a given action may succeed if the speaker makes 4 Diplomacy or Intimidate check to make the elemental helpful. Maintaining overall stabilityzequires that each cart be relatively uniform in shape and size, The interiors are approximately 25 feet wide, 60 feet long, and a5 feet high. Each cart is connected by a 5-fool-square mithral section bound by a stout pin and heavy chains of the same material. Detaching a cart takes 3 rounds, with the first two spent disconnecting the chains (an automatic success). On the third round, a DC 20 Strength check is needed to pull the pin between the carts, 1f succéssfil, the detached portion decelerates at 10 feet per round until stopped. All windows in the passenger cars are made from glass, ‘while any in the cargo compartments are left open. SETTLING IN ‘The PCs ate placed in the Common passenger cart, located im area 1: While boarding the coach in Shamn’s Gateway district, the PCs undoubtedly notice the massive column, dangling by a system ‘of magical pulleys and directed by the strength of flesh golems, If they decide toinvestigate prior to departure, they can determine that the item radiates strong conjuration and transmutation magic. "The column is big news on the coach, and anyPCs who remain euriouscanmake 4 DE 10 Gather Information check to learn about its buyer, its destination, and the rumors surrounding its function ‘All common passenger tickets have access to the dining cart in area 2, The rear door leading to area 6 is locked with an arcane lock spell (Hardness s; hp 35; Break DG 28) for the protection of the passengers I. PASSENGER CARY (EL 6) The passenger cart is made up of benches separated byan alse. Sets df sleeping bul: line the storage areas above the seats, and ¢ simall chest sits at the foot of each bunk for storing personal items. In addition to the PCS, there are aa other passengers in the common cart Bight of them are ast-level commoners, and four are ist-level experts. None on them become combatants duting the voyage, and unless the PGs question, them, they keep to themselves. Just before dawn on the first night of travel, the Pilfered Wand attacks. Any PGs who are awake notice as the door toarea 2 opens and three Medium gray Swirling mists are forced into the eatt by a hnmanoid. He is followed by two horned thugs bearing several lengths of silken rope. Creatures: Reaftin Sestiel is the newest member of the Pilfered Wand, leaving his yuan-ti cell in search of advancement, He overstated bis abilities to gét the job, passing himself off as a handler of strange and exotic anisnals. Secretly, his control is nonexistent. He is nervous and sweits profusely during his duties, hiding his fear behind overblown bravado. ‘The yuan-ti and the tiefling thugs herd the living spells over their victims, incapacitating them without undue fuss. ‘They then move about the cart, tying up sleeping passengers and subduing or killing all who resist. Sleeping PCs require'a DC x6 Listen check to awaken, otherwise the PC Are you ready for unique AdVENTURES, NEW COMpANiONS, ANd RARE TREASURES? Origins offers you some of the most ‘unique experiences in roleplaying Play in a session run by the creator of the game! See the newest releases for your favorite setting. Enjoy the largest and most diverse Living Campaign offerings. Shop in a bustling exhibit hall for the perfect gaming accessory. Register now and save $10 off the onsite rate! Visit our Web site to register for your favorite events! gFre ve there as? International Game Expo’ ()(.)7 July 5 ~ July 8, 2007 Columbus, Ohio WWW.ORIGINSGAMES.COM meee At closest to the ftont of the passenger ‘cart Wakes to find himself attacked hy a living spell Reaftin Sesticl, male ynan-ti pure- blood: 18 hp; Monster Manual 265, ‘Tiefling Thugs (2): hp 9 each; Monsier Manual 209, SICKENING Steep (3) N Medium ooze Monster Manual It 94 Init=1; Senses blindsight 60 ?; Listen 1, Spot ‘AC 10,touch 10, flat-footed 10, hp 5(1 HD} DR 10/magic seul Fort «1, Ref 40, Will 10 Spd20 f Melee slam +0 (Ad4 plus enfeeblement and sleep) Base Atk +0; Grp +0 Atk Options engulf cR2 8,Cha 11 8Q enfeeblenient, sleep, ooze rats Engulf Ex) sickening sleep can flaw around creatures that fit within its space a5 2 standard action, iteannot make srs attack during around in which engulf Asickening sleep merely has to move over the opsonents, affecting as many as. ican cover. Opponents ca make attacks of opportuily against sickening seep, but if they do so they ave not entitled to saving threw. These who do notstemt attacks of opportunity must succeed on DC 11 Reflex save or be engulfed; on a success, they are pushed back or aside {oppenents choice) asthe spell moves. forward. Engilfed creatures are subject to theenfesblemert and sleep effects and ae considered grappled. Enfeeblement(Su) A creature hit bya sickening slep’s slam attack or engulfed by ittakes 2.146 penalty to Strenath for 1 ‘minute. Multiple hits are not cumulative, and the subjects Strength score cannot drop below 1 ‘Sleep (Su) A creature hit bya sickening sleep's slam attack or engulfed by it falls asleep for 1 minute (Will C11 negates) ‘Tacties: met with armed resistance, the two thugs immediately aitack, Reafkin uses darkness against PCs, hoping to get them to stumble into the living spells, which always attack the nearest moving creature, Development: If both thugs are {incapacitated and Reaffin is wounded, he surrenders and altempls to stall the PCs aslongas he can. 2, THE DINING AREA (EL 3) This room is decorated like @ dimly lit hunting lodge: Everburning torches line all areas and the heads of various horned beasts stare dawa from the walls. The bar is made fiom fine oak, and leads io a full stocked kitchen. A number of bamboo poles are littered) about the arca, long with several halffinished bamboo cages lashed with leather cor. Creatures: Six tiefling thugs are in the room, charged with setting up the portable slave cages meant to transport the passengers once they reach their destination. ‘Tiefling Thugs (6}:hp 9 each; Monster ‘Manual 209. Tacties: Two 5-foot-square tables have been overturned, and ifthe room isinyaded, the thugs use them as cover. They maintain their position, hoping to force their opponents into the kitchen in area 3. four of them are killed, the rest surrender. 3, GALLEY (EL 5) This kitchen is tightly packed with sup- plies, including barrels of ale, foodstuffs, and.a small frerer, There area few latched ‘cupboards filled with china, and glassware bangs from the ceiling. Creatures: ‘Til, like his sister Mish in area 4, is a high-ranking member of the Pilfered Wand. He's currently ressed as a waiter, having infiltrated the crew in order to facilitate the attack. If he hears a commotion in area 2, he hides and waits. When he hears PCs enter the room, he bursts from hiding and blubbers for help, ‘using his Bluff and Dispuise skills to appear as a terrified waiter. If the PGs accept his guise, he refuses to be left behind, and plays the vietim until they encounter Mish, at which point te slabs the most vulnerable PC in ‘the back with his poisoned dagger and Joins the fray. Tan ‘Male changeling rogue 5 NE Mediurn humanoid Faceeon Campaign Settiag 12 Init +2; Senses Listen 48, Spot +1 Languages Abyssal, Common, Dwarven Even, Grome, Halfling, Ore ‘RC 12 touch 12, fat foted 10; uncanny dodge hp 20(5 HD) Fort-+1, Ref +6, Will+2 (44, sleep and charm} evasion Spa 30% Melee +1 dagger-+6 (164/19-20 plus poison) Ranged +1 dagger +6 (144/1°-20 plus poison) Base Atk 13; Grp +2 Atk Options sneak attack +346 Special actions minor change shape Combat Gear potion af delay pison, aniitoxin (doses), cil oftagait(S doses, injested OC 15, Ojunconseiousres) giant wasp polzon (3 dese, injury DC 18, 146 Dexde/Dey,sasone leaf residue (1 dose, contact DC 16, 2412 hpjld6 Con) Roles $i 5, Dex 14, Con 10, Ine 12, Wis 13,Cha le $ trapfincing, trapsense-t1 Feats Quick Draw, Weapon Finesse Skills Appraise +9, Bluf+13, Diplomacy +15, Dispuise 411,(+13 acting), Gather Information +11, Inimidste +15, Listen +9, Search +9, Sense Motive +6 Possessions combat gear! dagger smeared with giant wasp poison, waiters uniform Minor Change Shape (Su) Changelings can alter their appearances as though using a Alguise sof spell hat affects their bodies but nt their possessions. This ablity ismotan illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of facil features, skin color and texture, and size, within the limits deseribed forthe spell They ean use this ability at wil, ane the alteration last until they change shape again, ‘Changelings revert to their natural forms ‘when killed. tue seing spell reveals thele natural form. When using this 2billy 10 create a cispuise,changelings receive 220 crcumsiance bonus on Disguise checks. Using this bility is 2 rove ation. CRS 22. DUNGEON FEBRUARY 2007 4, LUXURY CART (EL 5) bles a richly appointed si nwering plants lighten iee,and chandeliers hang ftom the cellin fortable reading ght. The walls are lined with boo "There are four sets of stairs here, each next to a thick silk rope. These lead to extra-dimensional spaces courtesy of permanent rope trick spells, and each 10- foot-by-20-foot space serves as a posh private eabin, complete with a bed, two dressers, large mirror, and an armoire Greatnres: Three of these spaces contain first class passengers, trussed up and sleeping soundly. The northeast corner, however, contains Tril’s sister Mish, as well ag three thugs actively engaged in rifling through the passengers’ baggage. Mis crs Female changeling rogue 5 NE Medium humaneid Exennon Campaign Seng 12 Init 3; Senses Lister +9, Spot «3 Languages Common FETT fou 3, Te hp 25(5 HO) Fort +2, ReF+7, Will 2 (4s, sleep and charm evasion 5pd 308 Melee mivkapier+8 d6s3)s8-20) Ranged dagger +6 (1d4s219-20} Base Atk 43; Grp +5 Atk Options sneak attack -3d6 Special actions minor change shape ‘Combat Gear potion of pide climb, potion of invsibis Roles Sic 14, Dex 16, Con 13,188, We 12, Cha 10 5Q evasion, trapfinding, tap sense-+1 Feats Wezpon Finesse, Weapon Focus (tanier Skills Buf 20, Disguise #8 410 to act in character), Hide +11, ntimidste +12, Listen +9, Tumble +13, Spot 49 Possessions combat gear +1 studded leather armor, masterwork rapies,2 daggers, look of evenkind Minor Change Shape (Su) Changelings an alter their appearances as though using a 14; uncanny dodge disgui if spell that affects their badies but not their possessions. This ability is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of facial features, skin bor and texture, and size within the limits described for the spell: They can Use this ability at il, and the alteration lasts unti they change shape agai, ‘Changelings revert to their natural forms when Killed. A true sesing spell reveals their natural form. When using this ability fo create a disguise, changelings receive 3 =10 circumstance bonus on Disguise cheeks. Using this ability is a move ation. ‘Tiefling Thugs (3): hp 9 each; Monster ‘Manual 209 ‘Tactics: Mish can see out of the extradimensional space,and she and the thugs attempt surprise attacks a8 soon as any PCs open the rope irik. They ean also observe any PC preparations and use the furniture inside as cover. Ifthe PGs pass by the rope trick spells without investigating, Mish takes two of the thugs and retreats to. the rear areas in search of surviving thieves to assist her ‘n surprising the party fom behind. 5. CREW CART (EL 7) dwith cargo, leaving 2 shadowy five-fant-wide corridor, The front se jon opens Up:into the helm vith several steps that lead to 3 circular dais. A set of lesther reins 2 pane) covered inimaps and ge and streaks of electrical ndovis: Theentin nergy dash against ives off afin Creatures: Most of the loyal members. of the House Orien erew are dead. ‘Their bodies are stacked in the comer, still warm from the recent slaughter. Notably missing is the pilot, who was thrown fiom the train by the insurgents in the fitst few moments of the assault ‘Tn fiont of the helm stands an artficer of the Pilfered Wand, a human named ‘Gendry, His unwashed forehead is rash of dirty pimples halhidden by a grimy feathered Wat, but beneath it his eyes aze clear and sharp. At his side are two rusty ‘mechanical construct hommenti knopn PSs eel ON OTs Be sciisains) onordas DEA! ee Birr siip 0 mar Cll feasyi hee way rte ot eee ee eee 24 DUNGEON FERRUARY 2007 ee THEROOE A urcently; the coach: + Be ein es acters of the foal-aé ifm a stron ty a Y or smaller ___ tures must make a BC 15 Fortitude we each round ort rage due to ri tal velocity, As with any other fall, a |. inp check redicet the dam bp : a ison defenders. Though normally fashioned to look lke demonic hounds, Gendry built his to resemble spiders with arcing seorpion tals, Gendry joined the Pilfered Wand to Jeam more about artifacts, hoping to one day construct some of his own in the Xen'dsik style, He masterminded tiie plan to steal the column in the first place, and by the time the PCs arrive Inxs already gained control ofthe bound lemental through the use ofa scroll of charms monster, Gendry cannot order the clemental o leave ts post, but as longas hie lives, the PGs will ind it diffteutt, at ‘best,to coax the elemental away from its brealaneck speed. Genoay cr? Male human artificer7 CE Medium humanoid Eaeaion Campaign Setting 29 Init 41; Senses Listen 1, Spot-1 Languages Common, Gnome, Infernal 4G 16, touch 1, Fat-footed 15) hp 45 (7 HD) (normally 24); DR 1o/magic (ranged attacks) Fort+5, Refs, ‘Spd 20 8. Melee light mace +6 (ad6) Base Atk +5; Grp 15 | Atk Options metamagicspell tigger (Mavimize/Quicken) ‘Special Actions disable trap, item creation, craft homunculus, retain essence Combat Gear scroll of bear's endurance, scroll aFcharm monster, scroll of displacement, scroll of reba (Sd), scroll oF protection fram arrows, ccrall ‘of vampiric touth, wand af cite moderate wounds (20 charges), wand of magic missile(CL'5, 30 charges), wand of scorching ray (24 charges) _ taleadiy used. 5 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 16, nt Wis 8, Cha le ‘SQ.artifcer knowledge artisan bons, infusions Feats Alertness, Brew Potion, Craft Construct, Caft MagicArms and:Armer, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Iter, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Use Magic Device), Weapon Finesse Skills Concentcction +23, Knowledge {ateana) +12, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +12, Knowledge (the planes) 412, Seatch +12 (14 secret doors, ‘Spelera +14, Use Magic Device +16 (418 with artisan bonus, +20 with scrolls) Possessions combat gear, masterwork breastplate light mace Infusions (Sp) Gendry has recently lused stone construct, lessor weapon ‘augmentation, and shield offalth on each of the spider defenders. The effects are already reflected in the stat blocks, anid should be treated in all respects as spells cast by a 7th-level caster, Combined with the infusions he used to kilthe guards, he has none remaining for the day. For more information on infusions, see the Encaxon Combaign Setting 31, Metamagie Spel-Tigger (Su) Gendry an apply any fats thet he knows to charged items using extra charges to ern their benefits Applying Maximize to the use of any charged item drains 3 additional chaiges and applying Quicken drains auitional charges. SpioeR DEFENDER (2) CE Small construct Eacason Campaign Setting 287 Init <2; Senses darhvision 60 fe, lowlight Rd E29, touch 13, flat-footed 1B hp 21 2 HO}; DR 20fadamantine (up to 70 hp) Immune construct traits Fort +0, Ref2; Will +0 Spd50 Melee bite +5 (e643 plus Ld6 frost) Base Atk +1: Grp Abilities Str) Ui, Cha. Feats weapon focus (bite) Skills Listen +2, Move Silently +3, Spate2 Further information on the artificer ‘ase class is available in the ParRRON Campaign Seting, page 29. Ifyou do not hhave access to this, treat Gendry as @ helevel wizard. ‘Tactics: In overcoming the coach, (Gendry has already cast bears endurance and used 2 scroll of vampiric touch to incapacitate the pilot before flinging him from the coach "The spider defenders try to keep themselves between Gendry and the PCs while he blasts the party with his ‘wands, liberally using up charges with his metamagic spell-frigger ability. He y,jealous of wizards, and often attacks them first. He fights until reduced to io ‘hp and then surrenders, assuming that ‘the PCs will not risk killing someone of ihis importance, Development: If Gendry dies, the spider defenders crumble to dust. [Phe is subdued or surrenders, he remains belligerent and rude but offers up what he knows with a successfill DC 15 Diplomacy or intimidate check. ‘Though the PCs may think they've saved the day by defeating Gendry, they still fice the problem of controlling the bound clementai, which unless ex 15, Com the PCs interfere, obeys Gendry’s last command and maintains its current speed as it hurtles toward the lightning rail spur track activated by the beacon construct in area 9, ‘The beacon causing the switeh-over hhas set off several alarms, and even if the PCs don't bother questioning Gencizy, 2 casual observation of the various instruments makes it obvious with a DC 10 Search check that something elsewhere on the coach is overriding the normal automated switching mechanisms. Gendzy can only conttol the coach's speed, not its courte, 6. GUARDIAN STORAGE CART (EL 5) Bo ra boxes rock gently the sand cra re loaded city: Dust covers the vith of heavy ates block a je ofthe cary ida five-Foot-by-five-foot hatch is (Creatures: For fee, House Orien can ensure extra protection for cargo. On this particular coach, the “protection” is a hieracosphinx named Kreaghak: When F —_Vikari passed through this area with his © men, he tsed 2 hold manster scroll on the creature, The spell has since worn off, and the humiliated monster is forious with any additional intruders, Due to the piles df boxes, this entire cart is considered difficult terrain, Kreaghak, male hieraco- sphinx: hp 76; Monster Man- ual 23 Development: A spe- cially built roof hatch at the top of this eartis used by House Orien when they need to subdue the vicious hieracosphinx before ‘unloading Teleadsto the roof and canbe reached by climbing onto the crates. Treasure: Fach crate is mailed shut and stamped with a “property of” label, requiring several rounds to get into a stable position to force open (Breaks DC 13). Most contain personal-items of no ‘worth, but one‘in five contains coins and expensive personal effects, Roll randomly ‘on the level 1 treasure tubles on page 52 ofthe Dungeon Master’ Guide for details, Repercussions for this thievery are leftup toyou, 7, STORAGE CART ‘This area is exactly like area 6, only there is no guardian or hatch leading to the roof Only one inten erates contains any- ‘thing valuable. 8. THE XEN'DRIK COLUMN (EL6) 2 flatbed carts, Greatuies:Tyo crossbowmen stand on the roof ef the caboose and fire shots at PCsmaking their way across the column. Six miore advance withwapiers drasin to cither Kill the PCs or bull tush them off the colunn, ‘Tiefling Thugs (8): hp 9 each; Monster “Manaal 209, ‘Traps: The wind speed and electiical energy of the lighting rail hhas activated six of ‘the runes on the stone, as marked on the map. ‘These runes spark and lash out with bolts of leciricity whenever any create enters one of the activated squares. Treat these munes as ‘traps—they can be disabled with Disable Device, or with a suecessfil dispel magic agains! eater levelo. ‘Mysterious Runes: CR magical device; location trigger, no reset; spell efect (206 electricity, DG 12 Reflex save avoids) Seatch DG 26;Disable Device DC 26. 1007 DUNGEON fers 9. THE CABOOSE (EL 8) The-intefiot of the eaboase is filled with numerous boxes of mundane sageyight equipme of rope and 2 few bulky sad . Several lengths sit half ope! A railing with numerons handholds surrounds the caboose. Glimbing this zailing requires DC 6 Climb check, Greatures: On the roof, Vikari doesn’t assist his thugs, choosing instead 10 finish his beacon preparations, Iritlooks like the PCs are going to challenge him direct, he flexes his fingers and lakes a few practice swings with his sword, Hes secretly pleased that the PCs made itthis far and is happy to be able to dispatch them martially. Behind him, the construct beacon uses its legs to cling to the roof of the caboose, Designed by Gendry, it loosely resembles a mechanical scorpion with no pinchers. The beacon is tuned to a Switching mechanism controlling a rail spur that shunts coaches offioa secluded box canyon, where the bandits hope to finish their task in peace. Ifthe construct is not destroyed or disabled (DC: 15 Disable Device check) within 60 minutes of the initial assault, it successfully implements a rail switch, sending the coach ftrther into the wildemess unless the PCs have convinced theair elemental to cease. pulling. Though a Large construct with 84 hp and hardness 8, the beacon construct does not attempt to defend itself In addition to defeating Vikari and destroying the beacon construct outright, the PGs may also neutralize the situation by detaching the caboose from the rest of the train, using the . SSROINGTHERAM EY iOmasnssae ‘methiod described on page 21. In this ‘case, they merely need to hold off Vikati long enough to complete the required actions. Attempting to detach the cart ‘enrages the rakshasa, who concentrates hhiyattacks on the character making the necessary Strength checks. Ifthe players succeed, be abandons the caboose in favor of taking vengeance on the PCs, Virani cre Male zalya rakshasa LE Medium outsider (native) Escrow Campaign Setting 297 Init 42; Senses Listen +11, Spot +11 Languages Common, ‘AC 28, touch 12, flat-footed 26 hp 66 (7 HO} DR 15 good and piercing 522 Fort +10, Ref+7, Will +6 Spd 40 A. Melee +2 fongsword +149 (1d8+8/19-20) and bite +7 (14642) or caw 432 (idaes) and bite +7 dws) Base Ath +7; Grp +12 ‘Mk Options lind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, proved Bull Rush, Power Attack Special Actions detect thoughts Spell-Like Abilities (CL7th, melee touch +12, ranged touch 48) 3}6ay—chill touch (OC 2) rue ste, varie touch Abilities Str20, Dex 14, Con 29, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10 SQ change shape, outsider tats Feats Blind-Fight, Cave, Combat Reflexes, mproved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (ongsword), Wespon Specialization (longsword) Skills BluF+14, Climb +9, Concentration +15, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +14, nttmidate +12, Jump +13, Listen #11, Sense Motive 11, Spot +13 Possessions +1 scle mall heavy stee shield, + longsword ‘Tactics: Vikati is a straightforwird fighter who relishes combat and seeks out otlier fighters in the party to challenge directly. Tf brought to fewer than 5 hp, he drop to his knees and extends his neck, asking that the final blow be swift. IPhe is not slain, he j snarls insults and attacks with vampitic touch until dead. Development: Among Vikari’s personal effects is a note that outlines the sale of the passengers to unnamed agents in Droamm, ‘Ad-Hoc Experience Award: Award the PCs a CR 4 experience award if they successfully prevent the rail switch by destroying the beacon construct or detaching the caboose. CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE Even if they don't: manage to control the bound air clemental powering the coach, PCs who destroy or detach the beacon constmct in time avoid switching rails and eventually arrive in their intended destination, where House Orien officials unable to establish communication with the missing pilot are teady to slow the train and prevent a crash. Should the elemental decide to stop out in the ywildemess or thebeacon not be destroyed before instigating a rail switch, a search team ftom the tail ferminus discovers the coach ima matter of hours, though in. the latter case possibly notbefbre Vikari’s slaver contacts arrive, ‘Upon the coach's arrival at its intended destination, House Lyrander agents quickly descend upon the column and arrange for the next phase of its transportation. They casually dismiss accounts of the incident, but listen THE PORTENT miss ae we No NOC ANOTHER lore veasion Won i a HF There are several sways toadeot this ous fo a ‘raditional fantasy setting such’ ‘35 Gueveawk or Foncorren & in such an aczoiction, the coach could be-a recent, sornewhrot unstable invention of a\cantankeious wizard, fll of levitate and "gust af ind spells In this case, the coluran |s just an:ther ragical item that powers ‘the ceach, and the goal ofthe Pifered Wand becomes stealing the coach (sel Alternatively, you could replace the coach with a river barge recently returning. from a successful jungle safari. The carts ofthe coach become line of floating rafts that ate pushed by. paddleboat in theear In this cass the Peres Wand hopes to Sepatate the rafls aiid uses constitict to padidie the magica) column into tributary, _ leaving the out-of-contra! paddleboat to be threatened by 3 waterfall. Gendt aitficer levels can be replaced with wizard levels ard his hamunculwith Imps. The chengelings can become doppelgangers, and Vikari may becomean ogre “Mage oran eesti frotasimple human rogue, Seating che Apveneuxe : ing the Ri” designed for group of fut seve PCs, but wth ite work _ fecan be easily adapted for use by 3rd-ath level characters. Af NPCs should have ‘their class leve)s adjusted to reflect changes In average party level. _yrd-gth Level: Remove the anfeeblement ability from the tiving ‘spells in area 4 reduce the humber of tlefling thugs in each enoounter by 2, Remove the spi- ‘der defenders, change Vikeri from a rakshasa to a ne barghest, and reinove “Gendiy’stland of scorching ra) ‘aptly to any obsewations made about the column itself Sham officials may also contact the PCs egurding the Piféred Wane’s operations ‘Any Pilferedl Wand prisoners are held for further questioning, Within days, House Orien sends 1750 gp to the PCs, theoretically in gratitude for thelr services ‘but with the understanding that the party should keep quiet about the lightning rail’ vulnerabilities, lest the house suffer arash of copycat crimes asteincat Tie fe vensen ron in Droarsm, perhaps leading to 2 direct {ncursior into their base ofoperations, The leadership ofthe Pilfered Wand, of course, ‘nay plan reprisals of their own. CCiistopher Wissel curremily lives in Galves- ton, TX with his wife Jackie and their wo cats. His previous efforis include "Winglip- per's Revenge” in issue #32, by Peter Bergting FEBRUARY 2007 DUNGEON 27

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