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IELTS WRITING TASK 1] HOME : cnumbsof moh wars. scMithooon. wa 26 dite onli. lula teog a ndig. tain, slic se Muha —tusall by bur dy 2: Sd sinh vién qudc tf du hoe tal ede nwéc (2005) © The UK: 2 trigu ‘© The US: 10 trigu © Australia: 4trigu © Canada: 1 trigu i ti vung: International students: sinh vién qudc té idied/learned/ chose to pursue a degree in/attended university in + Tén aunchly ole Wh nleaabiet. chubby sD ti. saact just Arnilhco, isco shila len rnlllonandusaduals..ctot ta guetta ssagtoe ligule $n. Carada..cnod al. tilln Vid 3: Lirang fastfood dura teu thu (to eat/consume) tal ec nude: ding unsure by om © The UK: 2,000 tonnes ‘© The US: 5,000 tonnes ‘© Vietnam: 400 tonnes ‘© China: 10,000 tonnes .——_>—_ — Answer: HAN TRAM, chting ta can dgc ky dé bai xem 36 ligu 1a % *LuU ¥: Dang SO LIU P! khong doc kj sé ¢6 thé viét nhm s6 phn tram. cia cdi gi va trén cdi gl. Néu Vidu: 9 ngurdi ding Internetttai Vigt Nam 1a 20%, Vay 20% & day 1a 20% trén cai gi? Cau h Dap: Tay vio loai bi6u d® ma cb thé c6 2 cdch hiéu nhur sau: V- 20% trén tng dan s6 Viét Nam ding Internet Y 20% tran tng ngudi ding Internet a nguai Vigt Nam ‘V6i2 teuong hop nay, ching ta s® 6 nbiing cau mo ta hoan toan Khde nhau. vivay, ean phai h6t ste cn thn Kh phan teh s6 liu Percentage, Céu triic mo ta SO LIU PHAN TRAM gin ging voi mé té 2 s6 ligu truéc: Phin trim cudi cau: «The percentage of Vietnamese Internet users was 20% ofthe total Viernamese population. + The percentage o! Internet users. f Vietnamese Internet users was 20% of the total global Phan trim dau cau: «20% of Vietnamese population used the Internet. + 20% of global Internet users came from Vietnam, toh oe Vigt 5 cu dé so sanh 5 cap sé ligu sau: 4 © Vietnam vd China te The UK vad The US 1 thes va China le The UK va Vietnam Se The US vd Vietnam de. fe ol. td ‘consumed. Sh. oy laa, et supa, dhe IG. qitole a +. dl0n0 tim. cunahly foal. “oles Chi..cs.dD.g00. 4m furat..odm auch c.thattsi Lho.t Vidu 5: Viet doan vin dé md td va so smh ede 56 ligu ca vid sau: Naim viée & dé doan, mé ta sé ligu cao nhdt tru, so sinh voi cdc 36 ligu cdn lat Phan trim ngwoi dan sir dung Internet rén ting s6 dn & cdc nurée nim 1990 UK: 55% Y Japan: 25% Y US: 70% Y Australia: 40% % Vietnam: 10% T1990. Hoe ptastolags.ct Sida ashi. ll lytA snt unedits.. fin. SOR DANS Agths ACH MO TA CACNHOM TUOI Vid cho nhém tu tir 25-30: People aged 25-30 People who were 25-30 People in the 25-30 age group 25.30-year-ld people 25.30-year-olds ‘ic people cb thé duge thay thé bing céc danh tr kde ty thud vao AB bai (25-30- ‘year-old Vietnamese people, car users aged 25-30,-) CACH MO TA SO LIEU 6' THI TU'ONG LAL ‘DSi véi nhiing d® bai e6 méc thé glan & twong lal, ching ta cling s® viét cfc cfu tric 1mé ti va so sdnh gidng hét nhu bink thurdng, chi cin liu ¥ chuyén thi cia dng tir ‘sang twong lai. [Nén ding nhirng cum tir nu: is expected to is predicted to fs projected to is anticipated to isset to fe

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