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Casa / Leituras essenciais / Dicas de fiacdo / Qual é0 problema da polaridade de captacio? © PICKUP POLARITY ° QUAL E O PROBLEMA DA . POLARIDADE DE CAPTAGAO? Por: Tyler Delsack / 23 de janeiro de 2017 / 3s de fiacde / $7 comentarios 2 estd lendo este artigo, provavelmente estava tentando solicitar uma = nao é muito dificl encontrar sua polaridade de recebim: sua polaridadle magnética, recomendamos a compra de um IMAGINE ESTE CENARIO: Vocé acabou de comprar um captadar Bridge para o seu volo. Vocé esta animado para jogé-lo dentro e fora. Voc8 0 instala. Voc® o conecta, Parece étimo por sis6, mas quando vocé combina o Bridge com 0 aptador Middle, soa uma porcarial Parece fino, o¢o e fraco. (© que aconteceu? Seu captador Bridge esté fora de fase com o restante dos captadores . Agora voc® tem que retirar a coleta, envié-la de volta para nés e pager pelo envio novamente para recupersla em fase com 2s outras pickups. Nao € legal. © QUE E POLARIDADE DE PICKUP? |_ A polaridade de captagao 6 a combinasao da diresao magnética e da diregao da bobina, Seu captador pode ter 0 norte ou o sul apontando para as cordas e a bobina pode ser no sentido horsrio (ou anti-hordrio (mais sobre isso mais adiante). A situagio Ideal é ter sua coleta na fase e cancelamento de zumbido corn outras pickups. Voce provavelmente jé ouviu o termo “Reverse Wound / Reverse Polarity" (RWRP) -bem, é disso que estamos falando, Estamos falando de um conjunto ou par de captadores em fase e cancelamento de 2umbido, [ 1d quatro consderagdes importantes ao fazer uma clea Vamos divides 1. Orientagéo magnética : a parte superior dos ims pode ser sul (sul para cordas, em nosso jargéo ) ou norte para cordas 2. Dirego da bobina ; Mais uma vez, existem duas ops5es: anti-horario e hors. DETERMINANDO A POLARIDADE DO iMA: Seus captadores tém o norte ou o sul voltados para suas cordas. Se voce tem uma bissola, é faci: segure a bussola em cima da sua pickup, de lado. Isso permitira que vocé observe para onde a bussola puxa. t = t Examph ‘South To Strings North To Strings South is Closest tothe Strings North is Closest to the Strings It using a compass, North would be pulled towards using a compass, South would be pulled towards the pickup, because opposites attract ‘the pickup, because opposites attract. Se 0 Norte puxar na diregao da pick-up, as pickups serdo "South To Strings" ou "South Up" (os opostos se atraem). Se o Sul puxar em dirego a sua pick-up, ela seré North To Strings. € essencial conhecer sua polaridade magnética, pois alguns captadores poder reverterfaciImente a diregdo da bobina, Por exemplo, nossos pélos de aco 42s epélos de aco 43s podem ser revertidos facimente. No ‘entanto, se voc® tiver urna pickup Strat ou Tele tradicional, pecisara abservar também a diregio da bobina Truques para encontrar a diregao magnética: 1, Use uma biissolat Os opostos se atraem; portanto, se vocé segurar uma bussola na parte superior da picape, ela puxard o oposto na diresio dela. Vocé pode obter uma bussola barata orvline ou em uma loja de hobby local. 2. Use um ima marcado Norte e Sul, Assim como a buissola, voc® sentiré e verd que orientacSo atrai seu A Verficando a airecao magnética com um ima, Esta pickup & de norte até as cordas, DETERMINANDO A DIREGAO DA BOBINA: CLOCKWISE COUNTER-CLOCKWISE (FROM GROUND TO HOT) (FROM GROUND TO HOT) > +-.. Sp A A imagem a esquerda tem uma diregso da bobina no sentido horsrio, indo do solo para o quente, A imagem & direta foi ferida llustrado acima, é onde a bobina comeca e termina, Como voc8 pode ver, a bobina comeca a esquerda em Bottom To Winder e & direlta com um captador Top to Winder. © inicio da bobina é sempre mostrado pelo nosso chumbs preto e o dtime turno é indicado pelo nosso ‘chumbo branco. Para um exemplo do mundo real, veja abaixo: A Na o captador Strat & esquerda tem uma direcao da bobina nc anti-horério, do solo (preto) a quente (branco). Uma dirego da bobina no sentido anti horério é a mesma que Bottom to Winder, agem. A ponte Tele d dlreta fem uma dlresao Clackwisec quente . £m nossa linguager, a horério é Top to Wi reco da bobina no se Truques para encontrar a dirego da bobina: 1, Observar! ‘A melhor coisa a fazer aqui é retirar sua pick-up e examindsla, 2. Envie-nos uma foto Envle-nos uma foto do captador do viollo, Se pudermos ver os condutores, podemas indicar a dire da bobina 2, Verifique com o fabricante ou procure on-line Verifique com o fabricante ou faca uma pesquisa répida na internet para saber 0 modelo exato, nem sempre é 0 melhor caso, porque no hé muita consisténcia em todo o setor. COLOCANDO TUDO JUNTO: ‘vamos colocar todos os conceltes de polaridade de recebimento er conjunto com um exemplo comum: flagSo Stratocaster, Corn os captadores Stratocaster, as posigSes 2 e 4 do comutador de 5 direcées so tanto ‘em fase quanto em cancelamento de 2umbido. Aqui esté 0 porque: SOUTH UP CLOCKWISE COIL (FROM GROUND TO HOT) BRIDGE IN PHASE & HUM CANCELLING NORTH UP COUNTER-CLOCKWISE MIDDLE IN PHASE & HUM CANCELLING SOUTH UP CLOCKWISE COIL NECK (c) 2020 Fralin Pickups Quando a ponte e o captador do melo se combinam, suas diregBes da bobina e suas orientacdes magnéticas so Invertidas. Isso cancela 0 zumbido e mantém os captadores em fase. ‘© mesmo se aplica a praticamente qualquer instrumento que utilize captadores Single Coil Telecasters, Baixos Jazz, Mustangs e Jazzmasters...alsta continua, TENTANDO CORRIGIR VOCE MESMO: Se seus captadores estiverem fora de fase, vocé poder4 consertar vacé mesmo, Voce pode tentar reverter a diego da bobina, por exemplo. No entanto, reverter apenas umn “atributo" de uma pick-up pode causar alguns efeitos colatera’s indesejados, Aqui estao alguns problemas em potencial e como diagnosticé-los: PROBLEMA #1: PROBLEMA # 2: PROBLEMA N° 3: ‘Ambas as bobinas esto na Bobinas em direcdes diferentes, Ambos os captadores tém a mesma direso, masa direcio mas os captadores so mesma direso da bobina e do ima é oposta entre os magnetizados da mesma orientagao magnética captadores. forma Esses captadores estardio em Esses captadores esto forade _Esses captadores estio forade fase, no entanto, no serao fase e, quando usados juntos, _fase e, quando usados juntos, cancelados. parecerdo fracos, ocos e fines. parecerdo fracos, ocos efinos. Muitos midrange so Muitos midrange sto canceladas. cancelados. PARTE 2: CAPTADORES COM CANCELAMENTO DE ZUMBIDO (0s captadores com cancelamento de zumbido S30 um pouco mais fceis de identificar, pois urna parte do ‘quebra-cabeca jé nos foi dada. Um Humbucker (podem ser nossos P.90s corn cancelamento de zumbido, Jazzmasters com cancelamento de zumbido, laminas divididas etc) j possui as duas diregaes magnéticas. Portanto, voce nao precisa se preocupar com a orlentagso magnética. © que vocé precisa saber é Dirego da bobina, Isso é realmente facil - basta solictar sua coleta com varios leads! White & sek are Reversible White is Hot Black is Ground Black-startofeo Shield is Ground A. 2 Cabo condutor com blindagem permite reverter a fase dos captadores com cancelamento de zumbido facilmente. Como vocé pode ver, a polaridade pode ser um pouco confusa. Esperamos que isso ajude a quebrévlo, Se vvoc® tiver alguma diivida, igue para nés! Faremos o nosso melhor para ajudar. POSTS RELACIONADOS: PUSH PULL MODS. 5 Mods Push-Pull Pot que earaiainee ie Como reverter a polaridade Como reverter a polaridade “ ns do captador Parte 2: ‘do captador, parte Humbuckers captadores de bobina dnica Escrito por: TYLER DELSACK Tyler Delsack é 0 gerente da Fralin Pickups e passa seu tempo editando e mantendo o site, criando griticos eaniincios e fazendo pickups. Ele € alimentado por guitarra jazz, comida vietnamita, caminhadas e cerveja, 3 @Nota do autor: essas postagens do blog so apenas para fins educacionais e de informacio. Nao oferecemos diagramas de fiac0 personalizados ou ajuda ou soluco de problemas de fiacso. Para isso, recomendamos ir a um luthier ou técnico local. 57 COMENTARIOS Um captador de preciso possui duas bobinas separadas, cada uma com uma polaridade e direg3o de enrolamento diferentes, qual € a maneira correta de conecté-los e qual bobina de polaridade magnética & sada para as cordas € e A; isso esta em uma configuraco P] que o captador J possul uma polaridade norte contra as cordas? obrigado Fred Brockman ‘de agosto de 2019 35 5 6 Lindy, So what's the deal with basses? Specifically PJ basses? | have a Fender P in a PJ configuration but the J pick up | wrong for many reasons, which | won't bother with here, But | want a vintage sound, rather than the offered Pj set here in your shop, plus | ove the P pickup | already have. But P pickups are split singles, so does all ofthe above still apply? And how do you even tell if your pickups are out of phase? Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups ‘August 19,2019 3t 934 am ao Hey Fred, That's a good question about Pi) basses. The deal here is that you usually have a Hurn-Cancelling P-Bass pickup and a Single-Coil)-2ass pickup. I your pickups are out-of-phase, you can quickly remedy this by reversing the White and Black leads on the P-Bass pickup only. You can tell when your pickups are out of phase when you run both pickups simultaneously. Ifyou experience a thin, hollow, nasally tone, you know your pickups are out of phase with each other. Alexandre August 13,2019 at 10:01 + Hello, have a 1953/54 Fender champion lap steel pickup for a lead position in a telecaster project. This old pickup is North up polarity, Ineed a rythm telecaster pickup but 1am not sure what polarity is needeed ? Thanks alot ! Alex ‘August2.2019 at 5:50 pm | nave a 1953 Epiphone Zenith archtop. I want to have a pickup - either single coll or humbucker attached to the end of the fretboard. Im not thinking about having a volume control or anything else attached to a pickguard (which I don't have). 1 want the pickup connected to an endpin jack and control volume and tone with a pre-amp. Looking for an old DeArmond sound, or something similar to the old gold foil pickups that used to be on Harrmony guitars. Any thoughts about what's available that could come close to what | want? AH ‘August 2.2019 at 6:57 am ° You write: Pickup polarity is the combination of Magnetic Direction and Coll Direction. Your Pickup can have either North or South pointing towards the strings, and the coll could be Clockwise or Counterclockwise (more on this later). Both the magnets and coil options equate to a 258 chance that your pickup will be In phase if you take a guess when ordering.” Polarity in this context should refer just to the magnet - nothing else, Using itto refer to the combination ets to0 confusing - you then have to explain that the "polarity" in "RWRP" just means the magnets’ (relative) polarity, Since RWRP is so widely used, reserve polarity for how itis used there, for the magnet(s) only. Other ‘manufacturers do that, So their material (and other published information) explains things in ways that contradict yours, {And there is not a 25% chance that a pickup will be in-phase, Firstly @ SINGLE pickup is neither in-phase NOR ‘out-of-phase. Phase only relates to two pickups - and they are either in-phase or out-of-phase with EACH OTHER, So any pickup has a 50% chance of being in-phase (or out-of-phase) with any other pickup. Engineers wil sil understand the nuances without you confusing the average player. Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups ‘August 14,2079 at 11:51 am é Hey AH, These are good points here, and wed lke to clarify our argument: 1) Lindy refers to Polarity as a combination of the Magnetic Polarity (he says orientation, but we Understand that magnets have ‘poles’ as well as wind direction, He mainly thinks of polarity as a combination of the two. We understand where you are coming from! This could be a simpler way of describing it, or understanding it. 2) The 25% in this scenario refers to being both in-phase AND hur-cancelling, which is the best-case scenario. When you factor in two pickups, each with a magnetic orientation (polarity) and wind direction, atts simplest form, yes - there's a 25% chance that youll achieve both hum-cancelling and being in phase. Hope that clears up our position! Jason Lewis duly 16,2019 1.25 am What if| were to go with HS, the single col being RWRP and the humbucker being 4-Conductor, could | have Neck Neck=Spit Humbucker/HumbuUcKer and sti) have tne midale pesition be num canceling? Gary Heimbauer July13,2019 at 859 pm ° Hill have a 2 pickup jazzmaster with a Gibson burstbucker in bridge and the middle seems out of phase. Do | need a new pickup to get middle in phase or is it wired wrong? Thanks Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups July-18.2079 at 10:20 am Hey Gary, Thanks for your question, Your pickups are out of phase with each other. Ifyou have muliple leads on your Burstbucker, you can resolve this. Youll need to reverse white and ground to change the coil direction. rm not 100% farnilar with Gloson Burstbucker Wiring, however. Please note if you have Gibson Braided lead, you cannot reverse the humbucker. You may be able to reverse the leads of your neck pickup, but, you risk having, hho magnets Jan Miller 3, 2019 a 10.27 ° Jub3,2019 at 1027 am What about a situation in which the guitar has two four wire humbuckers connected to a coll splitting DPDT switch? The configuration is one volume, one tone, and a three way pickup selector (neck on, bath on, bridge on). I bought this single cutaway solid body guitar because | love how it plays, but it has been “modded” with high ‘output hur buckers and the coil split switch The pickups have their screw sides facing opposite directions (neck side screws face neck, bridge side screws face bridge). In all switch positions, the pickups sound weak and thin lke they are out of phase. Could it be that the hot wires need to be reversed on both pickups at the DPDT coil split switch, or could the direction the pickups face cause the problem (currently in opposite directions)? Nathan 30,2019 at 2:42 pm ° Hi, thank you for all the info! | find this article as well as so many others on this site amazing, so | appreciate i. This article cleared up a lot of questions for me about phase and polarity, but also made me question humbuckers even more than I was before. Correct me ifm wrong, but a humbucker is usually essentially two single cols that are in phase and hum- cancelling, so they are “Reverse Wound / Reverse Polarity" (RWRP), right? ‘So how is this achieved if humbuckers only have one magnet? And how does this come into play when combining two humbuckers together? Are there any articles that go me to? {detail about this that you can point Thank you very much! Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups June 21, 2019 at 12:08 pm ee Hey Nathan, You're correct in your thinking that a Humbucker is two single coils that are in phase and hum. cancelling. You're able to achieve two magnet orientation by using one bar magnet. One side of the Bar magnet (let's say the Screw Side is North, the back of the magnet would magnetize the Slug Side South. "hope that clears it upt Mike Ginesi June 28,2019 at 2:17 am ° Hi have an American Tele with twisted Tele in neck and custom shop vintage in the bridge, | would like to put a P92 in neck position... will that work? do need to change cap? polarity? Love the sound of P92 Mike Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups june 3020192123 a6 Hey Mike, ‘Thanks for your question. All you would need to do is order your P-92 with 2-Conductor With, Shleld lead, This will allow you to reverse the phase if you need to. Joe May 23,2019 2t 5:26 om * Hello, lam currently doing a Mustang build with a Seymour Duncan JB Jrin the bridge. | was looking at the Fralin Mustang Vintage pickup for the neck but after reading the polarity article have some concerns, What would you advise? Thanks! Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups May 28,2019 at 1905 am a6 Hev oe. Polarity should be no issue with these if you order your pickup with “3-Wire" configuration, The 3 Wire configuration allows you to reverse the phase. When you order 3-Wire Configuration, youll get a White, Black, and a Blue. The Blue is ‘chassis ground’, and should remain grounded. White is normally hot, and Black is normally ground. However, if you're out of phase in the middle position, you can reverse this (white goes to ground, black'is hot) and youll be in phase. Tyler + Hello What if we have HSS 72 Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups . ‘May 2, 2019 at 928 am ao Hey Cyrus, The only issue there is col direction fram your humbucker since humbuckers have beth magnetic directions. That being said, if you have a humbucker where you can reverse the entire coil direction (2- Conductor with Shield, 3-Conductor With Shield, 4-Conductor with Shield), you! be good no matter what yyou choose to put in the Neck and Middle. Keep in mind that Gieson-lead humbuckers cannot be reversed, Hope that helps! Tyler Chris Mayall Bit of a unique case here. tr building a steel-string Kora, with 2 x sets of 8 strings 25mm apart from each other. If1.use one pickup in the middle of these two sets of strings, one set of strings will be picked up by the South/Clockwise side of the pickup, and the other willbe picked up on North/anticlockwise side, Any idea if this would work at all, and ifso would it sound terrible? Thanks, chris Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups April25,2019 at 7249 am Hey Chris, This situation will work fine. I¢s the same thing as a Strat or a Tele when in positions 2 (or 2 & 4 on a Strat). As long as the “hots” go to the output, and “blacks” go to ground, youll have traditional Parallel Wiring, and hum-canceling, Hope that helps. Tyler Jonathan November 20 19 at 12:16 am Hi. huge fan of many fralin pus. my current problem HSH strat. fran p90 humcancel pair in bridge and neck, middle is vintage split rail SDuncan. all sound great in their solo 1,3,5 positions, Super thin in 2.4. can i reverse the wires in the SD vintage rail to get an in-phase sound on 2,4 switch position? Ralf Glaser apel.1Z. 2019203 + Interesting article, thank you, What about che “rule of thumb" It indicates that pointing the thumb to north direction and doing the “hitchhiker” gesture the other four fingers would indicate the direction of the magnetic field and so the direction of the current inducted into the wire. Following that Id think that the ideal winding direction of a north pickup would be counterclockwise and clockwise on a pickup pointing south. Do you consider that or doesn't that make a difference? Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups Apgil18,2019 at 11:43 am ° Hey Ralf, Yes, its true that the "right-hand rule" is how a signal generates in the pickup, However, it doesn't ‘matter which coll direction or magnetic direction is combined - it still generates a signal either way. Also, in order to have a hum-canceling pair, you need one of each. Great question! Tyler Joe + ‘pelt, 2019 at 10:03 am Is it okay that | mixed a Fralin Stock Tele he bridge, and a Fralin telecaster? Nothing has sounded out of the ardinary since inst Pole 43 at the neck on my ling thern a while back, but | just want to make sure, Ryan Martinez pel. 2019.at3:11 am Hi, was actualy ordering some pickups off amazon and neither of these sets have muliple leads, and it tring Split BIaNe Tor jazz bass, Tor this year! Tyler Maraia Ceraia January 13.2019 at 9:00 am Hello, "have a circular compas. The needle has a green mark. But..the compass itself I can turn it 360 degrees. ‘This means that when | hald N near the pick-up magnet and the needle is pulled towards the magnet, it does not tell me if itis north or south, because the needle Is always attracted to the magnet,equal which letter of the compass is attracted by the magnet, also when | turn the body of the compass in equal which direction JOW: when | hold the compass with the letter W close to the magnet, the needle shows € . This ‘means that a North. South magnet is always correct. With a compass you first need to calibrate the compass to the north-pole ofthe earth, and after that moving the pick-up towards the compass. Larry McCoy January 8.2019 at 9:51 pm Upave a “The Loar" archtop with a single P90 in the neck position. The pickup has 48mm pole spacing for some dumb ass reason. the Guitar in that spot has S2mm string spacing So... need a neck position, 52mm pole spacing P99, Can you do that? | can find lots of §2 mm but are al bridge wound pickups. Not sure what chat would work ike. + Tony Blair December 1,2018 at “1:01 pm Good evening, if feel the magnet attracting to the pole piece, do i use that side to charge or the opposite side (retracting) to charge pickups? And vice versa, i feel the magnet retracting (attracting away) do i use the opposite side of the magnet to charge? + Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups December 3,2018 at 8:20am Hey Tony, lf we're talking about our Remag kit with the Neodymium Magnet, then you are 100% correct, Don't let the magnets repel - that will demagnetize the pickup's magnet, Make sure everything is attracting, Thanks for your question! Roger Cloud October 25.2018 a 10:39 pm have about a dozen electric guitars with a whole host of different pickups that produce a great variety of sounds, but don't have or have | ever had a guitar with a P-90 pickup, a PAF pickup, a lipstick pickup, or any of several other different “off the beaten track” types of pups. | would lke to put together some sort of hybrid electric that has perhaps three such pickups, starting from a body style “TBD” (I have a lot of Strat and Tele types, and want something different, maybe fram Warmath, AllParts, or the like, but don’t know what want yet), Tentatively, 'm thinking P-90 (ry only *definice* choice), probably in the bridge position - but the Jurys still out on the other two choices and their positions - and, of course, Ill want to optimize my tonal prospects with those push-pull pots and/or switches. SO... what do you suggest | use in order to optimize my tonal variety2! | don't care at all about conventions, and do want some eclecticism but without thinness ~ your suggestions? Paul E, Daddario ‘August 6,2018 at 258 pm What is the proper high output noiseless or lower noise p90 dogear to replace the slug dogear in my gibson bie Scott Garrett July 25,2018 at 2:57 am * | want to put a P.A.F. in the bridge position of my road worn fender stratocaster. It has fender custom shop 669 p/u’s in it now and I plan on leaving those in the neck and riddle positions. | play mostly blues and hard rock stuff lke SRV and AC/DC no metal or anything. Just looking fora litle extra “beef” for lead work with the blues and some extra punch for the rock n roll. want a nickel cover and it appears to me that people use neck pick ups for this mod? Please help so I can order the correct pick up. Ilike to measure twice and cut ‘once, Thanks! Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups July 25,2078 at 9:24 am Scott, Iksounds like you want a 8.2K Pure PAF. bridge with 3-Conductor Lead. Make sure you get that lead as you wan't have any polarity problems if you do. Tyler Matt Boren 12,2018 at 10-40 am My name is matt boren. | have an old kramer with the angled bridge humbucker and two single cols. going to gut all ofthat out and order just a bridge position pure paf @ 8.2k. Im going to also order a split shaft 500 k pot. im only going to run the bridge pickup, and i need a $2 mm pole spacing. Ina single humbucker application do i need 3 or 4 lead? Also have no idea what direction north or south or does it matter in a single pickup? Also i want it w black bobbins and no cover. My phone # is 843-729-5723 Ken Behrens ‘Apologies. Now I need to retract my previous comment, because The north pole of a compass needle is a magnetic north pole. Itis attracted to the geographic North Pole, which is a magnetic south pole (opposite magnetic poles attrac). Ken Behrens arch 22,2018 6 No No No. Wrong. ‘A.compass north always points to the North Pole, So the compass North will point to the north polarity of any magnet. Basic physics. The compasses north pointy end (usually red) has been magnetised as a south polarity, ‘otherwise it wouldnt point north, John Hefelfinger September 42018 at714 pm, * ‘The earth’s north pole is actually a magnetic south pole. A compass’ north pole is, in fact, a north magnetic pole. * This info is worth everyone’ atention, How can | find out more? Doug May 20, 2017 at 2:53 pm . Excellent descriptions, Ty. And you used one of my favorite expressions, “pop the hood! | just said it today! | got this site from my buddy who shared with me concerning this site and now this time | am browsing this web site and reading very informative articles or reviews at this time. lames Harner Hi, tm considering adding a dummy coil for hum cancelling to my rig. The wiring for this is apparently quite tI want to use for the dummy col. have pulled off the bar magnets, and measured the resistance at 6.85 ahms. This appears to be a bit more than most vintage style pickups. | have a Callaham prewired pickguard assembly, with the H/SRV special wind Lindy Fralin pickups. Will his work, or will Ineed a lower resistance dummy coil? have read that the dummy coll needs to be 50% to 80% of the pickups. Thanks in advance. simple, My question is, Ihave an old pickup from a Mexican Christopher W Aston 4, 2019 at 424.9 Februar Hi, Ihave a Gibson ES-175 with two humbuckers. I want to replace just the neck pickup with one of your hhumbucker-sized P20s. Is polarity going to be an issue? Since the bridge humbucker will remain a noise- canceling pickup will! gain any noise canceling frorn the P90 when the selector switch isin the middle? To match the output volumes would an underwound or overwound P90 be preferable? Any other considerations? Thanks in advance. Tyler Delsack - Fralin Pickups we + Hey Christopher, If youre purchasing the Single Coll P90s, then yes - but, all you need to order Is 2-Conductor Shield lead for reversing the coll direction Vocé notaré uma queda significativa no zumbido de bobina Gnica quando estiver na posi¢do intermediéria, mas ndo havers cancelamento de zumbido a 100%, Eu provavelmente iria com a salda de estoque ou um + 5% Overwind apenas por segurancal DEIXE UMA RESPOSTA Seu endereco de e-mail no sera publicado, Os campos obrigatérios esto marcados com * Comente Norne* Local na rede Internet POSTAR COMENTARIO LINKS DO SITE casa, Sobre nés ‘The Workbench Contate-Nos NO BANCO DE TRABALHO DE LINDY 5 Mods Push-Pull Pot leve conhecer 19 de abril de 2020, (© 2020 LINDY FRALIN PICKUPS, LLC CATEGORIAS DE BLOG Dias de fagio Leituras essenciais Mods de guitarca CONTATO. 2015 W. Laburnum Ave, 2nd Floor Richmond VA 23227 | (804) 358.2698

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