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Friday , Jepkember 42023 Mexico: From Boom to Bust 1. What was the population in Mexico City in the 1960°s 2. & eG 2. What was the inflation rate inthe 60's? % °/+ 3. How often were workers given a raise and how much? eye J you's & 4, What kind of place was Mexico in those years? 9 ‘0 3. What did Mexico do after the World War? The yevulv lion and ‘he 6. What was the economy in Mexico based on before WWII? |\\. nuit: 7. What does the speaker say about democracy in Mexico? 1| wia\ c yy 8. What happened in 19587Fe.wuikes dog sick, fehl 9. What did Carlos Fuentes do after that happening? ke yuls|i\- 2 ™atat' 10. What do they refer to when they talk about “The Mexican Miragle™? [| 11, What important leaders visited Mexico? Miniter, Canad John § 12. Why did university students begin to protest in 1968? [Jaw rity Voi s 13, What did Mareelino Perello say about the movement? | \\¢ «a |\U\ } 14, What did Diaz Ordaz declare about the students” protests? 1S. What were the results of the massacre of October 2"! > 16. Who started the shooting? |e ciwuy snipers 17. What did Diaz Ordaz say after the massacre? ‘hal. | 18, What percentage abstained in the elections in 19702 39°/+ volers 19. What did Marcelino Perello say when Echeverria was elected president? |\\\ 20. What charge did Carlos Fuentes get? ¢radutiavoy. al Pay cca 21. When was the other students’ repression? (4 7 " What did he do to help the “campesinos”? (ai) a high Prive . What was Echeverria’s policy according to Adrian Lujous? (| had a pea 24, Why was Hugo Margain sent to Great Britain? |\e wunicd Jo be enbasiacey 25. What does Enrique Krauze say about Mexican Independence? (04 ve alice 26. What did Echeverria do to reconcile with the population? <)\\¢" \0 3 esl programa yoy | 27. What happened with the economy in Echeverria’s time? irycicu\ «hve ebt. wadvejle 28. What did Lopez Portillo say when he took office? he wanbecl \o doy 29, What did he say when he discovered there was oil in Mexico? lel 30. Why did Mexico begin to have debts? |. boviww mone ‘ wo 31. What kind of life did Lopez Portillo have, how is he shown’? °!¢ (0° how 32. What do they say about the replica Durazo built? (on { bu! to 33. What do they say about the mausoleum? |ye wii niver enced they aperentuge uy 34, What happened with the gas pipeline? The v nevev yerhy anc agvearment= 1.5 billion dellay 35. What happened in June, 1981? #|\¢ puice of 9!) Si 36. What happened to Diaz Serrano? DCcayue a emibariacey a 1 37, What happened in September, 19812 M¢xican can Ly conse de haw 38. What did Mexicans begin to do by then? [011 conpidence in ina awy 39. What did Lopez Portillo say about the peso? cient {ive ee | ; 40. When was the peso devaluated? 200 Febivary ; 41, Why did Silva Herzog say that not only Mexico but the US had a problem? [Majo bunks nad lend 42. What happened on Friday, August 20"? UJe bad an eve ruc scour’ 43, What happened when Lopez Portillo addressed the nation at the end of his period? |, lean of 44. Name three sarcastic comments the speaker makes, Mex aan ty county, qro rol expropiation Monday, Seplembey 4h LABOR DAY 1.-When is Labor Day celebrated in the USA and Canada? WS} monday of 2very september. 2.-When and where 'was the first Labor Day celebrated? NYC and September 5 (98a 3.-Whose idea was that and where did the workers gather? 1 Nol sont voit, they Prokest The idea oF @ Union liders and ether en oni 4-What were the protests about? i Fi i Squcie Demand a children labor, beller conditions, salarys, few = 5.-What were the workers” conditions during the industrial revolution? angeyau$ daly. poor conditions 14 6.-What happened in 1886?) A 2 Many violent profisl Exewlion of 4 union liders on Ching rederat 7-Ayhat happened in 1894?) “aE WLI residen' related the Labor Day asa holiday he labor Day 8.-What did President Franklin D. Roosevelt do in 1938? /\ct nt f End the children labor, Prylect the human rights of the workers he signa S days of Labor. and | hours 1. Loki, the_gqalew . was writhing uncomfortably in Thor's iron grip. 2. What did Lok do in order to replace Sifs matches hai? 3._Literally—if Brokk and p\\vi won, Loki would Lave) his head to them. 4, Which body parts of Brokk did Loki sting or bite? 1_han 2__neck 3_eye 5, Name the treasures that the Son's of lvalal didn't forge. | { ‘ «golden britled boa 6. Remembering what was at sluke, Loki tried to je, but Thor reached him first 7. What do you think that the word "begrudgingly’ means? ov have Jo do somelhing even yuu dont ha 8. Why did the gods sew Loki's mouth? 5 I i The 3 marks 15 al ew mal Discussion questions 1. Loki plays the antagonist in the video. Do you believe Loki deserved to have his mouth sewn shut, even when his actions indirectly gave the gods some of the greatest gifts. Why or why not? 2, What moral values can be learned from the video? Do you think these values still apply to us today? 3. Why do you think the Nordic people created these stories about gods and magic? Do you believe they might be real, or is there another reason behind? plember Mandy GROG joes Time exist? ) 1. How were the earliest time measurements?) || \ of the natural world were Obiervalions uf pylacls o 2. His theory of cally tes us that ime passes for everyone bul doesn't always pass at theuamne. isle for pebpen aiferentstvatons, ike those iiuuiag dose tothe speed fighter cabiting @ supermatiiebiock hole 3. What dd Einstein resolve? How? | the malleabilily of time. combine I wilh space 10 define space -lime 4. Wecan movein time inevery drecton’ True False ee \ 5. When a drop of faod coloring is_Jvap_intoa glass of water, we uh adil know that the coloring will ‘out from the drop eventually. peel ng. the glass. 8 What does the Second Law of Termedynamic says? \ The sirkms will: qame, ditovder of enivepy over Time 7. Match the columns with a line: ‘Systems in our universe. chased reno mon fundamental ‘That property of the universe..." \_ ___.. move from order to disorder. IWtime is such a fundamental ~~~ — _...that defines the direction of time's arrow property 8. err ltty deserbes he behav of very Lay 2, we quartum py emis the very snwall thing ¢ a_ large things, small bong things, strange small things, large 9 eee oe nce ee a ee te True False, 10. Erna a lproperties are things that dont exist in nil pieces ofa system but do exist for the system as a uth, Discussion questions 1. Do you think that time exists? 2. Do you believe that someday we will travel through time? 3. Do you consider that humanity understands what time is? If not, wil we understand ‘what itis someday, or will t always be a mystery of our Universe? Monday . deplem Mm, 203 The benefits of a good night's sleep hits MXVIEaG much is if chanelled 1. How many blood does it's Chanel to your brain during sleeping? Sor 5 Chanels Who is iT 2. How demonstrated that we forget a 40% of new material in the first 20 min? wilh the forgeling cuwe o Phiy cologist Herman 3. What is memory consolidation? t | i 4 he praccent in with 4h tngormalion 15 move from ghorl - icv memory fa long-term memory 4, What id Bronda demonstrate with her dxperiment? The hypocarmout 11 mnvalve in the conialidadion of Long --Homn decavalive memor 5. Memories that are formed it times of heightened feeling or stress are easier to | forget. True /Falge 6. Match the columns. Which sleep face is in charge of what? Slow wave sleep Procedural memory ~N | Creates connections between reurons Rapid Eye Movement — Long-term storage Transeribe information into short-term memory 7. How many hours after learning something you-should wait before toning to sleep? | shavld You « Zhours qihr memorive your formula afl 1 hout ake qradicing qovr hilly. between 4 and 3 hovrs Discussion questions Do you think that you are good at memorizing things? Which is your favorite study method? Have you ever tried this method? ‘What do you think of this method? Wedneidag September 6" 023 WHERE DOES ENGLISH COME FROM? bps: .youtubecom/watch?v=YEaSxhens7Y 1) Like most languages Conglich Cavalve through gener eo oc leg linge 2). Isit possible to trace the ancient roots of English by undoing the language changes. 2) Norman nasi of Egan 156 int te intsigon of Spnsh an Fech words in Eg 4) Math a Today we call that language Old English...) © (2)... in the 5® and 6 centuries by Angles, Saxons and It probably doesn’t look very familiar. () utes That's because Old English... (b) (0)... belongs tothe Germanic lang First brought tothe British Isles... (@) (6)... This is the language of Beowulf {but it might be more recognizable if yow now Gem 20 some Geman $) Thess exampla how weft ges yOmance huanwn gel dread fom Lt, I yale lnpbs descended fom tion Cagluh—dwcduth __._foreternd common ancestor known as spoken around 500 B.C.E, 6). From what other language is Proto Germanic derived? fiom foto Indo and Curopean 7) What languages does the Ine Gorm family include? re AN Languages hal dre spoken wi Europe « 8) Conon English with Latin, we see that English has a 1_where Latin has acl, and _[ where Latin has at_ stake 9) What are the more distant relatives of English? hinde, furtan and Celle 10) Proto-Indo-European itself descended from an even more ancient language, which is close to being discovered. '® 11) But he zing fact emains hatneary 3 blhon people around the world, many of whom ‘cannot understand each other, are _fevey lel ‘speaking the same words shaped by Gthowand_yearso} hulary \ peveylheless - however 1. Do you know what is the most spoken native speakers? 2. Are you learning or would you like to learn another ling yguage in the world and which one has more uage? Which one? 3. For a Spanish speaker, what do you consider to be the most difficult language to learn? Wednesday, Seplembe a How Guillermo del Toro Achieved His Vision for Pinocchio, 4. “1 thought would be interesting to do about by who you are, not Lan ijornaing_yurset tor others 2. How many months did it take to shoot The Carnival Scene? 2 months 3. The favorite scene of Gregory Mann (Pinocchio's voice) was the Dogfish Scene. True False 4. How many feet long was the Dogfish puppet: Hi - " ject Bee Gaara Kall reel long 5. They came up with a digital solution for the stop motion water. True False 6 The most challenging animation nthe flm was the big action scenes, True [Fake JV = eal veal that animate.” 2. According to Gregory Mann, what is the difference between performing In an animation rather than a live action movie? everything your voice ie dl ( Performing you only have to vie qauy voice ancl “° tn a te action you have a culom, make op . Mave og acts 5. Thet QO wha Zaidan choreosrpherto the sequence with Cc dacing. Tee I TC, New York 10.What was one of the first sets that they set up? When Colo tn the Church Jae > sawed 11."Of all the art forms of animation, to me, the most__F@C+E+- and magical is the stop motion, because it’s the slop between an animator and the puppet” bond 412,Animators spend even more time shooting the shot that they do preparing it. True = Name: fae aah fica angi ae ae one Mednerday. ay heb. G'*.aGa5 The best way to apologize (according to science) 19s //youtu be/a-ApAGEOmSs 1. But deicavehe (have found that good apologies generally share Ce k in_ elements and thoughtfully considering these factors can help you make amends ina x ,d@_ variety of stations. 2. What would be the night thing to do after eating ice cream from the fridge? 5 accepling your yeipanabiily becauie il war an embararng silealion under Il apotoqiund . 3. What do ebeachel cones the “eaierpece of ap apoio ah Aree pling your reipontabiltly and undevtan 4 Agood apology isn't about making you feel beter True False Siromee. i 5. What s a once in alfetime opportunity? to breakapromse.. gd lo the concer 6. In situations like this, it can be sas to focus on _ynraliinal_your actions when you should be working to the other person's perspective. 7. What do researchers call the part of an apology where you indicate how youll change and repair the damage caused by your offense? OlkY of rePpaw 8. One common offer of repair is a verbal commitment True False Bre N eet ds elles dhe nex!’ lirwe Eovining eas remorse ond atceeling acccunlailly Discussion Questions 4. What do you think about accepting your mistakes? 2, Have you broken a promise? How did you feel after that? 3. Do you take the victim's perspective to apologize? And the best apotogies are just the first step on the road 10 reconciliation, Rrerenlalion 06/09/2023, A brief history of chess ~ Alex Gendler tos out bev seni aveNTsod The ting isto Yeliied but enemy caaiy Jan _ him fom the ee Chess tas teen sown stot eublany thalegy What were the two key features ofthe new game emerged? A. ditterent wles prom mowing 2. a single prece-of king Chess, derived from shay meaning King Where was chess inroduced!? Jo the Arab wor What isthe main characteristic of Chinese chess variant? Yhe piece! were hike a win ‘Why was chess used in Furope in education? 1} was oied ike an eqory to the high levial lane). Deey blve |. Have you played chess? 2. What other strategical game da you know? 3. Would you like to have a chess game of a specific material? 4. After this video would you like to play chess? Iceland's secret power hitps /ivww youtube comiwatch?¥=SHb_ONJUAS| 1. What is the typical weather in Iceland? indy Cold swelh 2. What kind of energy heats most of the buildings in Iceland? geathern 2. What the mane? energy { sal 4. Where does the heat of the mantle come from? and liquid vo ts a mix tha Vadioactive cave of metals a it eee 5. Controting Lol wialey atthe heart othamessing _aiec!he vnc and there are Tor how todo it 6. Dirt at 1.5 meters deep can reach temperatures over 20 degrees celsius Tle False 7. No external electety is needed to operate the geothermal heat pumps rue Faife 8. The energy provided by geothermal heat pumps is greater that the eneray it used Twe False j heal \ ' | 2. intact, eclbexmal " panaps are bon cheaper repo and at east two timed more energy eficent han 101i) Jue] — equwaents 10. Name two regions with shallower geothermal fields lteland and Japan 11, What are the principal problems wth geothermal eneray? w the cost this digqucull fo find Pale A ae - conan 1 riday Jepltmber O AOD A\ » Presentation Mouseland - Tommy Douglas https swww. youtube, com/watch? 1. Tommy Douglas was the first leader of the New Democratic Party Tile / False 2. Mouse had an election every five years True / Fake 3. "Now if you think it's _ oly that mice should elect a government made up of cats. You just look at the _jvi Jai _ of Canada for the last _|4 years; and maybe you'll see that they weren't than we are. 4. Which were the laws created by black cats? ‘a) Mouse's hole had to be big enough so a cat would get his point 'b). Mice could only travel at certain speeds (©))Both options 5. What did the mice do when his life got harder in black cat's government? They elect a qavunment of whik cals who where J! wailing (av a trial 6. According to White Cats, what did Mouseland need? | su, while they cs wall cir a. More vision eye wwatling the b. Free education Srial, they were on ¢ Anew railway station Priton. How iis the government formed by half black and half white cats called? coalijion 8 They even got a government 1 of cats with pal ia them. They were cats that tried to make a noise ike a mouse but firy at like a cat. 9. Why did the litle mouse end up in jail? , he suqqeited the government rade mice 10. But | want to remind yoy that you can wok Gp amouse or a man but you can'tlock upan leq oe epekeye e083 Friday, ¢ PARADE STEVE JOBS 4 1 1 toe 1.-What will Steve Jobs tell stanford graduates?) iav\es a lite zewhats ines? coneding aulh LM dds 3 According to hisbiological mother, who should adopt him? (allege hed HeleieaDdaal Seda ltcllens 5.-After hows many months did Steve drop out of college? What kin of college was that? v ees eNO We ale, 6-Why did he drop out?_{L hal. waaay attnesime, but_luckiny bark iewasone of the —haukiuaads best. le Wve Wevey made heey Jat did Steve do as soon as he dropped out?’ 9-What was his life ike when he dropped out?_lye loc, ecullcted balls oot shange ab jx money —— s 20. Which das ihe decide fo tke?_avenqaay by clover Calgaeh WP ask 14.-Why did this lass become important 10 years later? _ dhe girs] maakinioh ovidl an excellent 12.-..again, youcan’t_ceanecling — the dots _| you typoqraph canonly_ connect them _‘Tucking huckwiayd's i | I a 13.-What is the second story about? 1A How old washe when he stated Apple nhs poent' garage? _2.() yeu 15-What was the value of Apple at that time? 2 bilian all 16-How old was he when he was fred from Appie?_3()_v- 17.-Why does he say that being fired from Apple was the best thing that happened in his ie? . e atl again 0 1B.tome the companies erated ater fred fom Ante, Linaw next apple pleted ieaaptiny es ee 19.-Why did he return to Apple 2 {t. Sometimes life hits you swith a brick, Don't lose 1m convinced that ‘t n thatkept me going wasthatlloved what (oe hot ors ove whal 1 id, You've go. what You love i { \ it 4ou doing 21-Whatis the third story about? _lecilh, 22-hat oes he ter lanng that youkee tv every dy aa fipwee the i last day of your fe? Gat kel Le soonelhin ~qong Lo be tee i: ofthinkingyouhave sane .e Tape. of Cancev z i 25.-What's the doctor's code for “you are going to die"? ia See tapare tazhis le i oust hs "nau!" } ee ee ont J your \ Footsh' ineans?_“aralncious* 28.-What do you think “Stay Hungry, ambiwwsi. Keep leocking jor o new qoals Friday Seplember Bt 2043 The Lumiere Brothers: Crash Course Film History #3 los. youty bela hSidaabyE7si=bmk96.9m--1m9 w The development of modem fm technology is all thanks to Thomas Edison and Wim \When and whore were Auguste and Lous Lumiere born? WED in She frante 2. How many miter tm does the chemalographe used os the same as Esleson's Ketone? 39) 4. na oe “cnonsogaee’ mea? wring wih movemedl 1 gq5 5. “And tenn Pans on Leen 2.8) at he Seon nde inthe basement of he Grand Cat Apt andLove Lurene sping. eset [ct shail — and change te A forever 6. Wooduile Latham was the fist person who made a pubbe screening of @ motion pete. Try False 7. Wat was the name of one of he fms sereened that night? Al the slation {8 Onwhatkind of topic does the Lumere’s minidocumentaries focus? everyday liye | | © ie helt mepsierteLatam Loopy arent weyto joe ley. ia pect, vtiehimoved qr of smut, Lanie Langit tr ono aboee and ane below a para’ Lenten poo wh err sects 10. The Lume bres stayed on he movie business in 1908 because they sew otf ure hater Vol 11. "As time went on, makers would take cinematographes to tarylung plate capturing movies of the () |A)_ Amazon Basin, Trump Tower and runs of Ancient China Bj Amazon Basin, the pyramids at Giza and runs of Ancient Rome. ©) Amazon Basin, the pyramids at Teothuacan and the train Maya. Discussion questions ‘© Doyou tke cinema? Why? '* Doyou have a favorite movie or drector? * Do you think cinema is important in aur society nowadays? Monday , September UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO CENTRO DE ENSENANZA DE LENGUAS EXTRANJERAS Memogy 1. How many numbers did Nelson Dellis memorize? 309 numbers 2. How did Nelson Dells remember the entire deck of cards?, what did he imagine? | Olivia dunkey a halmet ——, Newton 3, The ancien echnique tat Nelson Dells used has been used since ) BC. 4. Who is Chester Santos? tremory chamvion 5. How many words does Davi ave to memorize? 4n i () 40 words in (O mninokes - 6 WhatdoesDavid het goto help hinsef to remember he words in oder? | waking around Rat dae wioids to the cbieds of ‘Kis howe. ak eee elids 7. What does David have to imagine on top ofthe piano? k et eae a monkey dancing oe eg ) 8. How does the ancient technique work? : "TE iT hder qou fo venember the words becauie You ue “a lot of 9. The tissues are getting run over by hy h senies an eley han he doy 10. What parts aie brain help store our short term memory? The hippocamp + 11. Where are the hippocampi? tw the omddlr op the head . 12. Which other parts of the brain do the memory championships use? language aed sovad 13. What kind of memory techniques do you use? Repiting sewral fnae 1, What do you us your shot arm memory for? Yanember mages ; ‘Source: Youtube.- How smart can we get? | Monday ,Jeplember (1, A0a3 Modern Day Slavery for Clothing in the Western World : 1 How many people died when the building in Banladesh collapsed? 1d4 people 2- wat deg rimark ay about the coniions of the workers? thal the conddins we youd 3-What'are the real conditions? long working hours 4-How much does a worker receive for a jersey that is sold at 140 dollars? 24 cenls S-what happens in some sweatshops mentioned inthe video? | A months pay da. they cast o fo the {oilel 6.-What happens ifemployeps quit? ies anon Eppa they wovld be slak 7.-Wwhat happened to trade union leader who was fighting for better working bilken conditions? l 8.-Women are forced Ke the contraceptive pill and _Pivqnancy (FI I so they are not lable for_ wd tu f or health benefits 9-How many irene forced work in suettops? LOO hildecn 410-Whatis it sid about Walmart employees? they wok, 14 hours and ley Puy 2 1L1.-What have been the consequences of this exploitation for the workers? long, derecs . eye, danwage, avlitris 12-How much more would a kustomer have to pay ifthe salaries ofthese people a ueek AB. pe weredoubled? 1.0 /+ pev (rtm 13-How many people died in an H&A factory i Bangladesh in 2010 and why? st peotles thc te ekthy wor bbck 1a.vihat did Albererornbie and Fitch offer to doin Saipan? Theoret e-Pa ther-vtth- bed they have te eerk 1G heves— 15. cj cos sparta ae population make a day? } days a week dollar aad 50 cents a dag 16-How shany people nthe planet make one Wrilidn dollars? 1-Who is to blame? the consumer?, the retailer?, other? 2-Do you usually look at the label ofthe clothes you buy to see where they are made? 3.-Would you pay alittle more so the workers had better conditions? httpsi// L-The history of England dates back to__\()0O: Lie at 2-:What happened in the battle of Hastings? Notnaands~ ballle all é ety fo caver N n fico) : (3.-When was it? OG a 4-What kind ofplace was Brighton? _invadible palin “eandercial — 7 ij Pettit (eoladel 1 Lid G.:What kind of styles does it have? 7.-What do they say about “shampoo? _{anieu fram biuhtos 8.:What's the population of tondon?__|Q_ieillign ‘What did Samui Johnson say? alo k ht 10.-What's the heart of London? Why? cin ldo j ee en aes sleet hétieroe in i baa 12.-What dé they say about Yorkshire? dhe gtd 1g re Z 7 13 Whatis said about emit grote? yaaoililuasi hh Youkshies th 2 oh ranting we 14-Whai happened in Whitby? hing tomovaits (nth. sling soy Dracol’a 415.-Why did Henry Vit change eeligion and what dd he do with the abbeys? ae A A ( '16-Who built wal to separate Borbarians from Romans? = alvin F map 3 : (Qa 47-When was te frst steam trinusea? "18.30 418.-When was Queen Vietoriain thé throne?_~ {J 34 : loot 19.-Why wai Liverpool important? iat ding” yinpullac! f ae SA 30" Oclebey .2023 Jatch the video about “Women around the World” and mark if the following statements are true or fals: 1. Women in Kuwait live extravagant lives. T) F 2. When they get married they live in their parents’ house TE 3. They usually marry their cousins to keep the money in the family. De 4, Men are usually more interested in education than women. Te 5. Women make 36.5% of labor force. me, 6. Only men pay taxes in Kuwait. DF 7. Women receive 12000 dollars from the government as a wedding gift. 1 T € 8. If they ask for a loan from the bank, the interests are very low. 9. Ifyou are a Kuwaiti citizen and get sick, you are sent to any place in the world to get cured for free in case there’s no way to treat you there, 10. Their Constitution is 53 years old. 11. 57% of graduates in Kuwait are women. 12. The woman interviewed married her cousin 13, 18% of women in South Korea are dissatisfied with their appearance, 14. Their monthly salary slightly covers the cost of a plastic surgery. 15. They have plastic surgeries to get a better job or a husband, 16. When they get married, they don’t tell their husbands that they had a surgery. 17. Ifyou are a 30 year old wornan in Cuba, you have probably been divorced es. : 18. More than 2/3 of the marriages in Cuba fail 19. You can be divorced in 5 days for 35 dollars. " 20. The salary of a doctor in Cuba is 23 dollars a month, 21. A 30 year old woman in Cuba has probably had 4 abortions. 22. Abortions in Cuba are quite cheap. 23. Marriages fail mainly because husbands leave the country. 24. A massage in Malaysia costs about 20 dollars 25. You can rent a very nice apartment in Malaysia for 350 dollars 26. In Mexico, women are reluctant to get divorced even if their husbands cheat on them. 27. Mexican women don’t exercise because they like to eat a lot. 28, Mexican and American women have very similar lifestyles. 29. A 30 year old Iraqi woman has seen three wars already. 30. A bottle of valium in Iraq costs 20 cents but you need a prescription to gett, 431. The Iraqi woman in the video wishes she had been born ina different country. 32. The woman from Rwanda is lucky to be alive. 33, There was a slaughter in Rwanda that lasted 10 years. 34, 60 members of her family were killed in that massacre. 35. She works as a teacher in the memorial for the genocide. 94344448 44454 \urnips © Nabe Halloween Watch the video and answer the following questions: 1 Whatis te onginatatoween? Curl pails dard al I. | Feale honov Vheie god Homer and rehqon 2. Wha were the druids and what did people say they could do? 1 stall who conlal The forces at the nalurc they vould 3. Whatdid Samhain mark? (he eed arlle. iv and the beginning of winter i ) \ 4. What did the deuids do fo please ther gods?

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