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Since the beginning of life on Earth, a number of events have led to the

extinction of many species, for example 66 million years ago when the
meteorite responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs crashed into the Earth
and decimated 75% of the species on Earth. However, even if some species
disappeared before man arrived on Earth, man is still one of the causes of the
extinction of species on Earth: The impact of human activities on biodiversity is
an integral part of human history, dating back to the time when the first human
societies began to modify their environment to meet their needs. During this
presentation I will start by explaining what biodiversity is and then talk about
the ways in which human activities have an impact on biodiversity. The
definition of biodiversity is: the diversity of living species (micro-organisms,
plants, animals) present in an environment. So generally when we talk about
the impact of human activities on biodiversity, we often talk about the negative
side of these activities and the times when humans have caused certain species
to become extinct or are currently extinct. Here are some of the ways in which
human activities have affected biodiversity.

firstly, one of the ways in which humans affect biodiversity is through the
destruction of habitats. Activities like deforestation, urbanization, and land
development result in the loss of habitats for countless species. When we
bulldoze forests or drain wetlands, we take away homes for animals and plants.
It's not surprising that this leads to population declines and even extinctions.
For instance, the ongoing destruction of the Amazon rainforest is a stark
example of this.
-Another way we harm biodiversity is through overexploitation. This occurs
when we exploit natural resources like fish, wildlife, and plants at an
unsustainable rate, often driven by economic gain. The consequence?
Depletion of species, damage to ecosystems, and long-term harm to our own
livelihoods. Overfishing, illegal wildlife trade, and poaching are but a few
examples of this destructive behavior.
-Pollution is a widespread issue affecting biodiversity. We pollute our air, water,
and soil, causing contamination that harms ecosystems, destroys habitats, and
poses a direct threat to many species. Consider the negative impact of air
pollution on plants or the water pollution affecting aquatic life in rivers and
oceans. The consequences are far-reaching.
In conclusion, human history is characterised by a series of activities that have
had a significant impact on biodiversity. Understanding this history is crucial to
developing effective conservation strategies and promoting sustainable
development. Today, growing awareness of environmental issues has led to
global efforts to mitigate the negative impact of human activities on

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